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y is science of reasoning 1. STATEMENTS and OPEN SENTENCES STATEMENTS is sentence which can be determine its truth value, true or false example: p: Right triangle has angle which its angle measure is 900 q: Jakarta is a city in East Java Province r: 17 + 3 = 42 OPEN SENTENCES is sentence which can not be determine its truth value, true or false example: a. x + 2 = 8 b. He is a football player Usually open sentences still have variable Exploration: Open your book page 175 2. NEGATION (Negasi/Ingkaran) The negation of statement always has opposite truth value of given statement. Notation: p Read: .... is not .... Example: p: Duck is mammal (F) p: Duck is not mammal (T) p: It is not true that duck is mammal (T) q: 2 + 4 = 7 q: 2 + 4 7 (F) (T)

Q:2>7     3. COMPOUND STATEMENTS (Pernyataan Majemuk) Is combination of two or more statements using a connective word a. CONJUNCTIONS is combination of two or more statements using a connective word and , but ( dan, tetapi, meskipun, walaupun, lagipula) Notation: p q Example: p: a dog is an animal (T) q: a sparrow is not a bird (F) p q: (F) How can we determine the truth value of p q?

Truth table: p q p q T T T T F F F T F F F F Ciri: Salah satu pernyataan bernilai salah maka konjungsi bernilai salah Contruct the truth table below p q r p T T T F T T F F T F T F T F F F F T T T F T F T F F T T F F F T

p F F F F T T F F


b. DISJUNCTIONS is combination of two or more statements using a connective word or , Notation: p q Example: p: a dog is an animal (T) q: a sparrow is not a bird (F) p q: a dog is an animal OR a sparrow is not a bird How can we determine the truth value of p q?

Truth table: p q p q T T T T F T F T T F F F Ciri: Salah satu pernyataaan bernilai benar maka disjungsi bernilai benar

EXPLORATION 1. Determine the truth value of coumpund statements below: a. Surabaya is a city on Maluku or 2 is an odd number (F V F = F) b. 36 is a square number or Ronaldo is a football player (T V T = T) c. January is the first month or Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is sixth Indonesian presidence (T V T = T) d. It is not true that 11 is a prime number or Jakarta is not in East Java (TVT) =    

2. Determine the value of x such that the truth value of p q(x) is TRUE p: Bunaken is placed on Surabaya (F) q: 2x2 + 3 = 53 Karena p q(x) bernilai benar dan p bernilai salah, maka q harus bernilai BENAR Sehingga x = 5 3. Determine the value of x such that the truth value of p q(x) is FALSE p: Eifel tower is in Rome (F) q: x2 5x + 6 < 0 sehingga q harus salah, sama halnya kita mencari q: x2 5x + 6 0 (x -2)(x - 3) 0 Buat garis bilangan Uji titik: Jadi + 3 +

2 x 2 atau x 3

4. Contruct the truth table below: p q p q p q T T F F Make a conclusion about the truth table above!

(p q)

(p q) tidak sama dengan p

c. IMPLICATIONS (IMPLIKASI) y is a kind of compound statements which uses connective word if ... then ... (jika .... maka ... ) y Denoted by : p q p is called antecedent (penyebab/hipotesis) q is called consequent (akibat) y Read p q as

if p then q q if p

(jika p maka q) ( q jika p)

Example: p: Fara get 90 in mathematics subject q: His father buy her a new calculator p q: If Fara get 90 in mathematics subject then his father buy her a new calculator p q: His father buy her a new calculator if Fara get 90 in mathematics subject y Truth table Ciri: Jika penyebab bernilai BENAR dan akibat bernilai SALAH maka implikasi bernilai SALAH. Selain itu, bernilai benar p T T F F q T F T F p T F T T q

y Example: Determine the truth value of implication statements below: a. If 2 is a prime number then 2 is an odd number (T -> F = F) b. If 2 > 3 then 2 3 is a positive integer F -> F = T c. 24 : 3 = 8 if 24 : 8 = 3 (T -> T = T)

 Convers, Invers, Contraposition Given an implication p q. We can make new statement by using that implication: Convers: is an implication statement is formed by interchanging the antecedent and consequent q p Invers: is an implication statement is formed by negating the antecedent and consequent p q Contraposition: is an implication statement is formed by interchanging and negating the antecedent and consequent q p

p q



q Converse

Example: Find the converse, inverse, and contraposition from the following statement: a. If ABCD is square then its diagonals have the same length b. If 3 2 = 1 then 4 3 = 2

d. BIIMPLICATIONS y Denoted by: p q y It read as: p if only if q y The Truth Value The biimplication is true when both of antecedent and consequent have the same truth p T T F F q T F T F p q

Example: Find the truth values of the following biimplications! 1. 3log 64 = 4 if only if 34 = 64 2. Determine the value of x such that p q has true value: a. p: 3x2 2x = 5 q: A square occupies its frame in 6 ways b. p: 3x 4 < 5, x {0, 1, 2, ..., 9} q: 3 is pime number

EQUIVALENCE, TAUTOLOGY, CONTRADICTION, AND CONTINGENCY 1. EQUIVALENCE Definition Two compound statements A and B are equivalent if they have the same truth value, denoted by A B Example: Construct the truth table below:
p q p q p q p q p q ( p q) ( p q) ( p q) p q p q p q

Consider the truth value of each compound statements then make conclusion about that! 2. TAUTOLOGY y Is a compound statement which its truth value is always true y Example
p q p q p ( p q)

3. CONTRADICTION y Is a compound statement which its truth value is always false y Example
p q q p q p q (p q) (p q)

4. CONTINGENCY y Is a compound statement which can either be true or false under any possible. y Example
p q  q p q (p q)

STATEMENTS WITH QUANTIFIER Quantifier is a/an word/expression to quantities such as some or all 1. UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER Misalnya p(x) merupakan kalimat terbuka pada suatu himpunan semesta S.


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