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4GREENWAYPLAZA HOUSToN, TXno/' PtlONE(n3|,23.2-7523 FAX C/r 3) 232-7023

GameronSummit Meeting Action ltem Report

Intenm prqressReport reliability and on issues related Cameron Control trc BOP Systems.

By: Hiltpold/


O Confidential
Exhibit No. _



The currentpumose of this rcport is to communicatethe known deficiencies with the company's affected Subsea Engineers, Engineers, Rlg Managers,and new build support personnel in order to solicit their input on any additbnal reliability matterwith respect to CameronControls which should be addressedat a corporate level. The intent is to identify, prioritize, evaluate, and implement reliability improvements. originatesfrom a seriesof Summit "Action ltem 2 - Reliabilitylssues" The designation of Meetingbetweenthe managenEnt TSF and Cameron. The effortto improve the of reliability the CameronMUX system on TSF'Sten affected rigs was deemed to be and identified Cameron TSF. Nol by to critical bothcompanies.Thisreportcoversissues lt issueshave beenidentified. is lhe intentof TSF to uncoveralldeficiencies all reliability on and make informeddecisions how each reliabili$issue will be mttig$ed. Over the issues. effortto identifftheremaining therewill be increased cnmingweeks

o$ective of the task force After the rigs are successfulyon hire, the longer-term for reliaffiy on other rig for assembled Adion f1 is to md<erecommendations improving would be classesand future new builds. lt is expeded that these recommencldions available midJune 2001. Duringthis time,the task force wouldreporlpogress on a by to in to weeklybasis key personnel TSF and Cameron, be definedto ttF task force by eachcompany.

The task groupseffort to date has been to identifl/knc^,n problemsard mitigste the potential failure. The team has not made tecommendations futue new-builds. for for Drill have beenconsidered two groups, ThroughEquipner(,and BOP in issues Reliability Equipment.Thb mport groups to Controls.This reportis isolated BOP Contrd Sysilem undereachsubheadng. check A an itemsnec,essary consider issue'closed" to the action open adions. The $atus of an mark indicates actionis closdvs. a box that indicates implemenling various actionsnecessaryto improve reliabilityare reported under the Status. lmplementation BOP Gontrol Systern Eryipment {. (SElrt) oterheating : ovefteding of SEM Sub'sea Elec'tnonb ilodtbs while the BOP stackb on the dect( componentshas been experienced electronic does not exist supply.This problem whichcausedthe failureof a board in the power with the sea water- Even though whenthe BOP is subseadue to the heattransfer while the BOP Sack is on the surfacemay not resullin an immediate overheating



components couH leadto failure in the SEM, the long term effecton the electronic premature failursof the SEMin thftlure. EI Cameronhas issuedtheir Product Advisory1816038which eplains the problem theirrecommerded board,and solution, whichis to installa naar and lhe in redudionin fan in the SEM'sto circulate air which results a significant theairtemperature. rigs M TSF shallreview,approve, and providediredionto its applicable based on Cameron's ProdudAdvisory.

2. Special Operating Procedures / O & M Manuds:

Some cuslomershave complained lhat the Operating ard Maintenance Manuabprovidedby Cameron do not fully meet their needs. As part of the originalcapital equipnent order the will and forthe BOPcontrol Enterprise receivetroubleshooting diagnostic information to systemin addition what is normally srppliedwiththe equipment manuals. tr TSF shallevaluate addlionaltroubleshooting diagnostic the and inbrmation supplied the Enterprise determineif it is a valuable tool ard if it is for to sornething thal shouldbe orderedForotherCameronMUX rigs TSF will reque$that Cameronput m a demonstration assistus in our erraluation. to ( Status TSF has not recdvdthe CD or Manuab.)

qucie[J Camermwill issuea NewProductRelease, NPR,and budgetary E eased upon the resutts of the evaluation,TSF shall pepare a recofimendationrcgardingthe rralue in acquidngadditional dagnostic trouble shoolingtools.

