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Smart Grid

Luther Dow Quanta Technology, LLC, August 5, 2008

What is A Smart Grid?

Smart Grid is a vision for electric utilities where:
Utilities and consumers will accrue values through the convergence of power delivery and information technologies to achieve improved reliability, reduced O&M and capital costs, maximum utilization of DER, and increased customer satisfaction. satisfaction

Applied to Distribution, Transmission, Generation and customer sectors by leveraging computer and communications infrastructure and technologies Not a set of shrink-wrapped solutions; the set and scope are unique to each utility, i the context of traditional i h ili in h f di i l capacity engineering and planning

2008 Quanta Technology, Inc.

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Translated into Results

Improved reliability I d li bilit
More visibility to the transmission and distribution system

Intelligent Electronic Devices ( g (IEDs), AMI meters, Phasor ), , Measurement Units (PMUs) State estimators
More local intelligence and control of the system

Communications infrastructure (e.g., Peer-to-Peer) Ability to communicate/interoperate devices y p Improved condition-based maintenance Optimal utilization of infrastructure capacity Improved usage of DER, storage & renewable forming microgrids Utilization of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Plug in Interface with Home Area Networks (HAN)
2008 Quanta Technology, Inc. Page 3

Enterprise IT Integration
Cu st. In forma tio n Syste m Bil li ng / Settl eme nt Syste ms W ork Ord er M an ag eme n t & In ve ntor y Eng in ee rin g a nd Op era tion s Outag e Man ag em en t System Lo ad R ese arch Mar keti ng Ser vice s

U til ity Ente rpri se L AN /W AN S che du le Acc ou nt Mete r C on n ect / Meter Ou tag e / R es torati on Tamp er Servi ce

Infor ma tion Inte rfa ce s

Da ta C olle ction S ys tem

M AS C omm unica tions S er ve rs

Se cure Inte r ne t Telephone, C ellula r, BP L Other f ut ur e WA N Options

M ete ring & C omm unic at ions for E le ctr icity , Wa ter & Gas

Re sidentia l / C& I Fix e d N etwor ks

2008 Quanta Technology, Inc.

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Smart Grid Business Case

Highly critical step Smart Grid seems to be technology-driven, but what gy , value can both a utility and society accrue is the focus Factors to be considered
What Smart Grid applications exist and are still needed? What is the scope and benefit of each Smart Grid application? Which Smart G id applications are b Whi h S t Grid li ti beneficial and applicable? fi i l d li bl ? What are the barriers to implementation? What combinations of technologies should be used? How many legacy system resources can be used? What are the ultimate costs and benefits of implementation?

2008 Quanta Technology, Inc.

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The Smart Grid of The Future1

20th Century Grid
Electromechanical One-way communications (if any) Built for centralized generation Radial topology Few sensors Manual restoration Prone to failures and blackouts Scheduled equipment maintenance Limited control over power flows Not much sustainability concern Limited price information Digital Two-way communications Integrates distributed generation & renewables and supports electric vehicles or hybrids Network topology; bidirectional power flow Monitors and sensors throughout; High visibility Semi-automated restoration & decision-support systems, and, eventually, self-healing Adaptive protection and islanding Condition-based maintenance Pervasive control systems; state estimator Sustainability and Global Warming concern Full price information to customers RTP, CPP, etc.

21st Century Smart Grid

1 Modified from the Emerging Smart Grid: Investment And Entrepreneurial Potential in the Electric Power Grid of the Future, Global Environment Fund, October 2005

2008 Quanta Technology, Inc.

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Thank You

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