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Concept of Child Developments Child development is a continuous process from the time of birth until death. According to research, development of human being with the respect to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes are influence by two main factors; the genetic factor and environment factor. Age-related development terms are: newborn (ages 01 month); infant (ages 1 month 1 year); toddler (ages 13 years); preschooler (ages 46 years); school-aged child (ages 612 years); adolescent (ages 1218) .Basically, concept of child development can be divided into 7 critical concepts: Critical Concept 1 A theory of child development is a belief system about how and why children grow, learn, and behave as they do. Theories are very practical; they can guide adults in making decisions about teaching and caring for children. Critical Concept 2 Five predominant theories of child development can be identified in the literature. All hold some value in resolving classroom dilemmas. Each provides useful guidance to parents and teachers. Critical Concept 3 The maturationist theory holds that most of what children become is inherited at birth; behaviours and abilities simply unfold as children mature.

Critical Concept 4 Behaviourist theory holds that the child is a blank slate at birth and is simply filled in over time by experience. From this perspective, adults can use rewards, praise, modelling, and other tools to shape children's development in any desired direction. Critical Concept 5 The psychoanalytic theory is concerned mainly with personality formation. Psychoanalysts characterize psychological growth as a process of resolving emotional conflicts between instinctual desires and the demands of the real world. Critical Concept 6 Cognitive-developmental and socio-cultural theorists view mental growth and language as most critical; they regard development as the active, internal construction of knowledge. These theories are often considered to be more culturally sensitive than other perspectives on child development. Critical Concept 7 Ecological systems theories hold that developmental processes do not occur in a psychological vacuum, but rather that individual child development is influenced by factors in the immediate environment as well as society and culture as a whole. Ecological systems theories are thought to be most useful in defining social issues and guiding social policy decisions.

Principles of Child Development Growth of physical structures precedes development of skills and functions. Generally, development occurs at the same rate but differ from individual to individual. Development is a continuous process until death. Unhealthy growth can hinder spiritual, emotion as well as social development. There are 3 main stages of development takes place; physical development, cognitive development and psychosocial development. Mental development takes place from concrete to abstract. While, development of self-concept takes place from egocentric to altruistic. The characteristics of development can be determined according to the stages below: Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stages Before birth Baby Early childhood Early adolescence Adult Adolescence Adult Old age Years Inside mothers womb 0-2 2-6 6-12 12-15 15-21 21-60 60 and above






Heredity is a process of transmitting biological traits from parents to offspring through genes. Heredity also refers to the inherited characteristics of an individual, including traits such as height, eye colour, and blood type. Heredity guides every aspect of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and personality development. According to research, chromosomes contain DNA and RNA constituents, which contain genes carrying hereditary characteristics. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with one chromosome of each pair from each parent. Each chromosome serves as they key functional units hereditary transmission. On the other hand, individual differences are due to genetic influences. For an example, parents who are tall and hot-tempered, it is likewise to produce children who are tall and hot-tempered too. This shows that the characteristics of the child are inherited. Psychologists often conduct survey to relate the differences in intelligence of individuals with parents level of IQ. Usually, intelligent parents will normally product smart children. Inherited characteristics and tendencies are not always evident at birth. Many emerge gradually through the process of maturation, the genetically controlled changes that occur over the course of development. Although basic kinds of environmental support, such as food are necessary for maturation to take place, peoples genetic makeup provides powerful instruction for certain changes to occur under a range of circumstance.


Research shows that factors such as family background, peer group, socioeconomic status, schools, neighbourhood, culture, belief, the media, the broader society and physical environment could influence the an individuals development. The environment effects childrens development through multiple channels; physical through nutrition and activity. For example, there have been significant increases in weight because of improved nutrition and eating habit. Next, intellectually through informal experiences and formal instruction. Lastly, socially through adult role models and peer relationship.