3. Gameron "/* Wtbptlgnrcpd $lrttle

Vdves: Failures of the unbalaned shuttle vatueto shift have been reported watef deflhs of more than 3,Zn' and in 2,500 psi operatingpressure. Cameron'sinvest(Tation rwealed that therems no compensation fldd insidethe compensation bladderwhenthe valve was aignally installed. Cameron has issued Product Advisory 1820038, which exflairc the problemin detailand indudestheirrcoommended solution, wttich is to flll the Uadder with greasettnt will be suppliedby Cameron at no cosl when rcquesl.ed.The Cameron PA dso includesthe pad numbers of the affeded valves and affected grease assemblies asryBll the pannumberfurthe as M fSn shallreview,approve, and providediredionto its applicable based dgs on Careron's ProdudAdvisory.

4. Gameron 1-'/*

Palot Operabd Check Vafues: An unusual nunber of washed and darnagedseals have been experienced downtimeoccurd on at and last one cuslomer'srig. Cameron ltas upgradedseal kits availaHelo resolvethe problems. (Cameron redacedthis valveon the Cajun and Expess.The supposedly Cajunjust experbnced failure tldsvalve.The failure underreview.) a of is M Cameron replaced valvesp,lr 30748*12with iln 2185178-O2stab rnounted and fln 307488-22 wilh p/n 2185178-0'l wl 1-1ff NPT inlet and ordels on CajunEeress & SedcoExpress.


cAM CrV 0162141

Q Cameronhas releasedthe new part numberc,but TSF has requededthat they issue fonnelPA whichexdainsthe improvements distribution fte a for to affectedrigs. tl TSF to make all affectedrigs aware of the proHan and the new part numbe6, and then to distributelhe Cameron Ergineering Developrnent Noticeto the rigs once it has been issued.(Status TSF rigs have been alerted.Curentlywaitingon Carneron's officialnouceJ

5. A) Garnercn Surlace Fbw Menerq: OriginalCameron suppliedsurfaceflo/v

mete6 are subject damage in certah hQh flow situations-Damagedflow rnder to intemal partscouldpotentially damageB@ controlsystem components do\ilnstream of the flow meterif they are not caughtby an in line filter. TSF rigs have experienced severalfailuresof caneron flow meters.(According charlieHill in TSF Norlhsea to operationcameronhas issuedthreepadnumbersfor theturtin type flow meternot tuCI.) Both subsea flor{ metershavefailedon Cajun. E Cameron has advised that higtrshock and ultrasonicflorv meters ate available replacements the originalflow mete{sas tor Cameronto issuea New Produd Release Nolice (NPR) recommendir the change in now meters. TheNPR will identifythe obsoletepartandits replacement. Cameron poMde a quotefor the new modelshockresistant will flow mder. fSf wil revienrr advisory issuea dirediveto its fleet. the and


B) Gameron Sub-sea Flow Meters: original Carneron suppliedsubsea flow melershaveprovedto be unrelde. The blades havecome off. E Camerpnhas advisedthat h(tr-strock is avaihbleas replacement lhe for original flowmeteE. Cameron issuea New Product to ReleaseNotice(t{pR) recommending changein Rou, the meters,The NPRwill idenfiry obsdete the partanditsreplacement. TSF shallrevbw the Cameron adrrisory quoteand prwide instructim and to ils affectedriF. fSf willrevifirthe advisory issuea directive its fleet. and to


6. Erreilt logger Sdnarc:

Cameronengineeringhas dvelopedand reled new event loggersofruareversion 7.5 wtrich is compatible with all its MUX confol hadware. The revisionslandardizes software acrossall the CameronconEol the q/slems. Additional fuatures alsobe ofrred by Cameron. will EI Cameron confirmthat all rigsale usingversion software, to 7.5 fl Cameronshdl produce a data sheet for the event logger for additional featuresas optionalequipmenl.GameronshallissueNew ProductRelease Notices neriladd on features made available. as arc TSF shallvedf7.5venion is inddled.




