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Amazing Cure for Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis with Natural Remedies

Individuals above 40 years of age are likely to get affected by Diverticulitis, one of the very common colon diseases. The incidence of this disease in America alone is estimated to affect nearly 75% of the population. Prior to the 19th century, this was a rare condition but has now spread like a wild fire due to various processed food stuffs and junk foods that have gained entry in to our lifestyle. Even today, this condition is very uncommon in Eastern countries as they seldom consume processed foods. Thus, we can easily come to a conclusion that unhealthy diet leads to this health condition.


1. Diverticulitis - An Overview 2. Signs and Symptoms 3. Diagnosis 4. How to Prevent Diverticulitis Attack 5. Complications that arise out of Diverticulitis 6. The Diet Plan that Cures Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis 7. How Stress Plays a Crucial Role 8. Simple Life Style Change as Diverticulitis Cure 9. Why Proper Colon Cleansing is Crucial 10. Treatment Options 11. Natural Remedies

Diverticulitis - An Overview

When tiny particles gain entry in to the pouches created inside the colon, it gives rise to Diverticulitis. Normally, the pouches otherwise known as Diverticula are created due to the weakness of the colon. Colon becomes weak when the digestive system is unable to break down unhealthy food that has been consumed. As a result you will be required to apply pressure continuously to pass stools, making the colon weak and creating pouches in its weak spots. The condition in which diverticula is formed is known as diverticulosis. Diverticulitis is one of those common health conditions observed post industrialization and due to the basic alteration of eating habits that has included processed food in the routine diet. This health problem has emerged especially in Western parts of the globe, beginning in America after milling grains have become a common phenomenon since milling removes the much needed fiber content from the grains. As a result the diet since the starting of the 20th century is consumed without any fiber content by Americans and others living in the western countries.

Diverticulois leads to the health condition called Diverticulitis as you grow with age, especially when you are above 60 yrs of age. No wonder, it is common among 50% of persons who are more than 60 yrs old, leading to the formation of tiny pouches inside intestinal tracks. Most often, the affected persons who have diverticula dont even know or feel that they are having them. Only when diverticula gets infected or inflamed they feel abdominal pain. It has been found out that only few persons with diverticulosis get diverticula and most often they are of mild nature that can be well treated by making a simple diet change or giving them rest. However serious cases might need to undergo surgery to treat it.

Signs and Symptoms

Diverticulosis otherwise called as Diverticular disease occurs in nearly 50 out of 100 persons in America prior to their 60-year mark. Once they have reached 60 years the possibility of getting this disease becomes cent percent. Very few blessed ones might not experience the symptoms exhibited by diverticulitis. Tiny pockets known as diverticula formed inside the wall of the colon is termed as Diverticulosis and the same pockets after getting infected or inflamed are known as Diverticulitis. Most of the persons having diverticular condition might not experience any symptoms of diverticulitis as they might be in the conditions (diverticulosis) inactive phase. But then, if the affected individuals having diverticulitis are in the active phase, then they might feel any of the symptoms given below.

Some of the common Diverticulities symptoms include Diarrhea or free flowing and loose bowels, cramps or stomach pain, constipation the stools become hard, dry and small happening 3 times a week, abdominal bloating, steatorrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, distention and flatulence, Dysuria (painful urination), Pyuiria (white blood cells or pus found in urine), and Polyuria (increased urination). Cramps and stomach pain is very common form of diverticulitis symptoms that is hard to be assessed based on the severity of the pain. For instance, a very serious condition might be causing a slight pain while a mild condition might be causing more pain. When experiencing abdominal bloating, the abdomen seems to be full and tight while vomiting expels liquid and food from the stomach. Steatorrhea is nothing but release of more fatty substance via stools, where the stools might be light colored, bulky yet float in water. When the divertiucla is infected or inflamed it might result in nausea, excessive gas passing and bloating of the abdomen. Pyuiria, Polyuria, and Dysuria normally occurs when the ureters or bladder is irritated due to the inflammation of diverticula. Diverticulitis symptoms and their severity greatly depends on the severity of the infection and inflammation. But then, if you go through the above listed symptoms of diverticulitis, it is advised to see your family physician without getting satisfied with self-diagnosis. Sometime the symptoms can point fingers towards other disorders of the gastro intestinal tract. Under normal circumstances, a liquid diet and antibiotics might be prescribed till diverticula is void of any inflammation. But, there also various precise diet plans that can aid in lowering the flare ups.


