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A world without Satan My mother asked me today: what next?

What if the Florida Judge takes my 'case against Satan' seriously and pursues it fervently to its logical conclusion: putting legal restrictions on the behavior of Satan here on Earth? What next? The first step in solving a problem / fighting a battle / curing an addiction /.. is awareness. Ask yourself the question: what if inimical spiritual forces never messed with humanity? Would WWII even happen? Would Hitler had still made lampshades out of Jewish skin? Vivisected others? Gassed the rest? Would the Roman emperor Caligula still have performed his sick sex acts on innocent Roman civilians? Would Christ have been tempted in the desert? Mandy, my Bahai friend, does not believe in the Devil. She thinks all evil is traceable to human origins. But I think that is nave at best. Imagine if America pretended there is no al-Qaeda, imagine how dangerous for Americans that would be. We would be destroyed. And so it is for Satan. We must recognize Satan and other inimical spiritual forces. Then, for lack of a better expression, we must use the Holy Spirit to determine Satanic influence in our own lives.. We must attempt to understand what is simple selfishness and what is Satanic influence. We must be aware thru the Holy Spirit. Only in this way can we know for sure what is Satanic influence and what is not.. Then we can decide accordingly.. As I told mom: I'm not trying to blame all evil on Satan far from it. But many things are inspired by him: the Standard Model in physics and basically anything that pulls us away from God on grand social scales. Anything that resembles exploitation or domination is generally inspired by Satan not God .. We make perhaps 1000s of small decisions each day.. 1000s.. We don't realize it but it's true. When to actually get out of bed, which side to get out from, which side to brush our teeth from, how to squeeze the toothpaste,.. We make 1000s of small inconsequential decisions each day. But it's the decisions that involve others' lives that Satan cares about.. That's when he pounces. Whether or not to give that homeless person money or a smile or perhaps a reassuring hug.. I'm guilty of not performing that small miracle many times. How many lives could I have changed by a simple hug. What an idiot I truly am. Yes it's pathetically easy to give attention to a 'goddess' at the pool.. But what about a hug for a homeless person? Am I justified in my fear of mites, fleas, or other pests transferrable? I'm guessing not. Perhaps my greatest fear is that they will ask me for money if I offer a hug. But I have repeatedly been 'strong enough' (normally I have about three dollars in my wallet at any time) to say I don't have any money to give you. What I should follow that up with is: Will you take a hug instead? Love is a miracle in our lives. As I've told you repeatedly, just by Kristie and Dakota listening to me, they showed me love. A genuine hug 'from the heart' shows love, care, compassion,.. Are we all so stingy about our love? For idiotic fears of mites and stink? Of that 'dreaded question' we could be subjected to regardless of our interactions? Can I have some money? Is that it? When we give into fear or mistrust, we let Satan dominate us.. When we assume the worst, we let Satan dominate us.. Rather, give in to LOVE; give in to the Holy Spirit,.. Give in to God's love..

Note: it's a historical fact Hitler dabbled in the occult. He was fascinated with 'instruments of spiritual power' such as the: spear of destiny, holy grail, and other items. He believed, if he could possess these historical instruments, he would win the war. This is a historical fact. There is also rumors of perverse 'rape machines' he might have used on virgins to 'extract power' or other fantastical energy. The movie Hell Boy is closer to reality than most people realize. Hitler is just one clear example of Satanic influence; when you desire Satanic power, you open your life and heart to Satan .. Caligula was another clear example. He had bizarre (to say the least) sexual tastes. He preferred to watch human mutants have sex rather than 'normal' people. He would encourage and perform bizarre sexual rituals on unwilling normal Roman citizens. He would encourage bestiality (sex with animals). He was one sick _uck. He also clearly was heavily influence by Satan. How did he die? The Roman Imperial Guard, charged to protect the emperor's life, disemboweled him on the very steps of the Senate (check this fact please). That's the least he deserved. For his sins against Roman citizenry, he deserved far worse. If I was leader of the Roman Imperial Guard, I would have crucified him and encouraged ravens to pick at his eyes and flesh. That is what Caligula deserved .. Sure Caligula and Hitler were both sick men but that does not excuse what they did. Nor does it deny Satanic influence. When you pray to Satan for power, you open your life and heart to Satanic influence. I myself was very curious about the 'reality' of the occult when I was young.. I was also curious about Merlin and what 'magic' is. It took me time but I've determined, from personal experiences, that what we call magic is actually human psychic gifts combined with some form of spiritual energy.. I've not made a science of it that is for future generations to determine. But there is most certainly 'something' more than meets the eye about our reality. You can label them anything you want.. The force, spiritual energy, psychic powers,.. It almost doesn't matter what you call them. It's what you do with power that matters. And so I ask you one final time: what will you do with your power?

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