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188CneL LnLerprlse

user Culde
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
ulspaLcher Console
8adlo lnLerface
8adlo lnLerface overvlew
1o connecL Lo a 8adloServer
1o change Lhe password
1o change Lhe consoles language
1o conflgure qulck buLLons
1o change Lhe ConLacLs 1ree vlew
1o perform an acLlon
1o perform an acLlon ln Lhe Subscrlbers Lree
1o edlL a subscrlber
Ceneral 1ab
Croups 1ab
CpLlonboard 1ab
AddlLlonal 1ab
1o make a prlvaLe call
1o send a volce mall or a LexL message Lo an offllne subscrlber
1o make a broadcasL or a group call
1o make an lnLercom call
1o make an lnLercom call Lo all users
1o make a prlvaLe lnLercom call
1o acLlvaLe CrossaLch
1o make or recelve Lelephone calls
1o make a phone call from Lhe ulspaLcher Console
1o recelve a phone call
1o redlrecL a phone call Lo a subscrlber radlo
1o make a call from Lelephone Lo radlo
1o make a call from subscrlber radlo Lo Lelephone
u1Ml Call
Acall by sendlng LexL message Lo Lhe base
AcLlons avallable for a masLer radlo or repeaLer sloL
AcLlons on masLer radlo pane
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
AcLlons from masLer radlo conLexL menu
AcLlons avallable from masLer radlo lcon conLexL menu
MasLer radlo properLles
uescrlpLlon Lab
8adlo channels Lab
1alk groups Lab
1ransmlLs Lab
volume Lab
1o send LexL messages
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback a call
1o playback several flles
1o group or fllLer log records
1o group log records
1o fllLer log records
1o add messages and noLes Lo Lhe log
ConLacLs Lree
Calls pane
1o perform an acLlon
1o make a prlvaLe call
1o make broadcasL or a group call
1o make an lnLercom call
1o muLe masLer sLaLlons
1o LransmlL a message on a busy channel
1o paLch channels
1o send LexL message
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback calls
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes Lo Lhe log
Call Lypes
SLandby Mode
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1ransmlsslon Mode
8ecelve Mode
Small masLer radlos
8ecenL CallsLvenLs log
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback records
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes
1elephone lnLerconnecL
rogrammlng Lhe masLer radlo
rogrammlng porLable radlos
1o reglsLer a Sl accounL
1o conflgure 1elephone lnLerconnecL
1o conflgure 1elephone lnLerconnecL wlLh a vlrLual local Sl Server
1o conflgure Sl lnLerconnecL wlLh a hardware phone or a Sl accounL
Advanced Sl seLLlngs
1o make a phone call from Lhe ulspaLcher Console
1o recelve a call
1o redlrecL a phone call Lo a subscrlber radlo
1o make a call from Lelephone Lo radlo
1o make a call from radlo Lo Lelephone
u1Ml Call
Acall by sendlng LexL message Lo Lhe base
CreaLlng a CrossaLch
1o creaLe a CrossaLch
1o acLlvaLe CrossaLch
1ypes of CrossaLch
MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo each oLher
Cne masLer radlo redlrecLs Lhe calls Lo several masLer radlos
MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo one masLer radlo
1x asslve
8ecordlng a message Lo LransmlL
SelecLlng an exlsLlng audlo flle Lo LransmlL
CS oslLlonlng
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
CS oslLlonlng overvlew
1o load a map Lo a newLab
1o load a map Lo a newwlndow
1o selecL Lhe acLlve map
1o save map seLLlngs
1o load Lhe defaulL map seLLlngs
1o save an onllne map
1o speclfy Lhe folder Lo sLore map daLa
1o save Lhe map
1oolbar lcons
1o showhlde subscrlbers on map
1o showhlde Lypes of subscrlbers
1o perform an acLlon ln Lhe Subscrlbers Lree
ConLexL menu
1o monlLor a subscrlber
1o enable map drawlng Loolbar
1o add a reglon
1o add an ob[ecL
1o perform an acLlon ln Lhe ob[ecLs pane
1o showhlde ob[ecLs and reglons
1o showhlde all Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons
1o showhlde exacL ob[ecLs or reglons
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol
1o adddeleLe a rule
1o edlL a rule
1o enabledlsable a rule
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback a call
1o playback several flles
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes
8adlo LvenLs
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
8adlo SLaLe
AcLlve 1asks
user AcLlvlLy
1o enabledlsable user AcLlvlLy
1o conflgure user AcLlvlLy
1o add or deleLe a user AcLlvlLy llsL
1o LdlL a llsL
1o asslgn an offllne subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL user AcLlvlLy llsL
Subscrlbers Lree
1o showhlde subscrlbers on Lhe map
1o perform an acLlon
LlecLronlc maps
1o load a map Lo a newLab
1o load a map Lo a newwlndow
1o selecL Lhe acLlve map
1o save map seLLlngs
1o load Lhe defaulL map seLLlngs
1oolbar lcons
Cb[ecLs ane
1o enable map drawlng Loolbar
1o add a reglon
1o add an ob[ecL
1o perform an acLlon
1o showhlde ob[ecLs and reglons
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol
LvenL Log
8ecenL CallsLvenLs
8adlo LvenLs
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback records
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes
8adlo SLaLe
AcLlve 1asks
user AcLlvlLy
1o enabledlsable user AcLlvlLy
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1exL Messages
1exL Messages Cvervlew
1o send a message Lo a node
1o showhlde records from Lhe Message Sesslon pane
ConLacLs Lree
Message Sesslon pane
1exL Message pane
1o send a message
LvenL Log
LvenL log overvlew
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback a call
1o playback several flles
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes Lo Lhe log
LvenLs Lree
Log pane
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback records
1o group log records
1o add messages and noLes
LnLry pane
8eporLs and SLaLlsLlcs
8eporLs and sLaLlsLlcs overvlew
1o generaLe a reporL
1o vlewa generaLed reporL
1o manage a reporL
8eporL 1ypes Lree
8eporL pane
1o generaLe a reporL
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o vlewa reporL
1o manage a reporL
AdmlnlsLer overvlew
navlgaLlon 1ree
1o add a CrossaLch
1o acLlvaLe a CrossaLch
1o edlL a CrossaLch
1o clean Lhe daLabase
1o use Lhe daLabase backup scheduler
ulsabled 8adlos
1o dlsable a radlo
1o enable a radlo
1o adddeleLe a dlspaLcher
Access rlghLs
Avallable MasLer 8adlos
Avallable groups
1o edlL a dlspaLcher
Loglcal groups
1o add a loglcal group
1o add a loglcal subgroup
1o edlL a loglcal group
1o deleLe a group
MasLer 8adlos
1o reseL a masLer radlo
1o vlewedlL a masLer radlos properLles
uescrlpLlon Lab
8adlo channels Lab
1alk groups Lab
1ransmlLs Lab
volume Lab
1o enabledlsable Ceofenclng
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol
1o adddeleLe a rule
1o edlL a rule
Ceneral Lab
8eglons Lab
8adlos Lab
Lone Workers Lab
1o enabledlsable a rule
SMS and Lmall noLlflcaLlons
1o enabledlsable SMS and Lmall noLlflcaLlons
1o conflgure SMS and Lmall noLlflcaLlons
SMS seLLlngs Lab
CuLgolng Lmall seLLlngs SM1 Lab
lncomlng Lmall seLLlngs C Lab
user AcLlvlLy
1o enabledlsable user AcLlvlLy
1o conflgure user AcLlvlLy
1o add or deleLe a user AcLlvlLy llsL
1o LdlL a llsL
1o asslgn an offllne subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL user AcLlvlLy llsL
LxporL uaLa
1o add LxporL uaLa Lask
LxporL daLa Lo daLabase Lable
ConnecLlon Lab
uaLa Lab
Scheduler Lab
Advanced Lab for locaLlon of radlo only
LxporL daLa Lo versa 1rans
uaLa Lab
Scheduler Lab
LxporL daLa Lo Coogle
uaLa Lab
Scheduler Lab
LxporL daLa Lo nMLA
uaLa Lab
Scheduler Lab
LxporL uaLa Lo flle
uaLa Lab
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Scheduler Lab
1o conflgure LxporL uaLa
Lone Worker
1o enabledlsable Lone Worker pollcy
1o add Lone Worker pollcy
1o conflgure Lone Worker
1ask SLarL Lab
CondlLlons Lab
1ask SLop Lab
Scheduled 1ask
1o enabledlsable Scheduled 1ask
1o add Scheduled 1ask
1o conflgure Scheduled 1ask
Command Lab
Scheduler Lab
ldle 1lme
Conflgure ldle 1lme
1o add or edlL a 1elemeLry proflle
1o conflgure a LelemeLry buLLon
lnpuL Lab
CuLpuL Lab
1o add a user
Ceneral Lab
8adlos Lab
1o edlL a user
Subscrlber Croups
1o add a group
1o edlL or remove a group
1o add a subscrlber
Ceneral 1ab
Croups 1ab
CpLlonboard 1ab
AddlLlonal 1ab
1o edlL or remove a subscrlber
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
188CneL 8adlo AllocaLlon
1o admlnlsLer radlo users
1o add a user
Ceneral Lab
8adlos Lab
1o edlL a user
1o see 8adlo AllocaLlon SLaLlsLlcs
188CneL 8adlo AllocaLlon Console
1o sLarL Lhe 188CneL 8adlo AllocaLlon Console
1o Lake or reLurn a radlo
188CneL Culck SupporL
PowLo use 188CneL Culck supporL
AbouL Lhe Company
ConLacL ueLalls
1he D|spatcher Conso|e lnLerface provldes remoLe access Lo Lhe daLa from Lhe daLabase vla
l AdlspaLcher can communlcaLe wlLh any of Lhe radlo sLaLlons from a C AdlspaLcher wlLh
admlnlsLraLlve rlghLs can conflgure Lhe parameLers of Lhe server
When Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e ls launched lL connecLs Lo Lhe kad|oServer and by defaulL Lhe
8adlo lnLerface ls dlsplayed 1o navlgaLe among Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools use Lhe
Nav|gat|on ane
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he followlng Lools are avallable ln Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e
8adlo lnLerface Lhe lnLerface for volce communlcaLlon wlLh dlspaLchers and
subscrlbers dlsplays lnformaLlon on sLaLe of Lhelr radlo sLaLlons and allows you Lo
play back prevlous calls
CS oslLlonlng Lhe lnLerface for monlLorlng subscrlbers locaLlon
1exL messages Lhe lnLerface for revlewlng and sendlng LexL messages Lo dlspaLchers
lndlvldual subscrlbers or groups
LvenL Log Lhe lnLerface for monlLorlng evenLs recorded ln Lhe log
8eporLs and SLaLlsLlcs Lhe lnLerface wlLh varlous prlnLlng forms wlLh lnformaLlon on
acLlvlLy of Lhe monlLored radlo neLwork
AdmlnlsLer Lhe lnLerface for admlnlsLerlng Lhe radlo neLwork and Lhe 1k8Cnet sysLem
Note 1o access Lhls lnLerface you musL connecL Lo Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer wlLh
admlnlsLraLlve prlvlleges 1he defaulL admlnlsLraLlve logln and password are adm|n
1he lnLerface ls lnvlslble lf you are logged on as user
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
8adlo lnLerface
kad|o |nterface overv|ew
1he kad|o Lool provldes lnLerface for volce communlcaLlon wlLh subscrlbers dlsplays lnformaLlon on
sLaLe of Lhelr radlo sLaLlons and allows you Lo play back prevlous calls
1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
ConLacLs Lree whlch dlsplays Lhe sLaLe of dlspaLchers and subscrlbers
Calls ane Lhe maln lnLerface of masLer radlo sLaLlon whlch allows you make volce calls Lo a
chosen group of subscrlbers and change acLlve channel of Lhe masLer radlo sLaLlon
8ecenL CallsLvenLs Log whlch conLalns lnformaLlon on all communlcaLlon sesslons and
allows you Lo playback Lhe recorded calls
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe kad|o |nterface are descrlbed below
1o connecL Lo a 8adloServer
1o change Lhe password
1o change Lhe consoles lnLerface language
1o conflgure qulck acLlon buLLons
1o change Lhe ConLacLs 1ree vlew
1o perform an acLlon
1o edlL a subscrlber
1o make a prlvaLe call
1o send a volce mall or a LexL message Lo an offllne subscrlber
1o make a broadcasL or a group call
1o make an lnLercom call
1o acLlvaLe CrosspaLch
1o make or recelve Lelephone calls
1o LransmlL a message on a busy channel
1o paLch channels
1o send LexL messages
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback calls
1o group log records
1o add noLes and messages Lo Lhe log
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o connect to a kad|oServer
1o connecL Lo a 8adloServer do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck I||e Connect to kad|o Server
l Cllck Lhe kad|oServer buLLon on Lhe Status bar and selecL a 8adloServer from Lhe llsL or cllck
ConnecL Lo 8adlo Server Lo speclfy Lhe deLalls
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he Connect to kad|o Server wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy Lhe 8adloServer l address orL user
name and assword 1hen cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o change the password
1o change your password Lo access Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e
Cllck 1oo|s Change password
LnLer Lhe old password
LnLer Lhe newpassword tw|ce
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o change the conso|es |anguage
1o change Lhe lnLerface language
Cllck 1oo|s Set |anguage
SelecL language from Lhe dropdown llsL Cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o conf|gure qu|ck buttons
1o conflgure Culck AcLlon 8uLLons for groups and subscrlbers do Lhe followlng

