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SHIFTING- Shifting is short fo shapeshifting.

There are many forms of shifting and, with it, many

interpretations of what shifting is, exactly. To me, it's like the merging of the body and the soul,
whether it's spiritual and/or physical.

MORPHING- Morphing is a form of shapeshifting in which one's form chnages shape quickly,
fluidly, and with ease, but the shift is void of feeling. The shifter feels no sensations while the
transformation takes place.

PHENOTYPE- A person's phenotype is considered the animal form their body assumes when
they shift. It can be any animal, a tiger, fox, bear, dolphin, eagle, or whatever. It doesn't always
pertain to wolves exclusively. Wolves are just the most common. It's also not too uncommon for a
person to have more than one phenotype. I, for example have two, the Timberwolf and the Red

SHIFTERS- A shifter, as you may have already gathered, is a person who can shapeshift. Calling
a shifter a "Were" also works because it can be short for werewolf or, weretiger, werefox,
werecoyote, or whatever their particular phenotype is. It's that general and for that reason some
shifters may prefer to be called "Weres". Like being called a shifter, it implies only that they have
the ability to change their shape, usually into an animal form.

There are three main types of shifters: Lycanthropes, Therianthropes, and Polymorphs. Of course
there are others, but to keep things simple I've narrowed it down to these main three...

LYCANTHROPES- Also known as werewolves, are people who have the ability to shift into their
wolf phenotype. They can become a full-fledged four-legged wolf, or a werewolf.

THERIANTHROPES- Therianthropy covers all animal forms, including wolves, so technically a

lycanthrope can also be considered a Therianthrope. However, since Lycanthropy specifically
deals with wolves, Therianthropes are generally thought of as people who transform themselves
into other animal forms. Therianthropes include the weretigers, werefoxes, werebears, and so on
and so forth.

POLYMORPHS- The difference between a Polymorph and the other two types os shifters is that
Polymorphs not only have many phenotypes, but they can appear as a mixed hybrid of all their
phenotypes combined into one. An example of a polymorph would be a person who could shift
into a creature that is part human, tiger, and eagle. A weretiger with wings perhaps... Mmm,
wouldn't that be something?

TYPES OF SHIFTS- Okay, now what I'm going to do here is use my lycanthropy to help me
explain the different forms of shifting. Just keep in mind that the following can apply to any one of
the many phenotype, not just wolves.

SENSE SHIFTING- Sense Shifting can occur with any of the other shifts or it can happen all by
itself. It's simply a heightening of the senses.

WILD SHIFTING- Wild shifts occur when a shifter lets go and a more wild, primal instinct takes
over. A lot of what happens while in this state usually happens involuntarily and the shifter may
have trouble holding back a growl or any other animal like urges. It can grow so intense at times
that the shifter may even feel might have to hold back a real physical transformation. Any shift
where there's an amount of control given up or lost to the "wild" instinct within is considered a wild

DREAM SHIFTING- A Dream Shift occurs when a lycanthrope becomes a wolf or werewolf in
their dreams. The change is often involuntary, which means "it just happens". Lycanthropes
usually have less control over what they do in this form of shifting because, unlike Lucid Dream
Shifting, they are unaware that they are dreaming. A Dream Shift still happens in a normal dream,
the only exception is that the dreamer can shapeshift.

LUCID DREAM SHIFTING- The difference between Lucid Dream Shifting and Dream Shifting is
that with Lucid Dream Shifting the lycanthrope is aware that they are dreaming and therefor the
change is usually voluntary. They know that they ae dreaming and shapeshift by true will and
desire. As with regular lucid dreams, Lucid Dream Shifting experiences are just as vivid, sensual,
and very realistic, the closest thing you can get to a Physical Shift.

PHYSICAL SHIFTING- Physical Shifting occurs when the lycanthrope's real and physical body
actually undergoes the transformation from human to wolf, or werewolf, the state somewhere

ASTRAL SHIFTING- An Astral Shift occurs when a lycanthrope enters a spiritual trance, travels
out of body to the astral plane, and shifts there. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between
Lucid Dream Shifts and Astral Shifts, lucid dreams being just as real, but Astral Shifts are
sometimes associated with "psychic" experinces as well, such as : dream sharing, telepathy,
clairovoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. Astral Shifts are also said to be more spiritual in

MENTAL SHIFTING- Mental Shifting, as the name implies, deals with the mentality of a
lycanthrope. This, of course, varies from person to person, but there seems to be a common
thread. The most common is an ability that I too have experienced. It is the ability to shut out all
human sapience, that constant dialogue playing in our heads, human thought. Then, our senses
becomes acutely heightened. It's a lot like what the Army calls "Condition Orange", only our
instincts and reactions are more lupine.

Mental Shifting deals also with any shift that is felt but does not physically happen. A Phantom
Shift (Described below) is one such shift.

PHANTOM SHIFTING- This form of shifting is usually associated with Mental Shifting, but is more
specific as it deals only with the sensation of shifting or the feeling of being their phenotype. For
example, the shifter may feel like they have fur and the feeling is so real, so intense that they
have to check just to be sure they not P-Shifting! However, there will of course be no fur. This is
where the term "Phantom Tail" or "Phantom Muzzle" comes from. It's a Mental Shift in which the
feeling is there, but the transformation and/or the attributes of the phenotype cannot be physically

AURA SHIFTING- Aura shifting consists of shaping one's aura. It's mainly done by instinct, but it
can be shaped by will. It often happens when the shifter finds themself in a dangerous
environment. They'll shift, looking very much the same but their soul has changed shape, for
added protection. Much like how auras have different colors, it can be shaped into an
anthropomorphic shape as well.

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