and provide direction its applicadedgs based to B TSF shall review,approve, prwiled by Carneron. on documentation The float in Cameron's floatstyle sub 7. Garmeron Float Type Accumuffirs: will sea accumulators sink when used in waterdepths greaterthan 3,000' where gas. is Nitrogen beingusedas theprecharge which describes problemand the M Cameronhas issued SafetyAlert 1820078 providesan explanation the float sinkingphenomenon.Basedon fieh for performanceand mathematical calculations, Cameron recomrnends that gas in Heliumbe used as the pre-charge for float type aocumuldors water pressure 5,000psi. and the system depthsin excessof 3,000' operating is and provide EI TSF shall review,approve, direction its applicaHe based to rigs on Cameron's SafetyAlert. 8. Gameron Solenokl Vahes: Cameron originalsrpplied solenoidvatues have experienced somestickingproblems to highfriction due forcesbetween seal dng and the seal plate. Whena solenoid sticks fundionfails. the the SuperShear ramsfailedt0 dose duringan ED incident Note: Recently Energy's because High Pressure the solenoid valve wasstuck The solenoid the new seats had and solenoid. The valve was also not being routinely functioned. The Enterpriseis stickingsolenoid alsoreporling valveson a VBRandAnnularfunction M Cameronhas included chemicslcoating a application the44rc seal plates to and have impoved their polishingmethod reducefriCional to forces. The process. seatis treatedby a nitriting Cameron statesall TSF rtF have the improved seats. E Cameronshould issueen advisorystatingthe improvedseal plates with policy/coating partnumberchange. and M In additionto changirglhe seats Cameronmodifed the solenoidcoils in pull orderto providea higher in force. E Cameronshallverifyall softrarare upgrades have been madeto fte affeded TSF rigs whicfi are required the newsolenoids.Notethe oH coils also for workwith the newsoftrrare.The newsolenoids refened as - 61 vs. are to 15. E Cameron issue NPRwhichdescribesthe will a improved 61 solenoids. tr Using lhe NPR, TSF shall verify the slalus of the solenoidcfrange out plocess. 9. Gameron Hot Line lssue : NUA.Thisappears the listas a resultof a third on party inspection company stalement thal hotlineswere requiredto operatedeeparater MUXBOP's.

EI No actionrequired


cAM CfV 0162143


Cameron Geramic Seal Plates tor ,/n'Valves : A bad batch of c,eramic seal plateshas resultedin some failures in %" directionalcontrolvaves. lt appearsceramic seal platessufferfrorninfantmortality.Onethe valve with newseats is pastthe infantmortality valveseerns be reliable the to according Cameron. to They state the majority failures of occunedduring FAT. EI Cameron issued has Ergineering Bulletin 861-C whichexplains problem. the ft alsoadvisesthat Cameron migrating lhe use of AlSl 440-C is to material for thesevalves, but they can also supplyrepairkits with ceramicseal plates depending uponcustorrFrpreference. Cameron's givespartnumbers EB for bolhceramic and 44GCrepairkits. El TSF shall reviewthe hrldin and determine which materialshouldbe used and notifyits rigs accordingly. Cunentlybothseal platesare beingused on TSF rigs.


Gontinuous Gonnector Lalch Pressure: cameron Gollet connectors are sometimes dfficuftto unlatch. Caneron has issuedvarious noticeson the connectors which address maintenance, operation, testingand controls. One such nolice was issued by the Cameron Controls Group. Cameron two recommended hes options controlling for lhe connector. Theserecommendatircns shouldbe reconciled otherCameron with notices and TSF'sfieldoqerience. M Cameronhas issued EngineeringBulletin687, which explains their two recommended oplions fur keeping latch pressureon model HC Collet connectorsused on welheads. Apparently the LMRp connedoris nol addressed Carneron, by E TSF to reviewthe two oFions recomrnended each rig with Cameron for HC collet connectors pruridedirection itsfleet. and to tr Express class rigs contrd systemsweredesigned Cameron, do not by but indudeeitherof the Carnercn recommended options.This situation needsto be rwieuredwith Camelm and a decision madeon the contrcls set-up. Cllre decision can nol be ma<leuntil the colletconnector and control system is st'died.)

