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FECHA: 13/03/2012

Is an ethnonym used in the Hebrew Bible? It is mostly taken as synonymous with the Israelites , especially in the pre- monarchic period when they were silent nomadic , but in some instances it may also be used in a contrary sense, referring to the groups known as Hair or Shahs on the eve of The Bronze Age collapse . By the Roman era, Greek Hebraisms could refer to the Jews in general, but more specifically to the Jews living in Judea. In early Christianity, the Greek term refers to Jewish Christians, as opposed to the Gentile Christians (Acts 6:1).

The origin of the term remains uncertain. The biblical word Irvin (Hebrew : ), meaning to traverse or pass over, is

usually rendered as Hebrew into English, from the ancient Greek and Latin Hebrews. In the plural it is Irvin, or Irbid. In Genesis 10:21, Shem, the elder brother of Japheth and first son to Noah is referred by to as the father of the sons of Ever which may have a similar meaning. Some authors believe Hebrew / Irbid denotes the descendants of the biblical patriarch Ever (Hebrew ), son of Selah, a great grandson of Noah and ancestor of Abraham at, hence the occasional Anglicization Emeritus . The term has not been found in biblical or extra-biblical sources for any tribe or nation other than Abraham and his descendants.

Some argue that the name "Hebrew" is related to the name of the seminomadic Hair people, who are recorded in Egyptian inscriptions of the 13th and 12th centuries BCE as having settled in Egypt. This is rebutted by others who propose that the Hebrew is mentioned in these Egyptian texts as Shahs.

Debate in the Bible there are numerous references to Hebrews, but the exact scope of the references is the subject of some. For example, Abram is referred by the

Hebrew as to once (i.e. Irvin). (Genesis 14:13) The Hebrew term OCCURS both as a name given to the Children of Israel by other peoples, and one used to refer to them. For example, Joseph says he came from the "land of the Hebrews" in Genesis 40:15, but that may be using terminology familiar to which is to Egyptian. YHWH the God of Israel, that uses the description "God of the Hebrews" when instructing Moses on how to address Pharaoh in Exodus 3:18, but that may be a reference to the terminology of the Egyptians for the Israelites. The term is also used in Exodus 1:16-19 first by the Egyptian Pharaoh addressing two Hebrews, and then by the Hebrews in reply, but at 2:11 and 2:13 the term is used in the same passages that refer to the Children of Israel. The term is also used in a general sense in Exodus 21:2, Deuteronomy 15:12 and Jeremiah 34:9 to refer directly to the Children of Israel. Jonah calls himself a Hebrew in Jonah 1:9.

Israelites are defined as the descendants of Jacob, son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham. boar , to ancestor of Jacob (six generations removed), is a distant ancestor of many people, including the Israelites, Ishmaelites , Edits , Moabites , Ammonites , Midianites and perhaps even Amalekites . Among historical scholars, there is some

disagreement about the relationship between the Hebrews and Israelites. The terms "Hebrews" and "Israelites" usually describe the same people, called Hebrews before the Conquest of the Land of Canaan and Israelites afterwards.

By the Roman period, "Hebrews" could be used to designate the Jews, who use the Hebrew language. The Epistle to the Hebrews was probably written for Jewish Christians. In some modern languages, including Armenian, Greek, Italian, Romanian, and many Slavic languages , the name Hebrews survives as the standard ethnonym for Jews, but modern in many other languages # in which there exist both terms, it is considered derogatory to call Jews "Hebrews". Among Certain left-wing or liberal circles of Judaic cultural lineage, the word "Hebrew" is used as in secular Alternatively description of the Jewish people (egg, Bernard Alisha 's The Hebrew Republic or left-wing wishes for a "Hebrew-Arab "joint cultural republican state ).

Beginning in the late 19th century, the term "Hebrew" became popular among secular Zionists, in this context the word alluded to the transformation of the Jews into a strong, independent, self-confident secular national group ("The New Jew") sought by classical Zionism. This use died out after the establishment of the state of Israel, when "Hebrew" was replaced with "Jew" or "Israeli". At the fringes of Zionist thought, the Canaanites, who were radically opposed to Judaism, drew a sharp distinction between "Jews" and "Hebrew".

The Hebrew language is a member of the larger group of Canaanite languages within Northwest Semitic. The language has been known as "Hebrew" in English since the 11th century, from Old French Debreu, in turn from Latin Hebrews and Greek Hebraisms, ultimately a loan from late Old Aramaic Ephraim, the native term in Roman Judea for the Jews. Since the Hebrew Bible makes a point of marking the Canaanites peoples as set apart from the Israelites, the extent of the distinction between the culture of the

Canaanites and the Israelites is a matter of debate touching on modern religious sensibilities. It has been argued that the Israelites were Canaanites Themselves, and that "historical Israel", as distinct from "literary" or "Biblical Israel" was a subset of Canaanite culture. It is also known that the Israelites and later subdivision of Israelites known as the Judeans spoke Hebrew as their main language and it is still used in Jewish Holy Scriptures, study, speech and prayer.

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