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QUANTUM XRROID REPORT Lilian Inelli 2/1/2011 NO.

ConscidaNo Name 0 0 -------- INFO --------1 0 Lilian Inelli 2 0 2/1/2011 3:33:58 PM 3 0 HS 4 90 Enviromental 5 78 Physical 6 93 Mental 7 99 Social 8 101 Spiritual 10 0 female 12 0 Lilian Inelli needs to drink more water. 13 4 Body Fat % Estimates from Electrical Measures: 14 82 Volt, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects adrenal fun ction and will power 15 76 Amper, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects brain funct ion serotonin, and life force 16 98 Resistance, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flo w of energy through the body 17 92 Hydration, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of wat er flow and water amount, thirst 18 64 Oxidation, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flo w of oxygen, and oxygenation 19 70 Proton Pressure, ph 65 to 70 norm above alkaline, below acid 20 63 Electron Pressure, eh 21 15543 Major Resonant Frequency of the Patient/Client,below 1000=risk degener , above 10,000=nervous energy 22 0 Cellular vitality index(6+normal,below 3 chronic): 8 23 0 Last Visit: V= 91 A= 76 R= 88 H= 83 O= 58 24 10 Reactance Speed Index, below 15 ideal, below 40 norm, above 100 diseas ed 25 1880 Impedance ,1600+ ideal,1200+ norm, 1000to1200 weak, 800 to 1000 concer n, below 800 signif concern 26 640 Phase response react ,900+ ideal,700+ norm, 500to700 weak, 500 to 300 concern, below 300 signif concern 27 9 Phase angle ,8+ ideal, 6+norm, below 6 chronic 28 217 VERTEBRAE C1 sarcode $ ] 29 217 BLOOD (DR) Oriental combo remedy, replenishes blood, restores vitali ty. \ 30 217 ASTRON 1180 dental isode 31 208 AGKISTRODON RHODOSTOMA VENOM MALAYAN PIT VIPER Remedy for thrombosis in circulation. 32 208 Gastrin Ids gastrointestinal disease. (bowel, colon, intestine, stom ach) GASTROINTESTINAL PEPTIDE ] 33 208 ASBESTOS (DR) Combo remedy for detox from asbestos. 34 206 CARDUUS MARIANUS For liver and portal system (veins, capillaries), v aricose veins, alcoholism, asthma (lung). \ ] 35 201 CHOLESTEROL Cholesterolinum, shows the possibility of high cholester ol. \ 36 200 AEROBACTER Aerobic nonspore gram negatvie bacteria of the enterobact eriaceae family. @ ] 37 200 ADUKI BEAN Anti-Inflammatory, for deep hidden inflammation, good foo d. \ 38 194 GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Emotional or physical sensitivity. 39 192 VITAMIN A (BETA CAROTENE) Less active but less toxic form or precurs