Diverticulitis can be easily detected in the course of an acute abdominal attack; otherwise it can be misdiagnosed for other intestinal condition. A gastroenterologist will need to perform the following steps before a diagnosis is established: When you experience an acute abdominal attack, it results in easy detection of diverticulitis or else it can be mislead towards any other condition of the intestines. Before coming to a conclusion, a gastroenterologist will have to carry out the following steps to establish the fact whether or not you have diverticulitis. First the abdomen region should be examined to find out if there is any swelling or tenderness, then a test should be carried out to know the white blood cell count in order to find out the infections signs. Finally, a imaging test most often a CT scan should be done for confirming the existence of digestive tract pouches.

How to Prevent Diverticulitis Attack

Mayo Clinic, worlds well-known treatment center has differed from a long time myth that persons affected from diverticulitis should consume a special kind of a diet to overcome it. According to them, put a ceiling on the consumption of particular food stuffs might not be of any help in lowering the intensity or frequency of the attacks caused by diverticulitis. As an alternative, persons affected by diverticulitis can drink more fluids like water to hydrate the system and eat a diet rich in fiber, facilitating the bowels exude stools easily. Some of the food stuffs rich in fiber content includes seeds, nuts, breads incorporated with seeds and nuts and so on. Mayo Clinic school of thought is agreed by UCSF (The University of California, San Francisco) and has even altered their diet suggestions for their diverticulitis patients. Moreover, they stress the significance of fiber rich diet, recommend and encourage their patients to eat a minimum of 25-30gms of fiber each and every day. They even recommend their patients to drink at least 8 cups of liquid each day aimed towards having the colon well-lubricated and to make stools soft eliminating irritation happening to the digestive system that is already inflamed.

Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis are not the same: When compared to Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis is a more serious problem. Since both the names sound similar, there are more chances of mistaking the two conditions as one. Symptoms exhibited by Diverticulosis are slightly milder than the symptoms exhibited by diverticulitis. Most frequently, bloating, constipation, and intestinal wind symptoms are similar to the commonly known gas attack of the intestines. But it should be kept in mind that, these mild symptoms are not seen in persons suffering from diverticulosis. According to the reports of NDDIC or The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, persons suffering form diverticulosis might not experience any of the symptoms discussed above in common.

Inspite of displaying varied symptoms, both these digestive related problems can be taken care of using exercise and diet. Unlike diverticulitis, diverticulosis does not produce fever, severe pain and nausea, lot of sufferers stay ignorant about their health condition till it has reached its crescendo of becoming diverticulitis or diverticula disease. Hypothetically speaking diverticulosis can be treated or slowed down, preventing it becoming diverticulitis. But sufferers seldom approach their doctor for treating themselves as the symptoms are very mild in nature. The Exercise Factor: Even leading medical institutions such as USCF and Mayo Clinic are of the view that high liquid and high fiber consumption alone might not be enough to put off the attacks caused by diverticulitis. According to recent findings, habitual exercise has also proved to aid the smooth functioning of the digestive system preventing the occurrence of constipation that can aggravate pain caused due to diverticulitis attacks. Habitual exercise need not have to be very dynamic or complex, just a simple walking exercise done for five days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes is enough to maintain a good health of the intestines. Prior to the start of an exercise regimen, it is recommended that the affected persons have a one-to-one talk with their doctors to find out which exercise pattern would work well for the individuals weight loss, fitness objectives, and health requirements. During Attacks: According to the information of USCF, the attacks of diverticulitis would persist to crop up till the exercise regimen and high fiber diet takes it effect on it. To assist sufferers steer through these kinds of hardships, the University of California, San Francisco advices them to first start off with a fluid diet till their concerned doctors ask to change over to a soft, bland food diet plan. Fluid diet comprises of clear fruit juices sans fruit pulp, broth, herbal tea, water, gelatin and frozen treats (water-based), or popsicles. Since the bowels have underwent a harsh strain, it is better to stay away from high fiber diet till the doctor advises to take so. Under normal circumstances, it would take 2-5 days time for the sufficient recovery of the bowels for it to start get accustomed to high fiber diet once again. Till such time patients can consume eggs, cooked vegetables, pasta made out of white flour or eggs, and diary products that belong to the bland, soft food category containing small amounts of fiber in them. Till date the reasons for the occurrence and cause of diverticulosis and diverticulitis are not known well, but you can always manage their symptoms effectively through hydrating fluids and high fiber diet. Sufferers can eat seeds, nuts, popcorn or corn or food products made using similar ingredients to cope up with their much needed 25-30 grams of fiber in their diet daily. Apart from this, sufferers should also have to undergo regular workouts in order to sustain smooth functioning of the bowels and to avert constipation.

