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Dummy tables for /QOC assessment

Table one: Assessed facilities by region and gender of health facility manager Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Two : Structure of MNCH/PMTCT services (Possibly a pie chart for national presentation) Region Number of facilities where ANC & PMTCT services provided in the same unit Yes No Number of facilities by gender of the manager Male Female

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Three: Structure of PMTCT services Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Number of facilities where 1st ANC visit is provided separate days from revisits Yes No

Tigray Total Table 4: Structure of PMTCT services Place of HIV testing Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Five: Structure of PMTCT services site for service provision of HIV-exposed infants Type of service DNA/PCR OI prophylaxis Follow up Site for service provision and follow up of HIV-exposed infants IMNCI Unit ARV/PMTCT Lab Pharmacy unit Place of HIV testing in the facility ANC unit Laboratory Both

Table Six: Service interruption Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia Number of days service interupted ANC PMTCT ARV Postnat al FP <5 Lab Pharma cy

SNNPR Tigray Total Table Seven: Proportion of facilities that ask clients to return another time to get services Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table eight: Main Reasons for sending away clients and asking them to return Region Reasons for sending Reason Reason2 1 Reason3 Reason4 Number of facilities that send away clients and ask them to come back for services Yes No

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Nine: Availability of nursing and midwifery staff Region 2mid wives =2midwive =1midwife s no midwives Number of facilities with 2clinical =2clinical nurses nurses =1clinical nurse no clinical nurses

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Ten: Availability of lab and pharmacy personnel Regio n 2pharm acy personnel Addis Ababa Amha ra Oromi a SNNP R Tigray Total Highest and lowest percentages of new ANC clients counseled and tested for HIV in the last quarter Highest and lowest percentages of new ANC clients counseled and tested for HIV and received test result in last quarter Highest and lowest HIV prevalence among new ANC clients counseled and tested for HIV =2 pharmacy personnel Number of facilities with =1 pharmacy personnel no pharmacy personnel 2 Laboratory personnel =2 Laboratory personnel =1 Laboratory personnel no Laboratory personnel

Quality of pretest education session , Consider quality by the type of health care provider Table Eleven: Good education and counseling skills


welco mes clients

explains purpose of session

uses visua l aids

Number of incidents where provider projects asks about key answer summariz group voice so all messages to confirm s es key education is clients can that clients questio points offered hear understand ns

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table twelve: Education content is appropriate Region expl ains what HIV is explai ns routs of transm ission and STIs explai ns Need for HIV testing of client inform ation Number of incidents where provider explains explai explain explains Meani Conce ns s Availability of ng of pt of Confid Importa services to positiv windo entialit nce of prevent e and w y of partner transmission negati period client testing from HIV +ve ve inform mother to results ation infant Importan ce of ANC follow up during pregnanc y Importan ce of institutio nal delivery Encoura ge postnata l follow up based on the national standard

A. Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Quality of FANC

Table Twelve: Quality of client waiting area Region designat clean ed waiting waiting area area 2 3 5 2 4 16 Number of facilities with functioning toilet water for the area sufficien available or ventilated washing hands protected from t seats educational improved pit is available sun and rain for material latrine clients 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 5 2 4 16 5 4 0 5 15 1 1 0 2 5 3 5 2 4 16 2 1 2 2 9 2 5 0 4 12

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table thirteen: Facilities with adequate examination/procedure room for (ANC) Region clean well maintained procedure room
2 4 5 3 5

well ventilated procedure room

visual privacy

Number of facilities with auditory privacy hand washing facility in side procedure/examination room
2 5 5 4 4 2 1 3 1 3

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray

2 5 5 5 5

2 4 1 3 3







Table Fourteen: Facilities with all necessary equipments to provide ANC Number of facilities with Regio n exa mina tion table
seat s for provi der and clien t 2 4 5 5 5 21 cupb oard for equip ment s and suppli es 1 4 4 1 5 15 pro per ligh t sou rce punctur e proof containe r for sharps contain er for contam inated waste functio nal sphyg moma nomet er adu lt stet hos cop e fetosc ope functio nal weighin g scale thermo meter tape to measu re fundal height cotto n swab s exam inatio n glove s dispos able needle s and syring s

