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FAQ: ION Enterprise 6.

0 on Windows 7 64bit Install Workaround

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ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 64bit Install Workaround

Applicable to Product Range(s) : ION Enterprise V6.0
Document Number: RESL204127 First Published: 09 Dec 2010 Original Author: MT Last Edited: 05 Mar 2011 by DM Public

Provide feedback on this article Question ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 64bit Install Workaround

Revision: 2.0

Answer The following details how to install ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 Enterprise x64. This
document is a workaround solution since Windows 7 64 bit is not officially supported by ION Enterprise 6.0.

Checklist before installing ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 Enterprise x64 1. Ensure IIS 7 is installed properly to work with Reporting Services. a. Start menu -> Control Panels -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off Find & expand the IIS folder. Ensure that everything under every subfolder is checked. Checking a collapsed folder doesnt select everything underneath it like it used to; you actually have to expand every single subfolder, and check all items manually. There are many different individual components of IIS that are required by Reporting Services, and others required by ION Enterprise. I have found that it is safest to just install everything, which still has a small footprint. b. Ensure that both 32- and 64-bit versions of ASP.NET are registered for use in IIS. Open a command prompt and run the command %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_ regiis.exe -i c. Ensure IIS is configured in 64-bit mode in preparation for installing Reporting Services x64. In the command prompt, run cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 0 d. Verify installation. Open a web browser and type //localhost in the address bar and hit Enter. You should see the IIS 7 welcome page. 2. Install SQL 2005 x64 + Reporting Services a. Run Setup b. You will get a Program Compatibility Assistant warning, click Run Program c. EULA may come up behind other windows, you will have to find it d. Click Server Components etc. e. Confirm System Configuration Check passes everything f. Components to Install: SQL Server Database Services, Reporting Services, Workstation components g. Service Account: Use the built-in System account, Local System. Check SQL Agent under Start Services at the end of setup h. Authentication Mode: Mixed Mode. Sa password: leave blank, or use default ION!Everywhere, or choose your own & carefully keep track of it. i. Report Server Installation Options: Install the default configuration j. When installing last step, Workstation Components, Program Compatibility Assistant will pop up for Visual Studio 2005. Click Run Program. k. Finished. Next >> Finish. 3. Install Service Pack 3 for SQL 2005 x64 Install off of CD if you have it, or from internet.

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FAQ: ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 64bit Install Workaround

a. Authentication: left defaults, Apply selection to all instances, Windows Authentication, listed were Database Services & Reporting Services b. Running Processes: if you dont want a reboot, shut down the services listed (MSSQL, SQLAgent, SQLBrowser, ReportServer services) & Refresh & Next >> c. Program Compatibility Assistant pops up for Visual Studio 2005. Click Run Program. d. Leave Launch the User Provisioning Tool checked. BEFORE clicking Finish, restart the services you stopped in step b. e. Add sysadmin privileges for desired users. Click OK when done. f. Logged in to SQL Server Management Studio to verify authentication & check out permissions. Server name may be blank in login screen, type in full SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME and log in with Windows Authentication. g. In the left-hand pane, Security->Logins, right-click BUILTIN\Administrators -> Properties, Server Roles, verify that sysadmin is checked. 4. Extra configuration steps for Reporting Services Test if the Reporting Services websites are functional. a. Right-click on Internet Explorer, click Run as administrator b. Navigate to //localhost/reportserver$<sqlinstancename>, i.e. if you named your SQL 2005 instance in step 2 ION then navigate to //localhost/ReportServer$ ION. Supply admin credentials when prompted. You will see either: 1. A plain Reporting Services directory listing, empty, no errors. 2. HTTP Error 403.1 Forbidden If you see this error, follow these steps: 1. In IIS, select the ReportServer$ION node in the left-hand pane. In the IIS area in the middle pane, double-click Handler Mappings. 2. Select StaticFile. In the Actions pane on the right, click Edit Feature Permissions. 3. Check Script. Click OK. 4. Refresh browser. You should now see the error-free directory listing. c. Navigate to //localhost/Reports$ION. Supply admin credentials when prompted. After the above steps, it should display error-free SQL Server Reporting Services Home with no items yet. 5. Extra configuration steps for Web Reporter Now 32-bit app support has to be Enabled in all IIS Application Pools except ReportServer$ION. This is because Web Reporter & WebReach are 32-bit apps, and need to use these App Pools. a. In IIS, highlight Application Pools in the left-hand pane. In the middle pane, highlight Classic .NET AppPool. In the Actions pane on the right, click Advanced Settings. b. Double-click Enable 32-bit Applications to change it to True. Click OK. c. Repeat for DefaultAppPool. 6. Install ION-E 6.0 As per Commissioning Guide. The installer will pop up a warning that this is not a supported OS, but you can click Continue. When installing the Microsoft SQL Server Management Objects Collection, a reboot may be required. The installation will continue after the reboot and complete without errors. 7. Verify Web Reporter functionality These are typical tasks you can do to test if the Web Reporter install was successful. a. Run a System Configuration report. b. File->Save it. c. File->Manage, choose the saved report, and create a Subscription for it. d. Hook up a device with on-board logged data in Management Console. e. Creating a Network Diagram in Vista and save it. Navigate to the device and verify real-time data coming from it. Use the DataLog Viewers to see when data starts being logged in the database. f. In Web Reporter, test out some other reports on the devices data Tabular, Trend, Energy Cost. Document Change History

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Date and Initials Comments

10/7/2011 3:56:34 PM

FAQ: ION Enterprise 6.0 on Windows 7 64bit Install Workaround 20111-03-04 DRM * Re-published to public

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