'12a. Gathodic Protection on ta* ll Pods: The originaldesQndid not have enough cathodicprotectionon lhe pod frames. Mark ll pods are on the Enterprise, Horizon. Naulilus. and


Cameron supplied has rcviseddrawings BOM'sfor eachof the affeded and rigs. TSF shall issue and advisoryand confirm that all anodesare installedin accordance thedrairgs. (SteveHiltpold the drawing) with has



{2b. Cathodic Protection on Mark I Stainless Steel Pods:


for lo requirements cathodic cabulations determine Cameronhascompleted protec{ion. that of to to Regrlts be distributed TSF thru a series advisories Classis near will coverTSFsafeded classof tigs.(Status- Express lt Cody Moffithasthe infomation) completion. b TSF'sunderstandirB

calculations aftertheyhavebeen D TSF to review resultsof Cameron to distributed issuedirection its affectedrigs. and

't3. BOP Gontrol Syrstem Fluid Gleanliness: cuslomers heve requested BoP fluid specifications Canpmn. from g Cameronhasissued documents customers WaterBasedHydraulic to two :
&ride and WaterBasedHydraulic Fluids Useis Guide. FluidsPurchaseds


TSF has madethed,ocuments, WaterBasedHvdraulic FluidUsefs Guide,X201679-01 WsterBased Hvdraulic Fluil Purchasefs Guide. X-201678{1 and redistributed them. (fodd Grayis available through TSFDocs and hasrecenlly to distribute)

valveshas { 4. Needle Valves : Thesed materialfor fourCaneron supplied needle The original beenchanged. seatmaterialis obsolete and replaced a nev/part. These by needle valvesare only usedin surfacesystems are not known causedowntime. and to EI Cameronhasadvised TSF part numbers affeded valves. of EI fSf has informed itsrps of the newpartnumber. D In oruertodocumentdosure theadion, of TSF shallissue O & M Aduisory. an ($teve Hittpold willisgrethe advisory.) {5. Seawater lngress irto BOP Gontrol Systems: Cameron idenlified has thatseau/atercan enterthedrtrol hydraulics thror|gh ROV portwtrcnstandard the shr.rttle vdves are used.Canreron makingavailable new pressure is a biasedshuttle valves.

D Cameronhascaniql out a designreview the affected of systems, the new and

dnawings in the lnnds of the Cameron are aftermarketpersonnel. Cameron shallissuean NPRor other noticeto Transocean.


TSF to reviewthe nerrCamerondra/vings documentation and onceit is in hand and providediredion ils rigs. TSFEngineering to ard shallreMeur approvethe (tt use of the pressuro tiased valvo before introdudion. appears valve is its the made by Gilmore is likelysuitable.) and