or to vitamin A. ] 40 190 DIGITALIS PURPUREA Remedy for heart, dilates blood vessels of heart, weakness. \ ] 41 187 MOUNTAIN TUNDRA FLORA Helps to build cold resistance. \ 42 186 MUSCLE FACIAL PROCERUS Facial expression above nose, activates smell intensity. sarcode $ ] 43 184 Acid Phosphatase Ids with bone disease or kidney disorder. Enzyme. ] 44 182 MUSCLE FACIAL QUADRATUS LABII SUPERIORUS Facial expression smile mus cle. sarcode $ ] 45 175 Isomaltase Enzyme used in malt conversion to glucose, ids malt intol erance. 46 175 PROGESTERONE (K-20) Dietary supplement, sublingual. APEX ENERGETICS 47 175 BLOOD, CO2 CONTENT 48 169 CANDIDA PSEUDOTROPICALIS Can id systemic fungus or fungal immune wea kness. ^ 49 168 CRANIAL BONES FACIAL GLABELLA sarcode $ ] 50 165 DL-METHIONINE S-METHYLSULFONIUM-VITAMIN U Ubiquinone (coenzyme COQ10 ), ids oxygenation disorder, emotional suffocation. ] 51 165 MUSCLE FACIAL BUCCINATOR Facial expression. sarcode $ ] 52 164 HORMONAL MERIDIAN This acupuncture meridian has shown reactivity, po ssible blockage. 53 159 QUARTZ Singing and dancing stone, good for brain, dispells negative feelings, good thought provoker. crystal 54 159 C 18:3, CIS-9, 12, 15 TRILINOLENIN Part of the fatty acid chain, ids problem in fatty acid. 55 159 METACRYN DX (K-10) For liver support, vitamin, mineral, amino acid & herbal dietary supplement. APEX ENERGETICS 56 159 MIASM-MEN (DR) Combo remedy for mental unresolved concerns of ancest ors - mental factors miasm. ] 57 158 DERMATITIS Skin disorders } DEDIC ] 58 156 IMMUNE TRANSFER FACTOR 3 Liver, Hepatitis A, B, C. Chisolm Bio Labs # ] 59 156 Vidya Liver balance Normalization of the liver and its meridian in b alance. 60 156 NERVE SPINAL LUMBOSACRAL Nerves of low back (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5). N sarcode $ ] 61 156 ADRENO LIQUITROPHIC (DR) Combo remedy for adrenal weakness. 62 156 HEART MERIDIAN This acupuncture meridian has shown reactivity, possi ble blockage. 63 155 GRANULOMA PURULENT Infectious or traumatic development of fibrous ti ssue in the teeth or bones. D Nosode 64 152 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Presence of circulating auto antibodies to red c ells, platelets, and white cells. } 65 151 MIASM-ALLER (DR) Combo remedy for inherited disturbances caused by miasmatic allergies - allergy miasm. ] 66 151 PENTOSE 67 151 HISTOPLASMOSIS 4 Fungus, can id systemic fungus or fungal immune wea kness. ^ 68 151 Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (bowel, colon, intestine, stomach) GA STROINTESTINAL PEPTIDE ] 69 151 MOLD/HOUSE DUST (DR) Oral antigen combination for mold and house dus t sensitivity. ^ ] 70 150 (FE) SUMMER SQUASH Restores courage to the one who experiences fear when faced with daily routine. 71 150 Thyme Antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, a ntiseptic, dilution suggested 72 150 MYOSIN Ids weak muscle or other muscle disease, possibly tension. 73 150 DESMODII HERBA Remedy for anxiety and stress, emotional link to fear of ancestral past - miasm. \

74 149 MUSCLE LOWER LIMB VASTUS INTERMEDIUS sarcode $ ] 75 149 MOOD DISORDER Inability to maintain mood control most often negative , can't control mood swings. 76 149 PORK Food Extract (ALR) 77 149 ARTEMISIA VULGARIS Epilepsy and convulsions, remedy for girls at pub erty, insomnia (sleeplessness). \ ] 78 148 (FE) CERATO Self reliance, reduces spiritual fear of embarrassment. 79 148 Alchemama 18 We know now good and evil from inside ourselves and we ga in respect for everything that is alive in a more conscious manner 80 148 FU FANG CHUAN XIN LIAN TABLET Clears heat and toxins, cools the blad der, relief from common colds. \ 81 148 Erythropoietin Bioactive peptide that helps control anemia and blood formation. 82 147 No 8 CONSTITUTION Energetic treatment for arthritic constitution wea k immune system @] 83 147 RHIZOMI POLYGONI CUSPIDATI HU ZHANG Chinese herb. \ 84 147 CHRYSTAEL 10 Connection to the matrix of the seventeen chakras. Your c onsciousness has influence on the earth s morphogenetic field 85 147 PANCREAS, STOMACH (NV) Sarcode remedy for cleansing and rebuilding t issue in this area. 86 146 Gastroplex herbal combination/ slippery elm, marshmallow, gamma orysan ol for GI (bowel, colon, intestine) mucus membrane support/ Biocare UK ] 87 146 APPLE JUICE Food for roughage, gallbladder, liver, intestines (bowel , colon), emotional susceptablity to temptation. ] 88 146 MUSCLE MAJOR sarcode $ ] 89 146 BLADDER INFLAMATION (cystitis) Ids toxic or infected bladder or urin ary tract (kidney, urethra, ureter). ] 90 146 ADRENAL LIQUESCENCE (NV) Combo remedy for hypoadrenia or to provide adrenal stimulation. ] 91 146 ALETRIS Diuretic, ids kidney or bladder (urethra) concern, contains progesterone, ids premenstrual syndrome (PMS). \ ] 92 145 GM405 XI YANG SHEN Nourishes qi and yin, clears deficiency fire, gen erates fluids. 93 145 INTERLUKIN 5 BETA Immunology. GUNA s.r.l., MILANO 94 145 NERVE SPINAL SACRAL (SCIATIC) Motor nerve origins in sacral plexus, irritation of back of leg. N sarcode $ ] 95 145 FLORINE Labcatal oligo 96 145 AMALGAM DETOX II Ids toxic reaction to dental implants or mercury am algam fillings. ] 97 145 (FE) ORANGE Psychological counseling. 98 145 HYOSCYAMUS Henbane, for nervous system, as if some diabolical force or entity influence. \ $ ] 99 144 GM321 LU RONG & GUI BAN Supplements jing, strengthens yin and yang, srengthens the chong and ren channels. 100 144 BLOOD, PHOSPHATASE - ALKALINE Enzyme. ] 101 144 ESTROGEN 2, 3, 4 Estrogen needed for female stability, in male it id s liver and prostate risk. 102 144 SUNSPOT RADIATION Geopathic stress, indicates solar disturbing energ ies. 103 144 Nr.1 Alcangrol 104 144 NERVE CRANIAL 5 (TRIGEMINAL) Nerves motor & sensory nerve of face. N sarcode D Nosode $ ] 105 144 ANGER This imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supression . Neuro Emotional Complex (NEC) $ emotion ] 106 143 NERV-MET TM G-7/homeopatic formula allergy/APEX ENERGETICS 107 143 XENON Nobel gas used in neon lights, can be somewhat toxic. mineral 108 143 GRIPIAPRO X-1 / HOMEOPATHIC FORMULAS / APEX ENERGETICS 109 143 CHROMOSOME 15 Q Tyrosinease, cardiomyopathy, marfan, tay sachs, leuk emia. 110 143 Cancer Homeopathy Japan