Complications that arise out of Diverticulitis

The terms Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis can be a bit confusing to any laymen. Even though both these health conditions are associated with each other closely, they possess different set of characteristics, exhibit different symptoms, and are treated differently. Diverticulosis is a simple, benign condition that is caused due to diveticula, tiny pouches seen inside the walls of the intestines while Diverticulitis is caused due to the infection or inflammation of the Diverticula and can be acute or chronic depending on the severity of the condition. This article is written to throw light on these conditions so that they could be understood well.

Symptoms displayed by Diverticulitis are of a bit serious nature that is normally misunderstood for the pain caused by appendicitis. The only difference is the pains region of origin which varies from one time to another. The reason for this is can be due to small abscess found in one or more intestinal wall pouches, huge infection that has started to spread or contracted and due to puncture found in the bowel region. Infection or punctures classically settles down if it is a chronic condition but can reappear any time without vanishing completely. Bowel obstruction is common when diverticulitis is inflamed and symptoms displayed during such time comprises of constipation, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, stools eased in the form of thin sheets, and diarrhea. The condition can become worse and might lead to severe complications if it is not treated or unseen. No wonder, chronic diverticulitis has to be considered as serious problem and needs to be treated as early as possible. Various problems can arise out of this condition. For instance, Peritonitis can be formed if absceses grow all over the diverticula that has got infected and if it had pierced through the intestinal wall. Since Periotonitis is a life-threatening condition, it has to be treated right away, without any delay. In certain patients, blemishes can happen which in turn resulting in instestinal stricture or blockage. Even if a single small patch of infection or diverticulum is formed, it should not be considered lightly as diverticulum can spread the infection to the organ nearby via a connecting fistula formation. When any main organs of the body get attacked, it is natural that the whole system will feel the damage. Perilous connection normally forms between the large intestine and bladder that in turn resulting in infection spreading over to the kidneys situated near them.

The Diet Plan that Cures Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis

Diet plan for a person suffering from diverticulitis depends on the conditions rigorousness. Attack caused by diverticulits can be a light, severe, or mild but the diet plan should be devised not only based on the present health condition of the patient but also based on his previous health condition or record. Most often, a right diet will be recommended by a medical practitioner. Very few percentage of sufferers condition worsens to become diverticulitis from diverticulosis. When the large intestines wall consists of small pouches, the condition is called as Diverticulosis and when such pouches get infected because of the of particles entrancing through it, it becomes Diverticulitis. Most sufferers would suffer from diverticulitis, that can be treated well by following a diet lower in fiber content, more rest, and antibiotics use. Only in rare and severe case sufferers might require hospitalization and might even be required to undergo surgery for lowering the severity of the condition.

Persons suffering from diverticulitis, need to consume a diet that has liquid or less fiber in them. See the below given options: Such persons can drink vegetable juice excluding prune juice, eat diary products, meat and egg that are cooked to perfection, cooked vegetables including carrots, eggplant, carrots and so on, plain cereals, and fruits such as watermelon, peaches, grapes, banana and many more as advised by your family physician.

When the above diet is followed properly the attack caused by diverticulitis will slow down, improving health in just few days time. After sometime the fiber intake can be slowly and steadily enhanced along with more fluid intake. Such a diet plan will not only help the pressured exerted over the color, but also will guard it from any future problems caused by diverticulitis. Generally, some of the food stuffs that need to be avoided include all junk food items like pizzas, burgers, spicy food, fried foods, refined food items such as white rice, white flour and so on, corn and corn related products, all types of processed foods, pumpkin, raisins and sesame seeds. The main reason for avoiding the above foods is that they are not easily digested by the digestive organs. Patients after getting cured can tend to continue to eat the food stuffs they ate previously. Actually, it will invite the attack of diverticulitis once again. Hence, it is better to alter the unhealthy diet plan and eating habits to stay healthy for the rest of their lives.