Family influence

Family factors which influence the development of an individual include home atmosphere, food, guidance, and socioeconomic status of the family. Children who are born in a harmony and surrounded by lovely family members will experience a healthy emotional development. Well balanced diet and nutritious food will contribute to the development of a superior physical health. Normally, high socioeconomic status family will try their best to provide nutritious and balanced food as there are well to do. Compared to lower socioeconomic group there will find it difficult to provide well balanced food because of their lower income. Besides, pupils from highly educated family will normally experience optimal intellectual and physical development. Children who are educated in a proper manner and guidance will normally develop all the positive characteristics. A child's experiences in the home setting enormously impact how and what the child learns. For example, children raised in families that include three generations witness and participate in human relationships different from those of children raised by single parents who have little contact with other family members. Peer Group Children who mix with industrious peer group will be an asset for their intellectual and potential development. Besides, if the children often socialized with courteous and well discipline peer group, will tend to follow their good example.


Most cultures have values and practices related to childrearing. Certain behaviors are encouraged, while others are considered inappropriate or undesirable. In addition, each child's sense of self is, in part, rooted in culture. Children tend to flourish in environments that acknowledge and respect their cultural beliefs and customs. Conversely, when children's cultures are not reflected in their experiences beyond the home, they may not achieve their maximum potential.

Urban and Rural Environment Children who grow up in rural areas construct knowledge about different topics than do children who grow up in cities. Children living near clean, well-equipped public parks will probably have more opportunities to play outdoors than do children who have no safe places in which to play. To truly understand how to support each child's development, we must learn about the environment in which each child is being raised.

Language, social and emotional development during childhood.

Childhood stages Infancy and Toddlerhood

Language developments Cooing Babbling Holopharase stage Pivot and open class words Telegraphic sentences 900 word vocabulary

Social developments Strong attachment to caretaker Stranger anxiety Separation anxiety Beginnings of peer interaction Dependency on parental figure Immature socialization and skills Highly egocentric and self-centred

Emotional developments Play Exploratory and manipulative play Destructive play Solitary play activities Dependency on parental figure during playtime Art Basic scribbling stage Growing eye hand neuromuscular




semantical understanding of words Emergence of compound sentences Early childhood Ability to pluralize, use past tenses correctly, and construct negative sentences Vocabulary of approximately 200 words by the 5 year

egocentrism inhabits social relationship Movement towards same sex friends Expanding social horizon found in neighbourhood contacts,

Onlooker play Parallel play Interest in activities promoting both fine ang gross motor skills Highly restrictive playgroups (sex typing) Development of imagination and originality in play activities Imitation of grown up roles in play

nursery school. Gradual movement away from parents towards more peer contact Conformity to peer group norms Early sex-type behaviour Art

Emergence of shapes and forms Shape isolation Greater colour usage Evaluation of the human

Middle childhood

Further refinement of

Heightened sense of self

figure Play Awareness of

word classes Shift from egocentric style of speech to social speech Incomplete sentences decline Abstract word meaning may remain elusive Vocabulary of approximately 50000 words by the 6th grade

leads to sensitivity towards others Continued separation of the sexes Cooperation and empathy increase, but conflicts and competition persist Structured social communication skills Sex-typing more firmly implanted.

the rules of the game Play may reflect greater levels of physical activity Hobbies become popular Sex typed play more apparent Self centeredness decreases Organized sports and being a member of a team becomes a focal point of play for many Art Projected animism Picture identification Sexual differentiation in drawings Refined art

techniques Adolescence Compound and complete syntactic structure continue to develop Grasp of abstract word meaning Increase in use of adjective, adverbs and conjunctions Refined use of proper names, pronouns, and preposition. Quest for identity Desire for independence and autonomy Peer group viewed as critical agent of socialization Conformity to norms of peer group, perhaps more so than in any other period Heterosexual relationship Play Organized sports persist for interested individuals; other experience a diminishment of interest Generally, many prefer less demanding and strenuous physical activities Increase in recreational interest involving both sexes Art Advanced perceptual and observation abilities Age of visual realism Exposure to

diverse art media and instructional programs

Infancy and Toodlerhood

Language Development

In the first 6 week, baby's cry is her way of communicating her needs. The baby's cry sounds different based on her different needs. Baby cries to let you know when she is hungry, tired, hot, cold, bored, sick, or wants to be held. When they are 1 months, babies like to make cooing sounds. Babies still use body language to tell how she feels about what is going on. Besides, babies also imitate more facial expressions. When babies are 3 to 6 months, babies will begin using many different vowel sounds. Babies may start "squealing" during this time as she explores making high pitched and low pitched sounds. Besides, she will make growling or gurgling sound. Between 6 to 9 months babys cooing has turned into babbling. She will also enjoy blowing "bubbles" and makes "bbb" sounds. At 9 to 12 months babies may say her first word and know what it stands for. During this period babies will recognize her name when she is called. In addition, in this period, child will begin to say words for the most familiar things or people in her surroundings. By 24 months, he should know at least 50 words. Besides, by his second birthday, child will put two and three words together to make simple sentences like "Mama bye-bye.