111 143 CARDIAC TAMPONADE Heart } DEDIC ] 112 143 PAN D-2: hypoglycemia support/Monastery of Herbs 113 143 MALUS PUMILA Crab apple, for cholinergic (acetylcholine - like) stim ulation of the autonomic nervous (ANS) system. \ $ ] 114 143 MALABSORPTION Inability of system to absorb nutrients, correct with liquescences. 115 143 PANGAMATE (Vitamin B15) Ids with oxidation problems, methyl donor in creases circulation. 116 143 BERBERIS VULGARIS Symptoms change rapidly, liver, hepatic and rheuma tic remedy. \ ] 117 143 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA For intestinal (bowel, colon, intestine) toxemia, immune stimulant, counteracts innoculation (vaccines). \ ] 118 142 EPILEPSY WITHOUT AURA Somnambulism, several convulsions close togeth er. 119 142 MUSCLE FACIAL STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID Key muscle for head movement, caro tid artery jugular and Nerve Cranial 10 Vagus Pneumogastric Pneumatic. sarcode $ ] 120 142 TAURINE Energy related amino acid also used for emotional control of panic attacks. 121 142 6TH CHAKRA - THIRD EYE - BROW A chakra reacts if it is over sensitiv e from use or if it ready to open. ] 122 142 POLYGONATUM MULTIFLORUM Solomon's seal, for diabetes (pancreas), low ers stress, women's / female diseases / problems / complaints. \ ] 123 142 AGARICUS Mushroom, for brain exhaustion, skin afflictions, good food . \ 124 141 PROTOM PUMP INHIBITORS Treat ulcers, gastritis (stomach), acid reflu x. ALO ] 125 141 INFARCTION Blockage of heart circulatory flow. } ] 126 141 ADHESION } DEDIC ] 127 141 COLD AWAY Clears wind heat and phlegm, cough, for colds & flu (lung) , tonsillitis, sore throat, fever and chest congestion. Health Concerns ] 128 141 (FE) CAPE HONEYSUCKLE Inflexibility, ruthlessness, arrogance. 129 141 CARBOCAINE FORTE 3% Local anesthetic. dental isode 130 141 NELSON BACTERIAL REMEDY Ayurvedic @ ] 131 141 HELIO MOLAR Composite. dental isode 132 141 CHROMOSOME 15 P Angelman syndrome, spherocytosis. 133 141 FERRUM / FERROUS METALLICUM Anemia with chill, vomiting, red face, thirst, cold, undigested food, mineral. ] 134 141 AMASTATIN ENZYME INHIBITOR Inflamtion regulation problem. 135 140 LOW CARBON FATTY ACIDS Fatty acid. 136 140 MALABSORPTION SYNDROME Inability to absorb nutrients, treat with dig estive liquid enzymes. 137 140 INSULIN SHOCK } 138 140 CONIFEROL ALCOHOL phenol 139 140 LM 42 BRONCHITIS lung ] 140 140 ARGEMONE For bleeding, coagulant, ids blood disturbance. \ 141 140 8228;Narayani Special 26 IMMUNITY 200C Homeo mixture for all with low immunity in cases of HIV, Cancer, STD, 142 140 C 16:01, MONOPALMITOYL-RAC-GLYCEROL Part of the fatty acid chain, id s problem in fatty acid. 143 140 HEPATITIS C Liver D Nosode ] # 144 140 CALCIUM GLUCONATE Calcium deficiency states. ALO 145 140 LITHIUM OROTATE Protect the nervous system. MINERAL 146 140 PRUNUS SPINOSA Blackthorn, specific head, urinary (kidney, bladder, urethra), neuralgia, dropsy (edema). \ $ ] 147 140 HERBA B-PLEX)/vitamin b complex/Monastery of Herbs 148 140 Medorrhinum IM Homeopathy Japan 149 140 VASOPRESSIN Antidiuesi, blood pressure regulator, stimulates central nervous system. OPIOID PEPTIDE 150 140 ISOTONIC PLASMA Basic sea water compound that has all minerals, mine