Cllck on Lhe conLacL Lree Loolbar

ln Lhe dlsplayed wlndowspeclfy acLlons Lo have qulck buLLons for
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o change the Contacts 1ree v|ew
1he followlng vlews of Lhe ConLacLs 1ree are avallable
1o see 8adlo Croups cllck on Lhe ConLacLs 1ree Loolbar
1o see Lhe llsL of groups and subscrlbers cllck on Lhe ConLacLs 1ree Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o see loglcal groups speclfled ln Lhe AdmlnlsLer secLlon cllck on Lhe ConLacLs 1ree Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o group subscrlbers by sLaLus offllne onllne and no CS or onllne wlLh CS flx cllck on
Lhe ConLacLs 1ree Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o fllLer Lhe ConLacLs 1ree cllck on Lhe ConLacLs 1ree Loolbar Speclfy lLems Lo hlde or show
and cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o perform an act|on
ln Lhe Contacts tree do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck a qulck buLLon ln fronL of Lhe conLacL or group node
l 8lghLcllck a conLacL or group node
SelecL an acLlon Lo perform elLher ln Lhe acLlons pane or ln Lhe conLexL menu AcLlons
avallable depend on Lhe Lype of Lhe node you selecLed conLacLs sLaLe and for subscrlbers
Lhe model of Lhe radlo sLaLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1C L8lC8M An AC1lCn ln 1PL Su8SC8l8L8S 18LL
1o perform an acLlon selecL a node ln Lhe Subscr|bers tree and rlghLcllck lL 1he conLexL menu llsLs
opLlons for Lhe selecLed node AcLlons avallable depend on Lhe Lype of node you selecLed
subscrlbers sLaLe and Lhe model of Lhe radlo sLaLlon
Contact 1ype Act|ons
Cn||ne D|spatchers Send message sends a LexL message Lo all avallable dlspaLchers
Send message sends a LexL message Lo Lhe dlspaLcher
D|sconnect D|spatcher avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges ulsconnecLs Lhe dlspaLcher from Lhe 8adloServer
Subscr|ber Group
Send message sends a LexL message Lo all radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh
a dlsplay ln Lhe group
keset GS tr|gger reseLs CS Lrlgger of all radlo sLaLlons ln Lhe group
Cff||ne Subscr|ber
lor dlsconnecLed physlcally or by a dlspaLcher subscrlbers or subscrlbers
ouL of neLwork reach
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user on Coogle LarLh
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
r|vate ca|| allows recordlng a volce mall for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be LransmlLLed as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Send message allows sendlng a message for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be dellvered as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Lnab|e D|sab|e kad|o avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges acLlvaLes a prevlously blocked radlo sLaLlon or dlsables a radlo
sLaLlon an offllne radlo geLs dlsabled as soon as lL geLs avallable
Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow opens CS MonlLorlng wlndowfor
selecLed subscrlber
Set Asslgns Lhe user Lo a User Act|v|ty llsL seL by Lhe admlnlsLraLor
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Contact 1ype Act|ons
Cn||ne Subscr|ber
lor connecLed and onllne subscrlbers
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
kequest Locat|on avallable only for radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh a CS
module requesLs Lhe subscrlbers exacL geographlcal locaLlon
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o ed|t a subscr|ber
NC1L AdmlnlsLraLor rlghLs are requlred Lo edlL subscrlbers
1o vlewLhe radlo properLles wlndowdoublecllck Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe ConLacLs 1ree
1he followlng parameLers are avallable
l Ca||s|gn enLer Lhe radlos callslgn
l kad|o ID enLer Lhe radlos lu
l MDC ID nex LnLer Lhe MuC lu for analogue channels
l 1a|k Group SelecL a Lalk group Lo asslgn Lhe radlo Lo
l Lqu|pped w|th GSmodu|e selecL Lo make CS poslLlonlng enabled for Lhe radlo
l Use custom GS po|||ng |nterva| for th|s rad|o selecL lf necessary speclfy Lhe er|od
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l Lqu|pped w|th d|sp|ay for 1ext Messag|ng selecL Lo make LexL messaglng enabled for Lhe
l 1e|emetry lf necessary selecL a cusLom LelemeLry proflle
l Cn the Map
l Use |con sett|ngs selecL Lhe Lype of lcon dlsplayed on Lhe map from dropdown llsL
Mob||e rad|os ortab|e kad|os kad|o on a boat 8us eLc
l Show ca||s|gn selecL or clear Lo showor hlde radlos name on Lhe map
C8CuS 1A8
SelecL a loglcal group groups Lo asslgn Lhe subscrlber Lo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
C1lCn8CA8u 1A8
188CneL supporLs SprlLe opLlonboard SelecL Spr|te lf necessary 1o LesL opLlonboard cllck Check
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Auul1lCnAL 1A8
Name 1ype Lhe name of Lhe subscrlber
Load Image Load an lmage for Lhe subscrlber
Descr|pt|on 1ype Lhe radlos descrlpLlon
Make enLer Lhe vehlcle make
|ate Number enLer vehlcle plaLe number
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o make a pr|vate ca||
1o make a prlvaLe call selecL a radlo ln Lhe Contacts tree
uo one of Lhe followlng
l 8lghLcllck Lhe radlo and ln Lhe conLexL menu selecL r|vate Ca||
l Cllck ln fronL of Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe Contacts tree
1o LermlnaLe Lhe prlvaLe call do one of Lhe followlng
l press 11
l cllck ln fronL of Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe conLacLs Lree
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o send a vo|ce ma|| or a text message to an off||ne subscr|ber
1o send a volce or a LexL message Lo an offllne subscrlber do one of Lhe followlng
l SelecL Lhe subscrlber and cllck or ln fronL of Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe Contacts tree Lhen
record your volce mall or Lype a message
l 8lghLcllck Lhe subscrlber and selecL ln Lhe conLexL menu r|vate Ca|| or Send Message Lhen
record your volce mall or Lype a message
1he message wlll be recelved as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o make a broadcast or a group ca||
SelecL Lhe call Lype 8roadcast Ca|| or exacL group
ress 11
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o LermlnaLe Lhe call press 11
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1o make an Intercom ca||
1here are Lypes of lnLercom calls
SelecL 8roadcasL on Lhe lnLercom pane
ress IN1LkCCM ln Lhe calls pane
1o LermlnaLe lnLercom call press IN1LkCCM ln Lhe calls pane
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1C MAkL A 8lvA1L ln1L8CCM CALL
SelecL a dlspaLcher on Lhe lnLercom pane
ress IN1LkCCM ln Lhe calls pane
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1o LermlnaLe Lhe prlvaLe lnLercom call press IN1LkCCM
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1o act|vate Crossatch
188CneL LnLerprlse allows addlng and acLlvaLlng rules for paLchlng dlfferenL channels lor more
lnformaLlon see CrossaLch
1o acLlvaLe or deacLlvaLe a CrossaLch selecL Lhe checkbox ln fronL of Lhe CrossaLch Work Area
1hen conflrm Lhe acLlvaLlon deacLlvaLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o make or rece|ve te|ephone ca||s
1o make a phone call from Lhe dlspaLcher Console use Lhe SI Interconnect pane
SelecL Lhe llne enLer Lhe phone number and cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o answer a phone call cllck
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1C 8Lul8LC1 A PCnL CALL 1C A Su8SC8l8L8 8AulC
1o redlrecL a phone call Lo a subscrlber cllck Lhe lcon Lhen cllck ked|rect Ca|| and selecL
Lhe subscrlber or dlspaLcher Lo redlrecL Lhe call Lo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o make a phone call Lo a subscrlber radlo dlal Lhe Sl accounLs phone number 1hen followLhe voce
menus prompLs or ask Lhe dlspaLcher Lo redlrecL your call Lo Lhe subscrlber
1C MAkL A CALL l8CM Su8SC8l8L8 8AulC 1C 1LLLPCnL
D1MI Ca||
NC1L Cnly flrmware verslon and hlgher supporL u1Ml
1o make a u1Ml call do Lhe folowlng
ress 11 on a porLable and hold lL
Whlle holdlng 11 dlal Lhe phone number and press lor example
8elease 11 11he 8adloServer wlll lnlLlaLe a phone call
A ca|| by send|ng text message to the base
1o make a call Lo a phone number send Lo Lhe masLer radlo a LexL message wlLh Lhe LexL ref|xN
ref|x Lhe preflx seL ln Lhe 8adloServer conflguraLlon Lhe defaulL preflx ls s|p
N Lhe Lelephone number
NC1L Cnly Lhe phone subscrlber can LermlnaLe Lhe call
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Act|ons ava||ab|e for a master rad|o or repeater s|ot
1he followlng acLlons are avallable for a masLer radlo or a repeaLer sloL
AC1lCnS Cn MAS1L8 8AulC AnL
1he followlng acLlons are avallable on masLer radlo pane
l selecL Lhe checkbox Lo make Lhls channel a radlo defaulL 11 channel for exLernal
mlcrophone or spacebar
l 1one and 11 sLarLs LransmlLLlng afLer a Lone sound
l Solo muLes all channels excepL for Lhls one
l MuLe muLes Lhls channel
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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AC1lCnS l8CM MAS1L8 8AulC CCn1Lx1 MLnu
1o perform an acLlon rlghLcllck a masLer radlo or repeaLer sloL and selecL acLlon from conLexL menu
1he followlng acLlons are avallable from masLer radlo conLexL menu
l Defau|t 11 channe| selecL Lhe checkbox make Lhls channel radlo defaulL 11 channel for
exLernal mlcrophone or spacebar
l Spec|fy not key SelecL Lo speclfy Lhe hoL key Lo LransmlL on Lhls channel
l 1one and 11 cllck Lo sLarL LransmlLLlng afLer a Lone sound
l Mute th|s channe| cllck Lo muLe Lhls channel
l Mute a|| channe|s except th|s cllck Lo muLe all channels excepL Lhls
l 1erm|nate 1ransm|ss|on Cllck Lo LermlnaLe a call on Lhls channel
l keset Master kad|o Cllck Lo reseL Lhe masLer radlo or repeaLer sloL
l M|n|m|zeMax|m|ze Cllck Lo mlnlmlze or maxlmlze Lhe masLer radlo pane
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AC1lCnS AvAlLA8LL l8CM MAS1L8 8AulC lCCn CCn1Lx1 MLnu
All masLer radlos are dlsplayed as lcons
1o vlewa masLer radlo or repeaLer sloL lnfo rollover a masLer radlo lcon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o perform an acLlon cllck a masLer radlo lcon and selecL Lhe acLlon
1he followlng acLlons are avallable
l keset Master kad|o reseL a masLer radlo
l ropert|es see masLer radlo properLles
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MAS1L8 8AulC 8CL81lLS
Descr|pt|on tab
1hls Lab provldes Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
l ID masLer radlos lu
l Name masLer radlos name
l 1ype masLer radlos Lype
l Mode mode S|ng|e Master kad|o I S|te Connect or Capac|ty |us
l SLaLus Connected or D|sconnected
l Ser|a| number only avallable for connecLed masLer radlos
l I|rmware vers|on only avallable for connecLed masLer radlos
Note 1he lnformaLlon ls readonly
1o change Lhe masLer radlo seLLlngs run Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer Conf|gurator by selecLlng
A|| rograms Neocom Software 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v Conf|gure 1k8Cnet
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Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v ln Lhe Start menu or uslng Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer v
shorLcuL on your deskLop
kad|o channe|s tab
1o add a zone cllck
1o add a channel Lo a zone selecL a zone and cllck
1o edlL a zone or channel lefLcllck lL and Lype LexL
1o remove a channel or a zone selecL lL and cllck
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1a|k groups tab
Speclfy avallable Lalk groups ln Lhls Lab SelecL or clear checkboxes
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1ransm|ts tab
SelecL Lhe checkbox Lo use an exLernal masLer radlo for prlvaLe calls and selecL Lhe masLer radlo from
Lhe dropdown llsL
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Vo|ume tab
Ad[usL 1x and 8x levls on Lhe channel manually or selecL Conflgure sysLem volume Lo followsysLem
volume seLLlngs
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1o send text messages
1o dlsplay Lhe Send Message wlndow do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck ln fronL of Lhe conLacL ln Lhe Contacts tree
l ln Lhe Contacts tree rlghLcllck a conLacL node and selecL Send Message
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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lf necessary selecL a message LemplaLe Lo use
1I 1o creaLe a newmessage LemplaLe for fuLure use cllck enLer LemplaLe LexL ln a new
llne and cllck Ck
LnLer message LexL or modlfy Lhe LemplaLe lf necessary
1o send Lhe message cllck Ck 1o clear all LexL cllck C|ear 1o close Lhe wlndows wlLhouL
sendlng Lhe message cllck Cance|
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o nav|gate through |og records
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of kecent
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
1o hlde old log records from Lhe kecent Ca||sLvents pane cllck
1o dlsplay all log records cllck
1o swlLch Lo defaulL seLLlngs cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o p|ayback a ca||
SelecL a communlcaLlon sesslon ln Lhe llsL

1o download from Lhe radlo server and play Lhe audlo flle cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1o p|ayback severa| f||es
1o playback several lLems press Ctr| and selecL recordlngs from Lhe llsL Lhen cllck
on Lhe Loolbar
l 1o playback a llsL of lLems selecL one lLem Lhen press Sh|ft and selecL Lhe lasL one from Lhe llsL
you need Lo playback all lLems beLween Lhese recordlngs wlll be selecLed Cllck
on Lhe Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o group or f||ter |og records
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records do Lhe followlng