Social and emotional Development

By 6 weeks of age, your baby will have learned to smile. When they are 3 to 6 months babies will become more active in getting your attention. Babies may respond differently to the voice of a stranger than to the voice of a familiar person. Besides, she also will begin to smile at herself and laugh when she is 6 t0 9 months. She may smile when she hears a note of happiness but s he may frown or look worried when she hears anger voices. Besides, strangers may make him very upset, especially around 7 to 9 months of age. During this period, the baby will only want her mother to take care of her needs and is more hesitant around strangers. By the age of 1 0r 2, the child may play next to another child, but your child will not learn to share until she is three to four years old. Further, the child may show jealousy when she isn't the centre of attention.

Early childhood

Language Development At the age of 2-3 years old, the child will learn to talk in short sentences. By age 3, 75% of his speech should be clear. The child will be able to talk about events that he remembers happening in the near past, but will confuse words like yesterday and tomorrow. He will be able to follow directions using the words "on" "in" and "under." Your child's vocabulary continues to grow rapidly. By 5 years old, the child will be pronouncing words better, but may still leave out or substitute some sounds (especially "L" or "R"). By the age 7, the child will be able to recognize opposites, define objects by their use, and use relatively good sentence structure. She will be also able to say "v", "j", "sh," "ch", "r", "l", "s", "th" and "str" sounds like in the words "victory", " judge", "shush", "child", "rabbit", "little", "six", "thirteenth", and "street" . Lastly, the child understands the rules of conversation and is able to talk and then listen.

Social and emotional Development

Starting at 3 years old the child will be showing more interest in other children. He will be more cooperative in simple games with other children. He will like playing with other children. "Mine" is a word often used by your child in this period. By the end of this year, your child will know that he is a boy, or that she is a girl and she can identify herself in the mirror. When they are 3-5 years old, the child may develop new fears especially about unfamiliar sights and sounds. The child will also learn to share with others, most of the time. Besides, child will learn to follow simple rules in games like "hide and seek", but will always want to win and be first. On the other hand, children may be very easily influenced by what he watches on TV. He may try to act as if he were his favourite character. The child will approach other children and begin to play with them.

Middle childhood

Language Development The childrens vocabulary increases rapidly throughout middle childhood. Vocabulary of approximately 50,000 words by the 6th grade. At this age, word definitions are concrete, referring to functions and appearance. Besides, language awareness improves over middle childhood. They also will shift from egocentric style of speech to social speech.

Social and Emotional Development The child will have great increase in social skills, understanding others feelings. Besides, at this age he starts to establish peer relationship with same sex. We can see increase in altruism and decrease in aggression. Besides, form of aggression change from physical to verbal and hostile more than instrumental. The self-conscious emotions of pride and guilt are integrated with personal responsibility.


Language Development During adolescence, compound and complete syntactic structure continue to develop. The children can grasp of abstract word meaning. At the same time, they increase in use of adjective, adverbs and conjunctions. They could also refined use of proper names, pronouns, and preposition. Lastly, the children can read and interpret adult literary works.

Social and Emotional Development At this age, interaction with peers of opposite-sex will increase and dating begins. They will focus on identity formation whereby the child will try to understand ownself and true meaning of life. Moreover, they are anxious to acquire intellectual and vocational skills and ready to involve in matters relating to career and marriage. Likewise, the child will strive to work hard towards self-actualization. They also likely May develop a post-conventional moral orientation.

