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“The 40 stars on Set 8 corespond to these in he txt A bling nr ‘ator ads you trough he fur seins ofeach zon Theat secon presente the mo important traces om the orga loge You wil vst ear the svidged logue at normal conversational Spee. You then hear again, pease by pase lh Engin aniston: Se pause or youto repeat ahr the nave Spanish speaks. The second eacon reviews and expands upon the voeabulay inthe da logic. Méienal exressone show how the words may be ued eter Ccrtewts Agen you are Svan ine to repeat he Spans pases inthe thd ston, youl explore the lessons mst important grat cal syuctres, After # quick reve ofthe wes, you eon practice wah Hs ‘tv pases ang sentences “Ihe exrozes nthe lat secon integrate what youve leaned and helo you genrate setences in Spanish en your own. You takepart in bit CGnwrsaton, respond te guests, Warsfrm serfeces, and occasional ‘vane om English into Spach, Aer You respond, you hex he co rect answer rom 3 rave spate. The iteracine appre on is et of recarings wil teach yout speak, derstand and thinkin Span PRONUNCIATION CHART Wie te rest Spanish pronunciation wil be presented ane racic in Lessons 1-10, you can use tie enart or a quick rence ‘voweis rich Approximate nd” ‘Sound in Englah Example aren Eato Ses bito shrshy or te) a ee) fev os moet fee0 Fon avoret wen Sanding sore ones nish Approximate ‘tnd in English Example ee ba ‘rom a ra) ene tam pos ic Senore te aie & es & oo (ean Son en sen ‘eet evisode ‘The eters and w appear in Spanish frign word ike howot home: {ec In some counties, the ks spelled withthe Spansh equivalent, au {qullinetra.The w in Spanish sounds ike an Engh v:Klowat Spanish ———_Approsimave ‘Sound ‘Sound in English ample bydlimin(pisit slate Engish oe cma forse) (gern) e(tetoe come ‘lol kloan) « 6 acre) ecisn o ohare) macho 9 tore 20a ore) had 9) 8 eto gem =) ard be » aways stent ost i ars oe jefe 1 In Lan Americ: y (We) palo In Spat ion) ‘ oy (ere) core w hte ove 1 Linnie of wor sgl tl (cow) per : [st begining of wor double wil 050 a cou cor . (ote, bt ster, vines mos eb) + es (ois) ee LECCION 14 SALUDOS. Greetings. PRESENTACIONES Intvoductions DIALOGO (Dialogue) uo ctcin en Mecca, Distito Feder! (.F TA: Buenos dias er >: Buenos das. Mi nombre es Jllo Martine Valle. Soy el nuevo ‘abogado, Mucho gust, sefor Marines Valle. Brenveniel Soy Marta Moreno Visquez. Es utted de Colombia? 3 No, no s0y de Colombia, seRorita. Soy de Venezuela. Usted es ide Espana, verdad? TAS tor, pr toy ahora en Men Hay muchos epatles Y también hay muchos hispanoamericanos aqui Masta Wego! fe n Mexico Cy. TA: Good morning, i Good morning. My nae slo Martine: Vale i the new lane Ins pleasure o moet you, Me Martinez Ve Welome! fm Marta Moreno Vasquez Are You om Colombia? sm not fom Clo me erezul Yue to Sp ight? i hen sk; bt mere Mes now. There re many Sean Mexico, gar And tere are many Latin Americans hee lo. See you ite, B. PRONUNCIACION (Pronunciation) vowsis 1 (he te “an “Tabor a alta, papa, Espana 1 fe he “an “ces but at of sharply, mesa, Sir, México iy (a the Yee" infer): mi la, Bolivia ‘The wel yotenagpeirs alone as the wordy mearing ar” or at the end of ward oy "ony" ¢. GRAMATICA Y USOS (Grammar and Us: 4, USES OF THE VERB SER 1. Te vero sar“ bean he expression ser de, "oe Fam oe ht to ers nationalty pace of origin Soy venezolano. Tan Venez Soy de Venezuela Van fom Venezuela. ef sted venezolana? ‘Ne you Venezuelan? No oy de Puerto Reo, Na. an fo Puerto eo. by Serale cused to state professions and obs and to deserbe Inherent characteristics of persons. place. and tings Soy el nuevo abogado. Tam te cw yet 2, OF os I capita Menico iyi he capa. nombre es hilo My name is uk USES OF THE VERB ESTAR* ‘The vero exo so means “to ba." but thas dierent sacs. Estar ‘edt te location ofa petson, pac, o thing, estoy en Menco, Tam in Meco now ‘The forms of sr and estor wil be presented inthe next two lessons, Forno, just yf recogrize how and when they reused, nay “Te exresson hoy means here and there are" In questons. ears Ie tere... 7 er Me tre? muchos espafces en Mico? ‘fue there mary Spaniards In Meio? SIMPLE NEGATION The word si means yes." The word no means bth “ne” and “nat” To ‘answer a questonnegatiely in Spanish, ns oen used tice Fst, 4 the negntve response "na" and second, preceding the ve. a he negation of he ver “nat” For example ‘nombre no es Juan Carlos, No, my name ie ot an Cares, 10 sy de Colombia No. im not tom Colombia. [espa 18 fr ne cone cmon ale

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