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Racial project: a political action that changes the social category of race.

Happens often and enforces the idea that race is constantly changing Essentialism: the belief that groups of people possess essential characteristics that mark individuals from these groups as representations and possessors of certain qualities. Racial difference. BiDil: labled the first ethnic drug by doctors. Heart medication designed to work on African Americans. Worked based on faulty statistics Longue Duree: French school of historical thought that says history is divided into long epochal lengths rather than short, event based divisions Settler colonialism: Consent and descent: paved the way for conversion or distinction. You can consent to change your culture. Descent shifts emphasis to Social death: stripping of righ ts/status recognition of being alive or being a part of society (master is in control of slaves access to social life) Ethnogenesis: coming into being of identity, the process is personal and communal. It involves ethnicity, community, and self-recognition Walter White: used a limited form of resistance. Appeared white. Considered black, politically chose to be black, blacks accepted him Trust doctrine: recognizes natives culturally, economically, and politically. Us government responsibility to protect natives but can also be revoked by congress Rudyard Kipling: poem, white mans burden. Duty to civilize. Their justification. Part of racial paternalism The tempest: Heteropatriarchy: Racial anglo saxonism: idea of racial hierarchy with anglo-saxon at the top. Duty to civilize the lowergave them a sort of authority Manifest destiny: the idea that us expansion was justified and inevitable throughout the continent. Historical proof, scientific validation Republicanism: Edward countryman: historian who discovered the American revolution and Emilio Aguinaldo: Filipino general who led pihlippines revolution Blackface minstrelsy: created by TD Rile

Hegemony: Antonio gramsci created this term. Slave society: describes that American south Intersectionality:theory that forms oppression such as racism sexism but interrelation, intersection form discrimination Racialized savagery: where slavery is based purely upon the race of the slaves and nothing else Virgin land: Denmark vesey: African slave who purchased his freedom. Attempted to lead a slave rebellion. Was convicted and executed Birth of a nation: white propaganda created by the KKK. Stimulated the revivial of KKK Cattel slavery: in comparison to the opportunity/positivism of intentured servants. Had no escape. No way out. property from generation to generation Jennifer Morgan: historian who wrote about the specific struggle of femal e black slaves Mexican American war: one of products of manifest destiny. America took territory in an act of aggression Anti-imperialist league: organization against American annexation of the philipines. Belied imperialism and believed imperialism violated republicanism.

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