16. Gameron 1" Tandem Pod valves : Grirg exrusion in thesealringswas the causeof a numberof 1" poddiredionalcontrol valve failursand sticking valves.The e{rusionis causedby using sofi an o-ringin certain to applications. M Cameron's investigation revealed that a batchof valveswithGrirBs with a shore hardness lowerthan thatspecified the BOM'S in made it inlo somepods. produd Advisory cameron has issued 22060 that explains gnblem in more the detailand givestheconed BOM'S thevalvesand repairkitsfor each affected for ng. EI tre CameronPAhasbeentransmitted allErffected rigs. to TSF Q tSf to approvetheadvisory and flace it onTSF Docs.TSFto take$eps to insure that repairkilsin Sock with inconedpartnumbersare notused. { 7. Gameron Accumulator Float Sinking : Undercertain cortrolsystem pressures flow rates,it is possible feezingor hydrates and that couldbe presentat the floats theaccumulators. couldoccur in This whenusing eitherhelium rifogen. or M Cameronhas competed seriesof teststo try to determine a exacflyr what causes thisprodem,buttheresulls incondusive are Q fSf shoulddevelop policyregarding useof sub-seafloattype a the accumulators. rigusesfloat accumulators One subsea,and sevenal may be using floalaccumulators surface. on {8. Gilmore Mark | / ll / lll Shuttle Valves: Fietdproblems the Gilmore with promfredthe Marklll design. MarkI andMark ll shutfle vatvas M me GilmoreMarkI ard Mark ll shuttle valves uere supplied witha numberof Cameron MUX BOPcontuol syslems-Undercertain highflowconditions, shutile valvefailureswerereponled to Gring extrusion someshrltlefradures. due and Subsequently, Gilmore developed Marklll shuttleval\ to overcome the the deficiencies the eartermodels.Cameron issuedProdudAdvisory of has 1602to address issue. this M fSf, reviewed advisory statedils position its affecled the and to rg* TSF also issuean ALERTearlier the year.TSFintends moveawayfrun the Mark ll and in to lll valve. (Gilmore dwelopinga newversion the shuttlevalve is of and testingis takingplaceeachday.TSF is actively involved the designreview in and testing aspecls the newvalve.) of {9. Gonnector Unlatch Prctection unlatched panel. from a BOPcontrol : An LMRPconnectorwasinadvertenilv

EI Cameron issued has ProdudAdvisory to 18020 address showsa this recommended LMRPandwellheadconneclorfunction lockout arangementthat complies with cunent ffivlS requirements. El fnis PA has beendisiributed all TEF rigson the list. TSFto in$re that a[ rigs to panels. implement similar a lockout theirconlrol on TSF willissue positionon ls the advisory.



2O. Heat in BOP Gontrol Panels: Thereis someconcem that heatbuildup in some BOP contrdpanelsmay be excessive. Some operalors have reporled BOPcontrolpanels hotto the touchaltlntgh that feel no malfunc'lions havebeenattribded the heat. Camermhasperformed to calculations eachof the rigs. for E Cameron shallprovide TSF withthe part numbers the kitsand the affededrigs of in orderforTSFto issuean Advisory. fSf shallissuean Advisory thatexplains:Cameron saysthey havesentpanel heattestkitslo all TSF rigs, Personnol the rigsshould thesekitsif there on use are any panels that seemexcessively warm, andtheresulbshouldbe communicated backto Cameron engineering reviaar. for SteveHittpold shall prepare TSF advisory oderto cleadycommunicate necessary a in the actions on eachrig.


21. Gylinder Nut Failures: A failure a nuton an eltendcylinder a podwas of in reported Cameron the competitors suffereddorarntime. to and rig EI Cameron's analysis revealed tnefailurewasdulo environmentally that assisted cracking.Carneron issued has PrcductAdvisory 20060, u/hichexflainsthe problem npre detail. Cameron suplying replacanent in is nutsfor all affeded ngs. E tSf wittissueits position theadvisory on and proviledrectionto its rigs.

21A Gylinder Nst Failuresr A fai|ue dtie rodson tworig'seld,end cylinders a in podwas reported Ctrneronandthe oneTSF dg failedbutavoided to downtime. E Cameron now idenlitied has thatthetie rodsare alsoaffededby environmentally assisted crackhg. ProdudAdvisory be writtenor 20060 be revised. to to

D TSF willissueits position theadvisory on and proviJe drectionto its rigs. 2;2. jlPU Relief Vdnes: Reliefvalvesonsome BOPcontrol systemsmaybe undersized whichcodd resultin pumpp{essurs higherthanoriginally designed, EI Cameron replacement he relief vafues alongwilh piping modification for kits eachofthe affec{ed rigs. Theyharre issuedProdudAdvisory 20200,which explains problemin moredelailand lislsthe afrected and original the rigs and new drawing numbersand EOMs. M tSf wittissueits position theadvisory on and proviledrectionto its rigs. 23. PBOF Gables: SeveralBOPcontrol s]rstems hevereponed concemsover seawateringress the systems into through cables.Several the TSF havesuffered dovynlime whenthe PBOFsuffered fromuater ingress.