Most of the diverticulitis sufferers have altered their food habits and diet plan by eating whole food stuffs to avoid experiencing the pain they once did. Till health becomes normal it is better to follow a high liquid, low fiber diet and once regained the health back can start incorporating high fiber foods in the diet.

How Stress Plays a Crucial Role

A survey was done to find out the reason for the flare up of Diverticulosis, turning it into Diveticulitis. An interesting fact emerged out of it, stating that stress was the main cause for it.

What happens? It was found that stress can be a hindrance for not letting food digest appropriately. Normally, when a person is in a stressed condition the oxygen and blood do to reach the digestive system properly but it reaches all other body parts, directly affecting the digestive systems functioning. But once a person overcomes his stress, both oxygen and blood reaches the digestive system once again. When you are contracted with Diverticuli, the body fights hard to get rid of the infection. But when you are stressed both the oxygen and blood doesnt help your body when it is fighting the infection and as a result the infection triumphs. No wonder the condition worsens to become Diverticulitis. This makes it very clear that when the digestive system is fighting the infection it has to be helped but stress doesnt let that take place. So what do you do? The best thing is to avoid stress. But then, in reality, it is not that easy to avoid stress as our lives are filled with stress and strain of some or the other kind. Instead of trying to avoid stress, it would be a great idea to learn how to control it and manage it to the best possible extent. First, you need to find the root cause of stress, whether it is constant or not. Then you need to analyze whether you need to go through it or not. Certain individuals love to take challenges and stress but if it is not required and that too at the cost of your health, it would be a good idea to find a solution to it. The best thing is to look for alternatives to eliminate the factors that cause stress. Find out whether it is money, life or the illness it self (the condition can also result in stress). When the problem is analyzed with an open mind, a solution might emerge. There is no point keeping it under wraps.

Some simple things you can do RIGHT NOW to help relieve stress: Exercise is a simple yet effective way to combat stress. Come out of your hiding, stretch your legs, take deep breaths and you will find stress disappearing slowly. Find out, what causes stress and try fixing it by taking concrete actions against it. First you need to understand the factors that can be changed and that cannot be, try changing the ones that can be done. If you are accustomed to a routine, break it to feel the new change and avoid impractical expectations to avoid disappointments. Sometimes bonding with your family and continuing your favorite hobbies and pastimes can motivate you a lot and help you stay immersed in it without the worry of anything. Instead of seeking chemical stress enhancers, alcohol, and coffee, it is good to meditate or indulge in sports activities to stay relaxed. If nothing works to be benefit, it is better to get some professional help, dont shy away from asking for it as you are going to be the loser if you dont.

There is no point worrying about things that are worthless and pointless as it results in waste of time and energy. Instead, you need to try control your anxieties and worries to stay healthy, if not Diverticulitis can get worse. The way you face and deal the problems, will decide your ability to manage Diverticulitis.