Addis Ababa Amha ra Oromi a SNNP R Tigray Total

2 5 5 5 5 22

2 5 4 4 5 20

2 5 5 5 5 22

1 3 3 2 5 14

2 5 3 3 5 18

2 5 3 4 5 19

2 5 5 4 5 21

2 5 5 4 5 21

0 3 0 3 5 11

1 4 3 4 4 16

1 2 2 3 3 11

2 5 3 5 4 19

1 4 3 4 5 17

Table Fifteen: Facilities with available drugs and HIV test kits Region Number of facilities with Zidovudine
Number of facilities with AZT/3TC Number of facilities with Nevirapine Number of facilities with HIV test KHB Number of facilities with HIV test stat pack Number of facilities with HIV test Unigold

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

2 5 4 4 5 20

0 2 0 0 1 3

0 2 2 4 3 11

2 5 5 5 2 19

2 5 4 4 1 16

0 5 4 1 0 10

Table Fourteen: Facilities with expired drugs and test kits Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Number of facilities with Zidovudine
0 0 0 0 1 1 Number of facilities with AZT/3TC 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of facilities with Nevirapine 0 0 1 0 0 1 Number of facilities with HIV test KHB Number of facilities with HIV test stat pack Number of facilities with HIV test Unigold

0 0 1 2 1 4

0 0 1 3 0 4

0 0 1 0 0 1

Table Fifteen: Facilities with correct clinical records Region Number of facilities with ANC register
Numbe r of facilitie s with Number of facilities with ANC/LD/PNC cards

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

2 5 2 5 5 19

HMIS/P MTCT register 2 4 2 5 5 18

2 5 5 5 5 22

Table Sixteen: Facilities that cordially accept pregnant women Region Number of facilities with providers that explains to the greet woman and allow woman companion in the woman and her companion in room as her companion what cordial manner
choice 4 8 6 8 9 35 1 0 3 0 9 13 encourages client to ask questions responds to questions using easy to understand language for client 1 4 1 6 7 19 2 3 4 8 9 26 who invites client to bring the husband for next visit in case he is not present 4 8 6 5 7 30

she/he is going to do 2 7 1 4 9 23

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Seventeen: Facilities with providers that take proper patient history and records

Number of facilities with providers that


Asks about and records danger signs that the woman may have or has had.

Asks about and records previous pregnancies and births.

Asks about and records surgical, medical and family history.

Asks about and records any general health problems.

Asks about and records Full or partial TT immunization

Asks about and records Current medications and/or herbal treatments

Calculates/confirms gestational age and calculates EDD (first visit)

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

2 8 6 4 9 29

4 10 9 10 8 41

3 3 3 10 9 28

4 9 5 9 9 36

4 8 6 10 9 37

0 0 1 2 5 8

4 10 3 3 9 29

Table Eighteen: Facilities with providers that correctly perform physical examination
Number of facilities with providers that


Washes hands or uses alcohol cleanser

Measures pulse.

Measures blood pressure.

Checks conjunctiva and palms/nails for anemia

Checks clients weight

Screens client for TB

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Nineteen: Facilities with providers that correctly perform obstetric examination

Number of facilities with providers that


Measure fundal height

Determines fetal lie and presentation (after 36 weeks).

Listens to fetal heart rate (after 20 weeks).

Washes hands or uses alcohol cleanser.

Records all findings on the clients green card.

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Twenty: Facilities with providers that assist the woman and her companion to develop a birth plan
Number of facilities with providers that


Measure fundal height

Determines fetal lie and presentation (after 36 weeks).

Listens to fetal heart rate (after 20 weeks).

Washes hands or uses alcohol cleanser.

Records all findings on the clients green card.

Correctly describes danger signs & symptoms

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Twenty one: Facilities with providers that gives routine medications, supplies and counseling to the woman
Number of facilities with providers that

Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Prescribes sufficient iron tablets to be taken once daily until next visit

Counsels about eating nutritious food.