Cllck on Lhe Loolbar

Asmall pane ls opened urag Lhe column for example Date Lo group by Lo Lhe pane
1he records are grouped by Lhe Date column 1o vlewLhe records for exacL daLe doublecllck Lhe daLe
or cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
?ou can group records by several columns lor example afLer dragglng Lhe Date column drag
Sender nowyou can vlewrecords for exacL daLes by senders
1o exlL Lhe grouplng vlewmode drag columns names from Lhe pane Lhen cllck on Lhe
1C llL1L8 LCC 8LCC8uS
1o fllLer log records due Lo exacL column conLenL cllck on Lhe Loolbar and Lype LexL ln a
column you need Lo fllLer
1o exlL AuLo lllLer mode cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add messages and notes to the |og
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
All records ln Lhe log can have users noLes 1o see Lhe noLes cllck on Lhe Loolbar 1he
Note column ls shown
1o add a noLe selecL a record and cllck on Lhe Loolbar 1ype your noLe ln Lhe Note
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he noLe ls shown ln Lhe Note column and dlsplayed ln Lhe Message column as lcon 1hls lcon ls
dlsplayed even lf Lhe Show notes mode ls noL enabled
1o geL lnformaLlon on a noLe rollover Lhe lcon 1he lnformaLlon on Lhe auLhor of Lhe noLe and
lLs LexL are dlsplayed 1o edlL Lhe noLes LexL cllck lf you make Lhe LexL blank Lhe noLe ls deleLed
AdlspaLcher can add messages for D|spatcher Conso|e users 1o add a message Lo Lhe log cllck
on Lhe Loolbar 1he Add user message wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1he defaulL reclplenL ls A||lf necessary Lype Lhe name of Lhe reclplenL SelecL Lhe severlLy from
dropdown llsL Informat|on Warn|ng or A|arm 1ype Lhe message and cllck Ck 1he message ls
added Lo Lhe log nowrhe message ls dlsplayed ln Lhe kecent Ca||sLvents log and ln Lhe User
messages secLlon of Lhe Lvent Log Lool
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Contacts tree
1he ConLacLs Lree dlsplays all conLacLs avallable Lo you lncludlng fellowdlspaLchers connecLed Lo Lhe
same 8adloServer lndlvldual subscrlbers and subscrlber groups
ulfferenL lcons represenL Lhe sLaLe of radlo sLaLlons
Crey Lhe subscrlber ls off or beyond Lhe reach of Lhe sysLem
8lue Lhe subscrlber ls on buL Lhe poslLlon daLa ls noL avallable
Creen Lhe subscrlber ls on has a CS module lnsLalled and hls poslLlon daLa ls avallable
ln Lhe CS oslLlonlng Lool
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CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
lf you rollover a radlo ln Lhe ConLacLs Lree Lhe popup wlndowls dlsplayed
1he user can geL Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
ress Lhls lcon Lo requesL Lhe subscrlbers presence ln neLwork
ress Lhls lcon Lo send a message Lo Lhe subscrlber
ress Lhls lcon Lo requesL Lhe subscrlbers locaLlon
1he user AcLlvlLy llsL Lhe radlo ls asslgned Lo ls dlsplayed lf Lhe User Act|v|ty Lask ls acLlvaLed
1he Lone Worker pollcys sLaLe ls dlsplayed lf Lhe Lone Worker Lask ls acLlvaLed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
?ou can also access acLlons from Lhe conLexL menu of a node ln Lhe navlgaLlon Lree lor Lhls rlghL
cllck a node
Contact type Act|ons
Cn||ne D|spatchers Send message sends a LexL message Lo all avallable dlspaLchers
Send message sends a LexL message Lo Lhe dlspaLcher
D|sconnect D|spatcher avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges ulsconnecLs Lhe dlspaLcher from Lhe 8adloServer
Subscr|ber Group
Send message sends a LexL message Lo all radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh
a dlsplay ln Lhe group
keset GS tr|gger reseLs CS Lrlgger of all radlo sLaLlons ln Lhe group
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Contact type Act|ons
lor dlsconnecLed physlcally or by a dlspaLcher subscrlbers or subscrlbers
ouL of neLwork reach
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user on Coogle LarLh
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
r|vate ca|| allows recordlng a volce mall for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be LransmlLLed as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Send message allows sendlng a message for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be dellvered as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Lnab|e D|sab|e kad|o avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges acLlvaLes a prevlously blocked radlo sLaLlon or dlsables a radlo
sLaLlon an offllne radlo geLs dlsabled as soon as lL geLs avallable
Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow opens CS MonlLorlng wlndowfor
selecLed subscrlber
Set Asslgns Lhe user Lo a User Act|v|ty llsL seL by Lhe admlnlsLraLor
lor connecLed and onllne subscrlbers
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
kequest Locat|on avallable only for radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh a CS
module requesLs Lhe subscrlbers exacL geographlcal locaLlon
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
r|vate ca|| makes a prlvaLe call Lo Lhe subscrlber
Send Message avallable only for radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh a dlsplay
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Contact type Act|ons
sends a LexL message Lo Lhe subscrlber
Send Ca|| Lhe subscrlber wlll hear a beep Lone noLlfylng on Lhe call
kemote Mon|tor Cpen m|cavallable only when you have Lhe
respecLlve prlvlleges acLlvaLes Lhe mlcrophone of Lhe subscrlbers radlo
sLaLlon ln hldden mode
Lnab|e D|sab|e kad|o avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges acLlvaLes a prevlously dlsabled radlo or blocks Lhe subscrlbers
radlo sLaLlon
keset GS tr|gger reseLs CS Lrlgger of Lhe radlo sLaLlon
Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow opens CS MonlLorlng wlndowfor
selecLed subscrlber
Set Asslgns Lhe user Lo a User Act|v|ty llsL seL by Lhe admlnlsLraLor lf
user acLlvlLy ls enabled
1e|emetry Name Send Lo Lhe subscrlber a LelemeLry command
Start Lone Worker SLarLs a Lone Worker pollcy for Lhe user
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Contact type Act|ons
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Ca||s pane
Calls pane ls Lhe maln lnLerface of Lhe ulspaLcher Console
1he Calls pane lncludes Lhe followlng maln elemenLs
ress 1o 1a|k 11 Lhe buLLon whlch lnlLlaLes a volce call
Intercom Lhe buLLon whlch lnlLlaLes a broadcasL volce call Lo avallable dlspaLchers
M|crophone Lhe lndlcaLor of your mlcrophone sLaLus
8lue Lhe mlcrophone ls off Lhe radlo sLaLlon ls noL ready for Lransmlsslon
Creen Lhe mlcrophone ls on Lhe radlo sLaLlon ls ready for Lransmlsslon
When calllng please walL for Lhe lcon Lo become green
Channe| change Lhe buLLons whlch change an acLlve channel of Lhe masLer radlo sLaLlon ln
recelve and Lransmlsslon modes Lhese buLLons are dlsabled
Ca|| 1ype change Lhe dropdown llsL allows changlng Lhe Lype of call you can make a
broadcasL call or selecL a group of subscrlbers
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1x asslve lf Lhe channel ls currenLly busy Lhls funcLlon allows record and queue a message Lo
LransmlL or use an exlsLlng audlo flle Lo queue and LransmlL
CrossaLch Lhls funcLlon allows paLchlng dlfferenL masLer sLaLlons ln one neLwork
Sl lnLerconnecL Lhls funcLlon allows maklng and recelvlng calls Lo Lelephones
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe calls pane are descrlbed below
1C L8lC8M An AC1lCn
1o perform an acLlon see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o make a prlvaLe call see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o make a broadcasL or a group call see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o make an lnLercom call see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1C Mu1L MAS1L8 S1A1lCnS
1o muLe masLer sLaLlons see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o LransmlL a message on a busy channel use Lhe 1x asslve funcLloncolor
1o paLch channels ln a common channel use Lhe CrossaLch funcLloncolor
1o send a LexL messagesee Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o playback records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o group log records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
1o manage noLes see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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1o manage messages see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
Ca|| types
1here are call Lypes
8roadcast Ca|| ls recelved by all radlo neLwork subscrlbers and all connecLed dlspaLchers
Group Ca|| ls recelved by all subscrlbers or dlspaLchers ln Lhe selecLed group
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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r|vate Ca|| ls recelved by a selecLed subscrlber only
kemote Mon|tor ls a call for Lhe hldden monlLor whlch ls recelved by LhaL dlspaLcher only who
launched Lhe monlLor
V|ew modes
1he Calls pane may be dlsplayed ln one of Lhe followlng modes
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l SLandby mode Lhe maln vlewmode when you can lnlLlaLe a volce call
l 1ransmlsslon mode
l 8ecelve mode
l CompacL mode
S1Anu8? MCuL
ln Lhls mode you can lnlLlaLe a volce call
lf an operaLor lnlLlaLes a call Lhe Calls pane changes mode Lo Lransmlsslon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he green 11 buLLon lndlcaLes LhaL you are an acLlve sendlng subscrlber
1he green mlcrophone lcon lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe masLer radlo sLaLlon mlcrophone ls on and
LransmlLs your call
1he call Lype
Asubscrlber or group belng an ob[ecL of Lhe call
AcLlve sendlng radlo subscrlber or dlspaLcher
lndlcaLlon of Lransmlsslonrecelvlng of volce lnformaLlon
ln Lhls mode you recelve a volce slgnal
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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ln Lhe recelve mode Lhe 11 buLLon ls dlsabled 1he buLLon ls enables agaln once Lhe calllng
subscrlber or dlspaLcher flnlshes Lransmlsslon
1o see Lhls mode selecL V|ew Sma|| Master kad|o 8oxes
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kecent Ca||sLvents |og
All communlcaLlon sesslons and evenLs are sLored on Lhe 8adloServer and llsLed ln Lhe 188CneL
ulspaLcher Console ?ou can revlewlnformaLlon on all communlcaLlon sesslons and playback any of
Lhe recorded audlo flles
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now to
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of kecent
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
1o hlde old log records from Lhe kecent Ca||sLvents pane cllck C|ean
1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
1C LA?8ACk 8LCC8uS
1o playback records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
1o manage noLes see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o manage messages see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1e|ephone Interconnect
1he Sl lnLerconnecL funcLlon allows maklng calls from Lelephones Lo radlos and vlce versa ?ou only
need Lo reglsLer a Sl accounL and conflgure Lhe 8adloServer Lo connecL Lo Lhls accounL
When you make a call Lhe Sl servlce connecLs Lo Lhe 8adloServer lor lnsLance you make a call Lo a
radlo subscrlber from phone lor Lhls you need Lo dlal Lhe Sl accounLs phone number AfLer LhaL
Lhe Sl servlce connecLs Lo 8adloServer and Lhe call ls conducLed due Lo Lhe 8adloServer
conflguraLlon you are forwarded Lo a dlspaLcher or Lhe volce menu Lo connecL you Lo a subscrlber
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
rogramm|ng the master rad|o
NC1L I|rmware vers|on or h|gher |s requ|red to support SI Interconnect feature |n I
S|te Connect or Capac|ty |us systems
Make sure Lhe MasLer 8adlo ls correcLly programmed lor Lhls open MC1C1k8C CS selecL Lhe
experL vlewand read Lhe radlos conflguraLlon
Make sure Lhe r|vate Ca||s are allowed ln Genera| Sett|ngs
Co Lo your channel conflguraLlon and make Lhe followlng seLLlngs
l under Lhe 1k column selecL Lhe A||ow Interrupt|onand 1k Interrupt|b|e Irequenc|es
l ln Adm|t Cr|ter|a dropdown llsL selecL Channe| Iree and ln In Ca|| Cr|ter|a dropdown llsL
selecL Io||ow Adm|t Cr|ter|a
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rogramm|ng portab|e rad|os
NC1L I|rmware vers|on or h|gher |s requ|red to support SI Interconnect feature |n I S|te
Connect or Capac|ty |us systems
Make sure LhaL porLable radlos are correcLly programmed lor Lhls open MC1C1k8C CS selecL Lhe
experL vlewand read Lhe radlos conflguraLlon
Make sure Lhe r|vate Ca||s are allowed ln Genera| Sett|ngs
Co Lo your channel conflguraLlon and make Lhe followlng seLLlngs
l under Lhe 1k column selecL Lhe 1k Interrupt|b|e Irequenc|es checkbox
l ln Adm|t Cr|ter|a dropdown llsL selecL Channe| Iree and ln In Ca|| Cr|ter|a dropdown llsL
selecL 1k Interrupt
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1o reg|ster a SI account
1o reglsLer a Sl accounL go Lo a Sl provlders webslLe for example slpgaLecouk or slpgaLecom
and followLhe prompLs
1o conf|gure 1e|ephone Interconnect
1C CCnllCu8L 1LLLPCnL ln1L8CCnnLC1 Wl1P A vl81uAL LCCAL Sl SL8vL8
188CneL Leam developed a vlrLual Sl Server for maklng phone calls lnslde a local neLwork 1he
vlrLual Sl Server supporLs up Lo Lelephone llnes
lor lnformaLlon on vlrLual Sl Server ConflguraLlon see Lhe SlServerConflguraLlonul documenL
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1C CCnllCu8L Sl ln1L8CCnnLC1 Wl1P A PA8uWA8L PCnL C8 A Sl ACCCun1
Cpen Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer Conf|gurator uslng one of Lhe followlng opLlons
l use Lhe 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v shorLcuL on your deskLop
l ln Lhe SLarL menu selecL A|| rograms Neocom Software 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v
Conf|gure 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v
SelecL S|p Interconnect ln Lhe navlgaLlon Lree
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Conflgure Lhe followlng parameLers
arameter nardware SI phone SI account
use Slp lnLerconnecL SelecL Lo enable Sl lnLerconnecL
rovlder address
speclfy your 8x phone l address
ln local neLwork
speclfy Lhe Sl provlders webslLe
rovlder porL
Local l
speclfy l address of Lhe adapLer Lo
access your local neLwork
speclfy l address of Lhe adapLer
Lo access lnLerneL eg
lnpuL calls
SelecL Lhe 8adloServers acLlons ln case of lncomlng phone calls
Dec||ne ca||s Cpen vo|ce menu or ked|rect to d|spatchers
Allowsubscrlbers Lo
make ouLgolng calls
selecL Lo allowsubscrlbers maklng calls Lo Lelephones
1MS preflx
1he preflx a radlo subscrlber wlll need Lo use Lo make a call for example
lf Lhe preflx ls s|p Lhe subscrlber wlll need Lo send a LexL message Lo a
masLer radlo wlLh Lhe LexL s|pN where N ls Lhe phone number Lo
make call Lo
u1Ml SelecL Lo enable u1Ml
Sl lu
1he lu from Lhe phone
?our Sl accounL lu
Sl user
1he phone number Lo be lndlcaLed
when an ouLgolng call ls made
?our Sl accounL phone number
1he password from your phone
?our Sl accounL password
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Advanced SI sett|ngs
1o conflgure Lhe advanced Sl seLLlngs selecL Advanced under SI Interconnect
SeL up Lhe followlng parameLers
l acket t|me ms Speclfy Lhe packeL Llme compaLlble wlLh your 8x phone or Sl AccounL
l Used codecs SelecL Lhe codecsa Lo be suporLed we recommend selecLlng all codecs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o make a phone ca|| from the D|spatcher Conso|e
1o make a phone call from Lhe ulspaLcher Console use Lhe SI Interconnect pane
SelecL Lhe llne enLer Lhe phone number and cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o rece|ve a ca||
1o recelve a call cllck
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1o red|rect a phone ca|| to a subscr|ber rad|o
1o redlrecL an lncomlng or ouLgolng phone call Lo a subscrlber cllck Lhen cllck ked|rect
Ca|| and selecL Lhe dlspaLcher or subscrlber Lo redlrecL Lhe call Lo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o make a ca|| from te|ephone to rad|o
1o make a phone call Lo a subscrlber radlo dlal Lhe Sl accounLs phone number 1hen elLher follow
Lhe voce menus prompLs or ask Lhe dlspaLcher Lo redlrecL your call Lo Lhe subscrlber
NC1L Cnly Lhe phone subscrlber can LermlnaLe Lhe call
1o make a ca|| from rad|o to te|ephone
NC1L Cnly flrmware verslon and hlgher supporL u1Ml
1o make a u1Ml call do Lhe folowlng
ress 11 on a porLable and hold lL
Whlle holdlng 11 dlal Lhe phone number and press lor example
8elease 11
1o make a call Lo a phone number send Lo Lhe masLer radlo a LexL message wlLh Lhe LexL ref|xN
ref|x Lhe preflx seL ln Lhe 8adloServer conflguraLlon Lhe defaulL preflx ls s|p
N Lhe Lelephone number
NC1L Cnly Lhe phone subscrlber can LermlnaLe Lhe call
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v provldes Lhe Crossatch funcLlon CrossaLchlng allows Lhe user conflgure
Lhe neLwork Lo redlrecL Lhe calls Lhus paLchlng masLer radlos analogue and dlglLal sLaLlons CapaclLy
lus and l SlLe ConnecL
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Creat|ng a Crossatch
Note ?ou have Lo logon as Lhe admlnlsLraLor Lo creaLe a CrossaLch
SelecL Adm|n|ster ln Lhe navlgaLlon Lree
1hen selecL Crossatch
1o add a CrossaLch cllck Add ln Lhe work area
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he Crossatch wlndowls dlsplayed
?ou can seL Lhe followlng lLems
Name 1he name of a CrossaLch
Work Mode 1here are opLlons of CrossaLchlng
l MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo each oLher
l Cne masLer radlo redlrecLs calls Lo several masLer radlos
l MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo one masLer radlo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Master rad|os to red|rect ca||s seL Lhe sources and Lhe LargeLs of redlrecLed calls ?ou can
selecL an execL group or all groups of a masLer radlo Lo redlrecL calls
AfLer seLLlng all Lhe parameLers cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o act|vate Crossatch
1o acLlvaLe or deacLlvaLe a CrossaLch selecL Lhe checkbox ln fronL of Lhe CrossaLch ln Lhe
kad|o |nterface or ln Lhe Adm|n|ster Lool
1hen conflrm Lhe acLlvaLlon deacLlvaLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1ypes of Crossatch
?ou can use Lhree dlfferenL varlanLs of CrossaLchlng
1hls ls Lhe mosL common Lype of CrossaLch when Lhere ls daLa exchange beLween Lhe masLer
sLaLlons seL ln Lhe CrossaLch seLLlngs 1hus Lhere ls a common channel for all Lhe subscrlbers of Lhe
speclfled masLer sLaLlons
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o creaLe Lhls mode of CrossaLchlng add a CrossaLch and seL Lhe Work Mode as Master rad|os
red|rect the ca||s to each other SeL Lhe CrossaLch name and Lhe masLer radlos Lo redlrecL calls
Cllck Ck 1he CrossaLch ls nowdlsplayed ln Lhe kad|o |nterface
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1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o creaLe Lhls Lype of CrossaLchlng add a CrossaLch and seL Lhe Work Mode as Cne master rad|o
red|rects the ca||s to severa| master rad|os SeL Lhe CrossaLch name and Lhe masLer radlos Lo
redlrecL calls
Cllck Ck 1he CrossaLch ls nowdlsplayed ln Lhe kad|o |nterface
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1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o creaLe Lhls Lype of CrossaLchlng add a CrossaLch and seL Lhe Work Mode as Master rad|os
red|rect the ca||s to one master rad|o SeL Lhe CrossaLch name and Lhe masLer radlos Lo redlrecL
Cllck Ck 1he CrossaLch ls nowdlsplayed ln Lhe kad|o |nterface
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1k ass|ve
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v provldes Lhe 1k ass|ve funcLlon 1hls feaLure enables dlspaLchers Lo queue
messages ln a slLuaLlon when a message musL be LransmlLLed buL Lhe channel ls currenLly busy 1he
dlspaLcher records a message on a busy channel and Lhen 188CneL broadcasLs Lhls message as soon
as Lhe channel becomes avallable
1he 1k ass|ve funcLlon ls presenLed ln Lhe kad|o |nterface
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CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he user can record a message or selecL an exlsLlng audlo flle Lo broadcasL ?ou can speclfy Lhe
reclplenLs of Lhe LransmlLLed message 1he defaulL seLLlng ls Se|ected Master kad|os1o selecL a
masLer radlo for LransmlLLlng a message selecL Lhe checkbox near lLs name ln Lhe masLer sLaLlons
wlndowln Lhe kad|o |nterface 1o seL Lhe reclplenLs cllck Lhe Se|ected Master kad|os LexL and selecL
from Lhe dropdown llsL 1he avallable varlanLs are A|| Master kad|os Se|ected Master kad|os and
Lhe llsL of avallable masLer radlos Lo selecL an exacL masLer radlo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
kecord|ng a message to transm|t
1o record a message seL Lhe reclplenLs and press kecord
1he kecord aud|o wlndowls dlsplayed
1o sLarL recordlng press Start AfLer recordlng Lhe message press Stop
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1he message ls queued and Lhe respecLlve lnformaLlon ls dlsplayed
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Se|ect|ng an ex|st|ng aud|o f||e to transm|t
?ou can use an exlsLlng audlo flle for LransmlLLlng 1o que a flle press I||e
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he Send aud|o f||e wlndowls dlsplayed 8rowse for Lhe flle you wanL Lo queue 1he 188CneL audlo
flles are usually sLored ln CrogramDataNeocom Software1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se vAud|o
SelecL Lhe flle and press Cpen 1he message ls queued and Lhe respecLlve lnformaLlon ls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
CS oslLlonlng
GS os|t|on|ng overv|ew
1he GS os|t|on|ng Lool provldes lnLerface for monlLorlng subscrlbers locaLlon
1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
Subscrlbers Lree whlch dlsplays groups and lndlvldual subscrlbers
LlecLronlc map whlch dlsplays laLesL poslLlonal daLa recelved from subscrlbers and sLaLe of
Lhelr radlo sLaLlons
Cb[ecLs ane whlch allows you Lo add ob[ecLs and reglons and Lo dlsplay Lhem on Lhe map
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
LvenL Log whlch conLalns Labs wlLh poslLlonlng hlsLory for subscrlbers radlo sLaLlons sLaLe
acLlve pollcles and user acLlvlLy noLlflcaLlons
Calls ane whlch ls dlsplayed ln compacL mode ln Lhls lnLerface
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o locaLe subscrlbers
Cpen Lhe GS os|t|on|ng Lool
ln Lhe Subscr|bers tree selecL groups or lndlvldual subscrlbers whose poslLlon you wanL Lo
8evlewLhe subscrlbers locaLlon manually or cllck I|nd on Map ln Lhe conLexL menu lf a radlo
sLaLlon ls on and LransmlLs subscrlbers coordlnaLes Lhe map dlsplays locaLlon of Lhe
subscrlber lf radlo sLaLlon ls off or does noL LransmlL CS coordlnaLes Lhe map dlsplays
locaLlon of Lhe subscrlber accordlng Lo Lhe laLesL recelved poslLlonlng daLa ulfferenL lcons
represenL Lhe sLaLe of radlo sLaLlons
Creen locaLlon ls acLual
8lue locaLlon may be ouLdaLed Lhe radlo sLaLlon does noL LransmlL CS coordlnaLes
Lhe laLesL recelved coordlnaLes are dlsplayed
Crey locaLlon may be ouLdaLed Lhe radlo sLaLlon ls off Lhe laLesL recelved coordlnaLes
are dlsplayed
lf necessary use Lhe followlng opLlons
l 1o cenLer Lhe map accordlng Lo poslLlon of a parLlcular subscrlber rlghLcllck Lhe subscrlber ln
Lhe Subscr|bers tree and selecL I|nd on Map
l 1o change Lhe map allocaLlon accordlng Lo changes ln Lhe poslLlon of a parLlcular subscrlber
rlghLcllck Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe Subscr|bers tree and selecL Mon|tor|ng CnCff ln Lhe
Lracklng mode Lhe map ls cenLered Lo reflecL subscrlbers locaLlon every seconds Lhe map
refresh lnLerval
l 1o sLarL monlLorlng of exacL subscrlber ln a newwlndow rlghLcllck Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe
Subscr|bers tree and selecL Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow
l 1o change a subscrlbers locaLlon manually rlghLcllck Lhe subscrlber ln Lhe Subscr|bers tree
and selecL Set Locat|on 1hen polnL Lhe newposlLlon wlLh Lhe cursor and cllck Lhe lefL mouse
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe GS os|t|on|ngLool are descrlbed below
1o showhlde subscrlbers or groups
1o perform an acLlon ln Lhe Subscrlbers Lree
1o load a map Lo a newLab
1o load a map Lo a newwlndow
1o selecL Lhe acLlve map
1o save map seLLlngs
1o load Lhe defaulL map seLLlngs
1o save an onllne map
1oolbar lcons
1o enable map drawlng Loolbar
1o add a reglon
1o add an ob[ecL
1o perform an acLlon ln Lhe ob[ecLs pane
1o monlLor a subscrlber
1o showhlde ob[ecLs and reglons
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback calls
1o group log records
1o add noLes and messages Lo Lhe log
8adlo LvenLs
8adlo SLaLe
AcLlve 1asks
user AcLlvlLy
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o |oad a map to a new tab
1o add a map and open lL ln newLab do Lhe followlng
Cllck Map Cpen New Map |n 1ab ln Lhe menu
1he Se|ect Map wlndowls dlsplayed SelecL Lhe Lype of map and Lhen selecL Lhe map Lo
open lf necessary cllck Add and browse for Lhe map
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o |oad a map to a new w|ndow
1o add a map and open lL ln newwlndow do Lhe followlng
Cllck Map Cpen New Map |n W|ndow ln Lhe menu
1he Se|ect Map wlndowls dlsplayed SelecL Lhe Lype of map and Lhen selecL Lhe map Lo
open lf necessary cllck Add and browse for Lhe map
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CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o se|ect the act|ve map
1he user can selecL Lhe acLlve map on a Lab
1o selecL Lhe acLlve map do Lhe followlng
Cllck Map Se|ect Act|ve Map ln Lhe menu
ln Lhe Se|ect Map wlndowselecL Lhe map lf necessary cllck Add and browse for Lhe map
Note ?ou can only selecL Lhe map of Lhe same formaL Lhe currenL Lab map ls lor example lf
you cllck Map Se|ect Act|ve Map ln a Lab wlLh a Mapo|nt formaL map Lhe Se|ect Map
wlndowwlll dlsplay Lhe avallable Mapo|nt formaL maps 1hus lf you need Lo selecL anoLher
formaL map use Lhe Map Cpen Map |n 1ab or Lhe Map Cpen Map |n W|ndow opLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o save map sett|ngs
1he user can save map seLLlngs for fuLure use
1o save seLLlngs do Lhe followlng
Load Lhe map and conflgure lLs scale and poslLlon

