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BACKGROUND In teaching process we will find how to describe learning and teaching, material of learning has many kinds of how to describe learning and teaching. For knows whats the meaning describe leaning and teaching we should do many practice theory ally. One of our experiences to makes learning and teaching process be conducive situations. It does for master of learning and teaching so that it will be easier to practice. When we want to master it we have to know how to describe learning and teaching such us: first we have to know what we know about language learning. Second, what elements are necessary for successful language learning in classroom? Third, how do the three elements of ESA (Engage, Study, and activate) fit together and lesson sequences? And the last but at least what teaching models have influenced current teaching practice. PURPOSE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING In leaning and teaching process has many purposes such us we can know learning and teaching process, can manage the material of learning and teaching process and then when we combine and describe learning and teaching process, know the characteristic of students and emotion of students. Therefore we can do many activities as long as we want to make learning and teaching process is better.

TARGET OF LEARNING AND TEACHING PROGRAM In this material learning and teaching we can know how to describe learning and teaching as long as the student can create conducive situation. Learning and teaching are based when the student can improve their skill and the can be easier to master of study. Sometimes has little brave for create their material of lessons. Target of this material for master their skill and can be describe learning and teaching process. TIME OF LEARNING In this learning each student will get describe learning and teaching. The time for this learning include task in the final has maximum 3 x 75 Minutes for a week. Time of learning has same purpose to manage this learning too effectively for student so that what we plan and our purpose can be true in that learning.


What do we about language learning

We can know how to describe learning and teaching as long as we can know about language learning. Outside the context of any classroom, all students who are repeatedly exposed to a language will in normal circumstances learning it. They do this unconsciously-rather than as form of study. Most of students can learn a language without studying it, some just improve their studies. The students who do acquire language successfully outside the classroom seem to share certain similarities in their learning experience. First of all, there are usually exposed to language which they more or less understand even if they can not produce the same language spontaneously themselves. Secondly, they are motivated to learn the language in other to be able to communicate. And finally, they have opportunities to use the language and they are learning, thus giving themselves chances to flex their linguistic muscles and check their own progress and abilities. All these features of natural language acquisition can be difficult to replicate in the classroom, but there are elements which we should try to imitate. What elements are necessary for successful language learning in classroom Elements are necessary for successful language learning in classroom, can be normally when we find describe how to learning and teaching process. We can therefore say what elements need to be present in a language classroom to help student learn effectively. We will call these elements ESA, three elements which will be present in all or almost all classes. The meanings of ESA, first, engage: this is the point in teaching sequence where teacher try to arouse the students interest this involving their emotions. Activities of engage such us games, music, discussion, stimulating picture, dramatic stories, amusing anecdote. Second, study activities are those where the student are asked to focus in on language or information and how it is constructed. Students can study in a variety of different styles: the teacher can explain grammar; they can study language evidence to discover grammar for themselves. Some typical areas for study might be the study and practice of the vowel sound in ship and sheep (chip, cheap, dip, deep, bit, beat, etc) the study and practice of the third person singular of the present simple (he sleeps, she laughs, it works).Activate: this element describe exercises and activities which are designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can. Typical Activate exercises include role-play (where students act out, as realistically as possible, an exchange between a travel agent and a client). To say that the three elements need to be present does not mean they always have to take place in the same order. The last thing we want to do is bore our student by constantly offering them the same predictable learning. It is instead our responsibility to vary the sequences and content of our lesson, and the different ESA pattern that we are now going to describe show how this can be done. How do the three element of ESA fit together in lesson sequences?

How do the three element of ESA fit together in lesson sequences?: One of teaching sequence takes student in a straight line : first the teacher gets the class interested and Engaged, then they Study something and they then try to Activate it by putting it into production. Here is an example of such a Straight Arrows sequence designed for elementary level students. 1. Engage: students and teacher look at a picture or video of modern robots. They say what the robots are doing. They say why they like or dont like robots. 2. Study: the teacher shows students (the picture of) a particular robot. Student are introduced to can and can not (how they are pronounced and constructed) and say things like it can do math and it can not play the piano. The teacher tries to make sure the sentences are pronounced correctly and that the students use accurate grammar.

Study Talked about different modals which people have used to describe teaching such as PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production), task based learning (which puts the task first and language study last) and communicate language teaching (with its twin emphasis on appropriate language use and activation methodology). 2. Seen how PPP is a form of

straight arrow lessons, while task based learning is more like boomerang or patchwork sequences. We pointed out that communicate language teaching was responsible for the modern emphasis on the activate stages of lessons. 3. Mentioned, in passing, some of the issues which people are currently debatin. 4. Pointed out that good teacher vary the ESA sequences they use with their student-to avoid monotony and offer a range of learning sequences. The three elements are always present, but in many and different combination.