Gives TT based on womans need and according to protocol.

Provides insecticide treated net where malaria is endemic

Table Twenty one: Facilities where correct fee schedule is followed

Number of facilities where
client exempted from ANC fee and facility outpatient fee Does client receive free IFA Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Twenty two: Facilities with quality HIV test procedure Does client receive free ANC laboratory tests


HIV rapid algorithm followed according to guideline Number Number No yes

HIV rapid testing job available and visible Numb Number er yes No

Provider wears gloves during specimen collection and processing

Tests are performed as per the SOP or as instructed by the manufacturer

Numbe r yes

Numb er No

Number yes incorrect

Number Yes

Number NO

Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table twenty three: Facilities with quality HIV test procedure Region
Tests are performed as per the SOP or as instructed by the manufacturer HIV test result is read after recommended time period has elapsed and test failure, if any, is recorded Waste bag/bin for infectious material is used Sharp collection container is available and used and is not overflowing

Numbe Numb r er No yes

Number yes

Numb er No

Numb er yes

Numb er No

Number available but not

Numb er Yes

Numb er NO

Number available but not used

used Addis Ababa Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Twenty four: Facilities with quality HIV test procedure

Table twenty five: Quality of post test counseling

Number of facilities with



Addis Addis Ababa Ababa Amhara Amhara Oromia Oromia SNNPR SNNPR Tigray Tigray Total Total

Area is set Provide providers providers provid provide providers providers provide up so that s result that that Explains ers rs that that Counsels that rs that other simply Greets Explores available Explains on benefits of Counsels on Informs that people and client clients interventions to Explains need for exclusive positive living- on clearly with understandin reduce the risk WHO book containing daily testing results is available and upCD4 breast feeding stress importanc Laboratorycannot external quality assurance (EQAS) Register hear what and respect g and of MTCT and to-date testing and risks of reduction, e on clinical proceduresisare followed being shows reaction to explains and other mixed feeding good giving staging Number yes Number No the result Number No first 6 Number available buta not said client antiretroviral Number lab tests for the nutrition, rest, birth in her used prophylaxis yes months hygiene, health result ARVs facility

provide rs that

Table twenty five: Quality of post test counseling Region

providers that Explores
clients feelings about telling her partner and family members about her result

provider s that
Teaches client how to negotiate and refer partner for testing

providers that Asks

questions to confirm that client understands

provide rs that
Counsels on future FP options

Number of facilities with providers provider providers that s that that Provides
Assess ART eligibility or refer to ART clinic Provides ARV prophylaxi s if client is eligible information on PLWHA support groups and other resources available, including mother support groups

providers that assures

client that support will be available throughout her life in all possible means

provide rs that
Summari zes key points

provide rs that
Offers condoms

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table twenty six: Quality of post test counseling
Number of facilities with providers that

Region A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Completes client record

Completes registers

Completes referral forms to nearest ART center

Quality of Essential Obstetric care

Table Twenty seven: Facilities with designated COMFORTABLE AND SAFE area FOR Labor and delivery
Number of facilities with the area for L & Dthat

Region A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Has a window that opens or room is ventilated

Is warm

Is clean

Has good light (functioning electric light & window)

Has a delivery table

Has screens or curtains to ensure privacy of women as necessary

Accessible, working bathroom available for women during the first and second stage of labor

Has a sink with running water and soap

Table Twenty seven: Facilities with appropriate equipments in the L&D area
Number of facilities with the area for L & D that


Functional Sphygmomanome ter

Stethosco pe



Working and filled oxygen tank (both must be true to score Yes)

3 delivery sets

At least one delivery set is sterile at the time of assessment

Sterile suture kit

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table twenty eight: Facilities with appropriate equipments in the L&D area
Number of facilities with the area for L & D that


Forceps or vacuum extractor

Ambubag with sterile mask

Neonatal mask, size 0 and 1.

