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Basic Parts of Research Paper Format

How to write a research paper is not a big problem for you especially that you can first compose an outline, the basic parts of a research paper is as follows: 1.Introduction the introduction paragraph or chapter that presents the background of the research. It provides reasons why the topic is select and it contains the thesis statement. 2.Literature review the part where other synthesized documents or papers are summarized It provides a new way to understand the significance of the research subject. 3.Methods this part provides information about how the study is conduct and what methods are uses for the study. 4.Discussions it is the important part that you compose a term paperoutline that provides discussions about how the research results can readily support the hypothesis and the statement of thesis. You must talk about how the results relate to the statement problem and how they can provide resolutions. 5.Conclusion this is the summary of the entire research or research paper. You also need to specify the answer to the problem statement.

Parts of a Research Paper

Title Here are examples of 3 common types of titles Question: Can PF Correction Increase Profits? Summary: Design and Testing of a Small Power Company 2-Part: Power System Operation: How to Survive an Emergency

Abstract The abstract is a short (about 100-500 word) summary of the entire paper. It should include: goals and objectives, results, and conclusions. It is usually one of the last parts of the paper to be written. Introduction The introduction also has three main purposes. First, it provides background and motivation for your topic (usually includes a review of current literature on the topic). Second, it describes the focus and purpose of the paper you are writing. Third, it gives an overview of what is contained in the paper's various sections. Methods/Procedure

This section describes what you did, how you did it, gives strategies, sample calculations, diagrams and circuits, and descriptions of equipment. The goal here is to give the reader sufficient inforamation to be able to repeat your work if desired. (Of course some "standard techniques" can be simply referenced). Results This section is where you prove your point with the data. Give graphs and tables of costs, profits, whatever your data is. Also give some description or guide to help the reader recognize your important points. Conclusions/Discussion Here you state what your learned or proved. What are the "take home messages" or major accomplishments of this work? You may also describe interesting observations, new questions, and future work here. Bibliography A list of the references you used in the work & writing the paper.

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