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Unit-4 Storytelling Script

Anastasios-Odyssefs Ntinopoulos

The happy murders.

By: Anastasios Ntinopoulos

Premise The new circus has arrived to the town of Dovehearts. Something mysterious is happening during the performances. Many people are being murdered unexpectedly during the show.

Logline Detective Alexander Shrecht is being hired to investigate the crime scene from the last murder in the circus. He finds some clues and some evidence but something bad happens

Step outline After some murders in the circus the detective is being informed. There is a new serial killer in the quiet town of Dovehearts. The victims are being painted in the face with a happy smile after they are being murdered.

Int. Circus. Day 1 - Night The lights in the circus during the stunt go off. During the time when the lights are off a figure crawls through the audience and murders one woman. The figure exits the scene by the exit behind the seats. Something fells off from the figure. The lights go on again. The audience faces the dead woman in the seat, everybody is shocked. The performance is cancelled. Int. Detective Office. Day 2 - Morning The newspapers headlines are writing about the serial killer and his last victim. The town is shocked. The phone in the detectives desk rings. He is

informed about the case. He goes straight away to the crime scene for investigation. Ext. Day 2- Morning - Afternoon. The detective Alexander Shrecht goes into his car and drives to the circus. He is shown going off from his office and getting into his car and driving to the circus. Int. Circus Day 2 - Afternoon. The detective arrives in the crime scene and investigates for clues and evidence. In the background there is a figure shown that is watching him. The detective finally finds a clowns nose near the exit behind the seats of the audience. He picks it up and takes it to his office to examine it.

Int. Detectives Office Day 2 - Night. The detective examines the clowns nose he found. He puts it in a special device which scans it. Through his computer screen the DNA results are shown. The DNA in the clowns nose is the DNA of one of the main clowns in the circus. Something is happening. He may have found the killer. He prints all the evidence and stores it in his filling cabinet near his desk. Int. Detectives Office Day 2 - Night The detective has stored all his evidence. Its time to leave. In the background there is again the same figure and the same person watching him behind the window. Int. Detectives Office Day 2 - Night. The detective is about to leave, the door knocks, the detective is surprised . He opens the door, he faces a man dressed up like a clown. The detective realizes that its the serial killer. He fights with him. The clown eventually stabs him. The dead body of the detective lies near his filling cabinet.

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