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You will need to answer the following questions to gain an understanding of the establishment of Jamestown, its major places, its people, and its decline. Questions on Jamestown: Section 1: Stories 1. Identify 2 major events that led to the discovery of the New World? Two major events were Christopher Columbus searching for India but ending up in the New World and Vikings who were sailing and ran into the New World. Plus, once word got around about the new world, other countries wanted some of the land. RENAISANCE ALSO MADE VOYAGES POSSIBLE 2. How did Englands focus on the Americas differ from that of the Spanish and French? England wanted land whereas the Spanish and the French wanted the profit and the gold and other valuables. 3. What happened to the 3 ships credited for the establishment of Jamestown? They were busted up so their wood could be used for building houses, tools, walls, and other parts of the fort. The wood could also have been used for firewood. Where did you find this? Look under fact sheet what happened to the three ships 4. What were the major reasons for settling in Jamestown? Jamestown was a good spot for a future port because it had a lot of ocean access and was deep enough to bring the ships close to shore. Another reason was that it was uninhabited, a defensible site and when they settled there, the snow was melting from the mountains and there was sweet fresh water. This water did not last though. 5. What were the major challenges to this young colony? There was no food, trouble with Indians, the water soon became to salty to drink, and there was a lot of diseases going around, including starvation. Section 2: Places= Jamestowns New Town 1. Prior to exploration by Europeans, what was the primary purpose of this area? Indians use to live there before they moved out because it was too marshy so then they seasonally used it for hunting and fishing. 2. Why was Jamestowns location important to the first settlers? It was important because is was easily defensible and could be easily accessed by the ocean. Plus it had a river too that was used as a port. 3. How did Jamestown thrive as a major port for European trade? Because there were laws passed that made Jamestown the sole entry point for ships to unload and load up. 4. When and how did the first African slaves arrive in Virginia?

They came in August 1619 by ships. The ships were called the Treasurer and the White Lion. 5. How have archaeologists made attempts to preserve the history of Jamestown? They found the old structures of Jamestown, did research there, and then recovered it so the elements would not destroy the few artifacts that are left. Section 3: Places= Green Spring Plantation 1. What was the most notable position that could be held by any English settler in Jamestown and why was it dissolved? The most notable position was governor and it was dissolved because commissioners came overpowered the royalist government. 2. Who challenged the authority and oppression of England and its newly appointed governor and what were the results? Sir William Berkeley challenged the authority and oppression and as a result, an army came to silence Berkeley but they offered him a treaty, which he accepted. NATHANIEL BACON and William cracked down on those who sympathized with Bacon. Section 4: People 1. What conditions allowed for the exploration and eventual establishment of a permanent colony in the Americas? The conditions were that the English wanted more land so the King and Queen gave out grants for people to explore the new world. There were to many people in Europe and they wanted to expand. 2. Why did Jamestown become less important as a center for trade as time passed? It became less important because the capital moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg along with all of the major trade. 3. What was John Rolfes connection to Pocahontas and how did their paths cross? Why was their relationship significant to the colonists? John Rolfe was at the same fort Pocahontas was after she was kidnapped. She caught his eye once she was baptized and became a christian. Their relationship was important because it brought peace between her tribe and John's people. 4. Who was John Smith and how did his leadership allow for the colony to survive? He was an Englishman who was also an adventurer, writer, soldier, and explorer. His leadership helped because he had a ton of experience in the outdoors, working hard, being a leader, and organizing people. He got all this experience through the army, being an indentured servant, and living in the outdoors.

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