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Dear Youth of Urban(You are Ban) Music, Your favourite Musicians/Artist have sold out their communities in order

to become wealthy Judas's, by promoting glamorized lies of self destructive images, which promote a larger political agenda of keeping the lower economic groups and their families chained to; population control and the manipulation of population growth. Lets not forget the Prison systems which are a Corporation themselves,hence their floatation on the stock market. I'm going to attempt to ENTER-Train you as opposed to ENTER-TAINING you. I will take this time to address a few issues of a very negative nature which have been popularized by these Music Artists/Genres of...HIPHOP,ROCK,R'N'B,GRIME,DRUM n Bass etc in communities around the Globe: which impact your chances to advance and your families chances to evolve...and survive. When I was your age, I did not think about the things I will address in this letter and no mentor was there to explain these issues to me. One difference between your generation and mine is that the music of my time in particular Rap/Hip-Hop was predominantly independently owned and free of outside control while, with the advancement of technology (take knowlege), today's Rap/Hip-Hop Culture which fills every radio station and every video channel i.e. MTV (Empty T.V),NME (ENEMY).. to break down a few.. by now I feel you should be seeing the clever associations these names really represent. Most of the drivel on the internet, holds no serious substance or positive messages, and is purposely aimed at glamorizing a negative self destructive lifestyle due to the entire music industry being owned and operated by a NEGATIVE group of people who are Rooks,Knights and Bishops in a much larger Political Chess Game. First, let us analyse the most common themes in todays main stream music industry i.e. Rap,Grime,R n B etc. from the most popular artists (and when I say most popular, I mean the artists you would hear more commonly on rotation, BECAUSE it is the Conglomerate Corporations who own the entire industry (FILMS aswell) that decide which artists and songs are HOT, not YOU the actual fans of the music or even the Artists themselves. The most common trends that are constantly seen from todays hottest URBAN Artists are: 1)Gangsterism; Hard core attitude. Not taking shit or being disrespected. Packing Guns (or weapons). 2) Big money hustling,getting that money, by any means necessary(Malcolm X) usually by illegal methods. 3) Party and bullshit (Biggie Smalls 'Hit Record'). Bling,Bling and living large beyond actual means. 4) "The bitches, the bitches". Look at the Women portrayed in the majority of videos. The portrayed trend is to SEXUALISE as many Women/Girls (Willow Smith) as possible. The gangster factor: portrayed by the likes of FATBOY Rick Ross and so many other unoriginal sell outs and perpetrators of youth development. This mindset, filtered early on into our youth with no strong, positive mentors, purposely glamorizes being NIGG-norant (black ignorance). Point blank, I can tell you that this mindset is purposely instilled in the youth so that when the age of 18 or older is reached (if one mimicking this self destructive lifestyle makes it to 18) that the result will been imprisonment or death. It is this glamorized self-destructive gangster(ism) that has young adults on the ENDS with illegal guns shooting each other down for no other reason than beef (false flag), drugs, money (with slave owner faces printed on the paper), or loose women. What are you killing and incarcerated yourselves over really? Over meaningless bullshit? How many innocent people have been caught by stray bullets? The only time you should be willing to lay down your life or sacrifice your freedom is when your family is endangered, and then you should defend them without fear of consequence to the death. It is a fine quality to be hard in nature, to be strong at fighting and shooting... but you must first and foremost develop the intellectual, conscious, moral and POSITIVE mindset to go along with that hardcore position otherwise you become a beast,