Sterile clamp or thread to tie umbilical cord

Functional scale for weighing the newborn

Cloths or sufficient gauze to dry, wrap baby and clean mouth

2 cloths (to dry baby and to wrap baby

Sterile gauze to wipe infants mouth

Functionin g wall clock

Unexpired HIV kits (KHB and Stat Pak) for point of care testing

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Twenty Nine: Facilities with appropriate supplies in the L&D area
contains Number of facilities with the area for L & D that
Examinatio n gloves Suture materials Cotton swabs and antiseptic solution (1) povidine iodine,2) savlon or 3) alcohol) Disposable syringes and needles

Region A.Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray

Sterile gloves


Table Thirty: Facilities with appropriate infection prevention materials in the L&D area
contains Number of facilities with the area for L & D that
Contain ers for 0.5% chlorine solution for gloves and instrum ents Bucket with lid for immersin g dirty linens in water with detergent Sharps container (must be in the L&D room) Waste bins/bucket for contaminate d waste and placenta Cloth for wiping tables/surfaces with chlorine solution Ask how staff prepares disinfectant solution Functional sterilizing equipment


Individua l hand towels for drying hands for each staff member

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Thirty: Facilities with appropriate medications for provision of routine care in the L&D area
Number of facilities with the area for L & D that contains


Uterotonic medication for AMTSL and treatment of PPH (Oxytocin, Misoprostol and/or




Pediatric formulation/ NVP

Pediatric formulatio n/AZT

Magnesium sulphate


Antihypertensive medication (such as Nifedipine or Hydralazine)

Lidoc aine

IV fluids and sets

Tetracycline eye ointment for newborn


A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Thirty one: Facilities with appropriate area for post natal care in the L&D area
Number of facilities with the area for L & D that contains

Region A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

a maternity or postnatal ward


clean and wellmaintained

have good light

Has adequate and clean and functional toilet areas for women

Has clean water available for hand washing and bathing

Table Thirty one: Facilities with appropriate equipments for post natal care in the L&D area
Number of facilities with the area for L & D that contains


Functional sphygmomanometer

Stethoscop e

Clinical thermometer

Working oxygen tank or in central supply in or near the area

Examination gloves

A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Thirty two: Facilities with that Dispose waste according to national guideline
Number of facilities with

Region A.Abab a Amhar a Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Placenta pit

Functional incinerator for infectious waste

Table Thirty one: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities with providers that

Region Addis Ababa Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Greets client and companion in a cordial manner

Responds to her immediate needs (thirst, hunger, cold/hot, need to urinate, etc.).

Table Thirty one: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities with providers that
Asks the woman about her labor Performs HIV test if status unknown or over 3 months since testing Other general medical problems Use of medic ations Her HIV status Her partner s HIV status Estima ted date of deliver y (EDD) or last menstr ual period When the painfu l regula r contra ctions began How frequentl y they are occurring If her membran es ruptured: when, what color and what smell it had Whether she feels the babys movements Records the information on clinical history chart.




Number of previous pregnan cies/birt hs

Any complications during labor and postpartum period

A.A Amhar a Oromia SNNPR

Tigray Total Table Thirty one: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities with providers that
In labor and delivery rooms


Ensures privacy with a screen or curtain to separate the woman from others at least during examinatio n

Washes hands with running water and soap for 1015 seconds and dries with an individual clean towel or allows hands to air dry.

Takes temperature

Take s puls e

Measu res blood pressu re

Deter mines respir atory rate

Measu res fundal height

Determines fetal lie and presentation

Identifies degree of engagemen t by abdominal palpation (from five to zero fingers above the pubis)

Evaluat es uterine contracti ons (frequen cy and duration over a 10minute period)

Auscultates fetal heart rate (FHR)

For HIV +ve client not on ART, gives ARV prophyla xis

A.A Amhar a Oromi a SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Two: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities with providers that In labor and delivery rooms


Puts sterile gloves on both hands

Carefully inserts two fingers of the exam hand

Assesses cervical dilatation

Assesses molding

Assesses station of presentin g part

Asses ses positi on

Gloves are removed after being immersed in 0.5% chlorine solution and placed in a leakproof container