Simple Life Style Change as Diverticulitis Cure

Diverticulitis can be best cured by following a healthy lifestyle. Your health depends on how you take care of your body and no one can be help responsible for it. When a person has got contracted with diverticulitis, it means he is not aware of the fact that the food he consumed daily is responsible for it. Some of the ill-habits of eat comprises of eating fast food, junk food, chocolates, and drinking alcohol everyday. One of the above factors might be the real and main reason for you getting diverticulitis. By simply altering your diet, it is possible to cure diverticulitis in a very effective and efficient manner. All you have to do is to change to a whole food, high fiber diet. You get Diverticulities when the colon has pouches formed on it, inflaming it. Even if the condition is of a mild nature, it can result in unbearable pain. This can make you tremble even to imagine how a severe condition would be. There are individuals who have gone under the knife (surgery) for getting rid of the infected region and pus from the colon. The main reason being consuming a diet less in fiber content, more of junk food. If the diet you eat is less in fiber content it can lead to passing of stools the hard way, pressure has to be applied to ease yourself off inside the toilet. Since unnecessary pressure is applied each and every time you ease-off, the colon gets weak and slowly the weakest colon regions would swell out, becoming pouches. This health condition, which leads to the formation of pouches over the colon is known as Diverticuloasis and the pouches that are formed are known as diverticula. When diverticula is formed, it will not be known immediately and as you continue eating the same type of food, there are chances of small food particles getting inside the diverticula in turn becoming the reason for its inflammation. This leads to a diverticulitis attack. If it is a minor problem the sufferer will be advised to consume a diet rich in fiber but in small quantities. The colon not only gets the much required rest but also avoids the build-up of pressure on it. In the due course, the colon would heal, ending the attack on diverticulitis. But one has to keep in mind that diverticula will still be present and any reverting back to ill-eating habits can result in the emergence of the problem again. In mild health problematic conditions, the best way to treat it is by recommending a low fiber diet, more liquids, few oral antibiotics, and rest. But in severe conditions, hospitalization might be required and even a surgery or operation will have to be carried out, removing the affected colon portion. This will treat diverticulitis completely and the sufferer will be discharged after he starts showing positive signs and symptoms. To avoid any future attack by diverticulitis and to maintain the healthy condition, the sufferer will have to consume a wholesome diet rich in fiber. This is aimed at a long term cure for diverticulitis.

Why Proper Colon Cleansing is Crucial

When openings similar to pockets, sacs, or pouches becomes visible on the colon walls or bowel it is known as Diverticulosis. There are various reasons for its formation; putting pressure on the colon for emptying its contents during constipation is one of them. The high pressure exerted on the colons wall results in the formation of weak spots and when problems arise from inside these pouches, it results in Diverticulitis. The sac walls can get thin and when bacteria infects them it can rupture, causing diverticulitis. It should not be brushed off easily as it can convert into a grave condition.

In a direct or indirect way the colon is the part that is affected and it is good to deal the condition by cleaning it. The process of cleansing the colon is called can colonic hydrotherapy. When the colon is cleansed it get rid of the poisonous substance that can lead to bowel infection and also affecting the entire body. The diet that is consumed need to be well-balanced, right, and should consist of enough fiber. This makes sure that the bodys self-cleansing system is doing its right job. Even habitual exercise can do good to the colon. Early detection and intervention plays a vital role in safeguarding the colon walls from damage. Care should be taken not to put pressure over the colon walls or bowel. In order to preserve a healthy balance, sometimes a dietary supplement might also be prescribed. To flush out the toxins if any inside the pouches or sacs, it is good to drink lot of water. But then, it is advised not to drink water from a tap, as it can have poisonous substances in it that will only aggravate the condition and put the colon under stress to eliminate them.

Herbal cleansing and colonic irrigation can aid in getting rid of parasites, toxins, and consolidated wastes that have got accumulated inside the colon in the course of time. By getting rid of the above wastes, the body regains its ability to absorb nutrients, enhancing regularity and energy and all that is required for managing diverticulitis.

This makes it clear that health of the colon lies in your hands and it should be your prime interest. When the colon is working properly, not only your overall health would enhance but, you will also feel the different it makes in various parts and aspects of your life. Hence you need to find ways to keep your colon hale and healthy and at all times.

Treatment Options

Treatment for Diverticulitis is normally based on the location, age, intensity of the attack and various other threat factors. Home care is enough for mild type of attacks. A diet less in fiber content or liquid diet can be followed consuming 2 or 3 antibiotics along with it to lower the symptoms caused by Diverticulitis. It is important to avoid whole grains or cereals, all kinds of vegetables, and fruits for some days till the condition become normal. Hospitalization might be required if the sufferers have vomiting sensation, high fever or experience any of the above said complications. Normally IV nutrition and IV antibiotics will be started during hospitalization. Surgery might be unavoidable if there is recurring incidence of diverticulitis. It has been found that nearly 20 to 30% of persons affected by diverticulitis might need to undergo surgery for removing the affected colon part. Antibiotics are administered for all patients who are suffering from diverticultiits but the dosage and of type of antibiotics given will greatly depend on the severity of the problem and symptoms. The intensity of the infection and inflammation will be the determining factor when it comes to the choice of the type of antibiotic prescribed.