Implications of language, social and emotional development

Language Development Infants begin to understand language before they can talk. Therefore, parents should talk to babies starting at birth, even though babies are not yet talking by themselves. Conversation will stimulate language centres in the brain and promote later communicative competence. Besides, parents also should respond to babies non-verbal communication. This will encourage the babies to refine their communicative abilities. Vocabulary grows exceedingly quickly during the first two years of life. Thus, parents should provide a language-rich environment for babies or use social words such as bye-bye and hi. Bilingual children learn words in two different languages. Sometimes, they become confused and this may lead to language delay upon the babies. Hence, ask bilingual children to name objects or pictures in both native language and the language being learned. For an example, buku and book will be said by a Malay child. This will give them a true picture of semantic development.

Social and Emotional Development

The community members of a child such as family and teacher should instil healthy emotion values according to their level of development. For an example, parents should possess a positive temperament towards their children to produce emotionally balanced individuals. If not, the child will be emotionally affected and it might lead towards negative problems. Temperament, emotional understanding and regulation, coping and resilience, trust, a self-system, character, and social competencies likewise contribute to positive development in children. We should also control and prevent childrens undesirable behaviour which might occur at a certain stage. As a community, we should understand childrens emotional so as to guide and help them to solve their emotional problems effectively. At this stage, be empathetic and helpful to children. Near to the core of social and emotional positive development is childrens sense of self, including a positive self-concept, identity, and regard, as well as possessing self efficacy, being able to self-regulate, and having a sense of selfdetermination. To instil good social values upon children, use the group-teaching strategy. In developing socialization, adopt group activities approach in discussions and games according to the stage of pupils development. In chorus, organise group activities so that pupils can cooperate to solve their leaning problems together.

Personal details
Language Development
Name: Linggesh s/o Thiyago Mothers Name: Kuna Sunthri Fathers Occupation: Businessman Mothers Occupation: Houseman Date of Birth: 19 August 2004 Age: 4 years old Ambition: Businessman

Personal details
Social and Emotional development
Name: Manohj s/o Thiyago Mothers Name: Kuna Sunthri Fathers Occupation: Businessman Mothers Occupation: Housewife Date of Birth: 22 March 2000 Age: 8 years old Ambition: Doctor


Language Development Milestone Asking "why" is a favourite activity for your child during this period. The child wants to know what Observation Talk clearly whereby people can understand. Could respond to questions.

causes the events around him. The child will learn to respond to the






meaning. Can remember and tell story on his past experience. (vacation in Korea) Uses new learnt word (kind) Able to construct sentences well. Keen to know reasons for

question "why" in his own fashion and may ask "Why?" over and over again. The child will learn to listen to the explanations of others with interest. The child's vocabulary continues to grow rapidly. The child is pronouncing words better, but may still leave out or substitute some sounds (especially "L" or "R"). The child's imagination and his increased ability to remember the past make him an interesting storyteller.

everything that is happening.

Social Development Milestone Heightened sense of self leads to sensitivity towards others Continued separation of the sexes Cooperation and empathy increase, but conflicts and competition persist Structured social communication Observation Have good social communication skills. Very friendly and fast attach to people. Can get along with different sex

skills Sex-typing more firmly implanted.

peers. (sometime feel shy with girls) Likes to be with friends. (playing)

Emotional Development Milestone Increase in altruism and decrease in aggression. Form of aggression change from physical to verbal and hostile more than instrumental. The self-conscious emotions of Observation Seldom get angry. Gets angry when people dont co-operate with him. Sad when being scolded. Enjoys and interested to involve in activities. Strive for his rights. Likes attention from people. Very fast get hurt. Dont keep anger or take revenge on it. Scared when do mistake. ( didnt finish homework) Always smile when talking.

pride and guilt are integrated with personal responsibility.

Conclusion and suggestion Language Development

Based on my observation, the childs language development is parallel with the milestone. According to the boys mother, she always read story books with him. Besides, she also always spends her time answering his questions although most of the questions are irrelevant.