ral. ] 151 139 7237;Narayani 69 CB 8 200C Homeo mixture for nervous and emotional t ypes 152 139 P TW 1 Tapeworm Parasite Formula 1 /Monastery of Herbs * 153 139 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE Enzyme used in oxidation and acid bufferring, ids acid or oxygen disease. 154 139 ALUMINIA TABLETS NETSMANN-Arzneimittel 155 139 RENAL COLIC Kidney pain or spasm, can be from passing a stone, pain in back, abdomen, groin, thigh. 156 139 TOULENE solvent 157 139 INFECTIOSIS Contagious infection unknown, unclear infection source o r nature. 158 139 GROWTH HORMONE - HUMAN But animals can react to it as well, ids agin g. 159 139 Lipozyme fat digesting enzyme, lipase/ Biocare UK 160 139 VITAMIN B5 PANTOTHENIC ACID Adrenal supplement, deficiency produces hypoadrenia. ] 161 139 INOSINE Compound in muscle product of inosinic acid, ids muscle dise ase. 162 138 COURGETTE 1/homeopathic formula for allergy/Monastery of Herbs 163 138 Aurigena 4 Supports those who confuse love with subservience, taking c are of that which society expects of them 164 138 Quercetin bioflavenoid with leukotriene association and bromelain dige stive enzyme, anti-oxidant/ Biocare UK 165 138 MEMBRANA TYMPANI Ear. sarcode 166 138 ACID NITRICUM Sharp, sticking pains, pains appear & disappear quickl y, irritable, sharp. 167 138 SYPHILIS Protestation & debility in morning, rheumatic pains, erupti ons, worse day, amnesia before the disease. @ 168 138 IMMUNO GLOBULIN A Allergy controling agent found in mucous membranes , ids allergic attack. 169 138 BUPROPION Antidepressant, help to quit smoking. ALO 170 138 IMP 2: Nerve Cell Virus affecting the Skin: Tissue Support Formula / Monastery of Herbs 171 138 NELLIKAI, AMLA PHYLLANTHUS EMBLICA Intestine, "Cell-Tonic", body weakn ess,anemia,Heart tonic -- Sri Ramana Maharshi Natural Spagyric Remedies made fo r Duplication 172 138 Nr.18 Splenetik spleen ] 173 138 WHITE PROCESSED SUGAR For fast food restaurants or home. 174 138 POTASSIUM NITRATE Used as a preservative and to lower sex drive, ids exposure, mineral. 175 138 Licorice Root / Adrenal Support / Sunshine Tool Works 176 138 CRANIAL BONES LAMBOIDAL SUTURE At the bottom of the back of the head . sarcode $ ] 177 138 PSY-ADJ (DR) For adjustment disorders or inability to adjust to new circumstances or growth. 178 138 GM339 DANG GUI & HUANG QI Tonifies qi and blood. 179 138 Melaleuca, tea tree Decongestant, immune-stimu lant, insecticidal, neurotonic, tissue regen 180 138 ASPARTINE Nutrasweet, nerval destruction. amino acid 181 138 WESTERN OAK MIX (ALR) Allergy or sensitivity, emotional fear of pare nts or parent in self. 182 137 NEUROTENSIN Affects hypertension, hyperglycemia, gut motility, circu lation, growth. (bowel, colon, intestine, stomach) GASTROINTESTINAL PEPTIDE ] 183 137 BACTERIA FUGE (DR) Combo remedy for bacterial immune stimulation. @ ] 184 137 7248;Narayani 80 GASTRO MIX 200C homeo mixture gastric flu mix 185 137 SCURVY Vitamin C deficiency, connective tissue weakness, bloody gums , eyes, immune deficiency, fatigue, bowels (colon, intetine) irregular. ] 186 137 VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY - SCURVY }