Cllck Lhe arrowon Lhe lcon on Lhe Loolbar and selecL Save as Defau|t keg|on 1he
currenL sLaLe of Lhe map ls seL as defaulL
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o |oad the defau|t map sett|ngs
1o reseL Lhe map vlewLo Lhe defaulL seLLlngs cllck Lhe Show Defau|t keg|on lcon on Lhe
1he map ls poslLloned ln accordance wlLh Lhe defaulL reglon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o save an on||ne map
1he user can save an onllne map Lo Lhe C ln order Lo use lL offllne
1C SLCll? 1PL lCLuL8 1C S1C8L MA uA1A
1o speclfy Lhe folder selecL Map Map Content Lhen browse for Lhe folder
1o save Lhe map selecL Lhe map reglon you need Lo save Lhe map sLarLlng from and Lhen selecL Map
Save Cn||ne Map Data
NC1L 1he sysLem wlll cashe Lhe map downwards whlch means you wlll noL be able Lo zoom ouL
Lhe selecLed reglon ln offllne mode
ln Lhe dlsplayed wlndowcllck Start and walL for Lhe sysLem Lo save Lhe flles 1hls mlghL Lake a
sufflclenL amounL of Llme
Cllck C|ose
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1oo|bar |cons
1he Loolbar has Lhe followlng lcons
2oom In and 2oom out Scale Lhe map

8ookmarks allows openlng a bookmark on Lhe map and managlng bookmarks addlng
and deleLlng

Show Defau|t keg|on CenLers Lhe map accordlng Lhe saved defaulL reglon or saves Lhe
map as defaulL reglon cllck Lhe arrowand selecL Save as Defau|t keg|on
Goog|e Larth Cpens Coogle LarLh
Show koute and C|ear koute Shows or hldes Lhe rouLe of Lhe selecLed subscrlber
for Lhe perlod seL by Lhe user
I||ter kad|oCn GSCn kad|oCn GSCff and kad|oCff GSCff Showor
hlde subscrlbers due Lo Lhelr sLaLe
n|story opens n|story mode Lo vlewsubscrlbers locaLlon hlsLory for a seL perlod
of Llme
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o showh|de subscr|bers on map
1C SPCWPluL 1?LS Cl Su8SC8l8L8S
?ou can showor hlde Lypes of subscrlbers
l 1o showor hlde onllne subscrlbers wlLh avallable poslLlon daLa cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l 1o showor hlde onllne subscrlbers wlLh unavallable poslLlon daLa cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l 1o showor hlde offllne subscrlbers cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o perform an act|on |n the Subscr|bers tree
1o perform an acLlon rlghLcllck Lhe node and selecL Lhe acLlon ln Lhe conLexL menu or cllck a qulck
buLLon ln fronL of Lhe subscrlber or group
CCn1Lx1 MLnu
AcLlons avallable depend on Lhe Lype of node you selecLed subscrlbers sLaLe and Lhe model of Lhe
radlo sLaLlon
Contact type Act|ons
Subscr|ber Group
Send message sends a LexL message Lo all radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh
a dlsplay ln Lhe group
keset GS tr|gger reseLs CS Lrlgger of all radlo sLaLlons ln Lhe group
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Contact type Act|ons
lor dlsconnecLed physlcally or by a dlspaLcher subscrlbers or subscrlbers
ouL of neLwork reach
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
LarLh due Lo Lhe laLesL recelved coordlnaLes
Show koute shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe perlod seL by Lhe
Note 1o clear Lhe map from Lhe dlsplayed rouLe cllck Lhe C|ear koute
lcon on Lhe Loolbar
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user on Coogle LarLh
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
Set |ocat|on avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve prlvlleges
changes a subscrlbers locaLlon manually
r|vate ca|| allows recordlng a volce mall for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be LransmlLLed as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Send message allows sendlng a message for an offllne subscrlber 1he
message wlll be dellvered as soon as Lhe subscrlber geLs onllne
Lnab|e D|sab|e kad|o avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges acLlvaLes a prevlously blocked radlo sLaLlon or dlsables a radlo
sLaLlon as soon as lL geLs avallable
Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow opens CS MonlLorlng wlndowfor
selecLed subscrlber
Set Asslgns Lhe user Lo a User Act|v|ty llsL seL by Lhe admlnlsLraLor
lor connecLed and onllne subscrlbers
resence |n Network aLLempLs Lo deLermlne avallablllLy of Lhe
kequest Locat|on avallable only for radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh a CS
module requesLs Lhe subscrlbers exacL geographlcal locaLlon
I|nd on Map cenLers Lhe map accordlng Lo Lhe poslLlon of a subscrlber
I|nd on Goog|e Larth aLLempLs Lo locaLe Lhe subscrlber on Coggle
Show koute shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe perlod seL by Lhe
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Contact type Act|ons
Show koute on Googe Larth shows Lhe rouLe of a subscrlber for Lhe
perlod seL by Lhe user
Googe Street V|ew opens Coogle SLreeL vlewdue Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
andex anorama opens ?andex anorama due Lo subscrlbers laLesL
locaLlon and dlrecLlon
Set |ocat|on avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve prlvlleges
changes a subscrlbers locaLlon manually
r|vate ca|| makes a prlvaLe call Lo Lhe subscrlber
Send Message avallable only for radlo sLaLlons equlpped wlLh a dlsplay
sends a LexL message Lo Lhe subscrlber
Send Ca|| Lhe subscrlber wlll hear a beep Lone noLlfylng on Lhe call
kemote Mon|tor Cpen m|cavallable only when you have Lhe
respecLlve prlvlleges acLlvaLes Lhe mlcrophone of Lhe subscrlbers radlo
sLaLlon ln hldden mode
Lnab|e D|sab|e kad|o avallable only when you have Lhe respecLlve
prlvlleges acLlvaLes a prevlously dlsabled radlo or blocks Lhe subscrlbers
radlo sLaLlon
keset GS tr|gger reseLs CS Lrlgger of Lhe radlo sLaLlon
Mon|tor|ng CnCff cenLers Lhe map Lo dlsplay a subscrlbers locaLlon
eech seconds
Mon|tor|ng |n New W|ndow opens CS MonlLorlng wlndowfor
selecLed subscrlber
1e|emetry Name Send Lo Lhe subscrlber a LelemeLry command
Set Asslgns Lhe user Lo a User Act|v|ty llsL seL by Lhe admlnlsLraLor lf
user acLlvlLy ls enabled
Start Lone Worker SLarLs a Lone Worker pollcy for Lhe user
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Contact type Act|ons
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o mon|tor a subscr|ber
1o monlLor a subscrlber rlghLcllck lL ln Lhe ConLacLs 1ree and selecL Mon|tor|ng |n New
SelecL map Lype and Lhe map
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1he monlLorlng wlndowls dlsplayed for selecLed subscrlber 1he map wlll be cenLered due Lo
Lhe subscrlbers poslLlon Culck buLLons wlLh Lhe maln acLlons are avallable for Lhe subscrlber
resence ln neLwork rlvaLe Call llnd on Map Send Message Pldden Mlc eLc
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o enab|e map draw|ng too|bar
1o enable Lhe Map Draw|ng 1oo|bar whlch allows addlng Lo Lhe map reglons and ob[ecLs
cllck Map CnCff map draw|ng too|bar ln Lhe menu 1he Map Draw|ng 1oo|bar ls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add a reg|on
1o add a reglon cllck
1hen lefLcllck Lhe polnLs of Lhe reglon on Lhe map 1o cancel Lhe operaLlon cllck Cance| 1o
save Lhe reglon cllck Save
1he Add New Cb[ect on Map wlndowls dlsplayed
Cn Genera| Lab speclfy ob[ecLs name and descrlpLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Cn keg|on Lab speclfy reglonscolour and Lransparency and selecL Lhe I||| reg|on area
checkbox lf necessary
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add an ob[ect
1o add an ob[ecL cllck one of Lhe ob[ecL lcons
1hen lefLcllck Lhe place on Lhe map Lo add Lhe ob[ecL aL 1o cancel Lhe operaLlon cllck Cance|
1o save Lhe ob[ecL cllck Save
1he Add New Cb[ect on Map wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy ob[ecLs name and descrlpLlon and
cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o perform an act|on |n the ob[ects pane
1o perform an acLlon selecL an ob[ecL or reglon ln Lhe Cb[ects ane and rlghLcllck lL 1he conLexL
menu ls dlsplayed
Act|on Descr|pt|on
Conf|gure geofenc|ng
Cpens Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow whlch helps
seL Lhe rules for geofenclng and speed conLrol
Show a|| ob[ects on the map Shows all Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons on Lhe map
n|de a|| ob[ects on the map Pldes all Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons on Lhe map
kemove ob[ect 8emoves Lhe selecLed ob[ecL reglon
ropert|es Shows Lhe selecLed ob[ecLs reglons properLles
ConLexL menu ln Lhe Cb[ects pane
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o showh|de ob[ects and reg|ons
1o showor hlde all Lhe ob[ecLs rlghLcllck any of Lhe ob[ecLs and selecL Show a|| ob[ects on the map
or n|de a|| ob[ects on the map ln Lhe conLexL menu
1o showor hlde an ob[ecL a reglon or all ob[ecLs or reglons selecL or clear Lhe respecLlve nodes
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o conf|gure Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro|
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol
8lghLcllck any of Lhe ob[ecLs or reglons ln Lhe Cb[ects ane and selecL Conf|gure geofenc|ng ln
Lhe conLexL menu 1he Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndowls dlsplayed
Add a rule or selecL an exlsLlng rule
lf necessary edlL a rule
Lnable or dlsable a rule
1C AuuuLLL1L A 8uLL
1o add a rule cllck Add ku|e ln Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow
1o deleLe a rule cllck De|ete ku|e ln Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1C Lul1 A 8uLL
SelecL Lhe rule on Lhe llsL and seL Lhe followlng parameLers
?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe Genera| Lab
Name LnLer Lhe rules name
Descr|pt|on LnLer Lhe rules descrlpLlon
Send Ca|| A|ert to a rad|o |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
Speed Contro| SelecL Lhe checkbox Lo enable speed conLrol
Contro| mode SelecL Lhe conLrol mode from Lhe dropdown llsL Contro| everywhere Lnab|ed for
se|ected reg|ons on|y D|sab|ed for se|ected reg|ons
Max|mum speed SeL Lhe maxlmum speed
Act|vate A|arm mode |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
Send 1ext Message to a rad|o |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
keg|ons Contro| SelecL Lhe checkbox Lo enable reglon conLrol
Contro| mode SelecL Lhe conLrol mode from Lhe dropdown llsL Contro| everywhere Lnab|ed for
se|ected reg|ons on|y D|sab|ed for se|ected reg|ons
Act|vate A|arm mode |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
Send 1ext Mesage to a rad|o |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe keg|ons Lab
A|| reg|ons SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo apply Lhls rule all reglons
Cn|y se|ected reg|ons SelecL Lhls opLlon lf you wanL Lo apply Lhe rule for one or several reglons and
check Lhe reglons Lo apply Lhe rule for ln Lhe keg|on L|st
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe kad|os Lab
A|| rad|os SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo apply Lhls rule for all radlos
Cn|y se|ected rad|os SelecL Lhls opLlon lf you wanL Lo apply Lhe rule for one or several radlos and
check Lhe radlos Lo apply Lhe rule for ln Lhe kad|o L|st
1o enabledlsable a rule cllck Lnab|e ku|e or D|sab|e ku|e ln Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro|
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o nav|gate through |og records
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of Lvent Logpane
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
l 1o hlde old log records from Lhe Lvent Log pane cllck C|ear
l 1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o p|ayback a ca||
SelecL a communlcaLlon sesslon ln Lhe llsL

1o download from Lhe radlo server and play Lhe audlo flle cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1o p|ayback severa| f||es
1o playback several lLems press Ctr| and selecL recordlngs from Lhe llsL Lhen cllck
on Lhe Loolbar
l 1o playback a llsL of lLems selecL one lLem Lhen press Sh|ft and selecL Lhe lasL one from Lhe llsL
you need Lo playback all lLems beLween Lhese recordlngs wlll be selecLed Cllck
on Lhe Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o group |og records
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records do Lhe followlng

Cllck on Lhe Loolbar

Asmall pane ls opened urag Lhe column for example Date Lo group by Lo Lhe pane
1he records are grouped by Lhe Date column 1o vlewLhe records for exacL daLe doublecllck Lhe daLe
or cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
?ou can group records by several columns lor example afLer dragglng Lhe Date column drag
Sender nowyou can vlewrecords for exacL daLes by senders
1o exlL Lhe grouplng vlewmode drag columns names from Lhe pane Lhen cllck on Lhe
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add messages and notes
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
All records ln Lhe log can have users noLes 1o see Lhe noLes cllck on Lhe Loolbar 1he
Note column ls shown
1o add a noLe selecL a record and cllck on Lhe Loolbar 1ype your noLe ln Lhe Note
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1he noLe ls shown ln Lhe Note column and dlsplayed ln Lhe Message column as lcon 1hls lcon ls
dlsplayed even lf Lhe Show notes mode ls noL enabled
1o geL lnformaLlon on a noLe rollover Lhe lcon 1he lnformaLlon on Lhe auLhor of Lhe noLe and
lLs LexL are dlsplayed 1o edlL Lhe noLes LexL cllck lf you make Lhe LexL blank Lhe noLe ls deleLed
AdlspaLcher can add messages for D|spatcher Conso|e users 1o add a message Lo Lhe log cllck
on Lhe Loolbar 1he Add user message wlndowls dlsplayed
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1he defaulL reclplenL ls A||lf necessary Lype Lhe name of Lhe reclplenL SelecL Lhe severlLy from
dropdown llsL Informat|on Warn|ng or A|arm 1ype Lhe message and cllck Ck 1he message ls
added Lo Lhe log nowLhe message ls dlsplayed ln Lhe kecent Ca||sLvents log and ln Lhe User
messages secLlon of Lhe Lvent Log Lool
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kad|o Lvents
1he kad|o Lvents Lab dlsplays Lhe log of Lhe selecLed subscrlbers evenLs
ln Lhls log you can see Lhe hlsLory of a subscrlbers evenLs such as volce Calls 1exL Messages 8adlo
Cnllne Lone Worker Ceofenclng eLc
1he user can add noLes and messages llke ln Lhe kecent Ca||sLvents Lab
kad|o State
1he kad|o State Lab dlsplays Lhe log of Lhe selecLed subscrlbers sLaLe
ln Lhls log you can see Lhe hlsLory of a subscrlbers sLaLes such as 8adlo Cnllne Lone Worker
Ceofenclng eLc
1he user can add noLes and messages llke ln Lhe Lvent Log Lab
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Act|ve 1asks
1he Act|ve 1asks Lab dlsplays all acLlve Lone Worker pollcles
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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User Act|v|ty
1he User Act|v|ty Lab dlsplays Lhe User Act|v|ty llsLs and subscrlbers asslgned Lo Lhese llsLs
1C LnA8LLulSA8LL uSL8 AC1lvl1?
1o enable or dlsable user AcLlvlLy cllck Lnab|e the User Act|v|ty mon|tor|ng or D|sab|e the User
Act|v|ty mon|tor|ng 1hen cllck es
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1C CCnllCu8L uSL8 AC1lvl1?
1o conflgure Lhe User Act|v|ty llsLs cllck Conf|gure 1he User Act|v|ty wlndowls dlsplayed
1o add or de|ete a User Act|v|ty ||st
1o add or deleLe a llsL cllck Add or De|ete
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o Ld|t a ||st
1o edlL a llsL cllck Ld|t 1he User Act|v|ty L|st Sett|ngs wlndowls dlsplayed
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
Name LnLer Lhe llsLs name
Descr|pt|on LnLer Lhe llsLs descrlpLlon
8ackground SelecL Lhe background color Lo dlsplay Lhe subscrlbers asslgned Lo Lhe llsL 1wo varlanLs
are avallable
l do not rep|ace defau|t leaves Lhe subscrlbers lcon color as lL ls due Lo lLs sLaLe grey blue
or green
l V|o|et makes Lhe subscrlbers lcon color vloleL
Move a rad|o to th|s ||st |f SelecL Lhe proper checkboxes
l Manua||y on demand of d|spatcher Lo asslgn subscrlbers Lo Lhe llsL manually
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1ext Message from a rad|o Lo asslgn a radlo Lo Lhe llsL afLer
recelvlng a message speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1e|emetry Command from a rad|o Lo asslgn a radlo Lo Lhe llsL
afLer recelvlng a LelemeLry Speclfy Lhe LelemeLry Lo and Lhe command n|gh Low or
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o ass|gn an off||ne subscr|ber to the defau|t User Act|v|ty ||st
1he flrsL User Act|v|ty llsL ls defaulL 1he defaulL llsL ls unremovable
1o asslgn an offllne subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL User Act|v|ty llsL go Lo Lhe Advanced Lab SelecL Lhe
checkbox and seL Lhe LlmeouL Lo asslgn an offllne subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL llsL afLer
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Subscr|bers tree
1he subscrlbers are dlsplayed ln Lhe Subscr|bers 1ree
1o showh|de subscr|bers on the map
1o showor hlde subscrlbers see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o perform an act|on
1o perform an acLlon see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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L|ectron|c maps
1he GS os|t|on|ng Lool uses elecLronlc maps Lo dlsplay locaLlon of subscrlbers
1k8Cnet D|spatcher Conso|e supporLs maps of Lhe followlng Lypes
l CpenSLreeL Map formaL
l 188CMap formaL
l ClS anorama formaL
l MapLlb formaL
l Maps by Lhe lnglL company
l MlcrosofL MapolnL maps
l Maps ln 1aLukClS formaL
WlLh Lhls lnLerface you can
l Load maps on separaLe Labs
l Load maps on separaLe wlndows
l SelecL Lhe acLlve map on a Lab
l Save map seLLlngs for fuLure use
l Load Lhe defaulL map seLLlngs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
When you swlLch Lo Lhe GS os|t|on|ng Lool for Lhe flrsL Llme 1k8Cnet D|spatcher Conso|e dlsplays
Lhe Se|ect map wlndowwhere you can selecL Lhe elecLronlc map you wanL Lo use or add newmaps
Cllck Add Lhen browse for Lhe map and cllck Ck
Note Some map formaLs such as MapolnL or lnglL donL have Lhe Add buLLon 1he Se|ect
Map wlndowdlsplays all avallable maps of Lhe formaL Lo selecL from
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o |oad a map to a new tab
1o add a map and open lL ln newLab see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o |oad a map to a new w|ndow
1o add a map and open lL ln newwlndow see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o se|ect the act|ve map
1he user can selecL Lhe acLlve map on a Lab
1o selecL Lhe acLlve map see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o save map sett|ngs
1he user can save map seLLlngs for fuLure use
1o save seLLlngs see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o |oad the defau|t map sett|ngs
1o reseL Lhe map vlewLo Lhe defaulL seLLlngs see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1oo|bar |cons
1he Loolbar has Lhe followlng lcons
2oom In and 2oom out Scale Lhe map