When patients are capable of ingesting liquids or fluids and have a stable health condition, exhibiting fewer problems, then they would be taken care of like an outpatient. They will be subjected to a wide range of antibiotics. Few antibiotics given to such patients include Septra, Augmentin, Flagyl, and Bactrim. But such persons suffering from mild form of diverticulitis, while in the recovery period need to undergo a clear liquid diet regimen. Patients will start showing some improvements in a matter of 2 days to 3 days itself if they follow the diet recommendations and antibiotics as prescribed properly. But the antibiotic treatment will normally last for a minimum of 7 to the maximum of 10 days. Once treated well, patients who underwent treatment are required to have a consultation with their respective doctors and aim at avoiding any further complication in the future by changing their lifestyle and diet. Sufferers are hospitalized mainly because they might be unable to even consume oral antibiotics and oral fluids, because of their age or due to displaying significant inflammation in the colon region. For such patients, intravenous antibiotics and IV fluids are normally offered as a treatment course. Some of the antibiotics prescribed for in-patients includes Cefotan, Cefoxitin, or Cleocin. Diverticulitis of such persons can also be taken-care-of combining them with Timentin and Unasyn. Demerol is an opiate that can also be given for treating the patient as it most often lowers intralumnal pressure. The sufferer subjected to a diet for diverticulitis, once starts displaying some health improvement after 48-72 hrs will be discharged and will be put on to oral antibiotics. They will not only discuss their medical condition with their respective doctors but also along with a dietitian if possible in order to discuss about their diet and lifestyle changes and how to go about it. Implementation of the said changes has to take place so that future occurrence of the condition can be avoided.

Some of the prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis are: 1) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is a commonly used antibiotic which is also used for treating various conditions like infection of the bones and joints, lungs, skin, urinary tract, diarrheas and so on. Upon consumption, this antibiotic can result in certain side effects like abdominal pain, rash, rare allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Another important point to be noted is that the bacteria present inside the colon can get altered due to this antibiotic, leading towards their overgrowth and colon inflammation. 2) Metronidazole ( Flagyl) is an antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of pelvis, liver, and abdominal diseases. Normally it can be tolerated well if used properly, but then can also lead to certain mild side effects like appetite loss, headache, and nausea. As a severe side effect, it can harm the nerves in turn causing numbness. 3) Cephalexin (Keflex) is more or less like Pencillin and is also administered for treating tonsils, middle ear infections, larynx, bronchi, and throat infections. Few side effects exhibited by this antibiotic includes nausea, skin rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, and dizziness. 4) Doxycycline (Vibramycin) too is used for curing typhus, rocky mountain spotted fever, respiratory tract infections, chancroid, and acne also. This antibiotics is one of the well tolerated ones by many people. But it too can produce mild side effects like abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. While taking this course, patients can also get sunburns, which can be treated by lowering sunlight exposure. Apart from treating the patients using antibiotics, the physician might also subject them to a diet meant for diverticulitis for helping them feel better. Since the digestive system gets the necessary rest due to the diverticulitis diet, the process of healing begins. Normally the diet kicks-off with clear liquids and then less fiber foods are included slowly. It is recommended to begin with clear soda and broth, and subsequently to move further by including fruit juices sans pulp, plain gelatin, and towards coffee, and tea gradually. Once the digestive system is in the recovery path, food containing less fiber can be added to the diet. It includes desserts sans nuts and seeds, canned fruits, milk along with cereal containing less fiber, bread, and eggs. If the digestive system is able to cope with the above foods, patients can start consuming foods like meat, poultry, fish, and yogurt along with some plain pasta or white rice. Even well cooked and easy-to digest vegetables can be incorporated in the diet but without seeds and skins. When the physicians are confident enough about their patients health, they will advice them to start consuming a diet rich in fiber content. Initially they will be advised to begin with a little fiber content working up their way enhancing the fiber content in the diet till the body gets accustomed to it and tolerate it. Women should aim at consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber in their diet daily while men need to consume 35 to 45 grams of fiber daily. The diet for diverticulitis is not without any risks as persons might not be able to remain on a clear liquid diet for long. The body gets weak when it doesnt get sufficient nutrients. Hence after some day, patients should be put on a diet having less fiber. When experiencing any sort of complications, it is better to consult with your physician as early as possible to avoid worsening of the condition.