187 137 VERTEBRAE C4 sarcode $ ] 188 137 MUSCLE FACIAL TMJ SUPERFICIAL MASSETER sarcode $ ] 189 137 MUSCLE INFRASPINATUS sarcode $ ] 190 137 GENETIC DISEASE } DEDIC ] 191 137 ONION Food Extract (ALR) 192 137 SENSUALITY This imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supre ssion. 193 137 PRO-CARE (NV) For GH3-GH7 toxicity or overdose, has procaine, antiag ing effects. 194 137 CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM Purgative for parasites. \ * ] 195 137 ANTI-STRESS (NV) Combo remedy for excess stress improves the effects of stress about 15% to 20%. 196 137 NUCLEZYME FORTE Source of RNA and DNA. Use this product with emaciat ion, senility, loss of memory and brain trauma. BIOTICS E.N.B. 197 137 EL-ELOHA 12 Joyful conscious knowledge of what fear/bondage versus fre edom are. Grounding in your Light Body, free and multidimensional 198 137 PARANOIA Biological Warfare 199 137 NERVE SPINAL CERVICAL C1, C2, C3, C4, Nerves of the neck. N sarcode $ ] 200 136 MP X Mycoplasma Bacteria Formula / Monastery of Herbs @ 201 136 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDE DEPOSITION DISEASE Hurier's syndrome (gargoylism) , can result from excess exercise in the presence of food additive toxins. } 202 136 MYOBACTERIUM LEPRAE LEPROSY Likes acid, onset 1-30yr. lesions on coo ler skin, anesthesia of skin. @ ^ 203 136 KALI LATIFOLIA Astringent (shrinks mucous membranes), sedative, emot ional stagnation, and laziness. \ ] 204 136 AMBRA TON Extreme nervous hyper sensitiveness, great remedy for the aged, numbness, hysteria. 205 136 WISDOM TOOTH LOWER RIGHT TOOTH sarcode 206 136 7232;Narayani 64 BAD TEMPER MIX 200C Homeo mixture works on liver an d emotions. 207 136 LUTEINIZING HORMONE Promotes female characteristics, makes one feel sexy ] 208 136 HERKIMER DIAMOND Harvester or detoxifier stone, amplifies healing, i ncreases inner vision. crystal 209 136 BACH FLOWER CHESTNUT BUD Failure to learn from experience, can't lea rn life's lessons. (FE) 210 135 Glucosamine Sulfate / Promote Cartilage grouth-pain / Sunshine Tool Wo rks 211 135 SESAME 1/homeopathic formula for allergy/Monastery of Herbs 212 135 RADIX CURCUMEAE YU JIN Chinese herb, protects against liver cancer. \ 213 135 INTEST (INTESTINAL)/ formula for Intestinal Virus/Monastery of Herbs 214 135 ADRENAL PEPTIDE - E OPIOID PEPTIDE Ids adrenal concern, for emotion al repression. \ 215 135 NAT MUR Anaemia, leucocytosis, gout, intermittent fever, great debil ity, Addison's disease. 216 135 TRICHOSANTHIS RADIX Heavenly flower powder, cough (lung), thick sput um, induces abortions, emotional grief. \ ] 217 135 FAT HEN Pollen Extract (ALR) 218 135 XYLOCAINE Dental Materials Local Anesthetic dental isode 219 135 CISPLATIN Antineoplastic (anti tumor) agent. ALO ] 220 135 AMILORIDE Diuretic (kidney). ALO ] 221 135 MIASM-MZL (DR) Combo remedy for inherited disturbances caused by mea sles, dermatitis - measles miasm. @ #^* ] 222 135 P TV Trichomonas Parasite Formula /Monastery of Herbs * 223 135 FLECK'S dental isode 224 135 SPLEEN DISEASE } 225 135 HEROIN Acetomorphine, Diacetylmorphine, Diamorphine. Sensitivity, a llergy, past or present use, can id the reverse picture as a homeopathic. ]

