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Socio 1010 capitalizing on feminism through the mass media Feminism: Opposing Viewpoints Greenhaven press Sandiego 1995

5 Women are weaker than men john martin Feminism seeks to approximate womens life and work to a mans life, they should be educated in the same way, and be open to the same responsibilities, Defined as the the levelling of sexes But their are physical differences that cannot be ignored 32% of women changed their type of menstruation during the year under stress of university life pg. 37 Women changing their efforts towards work and studies, is relinquishing their real power at home putting poetry into life ps. 38 Because the day you become our equals will be the day you will become our rivals Woman are as capable as men- john stuart mill What is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing, the result of forced repression in some directions, unnatural stimulation in others pg 43 In the case of slaves- whatever has been left uncrushed was simply left alone, and with little liberty allowed to regrow, whereas women a hot house and stove cultivation has always been carried on of some of the capabilities of their nature for the benefit and pleasure of their masters, Because the generality of the male sex cannot yet tolerate the idea of living with an equal...would admit the injustice of excluding halg the human race from greater number of lucrative occupations and from almost all high social functions; ordaining from their birth either that they are not and cannot by any possibility become fit for employments which are legally open to the stupidest and bases of the other sex, or else that however fit they may be those employments shall be interdicted to them in order to be preserved for the exclusive benefits of males.. when anything is forbidden to women it is thought necessary to say and desirable to believe they are incapable of doing it, and that they depart from their real path of success and happiness when they aspire to do it Feminism has harmed women kay ebeling The reality of feminism is a lot of frenzied and overworked women dropping kids off at daycare centres so they can rush off to jobs they dont even like pg. 53 The movement opened the door for ment to walk out of the responsibilities of marriage and child raising.. Feminism has not harmed women susan faludi High powered women suffer from stress, ailments, lonliness as a major mental health issue, and low fertility rates- women are enslaved by their own liberty 75% of all full time working women make 20k less than male counterparts pg. 60; avg female college graduate still make less than a male with a high school diploma Feminist teachings would improve higher education dale spender Historincal male mistreatment of wife, women were chattels who could legitimately be punished, who could be raped (conjugal rights were enshrined), women in marriage were deprived an identity, women were deprived the control over their own contraception (because it would end civilization) Women mentioned as an afterthought, feminism reduced to a joke,

Feminism has fought no wars. It has killed no opponents. It has set up no concentration camps, starved no enemies, practiced no cruelties. Its battles have been foreducation, for the bote, for better working conditions, for divorce, custody rights, for the righ to safety on the streets. Feminists have fought for child care, for social welfare, for greater visibility for people with disabilities. And feminists have had to fight for rape crisis centres, womens refugees, reforms in the law. Education is not providing an equal opportunity for women Politically incorrect guide to women, sex, and feminism By carrie Lukas Regenery publishing in, Washington, 2006 The average women, learns right from wrong, in school but not much more, she sees divorce as a natural end to marriage, confused about the role of sex in her life, but the feminist within says she should have the freedom to work and make money, how do you reconcile all these perspectives with your own hopes and dreams First wave were the pioneers, in the 19th and 20th century, Second wave was 60-70s , demanded gurantees of womens equal rights and treatment under the law Modern feminist movement lesbians, minority women, impoverished women, Traditional dating and courtship have vanished, because romantic relationships are sexist; but overwhelmingly many women still see marriage as a main goal, There is an unevenness in womens finaces, because they wanted to pay for their own meals, and be able, but they were technically being paid less pg. 8 Pop cultures affair with sex: sex is a recreational activity pg. 19 Shows like the real world putting college kids in intimate living situation, with readily avail alcohol to facilitate sexual interactions pg. 21 Media liberates women with the freedom to be sexually active before marriage, but doesnt tell how to deal with issues of growing up a female with a bed reputation pg. 24 Discourages promiscuity of being with married men, except in the infamour case of monica Lewinsky she was rewarded with fame, and a television series, Genital appropriate era- sally cline- what it did was legitimize male promiscuity through the liberation of the female body and allowed for the fragmentation of emotion from body and between genital sex and responsible loving pg. 26 Biological aversion to casual sex, because any negative emotions are really a reaction to societal expectations, It isnt innate but a product of the patriarchal structure that has created an ideal of purity for women Sex education begins as early as in middle school with learning of the body development, and marketers start about at the same time, marketing thongs to 7yr olds, magazines for preteens preach sex advice, and increasing number of teenage girls getting breast implants, Focus on weddings not marriage: 35 billion dollar business pg 80; most comments about improving marriage are linked to improving sex life , Healthier to marriage than coinhabit, or shacking up ; more than just a husband and wife, also about being happy and equal Divorce: little pop culture identifies the strength of staying married, divorce is easier. Pg. 91 Since 1960 divorce rates skyrocketed, and are being facilitated; earlier days women whose husbands were unfaithful would have been given a considerably larger award, now if they divorce at no fault, shes gets much less Face serious financial hardship,

Traditional marriage served the husband, while the wife served the marriage

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