Natural Remedies

Colon problem and its intensity can be treated effectively using home or natural remedies when followed regularly and for a long time period. Once you come to know that you are suffering from diverticuliltis, it is better to avoid consuming caffeine, junk food, fast food or any such food types so that the colon gets ample rest not only to get healed but also to come back to a normal health condition. No one wish to become it goes bad. When it comes to consumption of meals, it is better to consume five or six small meals a day in the place of the three big meals. The type of food that is consumed has to be simple and easy-to digest, benefiting the overall health. Some of the natural or home remedies that can be tried for comforting the digestive system and for alleviating pain are given below. Garlic:

Since ancient times Garlic has been in use for a huge array of health purposes as it aids in enhancing the digestive system to a larger extent and also for removing toxins or harmful substances. When sufficient quantities of garlic (garlic clove) for one to three times daily is consumed, it soothes the digestive system and also prevents the body from getting affected by the condition or getting worse. Papaya:

Papaya is another effective home or natural diverticulitis therapy that is universally used for facilitating easy digestion. This fruits boasts to be the only fruit having a natural enzyme called papain, facilitating digestion by cleansing the digestive track. Ripe papaya can be used in various forms including pulp, juice, with or without other fruits, honey and so on.


Pear is also known for comforting inflammation of the digestive system. It can be consumed in the raw form, juice form or even in the baked form. Brown Rice:

Even though white rice is widely consumed all over the world, brown rice offers more benefits to the digestive system as it is a rich fiber source that aids in lowering the colon inflammation. To enjoy its benefits, it is better to change the diet consisting of brown rice. After the incidence of diverticula, the problem is activated due to bad bacterial growth in them. Hence there was a need to fight the problem by treating it with drugs. Even your bodys natural immune system can be strengthened to fight against the problem by consuming fruits rich in Vitamin C. It is a well known fact that Vitamin C has excellent antibiotic powers. Dr. Linus Pauling one of the noble prize winners too has agreed to this fact. Commonly, Citrus fruits are known for their high Vitamin C content, but it might be surprising to know that Kiwi fruit contains twice the Vitamin C content when compared to citrus fruits. Apart from this fruit, strawberries, blueberries, plum, and guava too are rich in Vitamin C content. When it comes to vegetables that are rich in Vit C, Kale, cucumbers, and corn tops the list. Since heat can destroy Vitamin C content, it is better to consume fruits and vegetables rich in Vit C in the raw form than in the cooked form.

Vitamin C has the capability to fight against bacteria with ill-effects directly and when it is combined with any probiotic supplement, the benefits doubles up as it supplies good bacteria into the system. Normally, the body contains hundreds of good bacteria that aids in digesting food substances and also fighting against the attack caused by bad bacterial. This makes them important to the body and for combating against diverticulitis as a natural remedy. People for many centuries are gripped by a myth that fruits or vegetables when consumed with their seeds lead to health problems. This was applicable even to peanuts, brazil nuts and walnuts. But, according to the recent study lead by the National Cancer institute, there was no link found between the cause of diverticulitis and these food consumption. Chamomile Tea:

Diverticulitis can also be treated the easier way, by sipping tea made from chamomile for many number of times in a day. This is because of the anti-inflammatory properties the herbs possess, aiding in relaxing the digestive system. Preparing Chamomile tea is simple, all you need to do is to add a two or three teaspoons of dried chamomile herb to a boiling cup of water and allow it to steep in it for five or ten minutes time. Flax:

Flax can be used for treating diverticulities, as it is approved by the German Commisssion E. When one to three tablespoons of this herb is consumed in the crushed form along with lots of water three times daily, it shows great results.


Prunes are rich in fiber yet tastes delicious. They have been used for treating constipation for long since immemorial period. It can be consumed in the juice or fruit form. Psyllium:

Psyllium too is fiber rich, hence is used in numerous bulk-forming commercial laxatives. To get the necessary fiber content and to avoid getting diverticulitis, it can be consumed along with lots of water. Sometimes, this herb can produce allergic reaction, hence should be consumed with care. If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms related to allergy, it is better to stop consuming it.