226 135 (EP) ALOE-DOPHILUS Lactobacillus, acidophilus and bifidus with aloe vera. 227 135 DIROFILARIA IMMITIS Heart worm, can id intestinal (bowel, colon, int estine) parasites of various kinds or sources. * ] 228 135 CYTISUS SCOPARIUS Diuretic (kidney, bladder, urethra), emetic (induc es vomiting), emotional frustration and regret. \ ] 229 35 Linseed oil and gammalinolenic acid (GLA)/ Omega6 essential fatty acid s in highly absorbable microcell form/ Biocare UK 230 36 (FE) PUKIAWE Care and interest in oneself and the environment. 231 36 RENA DETOX: kidney cleanse formula/Monastery of Herbs 232 40 SEMBARUTHI HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS "Heart-tonic", atcs on glands, white discharge -- Sri Ramana Maharshi Natural Spagyric Remedies made for Duplicatio n 233 40 PANCREAS R-3/homeopatic formula allergy/APEX ENERGETICS 234 42 INFIRMARIUS CO. infi-tract 235 43 ENDOTOX N.11 Ligament endotoxins. GUNA s.r.l., MILANO ] 236 45 TUNA1/homeopathic formula for allergy/Monastery of Herbs 237 46 PERTAC dental isode( composite) 238 47 DEPOSITION DISEASE Accumulation of calcium from nutritional imbalanc e and cellular injury. } 239 47 OXYGEN Ids oxygenation disorder. mineral 240 47 COLD ZINC STOP Prevention or relief of cold symptoms, sore throats a nd stopping further infection. 241 47 JNT-A Vegitabs (Joint Support) / Pain, Inflammation, Swelling, Detox / Sunshine Tool Works 242 48 BIO IMMUNOZYME FORTE Support for the immune function. BIOTICS E.N.B. 243 48 GM327 XIANG FU & SHA REN Regulates digestive system, moves gastroint estinal (bowel, colon, intestine) qi, improves oily herb digestibility, add to a ny prescription that causes digestive upset. ] 244 48 GM408 DAN SHEN Invigorates the blood and breaks up blood stragnation , clears heat and calms the shen. 245 48 FERRUM / FERROUS PHOSPORICUM Tissue salt for fevers, inflammation, h eadaches, colds, less perspiration, mineral. ] 246 48 TONICUM For better vitality and energy. BIOTICS E.N.B. 247 49 BAPTISIA Fever. NETSMANN-Arzneimittel 248 49 NERVOUSNESS } 249 49 5006;Narayani 2 BLOOD 200C homeo mixture works on liver, spleen, ha emoglobin, eyes(optic nerve) nervous system, lung metabolism 250 49 NETTLE Pollen Extract (ALR) 251 49 WILLOW PUSSY Pollen Extract (ALR) 252 50 ALLERPOL Herbal allergies. BIOTICS E.N.B. 253 50 APIOL (4X) Phenol compound used for allergy desensitization. 254 50 DORSAL SEGMENTAL LEVELS Spine disorders $ } DEDIC ] 255 51 MANGANESE Labcatal oligo 256 51 LOTUS ESSENCE Spray for stress. 257 51 PCB Toxic element. 258 51 ATHLETE'S FOOT - TINEA PEDIS Fungal infection ^ } DEDIC ] 259 51 MUSCLE LATERAL ROTATORS OBTURATOR EXTERNUS sarcode $ ] 260 51 Zinc ascorbate/ Biocare UK 261 51 Pascofemin Tropf. Kidney diseased, prostata, endocrine system. PASCO E NATURMEDIZIN 262 51 Men's Formula / Prostate Support / Sunshine Tool Works 263 51 ROSE QUARTZ The love stone, strokes the heart to forgive, let's go o f stored anger, resentment, guilt. crystal 264 52 5034;Narayani OM 25 EYE - RETINA 30C Organo mixture ,cones,cranial n erve 2 (optic) , rods, retina , retinene. 265 52 TABES Wasting of tissue or organism. } 266 52 BRYONIA ALBA Dryness, pains > pressure, dry mucous membranes, irrit ability, thirst, physical weakness, delirium, right sided. 267 52 GM1156 LUI WEI DI HUANG WAN Generalized kidney weakness and kidney d