8ookmarks allows openlng a bookmark on Lhe map and managlng bookmarks addlng
and deleLlng

Show Defau|t keg|on CenLers Lhe map accordlng Lhe saved defaulL reglon or saves Lhe
map as defaulL reglon cllck Lhe arrowand selecL Save as Defau|t keg|on
Goog|e Larth Cpens Coogle LarLh
Show koute and C|ear koute Shows or hldes Lhe rouLe of Lhe selecLed subscrlber
for Lhe perlod seL by Lhe user
I||ter kad|oCn GSCn kad|oCn GSCff and kad|oCff GSCff Showor
hlde subscrlbers due Lo Lhelr sLaLe
n|story opens PlsLory mode Lo vlewsubscrlbers locaLlon hlsLory for a seL perlod
of Llme
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Cb[ects ane
1he Cb[ects ane dlsplays Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons of Lhe map
1o enab|e map draw|ng too|bar
1o enable Lhe Map Draw|ng 1oo|bar whlch allows addlng Lo Lhe map reglons and ob[ecLs
cllck Map CnCff map draw|ng too|bar ln Lhe menu 1he Map Draw|ng 1oo|bar ls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add a reg|on
1o add a reglon cllck
1hen lefLcllck Lhe polnLs of Lhe reglon on Lhe map 1o cancel Lhe operaLlon cllck Cance| 1o
save Lhe reglon cllck Save
1he Add New Cb[ect on Map wlndowls dlsplayed
Cn Genera| Lab speclfy ob[ecLs name and descrlpLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Cn keg|on Lab speclfy Lhe reglons color and Lransparency and selecL Lhe I||| reg|on area
checkbox lf necessary
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1o add an ob[ect
1o add an ob[ecL cllck one of Lhe ob[ecL lcons
1hen lefLcllck Lhe place on Lhe map Lo add Lhe ob[ecL aL 1o cancel Lhe operaLlon cllck Cance|
1o save Lhe ob[ecL cllck Save
1he Add New Cb[ect on Map wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy ob[ecLs name and descrlpLlon and
cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o perform an act|on
1o perform an acLlon selecL an ob[ecL or reglon ln Lhe Cb[ects ane and rlghLcllck lL 1he conLexL
menu ls dlsplayed
Act|on Descr|pt|on
Conf|gure geofenc|ng
Cpens Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow whlch helps
seL Lhe rules for geofenclng and speed conLrol
Show a|| ob[ects on the map Shows all Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons on Lhe map
n|de a|| ob[ects on the map Pldes all Lhe ob[ecLs and reglons on Lhe map
kemove ob[ect 8emoves Lhe selecLed ob[ecL
ropert|es Shows Lhe selecLed ob[ecLs properLles
ConLexL menu ln Lhe Cb[ects pane
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1o showh|de ob[ects and reg|ons
1o showor hlde all Lhe ob[ecLs rlghLcllck any of Lhe ob[ecLs and selecL Show a|| ob[ects on the map
or n|de a|| ob[ects on the map ln Lhe conLexL menu
1o showor hlde an ob[ecL a reglon or all ob[ecLs or reglons selecL or clear Lhe respecLlve nodes
1o conf|gure Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro|
1o conflgure Ceofenclng and Speed ConLrol see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Lvent Log
1he Lvent Log conLalns Lhe followlng Labs
l kecent Ca||sLvents whlch dlsplays all Lhe evenLs
l kad|o Lvents whlch provldes lnformaLlon on changes ln Lhe selecLed subscrlbers locaLlon and
radlo sLaLlon sLaLe as well as all volce calls LexL messages and LelemeLry messages recelved
l kad|o State whlch dlsplays currenL lnformaLlon on subscrlbers radlo sLaLlon
l Act|ve o||c|es whlch dlsplays lnformaLlon on Lone Worker pollcles currenLly applled
l User Act|v|ty whlch dlsplays lnformaLlon on user acLlvlLy llsLs and subscrlbers asslgned Lo
Lhese llsLs
kecent Ca||sLvents
1hls log dlsplays all Lhe evenLs ln Lhe SysLem
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kad|o Lvents
1he LvenL Log Lab dlsplays all evenLs and call sesslons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe selecLed node
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of Lvent Logpane
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
l 1o hlde old log records from Lhe Lvent Log pane cllck C|ear
l 1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1C LA?8ACk 8LCC8uS
1o playback records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o exlL Lhe grouplng vlewmode drag columns names from Lhe pane Lhen cllck on Lhe
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
1o manage noLes see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o manage messages see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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kad|o State
1he kad|o State Lab dlsplays Lhe log of Lhe selecLed subscrlbers sLaLe
ln Lhls log you can see Lhe hlsLory of a subscrlbers sLaLes such as 8adlo Cnllne Lone Worker
Ceofenclng eLc
1he user can add noLes and messages llke ln Lhe Lvent Log Lab
Act|ve 1asks
1he Act|ve 1asks Lab dlsplays all acLlve Lone Worker pollcles
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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User Act|v|ty
1he User Act|v|ty Lab dlsplays Lhe User Act|v|ty llsLs and subscrlbers asslgned Lo Lhese llsLs
1C LnA8LLulSA8LL uSL8 AC1lvl1?
1o manage User Act|v|ty see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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1exL Messages
1ext Messages Cverv|ew
1hls Lool provldes you wlLh an lnLerface for revlewlng and sendlng LexL messages Lo dlspaLchers
lndlvldual subscrlbers or groups
1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
ConLacLs Lree whlch dlsplays dlspaLchers and subscrlbers avallable for LexL communlcaLlon 1o
recelve LexL messages a subscrlbers radlo sLaLlon musL be equlpped wlLh a dlsplay
Message Sesslon pane whlch dlsplays laLesL messages LransmlLLed vla Lhe radlo neLwork
1exL Message pane whlch provldes you wlLh LexL sendlng opLlons
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
Calls ane whlch ln Lhls lnLerface ls dlsplayed ln compacL mode
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe 1ext Messages Lool are descrlbed below
1o send a message Lo a node
1o showhlde records from Lhe Message Sesslon pane
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o send a message to a node
1o selecL a node do one of Lhe followlng
l SelecL Lhe node ln Lhe Contacts tree
l Cllck Lhe node ln Lhe Message Sess|on pane
l SelecL Lhe node from Lhe dropdown llsL ln Lhe 1ext Message pane
1ype Lhe message LexL ln Lhe 1ext message pane
Cllck ln Lhe 1ext Message pane
NC1L An offllne user wlll recelve Lhe message as soon as one geLs onllne
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1o showh|de records from the Message Sess|on pane
1o hlde old log records from Lhe Message Sess|on pane cllck
1o dlsplay all log records cllck
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Contacts tree
1he ConLacLs Lree dlsplays all onllne dlspaLchers and subscrlbers and subscrlber groups
1o send a message Lo a node see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
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Message Sess|on pane
1he Message Sess|on pane dlsplays all laLesL messages
1o hlde old log records from Lhe Message Sess|on pane pane cllck C|ean
1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
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1ext Message pane
1he 1ext Message pane allows sendlng messages Lo subscrlbers subscrlber groups or onllne
1o send a message
1o send a LexL message
SelecL Lhe reclplenL from Lhe dropdown llsL
1ype up Lo characLers of LexL
Cllck Send
NC1L An offllne user wlll recelve Lhe message as soon as one geLs onllne
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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LvenL Log
Lvent |og overv|ew
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se reLalns lnformaLlon on all communlcaLlonal and sysLem evenLs lncludlng
l 1exL messages
l 1elemeLry messages
l volce communlcaLlons
l Changes ln sLaLe of radlo sLaLlons
l SysLem messages
l user messages
1he Lvent Log Lool provldes you wlLh an lnLerface for monlLorlng evenLs recorded ln Lhe log
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1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
LvenLs Lree whlch dlsplays Lypes of evenLs 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se records
Log ane whlch llsLs on Lhe records ln Lhe Lvent Log
LnLry pane whlch dlsplays Lhe deLalls on Lhe log enLry you selecL on Lhe Log pane
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
Calls ane whlch ln Lhls lnLerface ls dlsplayed ln compacL mode
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe Lvent LogLool are descrlbed below
1o navlgaLe Lhrough log records
1o playback calls
1o group log records
1o add noLes and messages Lo Lhe log
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o nav|gate through |og records
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of Log panepane
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
1o hlde old log records from Lhe Log pane pane cllck C|ean
1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
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1o p|ayback a ca||
SelecL a communlcaLlon sesslon ln Lhe llsL

1o download from Lhe radlo server and play Lhe audlo flle cllck on Lhe Loolbar or
ln Lhe Lntry pane
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o p|ayback severa| f||es
1o playback several lLems press Ctr| and selecL recordlngs from Lhe llsL Lhen cllck
on Lhe Loolbar
l 1o playback a llsL of lLems selecL one lLem Lhen press Sh|ft and selecL Lhe lasL one from Lhe llsL
you need Lo playback all lLems beLween Lhese recordlngs wlll be selecLed Cllck
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on Lhe Loolbar
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1o group |og records
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records do Lhe followlng

