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Library Research Report

Mr. Franklin • 6th Grade • Lake Almanor Christian School •

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 1

Library Research Report
In sixth grade, students have the opportunity of learning about formal writing by completing a
Research Report about an important historical event in American history. The steps are pre-
sented logically, and careful attention is given to the fact that students are still learning the ele-
ments of writing. Step by step, the students are taught skills in paragraphing, outlining, compil-
ing bibliographical information, summarizing, and organizing. Students will use these skills to
take notes, make bibliography cards, and actually write a Research Report. In lesson 46 (No-
vember 6), students will choose their topic. Page 96 of their language books lists some sug-
gested historical events. In lesson 53 (November 18), students need to have a book on their topic
checked out from the library.

Procedures for completing note cards and making bibliography cards are given in the language
book starting on page 96. Lessons 52-72 introduce and explain the research paper work for the
day; then the students work under my supervision for the remaining of the time. I’ll be assisting
them as needed with proper format, content, etc.

Each student will be given a Research Report Assignment Schedule form. This schedule lists the
deadlines for each stage of the Research Report. In grading the report, I will be using p. 119 in
the students text for allotting points, so there should be no surprises to the students as to what’s
expected and how to get an A.

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 2

November 6 ! Lesson 46! Have students pick their top three research choices.
November 10! Lesson 48! Research topic choices due.
November 13! Lesson 50! Assign students to bring note cards on Nov 18 (L-53).
November 18! Lesson 53! Historical or Biographical book checked out.
November 21! Lesson 55! 3 bibliography cards completed.
December 2! Lesson 59! Preliminary Outline completed.
December 3! Lesson 60! 10 - 15 note cards completed.
December 5! Lesson 62! Oral Book report on checked out book given.
December 9! Lesson 64! Note cards completed.
December 10! Lesson 65! Final outline completed.
December 12! Lesson 67! First rough draft completed.
December 15! Lesson 68! Folder & illustrations completed.
December 16! Lesson 69! Second rough draft completed.
December 18! Lesson 71! Bibliography, title, and checklist pages completed.

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 3

Step One: Read & Gather
The instructions for the Library Research Report begin on p. 96 of the 6th grade language book.

A. Choose a topic and get it approved by your teacher: There is a list of possible topics on the
bottom half of p. 96.

B. Find at least three books or articles that give information about your topic. Look in the class-
room library or the public library.

1. One book must be either a biography or historical book about your topic. You will be
giving an oral book report over this book as well as using it for your library research
2. One book will be the encyclopedia
3. The other source may be a magazine or any other book. You may read more than
three sources if you would like to.

C. Make a bibliography card for each book or article (examples are on pp. 97-100).

D.Read an encyclopedia article and make a list of details. This will give you an idea about what to
write about and help you write a preliminary outline.

E. Be looking for pictures and ideas for illustrations to include in your report.

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 4

Step Two: Think & Plan
Begin the actual writing process by making a preliminary outline. Below is an outline of the
kinds of information and organization you will want to have in your final report.


I. The background
A. What particular circumstances led up to this event or made it necessary?
B. Who are the important people involved in this event?
1. What were their specific contributions?
2.What qualities made them well suited for their involvement?
C. What was the purpose of this event? What was to be accomplished?
D. Was any special planning or preparation made for this event?
II. The circumstances
A.When did the event occur?
1. Are there any reasons for its happening at this time?
2.Was it influenced by anything else happening at this time?
B. Where did the event take place?
1. Is there any significance to the event’s occurrence at this place?
2.Is there anything unusual about this place worth noting?
C.What took place?
III. The results
A. What immediate effect(s) did this event have on our country?
B. How did it affect the people involved?
C. Was it a success or a failure?

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 5

Step Two: Think and Plan (cont.)
A. Write a preliminary outline
B. Take notes on every point and subpoint of your preliminary outline. You may have to add or
leave out some points and subpoints as you do your research. Feel free to change your pre-
liminary outline as you need to.
1. Did you include the author’s name and page number on your note card?
2. Is your note card accurate?
3. Is your note in your own words?
C. Write a final outline. Your final outline may or may not be like your preliminary outline. It
depends on the information you found as you did the research. Your final outline will proba-
bly contain some complete sentences. Look at pp. 111-112 for example.
D.Put your note cards in the order of your final outline
E. See if more information is needed. If you think you need more, read and take more notes.
F. Plan your cover: Make it colorful and appealing.
G. Think of an informative and interesting title.

Mr. Franklin • email: • (530) 256-2654 6

Step Three: Write and Rewrite
A. Write the rough draft on every other line. You have all the information you need in the form
of notes. You also have an outline to serve as an overall guide. The next step is to combine
the facts you have gathered in a way that will make your report clear and original.

B. Rewrite your paper using “A Writer’s Checklist” found in “A Student Writer’s Handbook” in
the back of the book.

C. Write your second draft on every other line.

D.Select your illustrations and write captions for them.

Trenz Pruca • email: • Elementary School 7

Step Four: Check and Polish
A. Polish your second draft using A Writer’s Checklist.
B. Read the checklist one more time to check for any other improvements you can make.
1. Is the information clear and complete?
2. Do your paragraphs have good topic sentences?
3. Did you start a new paragraph for each Roman numeral of your outline?
4. Is your paper the right length (500-600 words)?
5. Did you read your second draft at least two times?
C. Write your final draft on every line. Make sure you put the title at the top of the first page.
D.Mount your illustrations and glue them on notebook paper as in the example on p. 107.
E. Following the instructions on page 108, write your bibliography page.
F. Write your checklist page. (p. 119)
G. Write your title page. (. 110)
H.Read your final draft carefully to make sure you made no mistakes in copying.

Writing the Final Bibliography

1. Write the words Selected Bibliography on the second line.
2.Skip one line
3.Arrange your bibliography cards in alphabetical order according to the first word on the card.
(This is usually the author’s last name or the first word of a title.) When alphabetizing your
card, ignore a, an, or the at the beginning of a title.
4.Copy the information form your bibliography cards onto your bibliography page. Do not use
separate lines for each part as you did on your cards. Place as much information as you can on
the first line.
a.Do not indent the first line of each bibliographical entry. Do indent the send and third
lines one-half inch.
b.Skip one line between each source.
Does your bibliography page look like the sample bibliography on page 118?

Trenz Pruca • email: • Elementary School 8

Step Five: Share Your Results
A. Put your paper in the right order in your decorated folder.
1. Title page
2. Illustrations with captions
3. Final outline
4. Final draft of your report
5. Selected bibliography
6. Checklist page
7. Other drafts in the back pocket
B. Number the pages according to the format shown on the sample library research report.
C. Give your report to your teacher on the day that it is due.

Trenz Pruca • email: • Elementary School 9

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