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United Ushers Sermon Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meeting called to order @ 6:30pm Opened in prayer by our new Chair - Brother Reginald Jordan. In Attendance: Reginald Jordan Chair - Progressive Men / Wanda Harris Co-Chair - Progressive Ladies / Deaconess Trilbi L. Knight New Life Ushers / Stanley Cutchins Senior Men / Ernest Myrick Progressive Men / Taft H. Watson Progressive Men / Deacon Ernesto Green Senior Men / Assistant Chief Usher / Shirley McLaurin Senior Ladies Charles Yarbarough Progressive Men / Deborah Tucker Barrow Senior Ladies / Barbara Huart Progressive Ladies / Milton Matthews Progressive Men / Minnie Davis Senior Ladies / Ellis Coleman Senior Men / Kihani Brea New Life Ushers/Junior Ushers / Dr. Bert Petersen - Senior Men / Patricia Hepburn Senior Ladies / Harriett V. Harrison True Spirit / Ronald Whitehurst Senior Men Welcome: Our new Chair/Co-Chair Brother R. Jordan and Sister W. Harris welcomed all who was present and thanked all as well. Stated that they are looking forward to working with us all. First order of business - The meeting will officially be moved to Thursdays instead of current day (Tuesday) Minutes of the Meeting: The minutes were tabled from the last meeting. Sister Lisa White wasnt in attendance. Roll Call: Done by Sister McCall all ministries are represented.

Continued Minutes of the Meeting February 28, 2012 Monthly Outside Sermons correspondence read by Sister McCall Accepted - March 4, 2012 @ 3:30 pm Sharon Baptist Church 827 Forest Avenue Bronx, New York Motion made by Milton Mathews, seconded by Stanley Cutchins Accepted - March 25, 2012 @ 3:30 pm Greater Victory Baptist Church 376 East 156th Street Bronx, New York Motion made by Dr. Bert Peterson, seconded by Ellis Coleman Accepted - April 1, 2012 @ 3:30 pm Community Church of Astoria 14-42 Broadway Astoria, Queens Motion made by Dr. Bert Peterson, seconded by Deborah Tucker Barrow Accepted - April 1, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Bethany Baptist Church 303 West 153rd Street New York, New York Motion made by Deborah Tucker Barrow, seconded by Milton Matthews Accepted - April 8, 2012 @ 3:30 pm LaGree Baptist Church 362 West 125th Street New York, New York Motion made by Barbara Huart, seconded by Taft H. Watson Accepted April 15, 2012 @ 7:00 pm White Rock Baptist Church 152 West 127th Street New York, New York Motion made by Kihani Brea, seconded by Taft H. Watson Accepted May 6, 2012 @ 3:30 pm (Duty Ushers / Deborah T. Barrow Presider of their Anniversary) Charity Baptist Church 1701 Townsend Avenue 2

Bronx, New York Motion made by Stanley Cutchins, seconded by Barbara Huart

Continued Minutes of the Meeting February 28, 2012 Declined May 27, 2012 @ 3:30pm St. Paul Community Baptist Church 249 West 132nd Street New York, New York Motion made by Kihani Brea, seconded by Taft H. Watson Accepted June 3, 2012 @ 3:30 pm Union Baptist Church 420 West 145th Street New York, New York Motion made by Taft H. Watson, seconded by Patricia Hepburn *Clarity needed for the following and tabled til our next meeting: May 20, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Church on the Hill African Methodist Comments made of accepted sermons as follows: Deaconess Trilbi L. Knight suggested that those of us making the motion that we accept needs to be the individual going to represent the body. Dr. Bert Peterson also noted that if that individual is unable to attend voted sermon that he/she finds someone to go in their place. Deborah Tucker Barrow stated that we need to go out to the sermons more. Barbara Huart suggested that each ministry develop a team to go out to the agreed sermons. Milton Matthews also shared that it is important for us all to participate. New Business: Sister E. McCall / gave to Deaconess T. Knight to be read to the committee Declined: May 30, 2012 @ 6:00 pm 35th Annual King & Queen celebration of the United Ushers Benevolent League 321 Convent Avenue New York, New York As a committee it was agreed that we will give a donation of $25.00 from each ushering ministry, totaling $ 150.00 dollars. As suggested from long standing members, we would do just this instead of full participation 3

Continued Minutes of the Meeting February 28, 2012 New Business Continued: United Ushers Benevolent League 97th Annual Sermon March 18, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Mount Calvary Baptist Church 321 West 142nd Street New York, New York Rev.Roberts Pastor The league is requesting that all members and attendees be there at 6:30pm. Also to give $ 20.00 donation per church Deborah clarified donation amount. Stanley Cutchins made motion, Dr. Bert Peterson seconded. Sermon Committees: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Program: - Deborah T. Barrow / Deaconess Trilbi L. Knight Letters need to be sent out to our guest and the persons for the program Host/Hostess: - Kihani Brea and 6 others needed from each ministry Flowers Harriett Harrison Food Committee Taft Watson, Minnie Davis & Stanley Cutchins Memorial Sister McCall each ministry to give the name/s to her, Barbara Huart agreed to do her poem as always Drill Mistress/Matron & Music Dr. Bert Peterson & Milton Matthews Inactive Ushers Deborah T. Barrow reminded Chair of the inclusion of them / tabled til next meeting

Financial Report: Deborah Tucker Barrow introduced herself to new chairs. Report will be give shortly on which ministries owe/collected on outside sermons. Each ministry is responsible to give $5.00 per each accepted sermon. That would be $ 30.00 given to that church when we go out to the service. 4

In the past we would hold fundraisers but not any longer. Each ministry has envelopes to collect the money and give to the trustees to tally. Usher outside support us. Trustees Willie Moore is our liaison trustee. He is to get all the envelopes tally them and divide them. Deborah needs to confirm amount collected from last year. Old Business: Deborah Tucker Barrow will give each ministry their balance owed by Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Continued Minutes of the Meeting February 28, 2012 Good and Welfare: Senior Ladies: Liza Lee please continue to keep in prayer as well as the entire ministry Senior Men: Deacon Marche as he and Deaconess Marche mourn the loss of her Dad Deacon Johnson home from surgery recuperating Dr. Bert Peterson having back problems/synosis of the spine Greg please keep in continued prayer still morning the death of his son Progressive Ladies: Barbara Huart prayer for procedures and personnel matters Progressive Men: Please continue to keep the entire ministry in prayer New Life Ushers: Deaconess Trilbi L. Knight is returning to school in September. Asking to keep her and family in prayer as she under goes this transition. Keep the entire ministry in prayer. True Spirit: Harriett Harrison is asking for prayer for her mother in law Mrs. Ollie Mae Harrison and her sister in law Mrs. Mable Harrison Lamb. As well as the entire ministry in prayer. 5

Manna Ushers: Stanley Cutchins & Milton Matthews put out a plea for more ushers. Last week on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 there were 500 people in attendance for the service. Harriett Harrison appealed to email all the need. Kihani Brea appealed to recruit more for the Manna Service. Stanley Cutchins re-training with Minnie Davis on Saturday.Junior Ushers: Kihani Brea asking for prayers for the junior ushers as well as more adult participation with them. Helped is needed to assist them during their service involve them. They serve upstairs on 5th Sundays. The ages range from 8 years old to 13 years of age. Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 22, 2012 @ 6:30pm. Meeting adjourned @ 8:15pm Minnie Davis Chaplain closed us in prayer. Respectfully submitted by Deaconess Trilbi L. Knight

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