Cllck on Lhe Loolbar

Asmall pane ls opened urag Lhe column for example Date Lo group by Lo Lhe pane
1he records are grouped by Lhe Date column 1o vlewLhe records for exacL daLe doublecllck Lhe daLe
or cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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?ou can group records by several columns lor example afLer dragglng Lhe Date column drag
Sender nowyou can vlewrecords for exacL daLes by senders
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o exlL Lhe grouplng vlewmode drag columns names from Lhe pane Lhen cllck on Lhe
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add messages and notes to the |og
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
All records ln Lhe log can have users noLes 1o see Lhe noLes cllck on Lhe Loolbar 1he
Note column ls shown
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o add a noLe selecL a record and cllck on Lhe Loolbar or ln Lhe Lntry pane
1ype your noLe ln Lhe Note wlndow
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1he noLe ls shown ln Lhe Note column and dlsplayed ln Lhe Message column as lcon 1hls lcon ls
dlsplayed even lf Lhe Show notes mode ls noL enabled
1o geL lnformaLlon on a noLe rollover Lhe lcon 1he lnformaLlon on Lhe auLhor of Lhe noLe and
lLs LexL are dlsplayed 1o edlL Lhe noLes LexL cllck lf you make Lhe LexL blank Lhe noLe ls deleLed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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AdlspaLcher can add messages for D|spatcher Conso|e users 1o add a message Lo Lhe log cllck
on Lhe Loolbar 1he Add user message wlndowls dlsplayed
1he defaulL receplenL ls A||lf necessary selecL Lhe dlspaLcher from Lhe dropdown llsL SelecL Lhe
severlLy from dropdown llsL Informat|on Warn|ng or A|arm 1ype Lhe message and cllck Ck 1he
message ls added Lo Lhe log
nowLhe message ls dlsplayed ln LheA|| Messages and User messages secLlons
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Lvents tree
1he Lvents tree dlsplays Lypes of evenLs 1he selecLed Lype of evenLs ls dlsplayed ln Lhe Log pane and
Lhe Lntry pane
1he followlng Lypes of records are dlsplayed
l All Messages
l 1exL Messages
l lnbox
l SenL
l 1elemeLry
l CbLalned slgnals
l SenL commands
l 1alk Sesslons
l 8eglsLraLlon ln a radlo neLwork
l SysLem Messages
l user messages
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Log pane
1he Log pane dlsplays Lhe records of Lhe Lype speclfled ln Lhe Lvents tree
1he Log pane ls Lhe expanded verslon of Lhe ones ln Lhe kad|o and Lhe GS os|t|on|ng Lools
1o nav|gate through |og records
1o help you locaLe Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL use any of Lhe followlng meLhods
l 1o navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe call sesslons use Lhe navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe boLLom of Log pane
l 1o sorL Lhe llsL by a speclflc column cllck Lhe column headlng Lo sorL records ln ascendlng
order or cllck Lhe column headlng agaln Lo reverse Lhe sorL order
1o hlde old log records from Lhe Log pane cllck C|ean
1o dlsplay all log records cllck ke|oad
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1o p|ayback records
1o playback records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o group |og records
?ou can group all log records by
l uaLe
l MasLer 8adlo
l Sender
l 8eclplenL
1o group records see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o add messages and notes
AdlspaLcher can add noLes for records ln Lhe log and messages for oLher dlspaLchers connecLed Lo
Lhe 8adloServer
1o manage noLes see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o manage messages see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Lntry pane
1he Lntry pane dlsplays Lhe deLalls of Lhe selecLed log record
1he Lntry pane conslsLs of Lhe followlng parLs
1he lcon reflecLlng Lhe Lype of evenL lnformaLlon on Lhe sender an Lhe reclplenL
1he evenLs daLe and Llme and Lhe funcLlonallLy Lo playback Lhe record lf lL ls a call sesslon
and add a noLe for all Lypes of evenLs
1he evenLs descrlpLlon and Lhe noLes auLhor and lLs LexL lf Lhere ls one
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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8eporLs and SLaLlsLlcs
keports and stat|st|cs overv|ew
1hls Lool provldes you wlLh varlous prlnLlng forms wlLh lnformaLlon on acLlvlLy of Lhe monlLored radlo
1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
8eporL 1ypes Lree whlch dlsplays groups of reporLs avallable
8eporL pane whlch conLalns Labs wlLh reporL generaLlon seLLlngs and reporL prevlews
Calls ane whlch ln Lhls lnLerface ls dlsplayed ln compacL mode
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
now to
1he maln acLlons ln Lhe keports and Stat|st|csLool are descrlbed below
1o generaLe a reporL
1o vlewa generaLed reporL
1o manage a reporL
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o generate a report
SelecL Lhe Lype of reporL
SeL Lhe reporLs parameLers
l Start date for a|| report types seL Lhe sLarL daLe of Lhe reporL
l Lnd Date for a|| report types seL Lhe end daLe of Lhe reporL
l M|n |nterva| on|y for Locat|on for per|od seL Lhe Llme lnLerval Lo Lake daLa ln for
example Lo geL Lhe locaLlon daLa each seconds 1he recommended value ls noL less Lhan
seconds for a reporL for one day
l Avg |nterva| on|y for Speed for per|od seL Lhe Llme lnLerval Lo Lake daLa ln for example
Lo geL Lhe locaLlon daLa each seconds 1he recommended value ls noL less Lhan seconds
for a reporL for one day
l Speed on|y for Id|e t|me deta||ed and Id|e t|me summary seL Lhe mlnlmum speed
value noL Lo conslder a subscrlber ldle
l I||ter
l Message 1ype on|y for Messages for per|od report and query selecL Lhe Lype of
message from Lhe dropdown llsL All Messages 1exL Messages 1elemeLry 1alk Sesslons
8eglsLraLlon ln a radlo neLwork SysLem Messages user messages
l kad|o for State of kad|os Locat|on for per|od Stay|ng |n a zone Dr|ve act|v|ty
deta||ed Speed for per|od Id|e t|me deta||ed and Id|e t|me summary selecL Lhe
radlo Lo make reporL on from Lhe dropdown llsL
l keg|on on|y for Stay|ng |n a zone seL Lhe reglon Lo make Lhe reporL on
l I|nd 1ext for Common reports and uer|es Lype Lhe LexL Lo make reporL only on
messages conLalnlng Lhe LexL
l r|nt Notes for Messages for per|od and State of kad|os lnclude noLes ln Lhe
l I|nd user messages on|y on|y for User messages and notes flnd only user messages
Lo make reporL on
l I|nd messages w|th notes on|y on|y for User messages and notes flnd only noLes Lo
make reporL on
l Group|ng
l Group by for kad|o a||ocat|on on|y selecL grouplng by radlos or users
Cllck Generate keport
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1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o v|ew a generated report
Co Lo Lhe reporLs Lab ln Lhe keport pane
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o manage a report
1he Loolbar provldes Lhe followlng funcLlons
l r|nt SelecL Lhe prlnLer lf necessary seL Lhe page range Lhe number of coples and
Lhe prlnLlng preferences Lhen cllck r|nt
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l u|ck r|nt Cllck Lhls lcon Lo prlnL Lhe documenL accordlng Lo Lhe seLLlngs from Lhe
r|nt wlndow
age Setup SeL Lhe paper slze source orlenLaLlon and marglns
l 2oom Cut Cllck Lo zoom ouL
l 2oom Cllck Lo scale Lhe documenL
l 2oom In Cllck Lo zoom ln
l I|rst age Cllck Lo see Lhe flrsL page
l rev|ous age Cllck Lo see Lhe prevlous page
l Next age Cllck Lo see Lhe nexL page
l Last page Cllck Lo see Lhe lasL page
Mu|t|p|e ages Cllck Lo selecL Lhe number of pages dlsplayed
8ackground co|or and Watermarks
l 8ackground Cllck Lo seL Lhe background color
l Watermark 1ype a LexL or selecL a LemplaLe or an lmage for waLermark and seL Lhe
parameLers poslLlon slze dlrecLlon Lransparency page range eLc
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Lxport document
l Lxport Document SelecL Lhe flle Lype Lo save from Lhe dropdown llsL Lhen seL
Lhe exporL opLlons and cllck Ck 8rowse Lo save Lhe flle
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l Send v|a LMa|| SelecL Lhe flle Lype Lo save from Lhe dropdown llsL Lhen seL Lhe
exporL opLlons and cllck Ck 8rowse Lo save Lhe flle and seL Lhe address Lo send Lhe flle
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
keport 1ypes tree
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se supporLs Lhe followlng Lypes of reporLs
l System reports on sysLem evenLs subscrlbers reglsLraLlon and sLaLe change
l Common reports for a speclflc Llme perlod wlLh lnformaLlon on communlcaLlon evenLs and
sLaLes of radlo sLaLlons per subscrlber
l GS reports for a speclflc Llme perlod wlLh lnformaLlon on subscrlbers locaLlon acLlvlLy and
l uer|es wlLh lnformaLlon reLalned by 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se ln a daLa grld
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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keport type Descr|pt|on
System reports
8eglsLered radlos AreporL on subscrlber groups and radlos reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem
CS sLaLus AreporL on currenL CS daLa from radlos
Common reports
Messages for perlod
AreporL on acLlvlLy of radlo subscrlbers and dlspaLchers for a glven
Llme perlod ?ou can fllLer Lhe acLlvlLy Lo dlsplay ln Lhe reporL
accordlng by Lype of message ?ou can seL wheLher Lo lnclude noLes Lo
Lhe reporL lor LexL messages you can also seL an addlLlonal fllLer by
message LexL speclal characLers are supporLed
SLaLe of 8adlos
AreporL on reglsLraLlon of subscrlbers ln Lhe neLwork for a glven Llme
user messages and noLes
AreporL on user messages and noLes ln Lhe sysLem for a seL perlod
?ou can fllLer by LexL and seL Lo flnd only noLes or messages
8adlo allocaLlon AreporL on radlo allocaLlon for a glven Llme perlod
8adlo dlsabllng AreporL on dlsabllngenabllng radlos for a glven Llme perlod
GS keports
LocaLlon for perlod AreporL on changes ln locaLlon of a subscrlber for a glven Llme perlod
SLaylng ln a reglon AreporL on radlos sLaylng ln a map reglon for a glven Llme perlod
urlve acLlvlLy deLalled
AdeLalled reporL on radlo sLaLlon acLlvlLy per subscrlber for a glven
Llme perlod
urlve acLlvlLy summary Ageneral reporL on acLlvlLy of all radlo sLaLlons for a glven Llme perlod
Speed for perlod AreporL on changes ln speed of a subscrlber for a glven Llme perlod
ldle Llme summary
Ageneral reporL on ldle Llme speed lower Lhan a seL value of radlos
for a glven Llme perlod
ldle Llme deLalled
AdeLalled reporL on ldle Llme speed lower Lhan a seL value of radlos
for a glven Llme perlod
Messages for perlod
AreporL on acLlvlLy of radlo subscrlbers and dlspaLchers for a cerLaln
Llme perlod ?ou can fllLer Lhe acLlvlLy Lo dlsplay ln Lhe reporL
accordlng by Lype of message lor LexL messages you can also seL an
addlLlonal fllLer by message LexL speclal characLers are supporLed
1he messages are dlsplayed ln a grld whlch allows you Lo fllLer and
sorL daLa
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
keport pane
1he keport pane conLalns Labs wlLh reporL generaLlon seLLlngs and reporL prevlews
1o generate a report
1o generaLe a reporL see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o v|ew a report
1o vlewa reporL see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1o manage a report
1o manage a reporL see Lhe respecLlve secLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Adm|n|ster overv|ew
1hls Lool provldes you wlLh an lnLerface for admlnlsLerlng Lhe radlo neLwork and Lhe 1k8Cnet sysLem
Note 1o access Lhls lnLerface you musL connecL Lo Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer wlLh
admlnlsLraLlve prlvlleges
1he defaulL admlnlsLraLlve logln and password are adm|n lor securlLy reasons we
recommend you Lo change Lhe defaulL password once you access Lhe admlnlsLraLlon Lool
Lhen connecL Lo 1k8Cnet kad|oServer wlLh user prlvlleges See Manage ulspaLchers
1I Check sLaLus bar noLlflcaLlons Lo ensure you have admlnlsLraLlve prlvlleges
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls lnLerface lncludes Lhe followlng parLs
Nav|gat|on 1ree whlch provldes easy access Lo managemenL opLlons
Work Area whlch provldes you wlLh admlnlsLraLlve opLlons accordlng Lo your selecLlon ln Lhe
navlgaLlon Lree
Calls ane whlch ln Lhls lnLerface ls dlsplayed ln compacL mode
Nav|gat|on ane whlch helps navlgaLe Lhrough Lhe D|spatcher Conso|e Lools
Nav|gat|on 1ree
1he Nav|gat|on 1ree wlLhln Lhe Adm|n|ster Lool conLalns Lhe followlng admlnlsLraLlve nodes
l CrossaLch Manage Lhe Crossatch funcLlon
l uaLabase Manage Lhe daLabase
l ulsabled 8adlos ulsable or enable subscrlber radlos
l ulspaLchers Manage Lhe dlspaLchers reglsLered wlLhln Lhe 1k8Cnet sysLem
l Loglcal groups Manage Lhe loglcal groups
l MasLer 8adlos Manage masLer radlos
l 1asks Manage Lasks such as Ceofenclng user AcLlvlLy Lone Worker eLc
l 1elemeLry Manage LelemeLry
l users Manage radlo users Lo conLrol asslgnlng radlos Lo exacL employees
l 8adlos Manage radlo subscrlbers and groups
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls node allows addlng edlLlng and deleLlng CrossaLch rules
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add a Crossatch
1o add a CrossaLch do one of Lhe followlng
l cllck Add ln Lhe Work Area
l rlghLcllck a CrossaLch from Lhe llsL and selecL Add from Lhe conLexL menu
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he Crossatch wlndowls dlsplayed
?ou can seL Lhe followlng lLems
Name 1he name of a CrossaLch
Work Mode 1here are opLlons of CrossaLchlng
l MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo each oLher
l Cne masLer radlo redlrecLs calls Lo several masLer radlos
l MasLer radlos redlrecL Lhe calls Lo one masLer radlo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Master rad|os to red|rect ca||s seL Lhe sources and Lhe LargeLs of redlrecLed calls
AfLer seLLlng all Lhe parameLers cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o act|vate a Crossatch
1o acLlvaLe or deacLlvaLe a CrossaLch selecL Lhe checkbox ln fronL of Lhe CrossaLch Work Area
1hen conflrm Lhe acLlvaLlon deacLlvaLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o ed|t a Crossatch
1o edlL a CrossaLch rule do one of Lhe followlng
l doublecllck Lhe CrossaLch
l selecL Lhe CrossaLch ln Lhe Work area and cllck Ld|t on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck Lhe CrossaLch ln Lhe work area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
Make Lhe changes and cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls node glves Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe kad|oServer daLabase
1he followlng daLa ls avallable
l Server name 1he Server name seL ln Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer Conf|gurator
l Database name 1he uaLabase name seL ln Lhe 1k8Cnet kad|oServer Conf|gurator
l 8ackup date 1he laLesL backup daLe and Llme
l Database vers|on CurrenL M|crosoft SL Server verslon
l Data s|ze CurrenL daLabase slze
l Aud|o s|ze CurrenL audlo daLa slze
Note 1he lnformaLlon ls readonly
1o change Lhe daLabase or Lhe SL Server run Lhe Conf|gure 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer
v flle by selecLlng A|| rograms Neocom Software 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v Conf|gure
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v ln Lhe Start menu or uslng Lhe Conf|gure 1k8Cnet
Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v shorLcuL on your deskLop
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o c|ean the database
1o clean Lhe daLabase and save backup Lo an archlve cllck 8ackup
Speclfy Lhe daLa you need Lo remove Lhe daLa older Lhan and lf necessary selecL Lhe kemove aud|o
f||es checkbox
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o use the database backup schedu|er
1o backup Lhe daLa auLomaLlcally due Lo Lhe schedule cllck Schedu|e
SelecL Lnab|e the database backup schedu|er 1hen selecL days of week and Llme Lo perform Lhe
backup and conflgure Lhe scheduler Lo remove Lhe daLa older Lhan exacL number of days
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
D|sab|ed kad|os
1hls node allows dlsabllng or enabllng subscrlber radlos
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o d|sab|e a rad|o
Note 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se provldes Lhe Stun k||| ass|ve funcLlon 1he dlspaLcher can dlsable
a radlo even lf lLs offllne 1he sysLem wlll dlsable an offllne radlo as soon as lL geLs avallable
1o dlsable a radlo cllck D|sab|e kad|o on Lhe Loolbar
1he Lock wlndowls dlsplayed
SelecL Lhe radlo from Lhe dropdown llsL speclfy Lhe reason and cllck Ck
1he dlsabled radlo ls added Lo Lhe D|sab|ed kad|os llsL and lLs lcon ls changed Lo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o enab|e a rad|o
1o enable a radlo selecL lL from Lhe D|sab|ed kad|o llsL and do one of Lhe followlng
l 8lghLcllck Lhe radlo ln Lhe llsL and selecL Lnab|e kad|o ln Lhe conLexL menu
l Cllck Lnab|e kad|o on Lhe Loolbar
1he Lock wlndowls dlsplayed
Speclfy Lhe reason and cllck Ck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls node allows addlng edlLlng and deleLlng dlspaLchers
1o addde|ete a d|spatcher
1o add a dlspaLcher do one of Lhe followlng
l cllck Add or De|ete on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck a dlspaLcher from Lhe llsL and selecL Add or De|ete ln Lhe conLexL menu
lf you cllck Add Lhe AddLd|t User wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
ln Lhls Lab speclfy Lhe followlng parameLers
l Log|n LnLer Lhe dlspaLchers logln
l assword LnLer Lhe dlspaLchers password
l kepeat password 8epeaL Lhe dlspaLchers password
l D|sp|ay Name LnLer Lhe name LhaL wlll be dlsplayed for oLher dlspaLchers
l Descr|pt|on LnLer Lhe dlspaLchers descrlpLlon
l n|de |ogon of the user from other users SelecL Lhls checkbox Lo make Lhls dlspaLcher
lnvlslble for oLher users
l A||ow th|s user to |og|n |n severa| conso|es |n same t|me SelecL Lhls checkbox Lo allowLhls
user mulLlple connecLlons Lo 8adloServer
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
SelecL or clear checkboxes Lo speclfy Lhe dlspaLchers access rlghLs
l A||ow us|ng the kad|o Interface kad|o over I
l A||ow us|ng the Intercom ca||s
l A||ow us|ng the 1e|ephone Ca||s SI
l A||ow to v|ew reports
l A||ow to change channe|s
l A||ow to ed|t subscr|ber rad|os
l A||ow to LockUn|ock rad|os remote|y k||| kad|o
l A||ow the kemote Mon|tor|ng of subscr|ber rad|os Cpen M|c
l A||ow to reset Master kad|os
l A||ow to Lnab|eD|sab|e Crossatch
l A||ow to ed|t map ob[ects
l A||ow to reset GS tr|gger
l A||ow to set |ocat|on of rad|os manua||y
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
SelecL beLween modes
l A|| Master kad|os are ava||ab|e
l Cn|y se|ected Master kad|os are ava||ab|e selecL or clear checkboxes Lo make channels
avallable or unavallable
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l A|| groups are ava||ab|e
l Cn|y se|ected groups are ava||ab|e selecL or clear checkboxes Lo make groups avallable or
1o ed|t a d|spatcher