Slippery Elm:

There are many useful herbs that do not seem to pass the scrutiny of the Food and Drug Administration, but slippery elm is one of the few ones that the body recommends for soothing the digestive system. The bark of slippery elm contains a soothing laxative that helps to keep things in motion. You can add the powdered back to either hot water or milk.


Many experts agree that wheat bran has a higher content of fiber than whole-wheat bread. Many of them recommend it for preventing or treating constipation. This makes it a good remedy for diverticulitis too.

Wild Yam:

You can use wild yam to relieve inflammation caused by diverticulitis and ease the pain associated with it. You can make a preparation by mixing two parts wild yam, one part black haw, one part peppermint, and one part valerian. The formula has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, and help to sooth the digestive tract.

Powdered Barley Grass Juice:

Powdered Barley Grass Juice has potent nutrition and health restorative benefits. It is a nutritious, alkaline powder made from young barley grass juice which contains perhaps the most balanced nutrient profile of all green plants with a natural balance and abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, active enzymes, and chlorophyll, it is an exceptional super food.


This herb is very beneficial because of the fact that is an effective sedative. This property makes it useful in easing the anxiety and insomnia that often occur with diverticulitis. Valerian has a soothing effect on the digestive system and eases the symptom of bloating. This brings relief to the patient. Valerian is ideally consumed in the form of herbal tea that can be prepared by boiling the extract of this herb in some water. Consume this tea in moderate amounts, on a regular basis. Juice Therapy:

Useful juice combinations include carrot, celery, beet, and cabbage juice; green juices; and the combined juices of papaya, apple, lemon, and pineapple.

Cats Claw:

This herb is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. This makes it very valuable in the treatment of conditions such as diverticulitis. When consumed regularly, this herb helps to soothe the inflamed tissues in the intestine. This eases the symptoms of pain and cramps. However, it must be noted that an excessive consumption of this herb can cause symptoms such as giddiness and vomiting. If these symptoms occur, one must discontinue the use of cats claw. Aloe Vera:

The Aloe Vera plant is believed by many to be one of nature's most incredible byproducts. It has been used for many years around the house to treat cuts and burns, and has been incorporated into countless of commercial products such as lip-balm, shampoo, and sunscreen/sunburn lotions. However, there exists a concentrated powdered extract from aloe called aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide. It is used to treat autoimmune disorders and diseases. Particularly those in the digestive tract. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides may be used to help treat diverticulitis. Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides are long-chain sugar molecules composed of individual mannose and glucose sugar molecules connected together - which have been attributed to subduing and reducing symptoms associated with UC. The AMP molecule is extracted from the aloe plant in a controlled environment. To get the highest refinement of AMP, lyophilization must be used to preserve the varying sizes of molecules that contain these potent healing properties.

To sum up, take psyllium (a high-fiber seed) or wheat bran with lots of fluids daily to keep your bowels moving comfortably and to help prevent diverticulitis. Drink slippery elm tea to calm inflamed intestines. To make the tea, simmer 2 teaspoons of powder in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups daily until symptoms subside. Other beneficial herbs include licorice, pau d'arco, chamomile, goldenseal, red clover, and rarrow. Herbal products are available in health food stores and in some pharmacies and supermarkets. Follow package for specific directions. Aromatherapy:

Massage the lower abdomen with a combination of 2 drops each of peppermint, Roman chamomile, and rosemary oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil to relieve discomfort and a feeling of fullness. Self Massage:

You can work on your own belly, providing yourself with nurturing soothing touch, which can relax the intestinal duress experienced with all types of bowel disorders. A well known technique is, when you wake up every morning, rub your belly nine times in each direction, clockwise and counter clock wise, using the flats of your entire hand. Applying the aromatherapy mixture above or any other soothing oil such as raw virgin coconut butter/oil or apricot or almond oil, can further enhance and extend the time of self massage. If you have painful cramps or gas, try massaging your abdomen in various positions until you find one that provides relief. The tendency is to grip and constrict when you are in pain; the solution is to breathe and relax, and self massage can be an excellent means to relief when uncomfortable.


This informative eBook is not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested here. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

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