From my view, the boy gets a good opportunity to communicate around as he has 2 elder siblings. Since there are many people to respond to him, this will help to increase the communicative abilities. Actually, the boy gets opportunities for communication exchange and participation and likewise a good feedback from immediate environment. In addition, exposing the child by telling story and watching cartoon will increase their knowledge and apparently they can became a story teller. The way their parents educate him is also an important factor for the increase of vocabulary. For an example, the boy uses the word kind frequently shows that he has recently learnt that word. As the boy likes to talk and share his experience, he should involve in story telling competition. He should be given opportunities to exposure his talents. As he still cant pronouns some words, we should guide him to pronouns those words. For example, give words which have L and R for him to be familiar with the pronunciation. Here, I notice that there are 3 main tips that parents can practice to encourage a childs language development. First of all, spend some time communicating with your child, even during pregnancy and later on during infancy. Parents should talk, sing, and encourage imitation of sounds and gestures. Then, parents should show picture books as they are babies to encourage them to look while you name the pictures. Later, as they are 3 years old, try starting with short stories or with nursery rhymes. Through this effort, the child will start to memorize his or her favourite stories or songs. Lastly, use everyday situations to strengthen your child's language. For an example, parents can point out things that they see or sound that they hear as they drive to the child. Besides, mothers can also explain what they are doing to the child as doing the household activities such as cooking, cleaning the house or washing. Furthermore, parents should acknowledge childs responses although sometimes it is hard to understand or difficult to explain.

Talking and reading to your child will have a big effect on how well your child is able to communicate later. Children, who are seldom spoken to or read to, usually learn to talk later than other children their age. There are differences between normal children and bilingual childrens language development. Bilingual children learn words in two different languages and combine these into one large mental dictionary. Sometimes they become confused and this can lead to language delay. Therefore, labels for objects and social words should be spoken to bilingual infants in both languages. Besides, ask the bilingual children to name objects in both native and the language being learned. For an example, a Malay child says lampu and light; will give a true picture of semantic development. If the child's language development does not meet the milestone, parents should seek an advice from a speech-language pathologist. It will be the best approach to help with language delays. With proper therapy, the child will likely able to communicate.

Social and Emotion Development

Upon my inspection, most of the social and emotion development is exactly as the milestone. Only some are does not meet the milestone. For an example, he feels free to make friends either with boys or girls. However, in milestone it stated sex-typing more firmly implanted. This occurs as the boy has an elder sister. Therefore, he is used to collaborate with his sister. The milestone was a success as the boys parents give afford for social experiences such as

having birthday parties. Through this, the boy could have social interaction and able to construct an understanding of social world. Besides, the boy is emotionally stable because of his environment. According to his mother, any misbehaviours of her child will be addressed calmly and she will teach him in the right manner. In order from a positive emotion to prolong, the school teacher should also play an important role. Teachers should avoid harsh and public criticism. Classroom interaction should be mainly positive and encouraging. A statement such as You are so bad! is a global assault which may lead towards negative emotion of a child. Besides, plan a teaching and learning environment towards social experience of the child. A child must able to play, collaborate and negotiate with peers. The way parents interact with their babies even before they are born has an impact upon the social-emotional development of the child later in life. Communicating with the unborn child provides the stable, supportive environment that every child needs in order to learn and grow. Mothers social attitude (friendly or vice-versa) and emotional state during pregnancy will affect the child. For an example, if the mother is short tempered during pregnancy, it is likely the child will inherit that emotion.

Above and beyond, parenting styles also bring a great impact upon the child. Authoritarian parents are restrictive and punitive. Therefore, children tend to be anxious, have poor communications skills, and are less socially competent. Neglectful parents are permissive and uninvolved. As a result, children are less socially competent, have poor self-control, dont handle independence well, and are not achievement oriented. While, indulgent parents are highly involves with children. The children can compromise but place few limits.

Todays families are high in the percentage of single parent. The effects of divorce are tremendous especially on the children. When they witness the period of the family breaking especially at the time the parents are quarrelling, the child will be emotionally disturb and they will be change in their socialization. The child will became anti social whereby does not mix around with other as ashamed of his family situation. At times, they will be emotionally depressed as he comes across a united family whereby their compared with their broken family. Besides, recent research shows that nourishing food not only makes a child healthier, it makes him emotionally more stable. For an example, if a child takes non-nutritious food, his immune system will be weak and this may lead to sickness. As a result of always falling sick, he will be emotionally disturbed as he cant carry on his life as other healthy children.

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