1o edlL a dlspaLcher do one of Lhe followlng
l selecL a dlspaLcher and cllck Ld|t on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck a dlspaLcher from Lhe llsL and selecL Ld|t ln Lhe conLexL menu
l doublecllck a dlspaLcher from Lhe llsL
lf you cllck Add Lhe AddLd|t User wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Log|ca| groups
188CneL LnLerprlse allows addlng loglcal groups ln addlLlon Lo radlo groups ?ou can add groups and
subgroups and asslgn subscrlber Lo Lhese groups
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add a |og|ca| group
1o add a dlspaLcher deselecL groups from Lhe llsL and cllck Addon Lhe Loolbar
1he AddLd|t User wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy Lhe name and descrlpLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add a |og|ca| subgroup
1o add a subgroup do one of Lhe followlng
l SelecL a group Lo add subgroup Lo and cllck Add on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck a group Lo add subgroup Lo and selecL Add
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o ed|t a |og|ca| group
1o edlL a dlspaLcher do one of Lhe followlng
l selecL a group and cllck Ld|t on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck a group from Lhe llsL and selecL Ld|t ln Lhe conLexL menu
1o de|ete a group
1o deleLe a group do one of Lhe followlng
l SelecL a group and cllck De|ete on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck a group and selecL De|ete ln Lhe conLexL menu
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Master kad|os
1hls node allows edlLlng and reseLLlng masLer radlos
1o reset a master rad|o
1o reseL a masLer radlo do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck Lhe masLer radlo ln Lhe llsL and selecL keset ln Lhe conLexL menu
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o v|ewed|t a master rad|os propert|es
1o vlewor edlL a masLer radlos properLles do one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Lhe masLer radlo ln Lhe Master kad|os llsL
l SelecL a masLer radlo ln Lhe Master kad|os llsL and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck Lhe masLer radlo ln Lhe Master kad|os llsL and selecL ropert|es ln Lhe conLexL menu
1he Master kad|o wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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uLSC8l1lCn 1A8
1hls Lab provldes Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
l ID masLer radlos lu
l Name masLer radlos name
l 1ype masLer radlos Lype
l Mode mode S|ng|e Master kad|o I S|te Connect or Capac|ty |us
l SLaLus Connected or D|sconnected
l Ser|a| number only avallable for connecLed masLer radlos
l I|rmware vers|on only avallable for connecLed masLer radlos
Note 1he lnformaLlon ls readonly
1o change Lhe masLer radlo seLLlngs run Lhe Conf|gure 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v
flle by selecLlng A|| rograms Neocom Software 1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se v Conf|gure
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v ln Lhe Start menu or uslng Lhe Conf|gure 1k8Cnet
Lnterpr|se kad|oServer v shorLcuL on your deskLop
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
8AulC CPAnnLLS 1A8
1o add a zone cllck
1o add a channel Lo a zone selecL a zone and cllck
1o edlL a zone or channel lefLcllck lL and Lype LexL
1o remove a channel or a zone selecL lL and cllck
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1ALk C8CuS 1A8
Speclfy avallable Lalk groups ln Lhls Lab SelecL or clear checkboxes
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
18AnSMl1S 1A8
SelecL Lhe checkbox Lo use an exLernal masLer radlo for prlvaLe calls and selecL Lhe masLer radlo from
Lhe dropdown llsL
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
vCLuML 1A8
Ad[usL 1x and 8x levels on Lhe channel manually or selecL Conf|gure system vo|ume Lo followsysLem
volume seLLlngs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls nodes allows managlng Lhe followlng Lasks
SMS and Lmall noLlflcaLlons
user AcLlvlLy
Lone Worker
LxporL uaLa
Scheduled 1ask
ldle 1lme
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o enable or dlsable geofenclng selecL Lhe respecLlve checkbox ln Lhe Work Area and cllck es
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1C CCnllCu8L CLClLnClnC Anu SLLu CCn18CL
uo one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Geofenc|ng ln Lhe Work Area
l 8lghLcllck Geofenc|ng ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
l SelecL Geofenc|ng ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1he Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndowls dlsplayed
Add a rule or selecL an exlsLlng rule
lf necessary edlL a rule
Lnable or dlsable a rule
1o addde|ete a ru|e
1o add a rule cllck Add ku|e ln Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow
1o deleLe a rule cllck De|ete ku|e ln Lhe Geofenc|ng and Speed Contro| wlndow
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o ed|t a ru|e
SelecL a rule from Lhe llsL and seL Lhe rules parameLers
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Genera| tab
?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe Genera| Lab
Name LnLer Lhe rules name
Descr|pt|on LnLer Lhe rules descrlpLlon
Send Ca|| A|ert to a rad|o |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
Speed Contro| SelecL Lhe checkbox Lo enable speed conLrol
Contro| mode SelecL Lhe conLrol mode from Lhe dropdown llsL Contro| everywhere Lnab|ed for
se|ected reg|ons on|y D|sab|ed for se|ected re|ons
Max|mum speed SeL Lhe maxlmum speed allowed
Act|vate A|arm mode |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
Send 1ext Message to a rad|o |f the the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
keg|ons tab
?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe keg|ons Lab
Contro| mode SelecL Lhe conLrol mode from Lhe dropdown llsL
Send 1ext Message to a rad|o |f |t enters ex|ts or changes a reg|on SlecL Lhe checkbox lf
necessarySend Ca|| A|ert to a rad|o |f the ru|e has been tr|ggered SelecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
A|| reg|ons SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo apply Lhls rulefor all reglons
Cn|y se|ected reg|ons SelecL Lhls opLlon lf you wanL Lo apply Lhe rule for one or several reglons and
check Lhe reglons Lo apply Lhe rule for ln Lhe keg|on L|st
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
kad|os tab
?ou can seL Lhe followlng parameLers ln Lhe keg|ons Lab
A|| rad|os SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo apply Lhls rule for all radlos
Cn|y se|ected rad|os SelecL Lhls opLlon lf you wanL Lo apply Lhe rule for one or several radlos and
check Lhe radlos Lo apply Lhe rule for ln Lhe kad|o L|st
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Lone Workers tab
1hls Lab allows acLlvaLlng a Lone Worker pollcy ln case Lhe rule has been Lrlggered
A|| tasks SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo acLlvaLe all Lone Worker Lasks
Cn|y se|ected tasks SelecL Lhls opLlon Lo speclfy exacL Lone Worker Lasks Lo be acLlvaLed
1o enab|ed|sab|e a ru|e
1o enabledlsable a rule selecL a rule and cllck Lnab|e ku|e or D|sab|e ku|e
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SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se provldes Lhe funcLlonallLy for SMS and Lmall noLlflcaLlons on sysLem evenLs
1C LnA8LLulSA8LL SMS Anu LMAlL nC1lllCA1lCnS
1o enable or dlsable SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons selecL Lhe respecLlve checkbox ln Lhe Work Area
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1C CCnllCu8L SMS Anu LMAlL nC1lllCA1lCnS
1o conflgure Lhls funcLlon do one of Lhe followlng
l doublecllck SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons ln Lhe Work Area
l rlghLcllck SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL
l selecL SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1he SMS and Lma|| not|f|cat|ons wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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SMS sett|ngs tab
lf necessary selecL respecLlve checkboxes and enLer Lhe daLa
l Send SMS to rec|p|ents |f ALAkM has been act|vated selecL Lo send SMS ln case of Alarm
l Send MMS to rec|p|ents |f ALAkM has been act|vated selecL Lo send MMS ln case of Alarm
l Iorward 1ext Messages to ce|| phone rec|p|ents
l Input messages from rad|onetwork to d|spatchers selecL Lo forward lncomlng LexL
messages Lo cell phone
l Cutput messages from d|spatchers to rad|onetwork selecL Lo forward ouLgolng LexL
messages Lo cell phone
l Sender LnLer Lhe sender
l kec|p|ents Lo add a receplenL cllck Add and Lype Lhe cell phone number dlglL Lo remove
a reclplenL cllck De|ete
l 1ype of connect|on to GSM selecL Lhe Lype of connecLlon Nok|a mob||e phone connected
to kad|oServer C or V|anett serv|cehttpwwwv|anettcom
l V|anett account for vlaneLL connecLlon only enLer Lhe accounL
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l V|anett password for vlaneLL connecLlon only enLer Lhe password
l Send 1est MMS for vlaneLL connecLlon only llck Lo send a LesL MMS
l Send 1est SMS for vlaneLL connecLlon only llck Lo send a LesL SMS
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Cutgo|ng Lma|| sett|ngs SM1 tab
lf necessary selecL respecLlve checkboxes and enLer Lhe daLa
l Send Lma|| to rec|p|ents |f ALAkM has been act|vated selecL Lo send Lmall ln case of Alarm
l Iorward 1ext Messages to ema|| rec|p|ents
l Input messages from rad|onetwork to d|spatchers selecL Lo forward lncomlng LexL
messages Lo Lmall addresses
l Cutput messages from d|spatchers to rad|onetwork selecL Lo forward ouLgolng LexL
messages Lo Lmall addresses
l Sender enLer Lhe sender
l kec|p|ents Lo add a reclplenL cllck Add and Lype Lhe Lmall address Lo remove a reclplenL
cllck De|ete
l SM1 server host or I enLer Lhe SM1 server hosL or l
l 1h|s server requ|res a secure connect|on SSL selecL Lo use a secure connecLlon
l SM1 server port use Lhe defaulL value
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l Connect us|ng
l Anonymous access selecL Lo use an anonymous access
l W|ndows authent|cat|on selecL Lo connecL wlLh Wlndows auLhenLlcaLlon
l Use SM1 user name and password selecL Lo enLer SM1 user name and password
l User name enLer Lhe SM1 user name
l assword enLer Lhe SM1 password
l Send 1est Message cllck Lo send a LesL message
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Incom|ng Lma|| sett|ngs C tab
lf necessary selecL respecLlve checkboxes and enLer Lhe daLa
l Iorward |ncom|ng ema||s to rad|onetwork from ema||box to rad|os selecL Lo forward
lncomlng emalls Lo radlo neLwork
l C server host or I enLer C server hosL or l
l 1h|s server requ|res a secure connect|on SSL selecL Lo use a secure connecLlon
l C server port use Lhe defaulL value
l Check for new messages every seconds seL Lhe Llme lnLerval Lo check for newemalls
l Connect us|ng
l Anonymous access selecL Lo use an anonlmous access
l W|ndows authent|cat|on selecL Lo connecL wlLh Wlndows auLhenLlcaLlon
l Use SM1 user name and password selecL Lo enLer C user name and password
l Check New Lma||s Now cllck Lo check for newemalls
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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User Act|v|ty
1he User Act|v|ty funcLlon leLs Lhe dlspaLcher make llsLs subscrlbers can be asslgned Lo due Lo Lhelr
lor example lf a subscrlber sends a message Cn duty or presses an exacL preseL LelemeLry buLLon
Lhls subscrlber geLs asslgned Lo Lhe Cn duty llsL ln Lhe kemote D|spatcher Conso|e 1he dlspaLcher
can also asslgn subscrlbers Lo llsLs manually
1C LnA8LLulSA8LL uSL8 AC1lvl1?
1o enable or dlsable User Act|v|ty selecL Lhe respecLlve checkbox ln Lhe Work Area
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1C CCnllCu8L uSL8 AC1lvl1?
1o conflgure User Act|v|tydo one of Lhe followlng
l doublecllck User Act|v|ty ln Lhe Work Area
l rlghLcllck User act|v|ty ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
l selecL User Act|v|ty ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1he User Act|v|ty wlndowls dlsplayed
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1o add or de|ete a User Act|v|ty ||st
1o add or deleLe a llsL cllck Add or De|ete
1o Ld|t a ||st
1o edlL a llsL cllck Ld|t 1he User Act|v|ty L|st Sett|ngs wlndowls dlsplayed
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
Name LnLer Lhe llsLs name
Descr|pt|on LnLer Lhe llsLs descrlpLlon
8ackground SelecL Lhe background color Lo dlsplay Lhe subscrlbers asslgned Lo Lhe llsL 1wo varlanLs
are avallable
l do not rep|ace defau|t leaves Lhe subscrlbers lcon color as lL ls due Lo lLs sLaLe grey blue
or green
l V|o|et makes Lhe subscrlbers lcon color vloleL
Move a rad|o to th|s ||st |f SelecL Lhe proper checkboxes
l Manua||y on demand of d|spatcher Lo asslgn subscrlbers Lo Lhe llsL manually
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1ext Message from a rad|o Lo asslgn a radlo Lo Lhe llsL afLer
recelvlng a message speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
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l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1e|emetry Command from a rad|o Lo asslgn a radlo Lo Lhe llsL
afLer recelvlng a LelemeLry Speclfy Lhe LelemeLry Lo and Lhe command n|gh Low or
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1o ass|gn an off||ne subscr|ber to the defau|t User Act|v|ty ||st
1he flrsL User Act|v|ty llsL ls defaulL 1he defaulL llsL ls unremovable
1o asslgn an offllne subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL User Act|v|ty llsL go Lo Lhe Advanced Lab SelecL Lhe
checkbox an seL Lhe LlmeouL Lo asslgn Lhe subscrlber Lo Lhe defaulL llsL afLer
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Lxport Data
188CneL LnLerprlse provldes Lhe Lxport Data funcLlon whlch allows exporLlng daLa Lo an exLernal
daLabase Lable
1C Auu LxC81 uA1A 1ASk
1he user can have several Lxport Data Lasks for dlfferenL purposes
1o add Lxport Datado one of Lhe followlng
l rlghLcllck any of Lhe Work Area lLems and selecL Add Lxport Data
l cllck on Lhe Loolbar and selecL Lxport Data
1he Lxport Data wlndowls dlsplayed
1he followlng parameLers are avallable
l 1ask name enLer Lhe Lasks name
l 1ype selecL Lype from Lhe llsL Lxport to database tab|e Lxport to Versa 1rans Lxport to
Goog|e Lxport to NMLA or Lxport to f||e
l Data selecL Lhe daLa Lype Lo exporL Locat|on of rad|o for all Lypes of exporL excepL for
Lxport to f||e kad|o status changes for Lxport to database tab|e only Lvent messages for
Lxport to database tab|e only or 1e|emetry for Lxport to f||e only
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LxC81 uA1A 1C uA1A8ASL 1A8LL
Connect|on tab
l Defau|t connect|on selecL for defaulL connecLlon Lo SCL Server
l Spec|f|ed connect|on selecL Lo speclfy SCL Server and daLabase
l Server name speclfy SCL servber name
l Database name selecL a daLabase from Lhe llsL
l W|ndows authent|cat|on selecL for Wlndows auLhenLlcaLlon or clear and enLer SCL Server
auLhenLlcaLlon user name and password
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Data tab
l 1ab|e Lhe Lables name ln Lhe followlng formaL database namedbotab|e name
database name Lhe exLernal daLabase name
tab|e name Lhe exLernal daLabase Lable name
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l Create tab|e cllck Lo creaLe a newLable 1he Create tab|e wlndowls dlsplayed LnLer Lhe
1ab|e name ln formaL database namedbotab|e name Cllck Ck
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l Load co|umns ||st cllck Lo load Lhe columns llsL from an exlsLlng Lable whlch musL be seL ln
Lhe 1ab|e fleld
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l Co|umn mapp|ng Lhls Lable dlsplays Lhe Lables column mapplng SelecL Lhe daLa Lo exporL
for each rowfrom Lhe dropdown llsL whlch depends on Lhe daLa Lype you speclfled ln Lhe Data
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Schedu|er tab
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo execuLe daLa exporL on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe sLop Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo exporL daLa ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Advanced tab for |ocat|on of rad|o on|y
l Lxport on|y changed data selecL Lo exporL only changed daLa
l Lxport mode
l A|ways add new records selecL Lo add newrecords only
l Update ex|st|ng and add new records selecL Lo updaLe exlsLlng records and add new
l Update ex|st|ng records selecL Lo updaLe exlsLlng records only
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LxC81 uA1A 1C vL8SA 18AnS
1he sysLem can exporL locaLlon daLa Lo versa 1rans
Data tab
l I address speclfy Lhe versa 1rans daLa collecLor servlces l address
l ort Speclfy Lhe porL Lo connecL Lo versa 1rans
l 1est connect|on Cllck Lo LesL Lhe connecLlon Lo versa 1rans daLa collecLor
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Schedu|er tab
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo execuLe daLa exporL on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe sLop Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo exporL daLa ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
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Data tab
l I||e name speclfy Lhe flle name 1o browse for flle cllck
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Schedu|er tab
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo execuLe daLa exporL on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe sLop Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo exporL daLa ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
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LxC81 uA1A 1C nMLA
Data tab
l D|rectory speclfy Lhe dlrecLory 1o browse for folder cllck
l I||e extens|on speclfy Lhe flle exLenslon 1he defaulL exLenslon ls txt
l Message type speclfy Lhe message Lype SelecL CCCA CCLL or boLh formaLs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Schedu|er tab
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo execuLe daLa exporL on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe sLop Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo exporL daLa ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
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LxC81 uA1A 1C llLL
Data tab
l D|rectory speclfy Lhe dlrecLory 1o browse for folder cllck
l I||e name speclfy Lhe flle name
l Lxtens|on speclfy Lhe flle exLenslon 1he defaulL exLenslon ls txt
l Start new f||e every speclfy Lhe Lhe Llme lnLerval Lo sLarL a newflle ln nour Day or Month
l Lxport co|umn headers selecL Lhe checkbox lf necessary
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Schedu|er tab
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo execuLe daLa exporL on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe sLop Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo exporL daLa ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
1C CCnllCu8L LxC81 uA1A
1o conflgure an Lxport Datapollcy do one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area
