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History of Personality Psychology Jody Marvin PSY230 June 22, 2011 Linda Grant


History of Personality Psychology

Personality psychology concerns the most important, most noticeable parts of an individuals psychological life. Described as an entire mental organization of a human being at any given moment of development, the study of personality began receiving recognition. Between 1930 -1950, the field began the development of general systems. One such concept involves the humanistic theory, which began asking what human Nature is. Abraham Maslow and Karl Rodgers theory emphasizes peoples responsibility for his or her own behavior with the strong focus on the unique individual. The theory stresses the conscious rather than the unconscious with the emphasis between both nature and nurture. Equally important, the theory of needs developed in 1938 by Henry Murray focuses on not only mans actions but also mans ideas about what his actions contribute to his desired goals. Because of Henry Murray, Personality Psychology began focusing on mans needs and motivations.

Considered the second developmental phase of personality psychology, 1950 1970, specialized areas related to clinical, counseling, and industrial/organizational psychology (McAdams, 2006). George Kelly developed the cognitive theory of construct with the philosophy of constructive alternatives the idea that although there is only one true reality, reality is experienced from one or another perspective. Kelly began developing some order to the chaos in mans life. Elsewhere, Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs understanding that some needs take precedence over others. Beginning with basic physiological needs Maslows five stages explained mans fundamental striving toward self-actualization. Today transcendence is the sixth stage adding the need


to connect with something beyond the ego or to help others find fulfillment and realize their potential (Huitt, 2007).

Refined researched methods with a scientific focus maintaining individuality emerged between the third development periods, 1970-1990. Of particular interest is Jane Loevingers theory of ego development including specific changes over our lifespan. Detailed emphasis explains the egos various functions and how changes are affected with psychopathology. According to Loevingers theory, primary process thinking functions with primitive instinctual drives of sexuality and aggression. As we move from lower to higher stages, the need-gratification impulse decreases replaced with relative autonomy (McAdams, 2006).

Subsequently, Silvan Tomkins, often said to be the American Einstein, created the script theory. His theory and ideas incorporate our feelings with our present lives story providing a program for action. Tomkins explains that human behavior falls into patterns called scripts because they function analogously to the way a written script does. In addition, script theory states our script is written based upon our first memory of a specific person, place, or thing. Each scene contains one affect and one object of effect from our earliest memories.


References Huitt, W. (2007). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Retrieved on June 22, 2011 from http:/ McAdams, M. (2006). The person: Introduction to personality psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

Short Assignment: History of Personality Psychology - cite textbook, course materials and/or other sources in text and as works cited, APA style DO NOT USE APPENDIX B.

Resource: pp. 2426 of The Person Discuss two of the events or major concepts found in each of the three historic periods of personality psychology. Why were these events important? Complete sentences please

CheckPoint: History of Personality Psychology

Due Date: Wednesday Available Points Points Earned Comments 7 7 7 4

1930-1950-TWO events or concepts 1950-1970- TWO events or concepts 1970-present- TWO events or concepts Format: Grammar, and Punctuation, Citation of text, word count Late Penalty 10% per day Total Additional Comments: Jody, you traced these three periods of history with excellent examples. Why is understanding this history important?

7 7 7 4




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