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Victorio, Sarah R. World Literature/3:00-4:00MWF Assignment no.

:3 Araby

EXPOSITION The boy who lives in North Dublin Street which described as quiet and depressing on the entire place. He lives with his relatives and his parents are not around. The former tenant of their house is priest whom a very charitable priest that all money he had left bequeathed to the institutions and the furniture house belonged to his sister. Every winter the boy and his friends including Mangan play in the street and in the muddy lanes along and behind the houses. CONFLICT His prayers answered, The girl speaks to him asking If he is going to a bazaar called Araby. He forgot his answer but he promised that he would give her something from Araby as a gift because she couldnt go. After the short conversation, the boy couldnt think nothing, He could not sleep or study but only COMPLICATION When the girl calls his brother for a tea everyone hid their shadow and when she stands and waits, He will show up. This Mangans sister made the boy to catch his attention. The boy fell for the girl. His world turned light and gloomy that contrasts the dark surroundings when she met the girl. It was the start that his world turns around only for that girl. thinks his promised to the girl. He forgets everything even his classes except for the Araby. He asked permission from his uncle that he will go to Araby on Saturday night. Unfortunately, on the night he is to go to the bazaar his uncle comes home late and forgets his promise to give him money. Every morning he always followed the girl going to school but never speaks. He worships and desired her.

CLIMAX The boy becomes anxious as time passes by, waiting for his uncle to show up. His uncle comes home at nine oclock and boy hurriedly leaves for Araby when his uncle gives him the money. He arrives ten minutes until he reaches a tall building that bears the name Araby. It was almost 10 oclock then, fearing that the bazaar would be closed and as he saw great part of the hall is in darkness. Nearly all stalls are already closed. He feels so disappointed at seeing the place empty. He noticed the front curtain of one stall open, He heard two men counting money. He goes inside and looks over a display of tea sets and porcelain vases. Young lady asked him if he wished to buy, he declined because his money is not enough. He lingered before her stall, make him interest on the porcelain. He slowly turned away and walked down until his two

pennies fell against the sixpence in his pocket. Lastly he heard a voice coming from one end of the gallery that light was out, it was totally dark now.

RESOLUTION Gazing up into the darkness, He saw himself as a creature driven and derided by vanity. His eyes burned with anguish and anger. His world falls apart and his feelings are crushed by the fact that he could probably disappoint his girl by not keeping his promise. He feels worthless of her and comes to a rude awakening of what the outside world actually means. He discovers that what he imagines the entire time confronts him in reality. He realizes that he fails to see reality for what it is because he allows his emotions to overwhelm him.

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