Cameronhasju$ recentlycompeted sometestingonthe PBOFcablesin England.Cameron released resultsof thetestingin Engineering has the Development Ndice CS-001 5UO2. 7 Cameron shall issueand NPR A quole to replace Enterprise's the PEOF cablesshallbe provided. TSF to review noticeand quoteand make appropriale the recommendations to the rigs.

tr tr a

24. Dead Man Bat*ery Life: Questions have been raised fegarding expedd lfe the of tlrc bafteries forthe deadman svstems.

g CameronhasrdeasedEngineering ReportER 2768whidr contains re$lts of the

pacts to determine theirteslingof deadman battery howmany aduation's can be obtained undercertainenvironmental conditions.


TSF to reviewlheengineering report and establish recommended interual for batterychange for the affected out rigs.TSF shallprovkte direction its rigs. to (Iodd Graywilldraftthe TSF advisory)

25. Slrear Pin for ODI FITA Gonneciors: Theshear forthese connectors b fin too$fong anddoes break not away thercquired to protectthe at load connedor teflranation.

tl Cameronhasdesigned newshea pin and is condudirg testingat ODIto a

qualifythe design-Cameronshalllsrue advisory whena replacement streartir is availaHe.


TSF will issueits positionon the advboryand provide diredionto its rigs,

EI TSF has issued ALERT # to its (p on MUX connectors an whichalso pins. addresses shear 26. IIYerter Packer Gircuits: Thereedsts the potential excessive for noise, packercircuilwearcausedby a heighl vihation, and Diverter difference between the problemon a TSF rig occunedon lhe Dister packerandthe l-lPU. The onlyreported E frerpfise duringcommissioning. gives a detailed EI CameronhasissuedEngineering hlletin EB 869C, v/trk*r recommended courseof actionto resolvethe problem. E tne Engineering Bulletinhas beendstributedto allrigs. TSF to revis,v the engineering bullelin and insure thatffected rigsareproviibdwith direc{ion. Todd eventwith Pat Rogan, will review Cameronbulletin, the dscruss Enterprise the and thendraft aTSF dvisory.

27. Diyerler Packer Relief Valve Setting : On the Enegy, the Diverter pressure 3,000psi,butthe Dlverter openating systemhasa maximumworking of contol psi. syElem limitedto 1,(X)O is



givento systemparameteF DMerter operating TSFand Cameronto review despn. for Carneron controlsystem

a May require PO from syslemmodifications. control to E Cameron recommend givento Cameron wasirconect. originally information TSFif Divertersystem and recommendations advisethe Energlt E tSF to reviewthe Cameron basedon Cajunevent He will also Todd Graywillissueand advisory accodingly, findoutwhatthe otherrigshavedone. 28. controlpanelson theEnergyare and BOP Gontrol Panels: Drillers tool pushers po\,vered back up. dournand lhen powered are whenthesystems losingcommunications and up for to TsF witha procedure po$/erdo\fln porver B Carneron provide SteveHiltpold shallwork with MargardEucldeyat for systems. situations control this Cameron resolve issue. to to recommendations then distribute fie rigs. and E tsF to reviewthe cameron 29. BOP contnol system memoryE Thereis notenoughmanory in$aled in the Energy's BOPcontrolsystem. E SteveHiltpold lindoutfrornlain Hopewhatthe statusb on therprnory witl upgrade. I is ard Canreron advised memoryshortage due to additions cfiangesto has thal upgrades may be purchsed as design. Memory the o(1inalcontrolsystem required.