isease, demulcent febrifuge, anti inflammatory, improves renal function and flui d metabolism bidirectional hormone regulation. 268 53 CISTUS Glandular affections, herpetic eruptions, extreme sensitivity to cold, malignant diseases of the glands of the neck. # ] 269 53 GM412 JI XUE TENG Tonifies blood, opens up the channels and promotes blood circulation. 270 53 SOMAN Biological Warfare Variations 271 53 ZINC OROTATE Anti free radical, intervenes in syntheses of proteins (ADN, ARN). MINERAL 272 53 MAGNESIUM TAURATE Form of chelated magnesium. 273 53 COMPULSIVE This imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supre ssion. 274 53 VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY } 275 53 BIO CARDIO PAK Long-term support for the cardiovascular function. BI OTICS E.N.B. 276 53 ALPHA-1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY - ALVEOLAR-CAPILLARY BLOCK Lung } DE DIC ] 277 53 TESTANEX (K-17) Balancing cream, chrysin & bioflavonoids. APEX ENERG ETICS 278 53 CATAPLEX B12 Standard Process 279 53 OVEX Standard Process 280 53 Tiroxina (T4) D30 Endocrinology. GUNA s.r.l., MILANO 281 53 GM322 FU PING & ZI CHAO Red raised maculopapular rashes and other sk in deseases from hot blood. 282 53 BISMUTH Labcatal oligo 283 53 TASTE DISORDER } 284 53 NELSON ADRENAL REMEDY Ayurvedic 285 53 China Spl. Stomach, intestines (bowel, colon), pancreas, liver, gall bladder. PASCOE NATURMEDIZIN ] 286 53 LIME Pollen Extract (ALR) 287 53 CALCITE The balancer, benifits kidneys, pancreas, spleen, reduces fe ar + stress, balances male + female. crystal 288 54 TAMACAL Sedative. Natureplant - Ortomolecular Vitamin 289 54 ZIZYPHUS VULGARIS Jujube berries, irritability, heart, nutrient, for fevers, demulcent. \ ] 290 54 Elastin Chemotactic Fragment Ids connective tissue or skin disease. 291 54 3 M BOND Dental Materials Glues and Bonds dental isode 292 54 VIVRAMED VA Energetic treatment for agitation and nervousness, espec ially with intoxication. 293 54 NOTAKEHL Penicillium chrysogenum (fungus), instead of antibiotics, i nfections, by staphylococcus, streptococcus, like a probiotic, ear. ^ @ ] 294 54 L-ORNITHINE Rare amino acid found in bird urine, ids emotional link problem. 295 54 CRANIAL BONES FACIAL PALANTINE sarcode $ ] 296 54 SALVIA LYRATA Sage, Tuberculosis (TB) miasm, strengthens circulation , tonifies skin, good food. \ @ ] 297 54 Senna Combination / Laxative-Bile flow-peristalsis / Sunshine Tool Wor ks 298 54 LTGO / FLOWER ESSENCES SAMPLE SET / APEX ENERGETICS Anguish, fixed n egative ideas, stubborn, jealous, suspicious, selfish, restless. 299 54 SPENGLERSAN KOLLOID E 300 54 Cavity Occupied by Vitreous Humor Eye. sarcode 301 54 BLOOD, ASCROBIC ACID 302 54 HELIMOLAR Composite. dental isode ] 303 54 CHANNEL FLOW For opening channels/circulation, menstrual, abdominal & chronic pain due to blood stagnation. Health Concerns 304 55 Isoamylase Ids parotid or pancreatic disorder. Enzyme. ] 305 55 Vidya Lung balance Normalization of the lungs and its meridian in ba lance. 306 55 QI JU DI HUANG WAN All conditions of kidney and liver yin deficiency

. \ 307 55 Spruce Anti(infectious, inflammatory, spasmodic ) cortisone-like, disinfectant, tonic 308 55 Breast Implants general 309 55 ANIMAL DANGER S-14/homeopatic formula allergy/APEX ENERGETICS 310 55 WHITE PROCESSED WHEAT For making white bread for fast food restauran ts or home. 311 55 DRAIN DAMPNESS Clears dampness and water stagnation, diuretic (kidne y, bladder, urethra), diaphoretic (increase sweating), edema (dropsy), prostatic (prostate) hypertrophy. Health Concerns ] 312 55 CORYNEBACTERIUM ANAEROBES Eye infection risk or past that needs clea ring. D Nosode @ Eye disorders ] 313 55 GRIPFEKTAN Eucalyptus-comp., anti influenza drops. # ] 314 55 SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Respiratory (lung) viral pn eumonia from 2003, resistant to anti biotics, airborne. # ] 315 55 LIV-A Vegitabs (Liver Cleanse) / Liver, Gall bladder, Congestion, Infl ammation / Sunshine Tool Works 316 55 GRANULOMA PURULENT Growth of lymphoid epitheloid cells, from bacteri a or trauma. @ D Nosode ] 317 55 THREE IMMORTALS Tonifies qi, yang, yin & blood, for yin deficiency h eat, menopausal deficiencies, hot flashes. Health Concerns 318 55 (FE) CLEMATIS Enthusiasm, stability. 319 55 COCOA Digestion stimulant and for vitamin C toxicity, good food. \ 320 55 IMMUNE DEFICIENCY Congenital sex-linked, dysgammaglobulinaemia, Wisk ott-Aldrich, ataxia-telangiectasia, thymus defect, chronicmucocutaneous (skin) c andidiasis, respiratorytract (lung)infections.} ^] 321 55 PSEUDOMONAS Bacteria that attacks eyes and adrenals. @ ] 322 55 LONG DAN XIE GAN WAN Chinese herbal formula, tonifies liver & gallbl adder and unblocks feelings of rejection blocking health. ] \ 323 55 METHYL ETHYL KETONE solvent 324 55 IODINATED CONTRAST MEDIUM For x-ray studies, can interact with certa in drugs. ALO 325 56 GRAIN MILL DUST-OAT (ALR) Allergy sensitivity or toxic reaction, avo id and desensitize. 326 56 CALCIUM ASCORBATE Synthetic form of vitamin C. 327 56 UBIQUINONE ALL VITAMIN U Regulates energy, ids deficiency or regulat ory problem. 328 56 PARSLEY (ALR) For kidneys, supplies many nutrients. 329 56 EXAM Mg, K, B6, DLCarnitine, ATP, for concentration, intellectual (b rain). VITAMIN ] 330 0 Sarcode Organ of Dystruction Report 331 0 Chakra Report 332 100 = Crown 333 142 = Brow 334 110 = Throat 335 74 = Heart 336 76 = Stomach 337 115 = Spleen 338 73 = Base 339 0 Endocrine Sarcodes Report 340 99 = Brain 341 122 = Hypothalamus 342 122 = Pituitary 343 122 = Pineal 344 86 = Thyroid 345 102 = Parathyroid 346 104 = Thymus 347 100 = Heart 348 73 = Lung 349 62 = Stomach