animal or monster. Stand for family and community; stand for something POSITIVE,with substance. Do not fight over MONARCH owned POST CODES! Do not simply murder and give away your Freedom for meaningless are walking directly into the trap that the ARCHiTECTS of this system have set-up for you. The Truth is, regardless of the lies that come across Television (Tell Lies Vision) and from the lips of these sell out and destroyers of the youth who speak negative SERMONS on microphones (Priest,Pastors included), you can only achieve success and money for a comfortable life through educating yourself and advancing opportunities and your positioning. These tool rappers today have the youth idolising the Slave owner faces on paper money like Gods, and are willing to follow the deceptions of these PAWN Artist. Whom promote drug dealing, robberies, and all sorts of other uncivilized activities in order to achieve the falsehood of BIG Willy LIFESTYLES. The true problem is, this portrayed lifestyle and quick rich mentality is a lie developed by WESTERN MAN and skilfully PERFORMED by sell out ARTISTS that have accepted the silver in exchange for misleading youth to their destruction. At some point, whether young in the game or old in the game, you are going to get caught(COURT) up in the JUSTICE (cos it JUST iS) system for illegal activities. It doesnt matter how corrupt the system is. Any old G that doesnt tell you this one OBVIOUS truth is as pathetic and dishonest as all of the PAWN Artist on Television (TELL LIES VISION). One Criminal charge for drugs, selling drugs, assault, robbery, and all other areas of self appreciation... diminish any chances of self fulfilment for you and thus your family (or future families). Maybe you will even become incarcerated and for years make money for the Stockholders who INVEST in Private prisons. No, it is better to think wise and make money legally for yourself and family. Your criminal record, which is PERMANENT, will set you back 1o years at the BEST and possibly close off certain opportunities FOREVER. Serious criminal charges can set you back for life and close the ceiling on any real success. Bottom line: each criminal charge closes doors of advancement and it does not make sense to accumulate these charges (just to get stripes) over meaningless pursuits, or beef. You are dealing with a system that has never apologized for 500 years of slavery, a system that has slave owner faces on the currency, and does not care what choices you make. You cant fight or rebel against the system, but you can study the system, prioritize what is important to you and your family and Over-stand what is worth fighting for (and what is not), and then work within the system to advance your position. Advancement within the established system does not change who you are, it allows you to change the system from within. Dispelling the lies of the sell outs should be a collective movement. Have you NOT noticed how these PAWN Artist and these video channels only play hit songs about bullshit and party? Why is that? Do you think your community and the future of that community is in any shape to PARTY and BULLSHIT? The UK is 8-9 Trillion GBP in DEBT, people cant find jobs, the streets are flooded with drugs and morally void crimes, protests in the CITY OF LONDON (CORPORATIONS) are being subdued, children are being abducted and sexually molested, home invasions on women and elderly, and all kinds of heinous shit is going on (daily).This KINGDOM is NOT UNITED despite the contrary and it is sinking quickly. It doesnt matter if we like it or not, once it collapses we are all still stuck here in the rubble fighting each other in civil unrest (AUGUST 2011 Disturbances). So where have all the conscious observations gone from ARTIST like Chuck D, Poor Righteous, Jeru the Damaja, and others great ARTISTS back in the day that gave knowledge back to the communities? I will tell you. After the rap industry was consolidated under the devilish hand of one ethnic ownership, they excluded and pushed out all of the positive and conscious voices of the community that kept the youth focused on important issues. Today, these devils use their PAWN ARTISTS to keep your mind focused on meaningless issues like party, party, and bullshit instead of the economy, the crimes being committed in WHITE HALL/WHITE HOUSE, unemployment, innocent deaths like Mark Duggen,Philip Hulme's, and executions like Troy Davis (USA), history,

demographics, military occupations on foreign soil, and all other areas of importance for your world. They do not want your generation to be critical thinkers because if your generation were critical thinkers on a collective level, you might stop the injustices happening. No, it is better to keep your uneducated minds focused on party and bullshit, fighting over meaningless issues while killing each other and filling up the private prisons. Hell, I cant blame the youth, and that is why I am writing this letter, because many, many of our adults today are riding around town like BUFFONS blasting (C)rap music marketed toward teenagers, like Lil Wayne and Lady GAGA which translates as (CRAZY LADY) while walking through the club barefoot without any conscious, critical and intelligent thoughts in their head (and it shows by their daily conduct and lack of education). Its truly sad. Music videos today portray our women, queens, mothers and daughters as sex freaks and you fathers, brothers and sons buy into this idea. Hell, on some levels just because we have bought into it...our women are living up to it LITERALLY. It has become a nightmare where 13 year old girls are pregnant and groups of 14 year old boys are charged with gang rapes. Our women are brainwashed just the same way as we are, with NIGGnorant video tracks like lil Kim, Nicki Manaj (as in Manage a Tois or Manage 3) and the numerous other video SLAGS/PIMPS that damage the confidence of our daughters. These purposely created negative female stereotypes thrive on creating teenage mothers, single mothers, male incarceration due to lack of child support (which falling into the previously listed traps you couldnt pay if you wanted to), and keeping the family structure divided, broken and dysfunctional in order to keep repeating the vicious cycle (which keeps lower economic people from advancing)! Throw drugs, guns, and criminal records into the mix and you never even had a chance to begin with, young Men and Women. I write this letter to you, young Men and Women of The UK & Globally, not to preach at you and tell you not to enjoy your youth. I write this letter after 37 ODD years of life experience to warn you about the traps (aimed at you) in Western societies in the hopes that you will give consideration to what I am saying and have unfettered opportunities that I did not have. My advice is SIMPLE; break away from the blatant lies of these sell-out PAWN ARTISTS who lead you daily into self destruction. Instead of concentrating on meaningless issues in life, focus on the real issues surrounding you, your family and your future family. Develop the ability to think critically, excel at self education which will allow you to dominate the public school systems, learn your history and the history of your HABITAT, study the political system that you were born under so that you can understand how to WORK that system and advance through that system (without falling into the social traps set to debilitate your advancement and the advancement of your family). Your life, your future, your family and the future of your family depends on your actions and planning today. I wish there were more mentors to speak honestly with you on these subjects and hopefully there are, but today I felt a need to write you this letter. I support you and I believe in you. Sincerely H.I.M (Highly Intellectual Male)

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