Washes hands with running water and soap for 10 15 seconds and dries with an individual clean towel or allows hands to air dry

Records all informat ion on the clinical records

Evaluat es uterine contracti ons (frequen cy and duration over a 10minute period)

Auscultates fetal heart rate (FHR)

For HIV +ve client not on ART, gives ARV prophyla xis

A.A Amhar a Oromi a SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Three: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities with providers that In labor and delivery rooms


Records partograph information consistently

Records partograp h informati on completel y

Cleanses the vulva with an antiseptic solution before performing vaginal examination

Uses HLD or sterile gloves when performing vaginal examination or when in contact with body fluids

Performs limited vaginal examination (e.g., every four hours or as indicated)

Rupture of membrane s is not performed routinely

Has the delivery pack and other essential materials available and ready to assist the delivery

Prior to delivery, washes hands with running water and soap for 1015 seconds and dries with an individual clean towel or allows hands to air dry

Puts sterile gloves on both hands

A.A Amhar a Oromi a SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Three: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery
Number of facilities In labor and delivery rooms with providers that


Holds the baby by the trunk and places the baby on a clean dry towel on the mothers abdomen

Dries baby vigorously and changes wet towel for a clean dry one

Cuts/clamps the umbilical cord using sterile scissors under gauze to prevent blood spurting

If the baby is breathing normally, passes the baby to mother for skin-to-skin contact on breast

If the baby does not begin breathing or is breathing with difficulty, initiates resuscitation

Notes time of birth and records on partograph

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Four: Facilities that provide quality care at the time of labor and delivery

Number of facilities with providers that manage third stage of labor actively


Palpates the mothers abdomen to rule-out the presence of a second baby

Tells the woman that she will receive an injection and administers 10 IU of oxytocin IM or 600 mcg mispoprostol PO within minute

Places the other hand on the womans symphysi s pubis (over the sterile towel)

Maintains firm traction on the cord and waits for the uterus to contract

Upon contraction, applies firm and sustained downward traction on the cord with counter traction above the pubis to guard the uterus, until the placenta is expelled

If this maneuver does not provide immediate results, stops applying traction, holding the cord and clamp until the next contraction

Repeats controlled cord traction during contraction while simultaneously applying counter traction above pubis to guard uterus

With both hands, assists in the expulsion of the placenta by turning it over in the hands without applying traction twisting the membranes

Massages the uterus with one hand on a sterile cloth over the abdomen until it contracts firmly

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Five: Facilities with providers that adequately perform postnatal care

Number of facilities with providers that


Checks to see whether the placenta is complete (maternal and fetal sides, plus membranes)

Makes sure that the woman is comfortable (clean, hydrated and warmly covered)

Ensures that the baby is well covered, is with the mother and has started breastfeeding

For HIV exposed infants, administers ARVs as per protocol

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Five: Facilities with providers that properly disposes of the used instruments and medical waste after assisting the birth.
Number of facilities with providers that in the labor or delivery


Discards the placenta in a leakproof container with a plastic liner

Disposes of medical waste (gauze, etc.) in a plastic container with a plastic liner

Puts the soiled linen in a leakproof container

Places all reusable instrume nts in a 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes

Disposes needle and syringe in a puncture-resistance container, without removing, recapping or breaking the needle

Gloves are removed after being immersed in 0.5% chlorine solution and placed in a leakproof container

Washes hands with running water and soap for 1015 seconds and dries with an individual clean towel or allows hands to air dry

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Five: Facilities with providers that closely monitors the woman and newborn for at least six hours after the birth
Number of facilities with providers that
Monitors the woman appropriately postpartum, checking Monitors the woman and newborn during the early postpartu m period Babys breathing, condition and breastfeed ing Assists the woman with breastfe eding Asks the woman if she has urinated and encourages her to do so whenever she wishes Records the information on the womans clinical record and reports any abnormalitie s For HIV+ women, Discusses issues of infant feeding, postpartum family planning, care of the HIV exposed infant and plans for follow-up


