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From: Tolleson, Chris(DWH Proj) Sent: Wednesday, March09, 2011 1:53AM (Houston) To: Farr,Dan (Houston); Bou-ehton, GeofT

Subject: RE: AMF updateto SN - NASA Chris'comment correctly thevoltages Michoud. read NASA's at readings match don't readings pointed thatthereadings taken theQ4000 thetimeof retrieval. on NASA at out taken the on pins musthave fromthewrong on theSEMpieconnector Q4000 been taken because voltage the readings upcorrectly. other add In words, mayhave measure voltage Cameron theQ4000 on the fromthepositive terminal onebattery thepositive of I to terminal theother to battery.amnotfinding voltages readings verify thecorrect to logical this.Butthismakes sense because thewaythe of probes canexplain voltage reading (l must taken be withmultimeter later.) Thereadings theQ4000 maynotcorrelate thereadings Michoud on with from because batteries the wereat different temperatures. theQ4000 batteries On would have F. the been 33-34 degrees At Michoud batteries been had the tested"andwould have F. been closer 68degrees to It is probably more important Geoff witnessed thebluepodSEMB wasnot"unarmed" that that after thelasttestat Michoud. is a strong This is indication thebluepod9VSEMB battery not that good/operational. indicates thebluepod9VSEMB andthe27Vhave "condition I don't This that 3." noted thinkDNVnorCameron anywhere blue that SEMB wasstill"armed" thelasttest. Geoff after wastheacting TWIG lll Level representing at thetime. I recall, it wasn't Geoff TOI As if for DNV would haveleftthetests without were I don't checking allpods/SEMs disarmed. that Therefore think is there anofficial record this. of Tomorrow I need gettheAMFcardthatwe have andrepeat low9V baftery outtest. to out drop the There some where AMFcardwillnotarm.I need do thistestagain theotfice are conditions the in to because would this showthatif there been dead had 27Vbattery thestart thewell, subsea a at of the would havehadanindication when armed system. he the

During Yellow Podtestingat NASA this phenomenon observed was AMF testsand after several tfre AIAF.'$.EM,:A to be disarmed naa from the PETU with theportableelectronictestunir.

From:Farr, Dan(Houston) Sent Tuesday, March 2011 08, 5:07PM (Houston); To: Boughton, Geoff Tolleson, (DWH Proj) Chris Subject AMF to update SN Please review draft my if below advise I have right. it and

Further yourquery regarding baftery to the readings:

l) ?\

good,solenoid103good,AMF Fued Yellow Pod- batteries Blue Pod(dead) 27V 1.04V

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.


-000249 TDR091


Lx9V dead?/ 8.68V (good) 1x9V 8.91V

What hasbeendetermined the NASA 8.68vreadingis correct,the low voltagereadingtaken is on the backof theboatwasindicative thevoltage of difference between SEM A 9v andSEM B9v batteries to measuring due across wrongpins on the pie connector.During Blue Pod the testing NASA the Blue PodSEM B AMF:didnot disarmindicating at power. low gv battery The premiseremainsvalid that the Blue PodAMF functionedas evidenced the dead27V by baneryand low power on the 9v SEM B battery. The SEM B 9v batterydid not havesufficientpowerto boot the AMF processor, resultingin a continuing"re-boot" cycle approximately every3 minutes.It hasbeendetermined AMF the cardshavea "low voltagedrop out" featurethatdisconnects 9v batterywhen the voltageis the lessthan 5v. The allowsthe batteryto rest andregenerate, howeverthe highervoltagereadingis not indicativethe remainingpower. We havedemonstrated phenomena the lab wherea this in 9v batterywasdrainedto Ovoltsat32F, returned room temperarure voltageincreases to and only to go to near0v whenput underload. powerthe 27v battery:willpowerthe subsea With the AMF armed,upon lossof,surface traqsducer rnodule(STMI which,confiras:theparameterr O* activation;loss,of'surface tot e,pohtf si$nalr, $ur,face hydraulicpo r,and,qubsealhydrostatiC,pressuf-a27v T\e Fowef,,su bagtery remains connected the STM until bofh,,AMtrF,,ptocesd,or.,boot.,.execute'then.disgnn..and, !o dibconnedts:r,the In ,27v,'hatte*,:ffcm,.fie,,.STM. the caseof the Blue PodSEM B the AMF processor not boot(indicating did power)thusdid nbt disarmanddisCbnnect low 9V banery the 2?+.b[6ery..frbtrli.the.STM. 27v batteryremained The connected the STM continuedto to discharge 73 daysuntil the Blue Podwasrecovered which time it was "dead"indicatinga for at disarmanddisconnect signalhad not beenreceived from both AMF processors. During Yellow Podtestingat NASA this phenomena observed was after sevemlAMF testsand the,AMF,SIEM:,4 to be disarmedfiom the PETU with the portableelectronictestunit. had

Daniel L. Farr I Director Special Prajects prAzA, TRANSOCEAN4 cREENWAy HousroNTX'17046l'!13 |

232:7OA7 offieeI a81 844-397i mobile i dan.fafr@deerrwater.coBr



TRN-rNV-02888492 TDR091-000250

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