l 8lghLcllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
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l SelecL Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
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Lone Worker
1he Lone Worker pollcy leLs Lhe dlspaLcher seL a Llme lnLerval ln whlch Lhe communlcaLlon wlLh a
subscrlber ls expecLed lor example lf a lone worker hasnL called Lhe dlspaLcher for mlnuLes
heshe geLs a message and Lhe dlspaLcher geLs an alarm slgnal
1o enable or dlsable Lone Worker selecL or clear Lhe respecLlve checkbox
1C Auu LCnL WC8kL8 CLlC?
1he user can have several Lone Worker pollcles for dlfferenL purposes
1o add a Lone Worker pollcy do one of Lhe followlng
l rlghLcllck any of Lhe Work Area lLems and selecL Add Lone Worker
l cllck on Lhe Loolbar and selecL Lone Worker
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1C CCnllCu8L LCnL WC8kL8
1he user can have several Lone Worker pollcles for dlfferenL purposes
1o conflgure a Lone Worker pollcy do one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Lhe pollcy ln Lhe Work Area
l 8lghLcllck Lhe pollcy ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
l SelecL Lhe pollcy ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1he Lone Worker wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy Lhe name of Lhe pollcy ln Lhe 1ask name fleld and seL
Lhe pollcys parameLers
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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1ask Start tab
1hls Lab conLalns Lhe parameLers LhaL conLrol Lhe sLarL of Lhe pollcy
1he followlng parameLers can be seL
l Manua||y on demand of d|spatcher selecL Lo sLarL Lone Worker for a subscrlber manually
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1ext Message from a rad|o selecL Lo sLarL Lone Worker afLer
recelvlng a message from a subscrlber speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1e|emetry Command from a rad|o selecL Lo sLarL Lone Worker
afLer recelvlng a LelemeLry Speclfy Lhe LelemeLry VIC Lo and Lhe Command n|gh Low or
l Send 1ext Message to a rad|o selecL Lo noLlfy a subscrlber wlLh a message when Lone
Worker sLarLs speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Cond|t|ons tab
1hls Lab conLalns Lhe parameLers LhaL conLrol Lhe condlLlons of Lhe pollcy
1he followlng parameLers can be seL
l kad|o has not been transm|tt|ng dur|ng m|nutes seL Lhe Llme wlLhouL LransmlLLlng afLer
whlch Lhe Lone Workerpollcy ls Lrlggered
l Send a not|f|cat|on to a rad|o to start transm|tt|ng selecL Lo send noLlflcaLlon Lo a radlo
before Lrlggerlng Lhe pollcy when a subscrlber has noL LransmlLLed for a seL perlod of Llme
l Send not|f|cat|on before seconds seL Lhe Llme afLer Lhe noLlflcaLlon for Lhe radlo Lo
respond before Lrlggerlng Lhe Lone Worker pollcy
l Send Ca|| A|ert to a rad|o selecL Lo send a call alerL Lo a radlo ln case Lhe pollcy has been
l Send 1ext Message to a rad|o selecL Lo send a LexL message Lo a radlo ln case Lhe pollcy has
been Lrlggered speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
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1ask Stop tab
1hls Lab conLalns Lhe parameLers LhaL conLrol sLop of Lhe pollcy
1he followlng parameLers can be seL
l Manua||y on demand of d|spatcher selecL Lo sLop Lone Worker for a subscrlber manually
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1ext Message from a rad|o selecL Lo sLop Lone Worker afLer
recelvlng a message from a subscrlber speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
l Automat|ca||y by rece|v|ng 1e|emetry Command from a rad|o selecL Lo sLop Lone Worker
afLer recelvlng a LelemeLry Speclfy Lhe LelemeLry VIC Lo and Lhe Command n|gh Low or
l Send 1ext Message to a rad|o selecL Lo noLlfy a subscrlber wlLh a message when Lone
Worker sLops speclfy Lhe message LexL ln Lhe Message fleld
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
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Schedu|ed 1ask
1hls funcLlon allows sendlng scheduled messages Lo radlos
1o enable or dlsable Schedu|ed 1ask selecL or clear Lhe respecLlve checkbox ln Lhe Work Area
1C Auu SCPLuuLLu 1ASk
1he user can have several Schedu|ed 1ask pollcles for dlfferenL purposes
1o add Schedu|ed 1askdo one of Lhe followlng
l rlghLcllck any of Lhe Work Area lLems and selecL Add Schedu|ed 1ask
l cllck on Lhe Loolbar and selecL Schedu|ed 1ask
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1C CCnllCu8L SCPLuuLLu 1ASk
1o conflgure Schedu|ed 1ask do one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area
l 8lghLcllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
l SelecL Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
1he Schedu|ed 1ask wlndowls dlsplayed Speclfy Lhe name of Lhe pollcy ln Lhe 1ask name fleld and
seL Lhe Lasks parameLers
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Command tab
1hls Lab conLalns Lhe followlng parameLers
l Command selecL Send 1ext Message Send 1e|emetry or kequest Locat|on
l Message Lype Lhe message LexL
l VIC selecL Lhe 1elemeLry Lo send
l Command selecL n|gh |eve| Low |eve| 1ogg|e |eve| u|se or uery state
l Send to a rad|o group selecL Lo send Lo a group several groups
l Send to subscr|bed rad|o selecL Lo send Lo a subscrlber several subscrlbers
l kec|p|ent selecL Lhe reclplenLs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Schedu|er tab
l Start date seL Lhe sLarL daLe
l Stop date seL Lhe end daLe
l Days of week selecL days of week Lo send messages on
l Lxecute recurrent|y w|th |nterva| selecL Lo execuLe ln a Llme lnLerval
l Start t|me seL Lhe sLarL Llme
l Stop t|me seL Lhe end Llme
l kepeat every seL Lhe lnLerval Lo send messages ln
l Lxecute at part|cu|ar t|me selecL Lo execuLe aL parLlcular Llme and seL Lhe Llmes
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Id|e 1|me
1o conflgure ldle 1lme Lask do one of Lhe followlng
l uoublecllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area
l 8lghLcllck Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and selecL Ld|t from Lhe conLexL menu
l SelecL Lhe Lask ln Lhe Work Area and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
CCnllCu8L luLL 1lML
Speclfy Lhe LelemeLry vlC and command Lo sLarL and Lo sLop Lhe ldle 1lme
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1hls node allows conflgurlng 1elemeLry
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add or ed|t a 1e|emetry prof||e
1o add a 1elemeLry proflle do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck Add on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck 1e|emetry ln Lhe navlgaLlon 1ree and cllck Create New rof||e
Speclfy Lhe roflle name and conflgure lLs vlCs
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o conf|gure a te|emetry button
1o conflgure a LelemeLry selecL lL ln Lhe Work Area and cllck Conf|gure
1he respecLlve wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
lnu1 1A8
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
l Name LnLer Lhe LelemeLrys name Lo be dlsplayed
l Lvent selecL Any event n|gh |eve| Low |eve| or u|se
l Sever|ty SelecL Lhe severlLy from dropdown llsL Informat|on Warn|ng or A|arm
l Auto reset selecL Lo reseL Lhe LelemeLry conLacL auLomaLlcally
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Cu1u1 1A8
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
l Name LnLer Lhe LelemeLrys name Lo be dlsplayed
l Command selecL n|gh |eve| Low |eve| 1ogg|e |eve| or u|se
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
An exacL radlo can be nowasslgned ln Lhe sysLem Lo an exacL employee reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem 1hls
can be really useful for slLuaLlons wlLh shlfL workers
All avallable radlos are dlsabled and an employee wlll need Lo enLer username and password Lo Lake a
radlo or reLurn lL
When Lhe radlo ls Laken lL geLs enabled and asslgned Lo Lhls worker ln Lhe sysLem When Lhe radlo ls
reLurned lLs no more asslgned Lo Lhe employee and lL geLs dlsabled agaln
NC1L 1he funcLlon of Laklng enabllng or reLurnlng dlsabllng radlos ls avallable ln separaLe
188CneL 8adlo allocaLlon Console
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add a user
1o add a user do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck Add on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck any of Lhe users ln Lhe work area and ln Lhe conLexL menu selecL Add
l 8lghLcllck Users ln Lhe navlgaLlon 1ree and selecL Add New User
1he AddLd|t User wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Speclfy Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
l Log|n enLer users logln
l assword speclfy users password
l kepeat password repeaL Lhe password
l D|sp|ay name Speclfy users name Lo be dlsplayed ln Lhe sysLem
l Max rad|os count speclfy Lhe maxlmum number of radlos Lhe user can Lake aL once
l Descr|pt|on LnLer users descrlpLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
8AulCS 1A8
SelecL radlos Lo allowLhls user Lo Lake
A||ow a|| rad|os allows Lhe user Laklng all Lhe radlos
Cn|y se|ected rad|os speclfy exacL radlos Lhe user ls allowed Lo Lake
1o ed|t a user
1o edlL a user do one of Lhe followlng
l SelecL a user and cllck Ld|t on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck a user ln Lhe work area and ln Lhe conLexL menu selecL Ld|t
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
When you selecL a node of a radlo sLaLlon or group lncludlng Lhe kad|os group node ln Lhe
Nav|gat|on 1ree Lhe work area dlsplays Lhe followlng elemenLs
AddlLlonal Loolbar whlch provldes you wlLh opLlons for managlng subscrlbers accounLs
LlsL of radlo sLaLlons reglsLered wlLh Lhe 1k8Cnet system
All reglsLered subscrlbers and groups are also dlsplayed under Lhe kad|os node ln Lhe navlgaLlon Lree
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Subscr|ber Groups
1C Auu A C8Cu
1o add a group do one of Lhe followlng
l cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck Lhe kad|os node or an exlsLlng group ln Lhe Nav|gat|on 1ree and selecL Create New
Group ln Lhe conLexL men
1he Group ropert|es wlndowls dlsplayed
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
l Name enLer Lhe groups name
l Group ID enLer Lhe groups lu
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
l MDC ID nex enLer Lhe MuC lu for analogue channels
l Descr|pt|on 1ype Lhe groups descrlpLlon
1C Lul1 C8 8LMCvL A C8Cu
1o edlL or remove a Lalk group rlghLcllck lL ln Lhe Nav|gat|on 1ree and selecL Ld|t Group or kemove
Group ln Lhe conLexL menu
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1C Auu A Su8SC8l8L8
1o add a radlo do one of Lhe followlng
l cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l rlghLcllck Lhe group you wanL Lo add a radlo Lo and selecL Add New kad|o ln Lhe conLexL
l rlghLcllck a radlo ln Lhe Work area and selecL Add ln Lhe conLexL menu
1he Add kad|o to system wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Genera| 1ab
l Ca||s|gn enLer Lhe radlos callslgn
l kad|o ID enLer Lhe radlos lu
l MDC ID nex LnLer Lhe MuC lu for analogue channels
l 1a|k Group SelecL a Lalk group Lo asslgn Lhe radlo Lo
l Lqu|pped w|th GSmodu|e selecL Lo make CS poslLlonlng enabled for Lhe radlo
l Use custom GS po|||ng |nterva| for th|s rad|o selecL lf necessary speclfy Lhe er|od
l Lqu|pped w|th d|sp|ay for 1ext Messag|ng selecL Lo make LexL messaglng enabled for Lhe
l 1e|emetry lf necessary selecL a cusLom LelemeLry proflle
l Cn the Map
l Use |con sett|ngs selecL Lhe Lype of lcon dlsplayed on Lhe map from dropdown llsL
Mob||e rad|os ortab|e kad|os kad|o on a boat 8us eLc
l Show ca||s|gn selecL or clear Lo showor hlde radlos name on Lhe map
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Groups 1ab
SelecL a loglcal group groups Lo asslgn Lhe subscrlber Lo
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Cpt|onboard 1ab
188CneL supporLs SprlLe opLlonboard SelecL Spr|te lf necessary 1o LesL opLlonboard cllck Check
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Add|t|ona| 1ab
Name 1ype Lhe name of Lhe subscrlber
Load Image Load an lmage for Lhe subscrlber
Descr|pt|on 1ype Lhe radlos descrlpLlon
Make enLer Lhe vehlcle make
|ate Number enLer vehlcle plaLe number
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1C Lul1 C8 8LMCvL A Su8SC8l8L8
1o edlL or remove a subscrlber do one of Lhe followlng
l 8lghLcllck lL ln Lhe Nav|gat|on 1ree and selecL Ld|t kad|o ropert|es or kemove kad|o ln Lhe
conLexL menu
l 8lghLcllck a radlo on Lhe llsL of radlos and selecL Ld|t or De|ete ln Lhe conLexL menu
l SelecL a radlo on Lhe llsL of radlos and cllck or on Lhe Loolbar
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
188CnL1 8AulC ALLCCA1lCn
1k8Cnet kad|o A||ocat|on ls a newfeaLure of and hlgher verslons of 1k8Cnet sofLware An exacL
radlo can be asslgned ln Lhe sysLem Lo an exacL employee reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem 1hls can be really
useful for slLuaLlons wlLh shlfL workers
All avallable radlos are dlsabled and an employee wlll need Lo enLer username and password Lo Lake a
When Lhe radlo ls Laken lL geLs enabled and asslgned Lo Lhls worker ln Lhe sysLem When Lhe radlo ls
reLurned lLs no more asslgned Lo Lhe employee and lL geLs dlsabled agaln
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o admlnlsLer radlo users
1o manage users go Lo Lhe Adm|n|ster Lool of D|spatcher Conso|e and selecL Usersln Lhe navlgaLlon
NC1L ?ou can only admlnlsLer users ln ulspaLcher Console 1he funcLlon of Laklng enabllng
or reLurnlng dlsabllng radlos ls avallable ln separaLeSee 188CneL 8adlo AllocaLlon Console
on page
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o add a user
1o add a user do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck Add on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck any of Lhe users ln Lhe work area and ln Lhe conLexL menu selecL Add
l 8lghLcllck Users ln Lhe navlgaLlon 1ree and selecL Add New User
1he AddLd|t User wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Genera| tab
Speclfy Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
l Log|n enLer users logln
l assword speclfy users password
l kepeat password repeaL Lhe password
l D|sp|ay name Speclfy users name Lo be dlsplayed ln Lhe sysLem
l Max rad|os count speclfy Lhe maxlmum number of radlos Lhe user can Lake aL once
l Descr|pt|on LnLer users descrlpLlon
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
kad|os tab
SelecL radlos Lo allowLhls user Lo Lake
A||ow a|| rad|os allows Lhe user Laklng all Lhe radlos
Cn|y se|ected rad|os speclfy exacL radlos Lhe user ls allowed Lo Lake
1o ed|t a user
1o edlL a user do one of Lhe followlng
l Cllck Ld|t on Lhe Loolbar
l 8lghLcllck a user ln Lhe work area and ln Lhe conLexL menu selecL Ld|t
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o see 8adlo AllocaLlon SLaLlsLlcs
1o see 8adlo AllocaLlon sLaLlsLlcs open Lhe keport and Stat|st|cs Lool ln 188CneL ulspaLcher Console
and selecL kad|o A||ocat|on ln Lhe navlgaLlon 1ree
1o generaLe a reporL
SeL Lhe followlng parameLers
l Start date seL Lhe sLarL daLe of Lhe reporL
l Lnd Date seL Lhe end daLe of Lhe reporL
l Dev|ce selecL all radlos or an exacL radlo Lo generaLe a reporL for
l User selecL all users or an exacL user Lo generaLe a reporL for
l Group by SelecL Lo group Lhe reporL daLa by devlces or by users
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Cllck Generate keport
ALable wlLh deLalled daLa on 8adlo AllocaLlon ls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
188CneL 8adlo AllocaLlon Console
1k8Cnet kad|o A||ocat|on Conso|e ls deslgned as an lnLerface for employees Lo Lake or reLurn radlos
1o start the 1k8Cnet kad|o A||ocat|on Conso|e
1o sLarL Lhe console ln Lhe Start menu selecL A|| rograms Neocom Software 1k8Cnet
Lnterpr|se v 1k8Cnet kad|o A||ocat|on Conso|e
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
Speclfy Lhe 8adloServers l address user name and password and cllck Ck 188CneL 8adlo
AllocaLlon console wlndowls dlsplayed
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1o take or return a rad|o
1o Lake or reLurn a radlo do one of Lhe followlng
selecL a radlo from Lhe llsL and cllck on Lhe Loolbar
l doublecllck a radlo on Lhe llsL
1he 1ake kad|oketurn kad|o wlndowls dlspalyed
SelecL a user from Lhe dropdown llsL Lhen Lype your password and cllck 1ake rad|oketurn kad|o
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
1he radlo wlll be nowenableddlsabled and Lhe respecLlve reason of enabllngdlsabllng wlll be
lndlcaLed ln Lhe ulspaLcher Consoles LvenL Log
NC1L 1o add users Lo Lhe sysLem and speclfy Lhelr rlghLs go Lo Lhe Adm|n|ster Lool of
D|spatcher Conso|e and selecL users
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
188CnL1 CulCk SuC81
1k8Cnet has a speclal Lool for qulck and efflclenL remoLe supporL 1o geL qulck supporL you [usL need
Lo run Lhe 1k8Cnetu|ckSupportexe flle and Lell your 188CneL supporL englneer your unlque lu
AfLer LhaL Lhe supporL englneer wlll have access Lo your C
Pow Lo use 188CneL Culck supporL
uownload Lhe 1k8Cnetu|ckSupportexe flle here
Launch Lhe flle ?ou have your unlque lu
ConLacL your 188CneL supporL speclallsL and Lell your unlque lu nowLhe supporL englneer
can geL remoLe access Lo your C
When Lhe speclallsL sLarLs Lhe connecLlon sesslon you wlll see Lhe sesslon wlndowln Lhe
boLLomlefL corner of your deskLop
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
nowLhe supporL englneer has access Lo your C ?ou can use Lhe Chat funcLlon ln Lhe Sess|on
w|ndow Lo communlcaLe lor Lhls cllck Iunct|ons and Lhen selecL Chat ln Lhe conLexL menu
Note 1o save Lhe conversaLlon as a LexL flle cllck and selecL Save 1hen browse for Lhe
folder Lo save Lhe LexL flle Lo
1ell Lhe supporL englneer whaL help you need and leL hlm make Lhe requlred changes ln your
1o close Lhe connecLlon sesslon cllck Lhe red cross ln Lhe Sesslon wlndow
1k8Cnet Lnterpr|se Insta||at|on and Conf|gurat|on Gu|de
CopyrlghL neocom SofLware LLd
A8Cu1 1PL CCMAn?
neocom SofLware LLd was creaLed ln on Lhe basls of neocom LLd whlch was founded ln
and ls Lhe largesL suppller of radlo communlcaLlon sysLems for professlonal or llcensefree use on Lhe
ground seas or rlvers
1oday neocom SofLware has sLaLus of a MoLorola AppllcaLlon arLner ln LMLA LaLln Amerlca and
Lhe Asla aclflc reglon and Lhe sLaLus of a MoLorola AppllcaLlon rovlder ln Lhe norLh Amerlca
ConLacL ueLalls
vaslllevskly CsLrov Lh Llne SalnL eLersburg 8ussla
Lmall lnfoLrboneLcom
We are always glad Lo geL response from our cusLomers lf you have any suggesLlons on funcLlonal
capablllLles of Lhe producL please conLacL us
Lmall devLeamLrboneLcom
Cfflclal WebslLe hLLpLrboneLcom
1he volce codlng 1echnology embodled ln Lhls producL ls proLecLed by lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs
lncludlng paLenL rlghLs copyrlghLs and Lrade secreLs of ulglLal volce SysLems lnc 1hls volce codlng
1echnology ls llcensed solely for use wlLhln Lhls CommunlcaLlons LqulpmenL uS aL nos


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