350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409

72 110 82 89 107 134 79 0 138 100 102 118 99 110 96 89 82 62 0 105 143 112 94 59 107 89 62 82 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 93 144 58

= Pancreas = Gall Bladder = Liver = Spleen = Kidney = Adrenal = Gonads Immune Sarcodes Report = Emotion = Brain = Hypothalamus = Adenoids = Tonsils = Thymus = Bone Marrow = Liver = Spleen = Appendix Digestive/Alimentary Sarcodes Report = Brain = Foods = Oral = Autonomic Nerval System = Stomach = Small Intestine = Illeocecal Valve = Pancreas = Liver = Large Intestine Love Index: Traumas Detcted : Frustration Index: Physical Trauma: Neurotransmitter Concerns: Thymus =161 =157 =195 =130 =113 =96 =123 =119 =161 Rectified: =127 =129 =118 =169 =97 =137 =116 =122 =113 =158 =135 Emotion Report Rejection Agression Anger Anxiety

410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469

88 91 76 107 102 92 92 116 130 119 98 118 96 96 96 87 121 87 90 98 87 100 94 116 96 96 101 55 100 71 137 98 117 96 108 84 87 59 110 84 95 67 97 90 98 87 100 94 116 96 96 101 64 110 71 137 98 117 96 108

Awareness Sadness Guilt Autistic Denial Careless Delusion Depression Power Self Doubt Fear Confusion Hesitation Jealosy Joy Lust Greed ESP Psychic Pain Passivity Projection Rationalization Reckless Worry Abandoned Embaressed Betrayal Misunderstood Curiosity Awe Religous Conflict Identity Conflict Resistance To Change Nervous Laughter Enthusiasm Vaniety Bargaining Courage Shame Monotony Need to change Observant Antagonism Sensuality Spirituality Sexuality Addictive Judgemental Apathy Ecstasy Inadequacy Desire for things to be different Perfectionistic Hopeless despair Dominating Submissive Pride Resentment Shock

470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513

97 87 59 110 84 95 67 97 97 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Unaware Obsessive Compulsive Manic uncontrollable Impulsive Steadfast Loyal Easily Distracted Focus mind UnRealistic Frustration Elecroacupuncture autofocus therapy/Bioresonance Performed Today Meridians of major concern today are : Lung Ear. SmInt CirSex Acupuncture Points of concern today are : Meridian Energy Disturbances: Deficient Yang Unresolved Social Factor Blocks Qi Unresolved Spiritual Factor Blocks Qi Weak Kidney Qi Blockage in Lung Blockage in Ear. Blockage in SmInt Blockage in CirSex Regulatory Dysfunction in : Organ System Explore Risk Of : Degeneration Explore Risk Of : All Clear Impedance: 1880 Regulatory Dysfunction in : Organ System Explore Risk Of : All Clear Impedance: 1880 Reactance: 640 Phase Angle: 9 Organs Meridian flow effected Kidney 25 Kidney 15 Kidney 8 Kidney 19 000 000

DISCLAIMER This Device is a biofeedback Multimedia system. It is designed for stress detection or stress therapy. The device can not and does not diagnose any disease other than stress. The device measures reactivity to many homeopathics but these reactivity patterns are only pre diagnostic. Only a licensed diagnostician can diagnose a patient. This device is a tool for stress diagnosis and therapy. The reactivity probabilities of diseases listed by the device need to be confirmed by a licensed diagnostician. The device does not diagnose disease it lists reaction scores.

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