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Why are Children and Schools Failing?

Introduction The study is related to Why are Children and Schools Failing which is discussed in context of brain based learning. It is important to know the reason of above statement as it helps in understanding the development process of the children and the effect of learning process on the children. Moreover, it also helps in understanding the performance of schooling system which is an important and vital aspect of the society as the future of the children depends upon it.

Discussion The study seeks to answer the question in the context of brain based learning that is why children are and schools are failing? This is a very broad question which cannot be resolved in a context. There are several reasons why children fail to learn. There is a neurological learning disabilities and psychological disorders, social pressures and distractions, study habits, malnutrition, lack of sleep, and alcohol and drugs. In the context of brain based learning, the first thing to look at motivation. Why do not the students motivated to learn? What can we do as teachers to help motivate the children? Understanding the brain based learning and use it in a program will help us to reach all students in the class not only to a select few. We have a tradition that is defining the teaching of the last hundred years. The definition, which is not limited to K- 12 extends through college. Many students do not know they have the right to ask for something other than what is given. For the most part they are the product of years of experience in schools where they were basically told to Sit Down, Shut up, listen and learn from that experience has taught us that the teacher is the source of all knowledge and

learning is something magically injected into them at a certain point, without their awareness. They rejected that voodoo education then, and reject him again. In context of brain based learning, the search for meaning is an innate show that by this is meant that naturally we are programmed to search for meaning. This principle is aimed at survival. The brains needs what is familiar and automatically records and at the same time seek to respond to additional stimuli. What does this mean for education? This means that the learning environment should provide stability and familiarity. It is also necessary to provide the satisfaction of the appetite for novelty, discovery, and challenge. At the same time, lessons need to be exciting, meaningful, and provide students with multiple options. Moreover, the brain is a parallel processor; the thoughts, insights, biases, and emotions operate simultaneously and interact with other appropriate information. Appropriate education takes this into account. That is why we talk about the teacher as an orchestrator of learning. In addition to this, learner, whether in elementary school, high school or college has needs which are not fulfilled. They want their needs to be met. They want teachers who recognize and treat them like human beings; teachers who care for them, not just their test scores. Children want to learn the different techniques that fit their learning style. They want to be in an environment where they can learn from their peers. They want a clear and complete. In addition to this, children want the opportunity to answer their questions. The study, based on brain based learning, which focuses in particular on why children and schools are failing, the study's research focuses on experimentation and learning based bipartite that most of them. Every normal person is born with a brain that functions as a processor for learning, because the brain based learning is another way that teachers can learn how students learn. This article provides information on what is brain based learning, and the

requirements for the brain compatible learning, which emerged from research on the brain. The three instructional techniques associated with brain based learning and the brain based educational learning effects will be explained. In addition, information will be transmitted, such as brain based learning improves the test results. This research study proposes learning based on human brain function, Neuroconfigurador Learning Theory, which in turn forms the basis for a new pedagogical model, emerging and relevant to the third millennium, the model Configurational pedagogy. It addresses various contemporary issues through problematizing questions and a set of issues through problem question that allow the reader from the simple reading of the index to trouble your brain, which is precisely the main study object of this work. The research study that is brain based learning which particularly focuses on why are children and schools failing, analyzes, among others, the following questions: How to stimulate cognitive processes and configurations? How to stimulate the development and shaping of thought and human intelligence? How does the configuration of human emotions in cognitive development? How to address intellectual attitudes and the will of man? How do you train and changed the mind and the human brain? It is important for, why are children and schools failing are important for answer as it helps in answering the following: How to stimulate the cognitive processes, thought, intelligence, and create new networks and neuronal communication circuits? How does human affectivity in cognitive development? What is the impact of affective and cognitive processes in human behavior?

How to address intellectual attitudes and the will of man? How to modify the brain from mental training? The brain based learning comes from research that the brain uses strategies that come

from sound principles. The brain based learning is defined by three words: commitment, strategy and rules. This means that the brain learns is designed to learn. The ultimate goal of brain based education is to bring knowledge of brain research in education to improve student learning and help teachers teach effectively. What teachers do is to use brain research, which is known as neuro science. Neuro scientific probe the phone model of development in different areas of the brain and brain imaging techniques, which in turn, including functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron analyzes omission that allow researchers to examine the causes and factors that influence attitudes or behaviors of students and teachers.

Conclusion After the above discussion, it can be concluded that Why are Children and Schools Failing? is important concept as it shows the learning abilities of the children and reflects the effectiveness of schools. Therefore, it can be said that learning process of students get affected by various factors as it is important that good environment should be provided to the students so that their mental ability or the situation keeps balanced which will divert them towards the learning process.

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