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Interpretation of Results Familiarization with the basic electrical measuring instrument was the main objective of the experiment.

The laboratory exercise was divided into three parts, wherein the first and second part has an aim of determination of the characteristics of an analog ammeter and analog voltmeter. The last part, on the other hand, aims to know how to read measurements of the basic electrical measuring devices, and compare the result using the relationship of current, voltage and resistance, as well. Given the sufficient material, input resistance of the analog ammeter, RT was determined. This was done by connecting the VOM into the ammeter. It was connected by attaching the positive lead to the positive side and negative lead to the ground side of the VOM. Referring to page 3 of the manual, the measured input resistance of the analog ammeter was found out to be ______. The value measured signifies that resistance is present in the ammeter itself, however low in magnitude to prevent significant alteration of the current measurement, and voltage drop. Meanwhile, upon flow of the current in the ammeter, there is a corresponding voltage of ______ (V=IR) that causes the device full scale deflection analogous with the current applied. This movement was used and calibrated to be a sensing mechanism for current measurements. By mechanism, an analog ammeter has DArsonval type of meter movement. When the current passes through the coils of the electromagnet, magnetic field is produced that opposes the field of the permanent magnet, thus, causing torque or rotation of the core. This core is restrained by springs so that needle (point pin) will deflect in proportion with the current magnitude (See Figure 1, Appendices).

Meanwhile, initial determination of input resistance, RT of the analog voltmeter was done. Using the VOM, high resistance was obtained. It is because it avoids appreciable effect on the current or voltage associated with the measured circuit. If the resistance is too low, false reading would result because the meter changing the circuit by lowering the resistance, which increases the current flow in a circuit. The voltage reading in the meter was used (I=V/R) to determine the corresponding current that would cause total deflection.

The voltmeter sensitivity, or conductance is the reciprocal of the meters internal resistance. Thus, it tells how ease a current can flow through the voltmeter. In the experiment, conductance measured was a very low value, which reveals that it has very high resistance, a manifestation of a good voltmeter. Finally, application of the use of analog and digital meter was done in a prepared circuit connection as shown in Figure 2, Appendices. Using resistors with different resistance magnitude, current was measured at nearly constant voltage value of around 20 V for 10 trials. The ammeter was connected in series in order to measure the flowing current through the circuit. It was in series because as mentioned earlier, ammeter is low in resistance in nature. Thus, if ammeter is put in parallel with other circuit elements, the overall resistance will become very much low, and thus, short circuit may occur. On the other hand, VOM was connected in parallel to the circuit to measure the voltage, or potential difference. Since voltmeters measures potential difference between two points, so it should be connected to these same two points, if and only if it is connected in parallel. When the meter probes are placed at the two points, a minimal portion of the current flowing in the circuit will go to the meter that will give the reading. Naturally, voltmeters have high resistances, in order to have the least amount of current to go through it, in order not to alter the magnitude of original current flowing. In Table 1 (p. 6), it can be observed that by using high resistance resistor, a low current flow magnitude can be obtained. This is true according to Ohms Law, where current is inversely proportional to resistance ( ). The accuracy of the data obtained reflects on how proper or right, the measuring instrument was used. Nearly accurate data was attained where resistance measured apparently deviates with the measured current and voltage by 1-1.5% by average. Conclusion Through the experiment, the characteristics and use of common electrical measuring instruments, such as analog ammeter, voltmeter and VOM was determined. Proper connections of these units were learned. It was found out that ammeters must be connected in series and alternately, voltmeter must be connected in parallel. Analog ammeters have the DArsonval type of meter movement wherein rotation of pin is proportional to the current flowing through it. Also, it was learned that ammeters and voltmeters have low and high resistances, respectively. This is to prevent the alteration or inaccuracy in the reading. On the other hand, voltmeter sensitivity was found to be analogous to conductance, which is the magnitude of the ease of current to flow whereby it was determined that voltmeters have very low conductance. Finally, by the application of the entire learning, a circuit connection was made wherein resistances measured was compared to the resulting resistances using the current, voltage and resistance relation, V=IR. From the result, it was obtained that the resistors used were in good condition because resistance from two methods are statistically similar.

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