requirements Cameron develop appropriate with and an E tSp to reviewmemory plan dadion. temporary of oontrolof the loss 3O. System prressure loss: TheEnergyexperienced suFsea regulators. E Onetheoryfor lossof control that two people is irrrere tryingto adjust the controlpanels lhe sametime. regulators from the lwo remote al carryouta sludyto evaluate tr TSFhas reque$edthatCameron whalstrould panels operaled (Steve are happen both remote if simultaneously, Hltpoldwill And asklain Hope10perfomthistest on the Energy. to find outif thisis stilla concem.) 3{. STM Purge ports: Somecomponents have%"or%" NPT purgeportsthat cannotbe tested. porting E Canreron modified has from NPTto a customdoubleGring des'gn. This canbe orderedthrough Cameron customer service.Cameron shorldprovidea dra'ing ofthe housing andwhat affected. is


cAM CtV 4162149

E TSFto reviewwhichrigsrequire modified porting the and adviserigsaccontingllr through TSF Advisory. the 32. Pressure & Temperature Transmifters: The pressure transmitters provided the Horizon, with Energy, Enterprise and wereonlyratedto maximum Bop workng pressurc. They shouldbe rded for BOPworking pressureplushydroslatic head. Q Cameron shouldprovide pressure upgraded transmitters the affected for rigs. Cameron shouldissuean advisory statingwhichrdXs affected the action are and items.According paurroudouzecameronwiilprwide the pressure to Transducers a wanantyftem. as I 33. tsr to installthe new pressure transmiflers oncethey have beenrecei\d.

Mixing syetem: MMS Regulations require lhe Bop fluil systerns ableto that be supplymixed fluirlat a ratefasterthan pumpsratedoutput. the fl cameron reviewthe de{1n of the mixingsystems the affededrigsand to to of proviledetailsand partsrequired meetthe regulalory to requirements. Cameron willissue advisory. an

D tsF to reviewthe revised camerondesignandimplement changes the the on affected rigs,TSF shal isgrean Advisory. 34. Direct Gontrol valves: The Horizonerperienced problemswhen interflow startedcoldespecially underlowflowconditions using hot line the E tnis pmblem was specificforavalveon the Horizon. The sealsin theValve were changed, Camermwasnot ableto reproduce problemintheirshop. and the SteveHiltpold discuss issuewith the Horizon find outif thereis an will thb and actiqritemor not. 35. OLM Fault An OLM fautt(ooseconnection) resulted numerous in alarms.

Q tnis problem specifictothe was Horizon. Cameron requires additional informalbn orderto evaluatethe problem delermine solution. in and a $eve Hiltpold discusswith9we Donohue findout if there is an adionitem. will and Theywillelsodetermin anything if shouldbe indudedin the Cameron MUX Training course. D fsn to provideadditional information requesled Cameron. as by 36. Valve seal plates and seal rings: Gonosion ratesin subsea valves and regulators unacceptable is usirBexisingmaterials.TheEnterprise suffered subsea downlimeas a resultof conosion the 440csealplates the regulators directional to in and controlvalves. Anotherdrilling conhactor suffered similar downtime.In order mitigate to the corosionTsF instructed rigstoflushthe podsr,vhen Bop is retrieved. its the E Camelon developed ne$/line of valves usespremiummaterials has a that that offerimproved conosion resistance. Camenrn to providetheirinformation is to TSFfor review.Cameron $nll providean NPRandquotefor various vaMes.



provided Carneron and issuea TSF Advisory. by E TSFto reviewthe infomation fautshavebeen 37. Solenoid valve cables and pie connectors: Solenoid valvesand pie caHes. to which havebeenattributed the solenoid experienced to caHesin early2000. This revision has E Cameron madea revision the solenoid per shallissue to as is intended be offered an upgradeas requesled rig.Carneron an NPRand quote. on E TSFto reviewthe infomation the newcailes and issuean Adrdsory.



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