Uterine contraction

Vaginal bleeding

Bladder distension



Conscio usness

A.A Amhar a Oromi a SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty Fsix: Facilities with The pharmacy has the essential drugs for MNCH care
Number of facilities with providers that in the labor or delivery rooms


IFA or ferrous gluconat e tablets

Tetanu s toxoid for injectio n

Polio 0


Vitamin A

Vitamin K

Tetracycline eye ointment/ne wborn

Oxytoci n

Ergo metr ine

Miso prost ol

IV and IM MgSO4

IV Dia zep am

IV Hydra lazine

Nifedi pine

Paren teral antibi otics. List availa ble with their expiry dates:

IV fluid. List IV fluids availa ble and their expiry dates

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Thirty seven: Facilities with The pharmacy has the essential drugs for MNCH care
Number of facilities with providers that in the labor or delivery rooms


Nevirapine tablets


Zidovudine tablets (AZT)

Lamivudi ne tablets (3TC)

Fixed dose Combinat ion (AZT/3T C/NVP)

Pediatric formulation/NVP

Pediatric formulation/AZT

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Thirty eight: Facilities with quality care for HIV exposed infants
Number of facilities with providers that in the labor or delivery rooms

Region A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Initiate appropriate record for infants

the infant alive

current age of child recorded

Table Thirty nine: Facilities with quality care for HIV exposed infants

Number of facilities with providers that


infant receiv ed appro priate ARV proph ylaxis at birth

guardi an pick up/take home supply of NVP and AZT

infan t recei ve BCG vacci ne at birth

Did infant receiv e Polio 0 vacci ne at birth

infant exclusi vely breast fed for first 6 months

infant have DBS for PCR before 6 months

infant have DBS test after stopping breast feeding

Ag e of infa nt

did infant have serolog ic testing at 18 months

If infant is >6 weeks, did infant receive Cotrim at 6 weeks

dose of Cotri m corre ct for age of infan t

infant have a physic al exam at each visit

infants growth monitor ed at last visit

mother counse lled on breast feeding at last visit

infant received EPI vaccinati ons accordin g to his/her age and national schedule

If infant/ child was lost to follow -up, was action taken to find child

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

Table Forty: Facilities with quality client record

Number of facilities with appropriate FANC information record for women who received care in

the last 6 months Region

EDD Pt history record ed BP at eac h visit Weig ht at each visit Abdomin al exam and foetal heart after 20 weeks Foetal positio n record ed at each visit after 36 weeks HIV test and result recorde d TT give n acco rding to natio nal proto col Dewormin g medica tion in 3rd trimest er IFA or Ferro us gluco nate (or sulph ate) tablet s given Lab tests done and results recorded ITN for mala ria prev entio n if ende mic area Stool for ova and para sites Birth prepar edness and danger sign recogni tion counse lling given

Hemo globin or hemat ocrit

Urin e for prote inuri a

Blood Type and RH factor

Syphilis serology

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Forty One : Facilities with quality client record
Number of facilities with


CD4 result recorded

client started on ARVs according to national guidelines

Did client receive referral for care, treatment and support

Was client lost to follow-up

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Forty Two: Facilities with quality client record

Number of facilities with the following care components recorded


client receive counselin g and testing for HIV if status unknown

client have a partograp h correctly complete d

complications (such as PE/E or obstructed labor) appropriately managed or referred

client receive 1) oxytocin or 2) misoprostol for PPH prevention? (Enter the appropriate number for the drug given in the Y column

feeding option for newborn recorded

HIV +ve client, did she receive postpartum ARV

client receive postpartum family planning counseling

mothers status recorded? (I.e. alive or dead)

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total Table Forty Three: Facilities with quality client record
Number of facilities with the following care components recorded


APGAR score

Baby mother bonding

birth outcome (Alive, dead, stillbirth)

infant receive ARV according to national protocol

eye care

BCG vaccine

Polio 0

mothers status recorded? (I.e. alive or dead)

Vit K

birth weight

A.A Amhara Oromia SNNPR Tigray Total

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