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris EVERYBODY NEEDS FANTASY Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember the first time you saw magic? Well, when I was a little kid, my kindergarten teacher showed me a trick. That was when I first watched magic. She did this:(performing) Hey kids, look at this handkerchief. I push this blue handkerchief into my hand, and watch. Its gone! But if you say a magic word, abracadabra, you can make it reappear! I couldnt believe my eyes. And this experience inspired me to start learning magic. Today, however, instead of taking you to the mysterious world of magic, Id like to discuss how the fantasy of magic can create a more pleasant life. Now, what is your response when you see a trick like this? Through my experience as a magician, Ive found that there are mainly two different types of reactions when people see magic. Let me explain. The first group of people try to enjoy the illusion. They accept the fantasy of magic, and try to believe what is going on in front of their eyes. The second group of people dont distinguish the fantasy of magic from the world of reality. They either persist in finding out the secrets of the trick, or have no interest in magic at all. Instead they feel they are cheated by the magician, and therefore they dont enjoy the experience. Now, which type are you, ladies and gentlemen? Of course for the magician, the first group of people makes the most desirable audience. But in todays busy society, I think the people of group 2 are at a disadvantage because I have a feeling that this attitude has something to do with one of our current problems, that is, stress. As you know, many of us are under increasing amounts of stress these days. Actually we are living in a very busy society and there are even children who suffer from stomach ulcers, which are considered to be a disease caused by stress. Many of us seek out the ways to alleviate the stress. But I think whether we suffer from stress or not depends largely on our attitude. For example, the first group of people enjoy everything. They are cheerful, and naturally relaxed. On the other hand the second group of people never leave the world of reality and often try to find fault with everything. For instance, when recommended to try something new, they worry, Is this going to be fun? or Isnt that a waste of time? And after that, they complain, I shouldnt have done that!, and feel stress again. Or some people are at a

loss as to how to make themselves relaxed, and their free time is spent just lying in front of TV all day, mostly wasting time. I think people of group 2 lack the spirit of having fun, and thats why they cant relax and be happy. Although theyd like to be relaxed and happy, they make their own situations worse by being critical of everything even when relaxing. They also feel uneasy on the job, always thinking they are too busy, I need some time to unwind. In spite of this when it comes to their free time, they feel uneasy again, thinking, Oh, its not the time to amuse myself. Id better devote myself to my job. Of course, it might depend on ones character or the life situation whether you can become the perfect group 1 people. But after all everybody needs fantasy somewhere deep inside, and the essence of relaxation is the spirit of having fun. Movies are a good example. There are so many kinds of movies, and the stories in most movies would hardly ever come true in our daily life. However, do we enjoy them when we are critical of the storyline? Do we enjoy them when we have doubt in our minds? The answer is definitely No. We enjoy them only by trying to believe the story, by trying to feel as if we are on the screen. In Japan, working hard without taking a rest is often considered to be a great virtue. Of course, it is important to be diligent, but its not everything. We also need some time to put everything aside, escape our routine, and just relax. If we can fully appreciate our leisure time, we are refreshed, and can concentrate on our jobs once again. So lets take the opportunity to escape with a spirit of having fun, to live a really happy life. I myself came to realize how good it is to be a group 1 person through my magic. And as a saying goes, Everybody loves magicians. I believe magic is one of the best ways to have fun and relax. So Id like to finish my speech by showing you some of my favorite tricks. (I show the audience a handkerchief) Well, Im not here today for my magic show, but I stand here just to remind you of one thing. (It immediately changes into a cane.) That is, (I make the flower appear.) Its time to smell the flowers! And if you totally enjoyed my speech and magic, Im happy to tell you you are a group 1 person already. Congratulations!

Puisi Bahasa Inggris - Puisi bahasa Inggris biasa disebut English poetry atau poem, perbedaan dengan puisi bahasa indonesia hanya terletak pada bahasa yang digunakan sedangkan teknik penulisan katanya sama. Jika anda ingin mempelajari atau memberikan puisi kepada pasangan anda atau mungkin sahabat sebagai ungkapan hati yang dituangkan dalam kata bahasa inggris berikut saya sajikan beberapa kumpulan puisi dengan bahasa inggris dengan nama penulisnya. The One Best Friend By Belle Thanks for being there for me, through good times and bad times. I will be on your side even if the the world ends. When the world is going, I will be here, now and until the end. Your my very best friend. The one that I look up to. The one that I run to, when I have a problem. The one that I talk to. Your the one best friend that was always there for me. I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me. THANKS By Sheila Cheasbro You're my friend because you're always there, If there's sadness around or in the air, At night, in the morning or anytime of day, You're there to cheer me up and chase the sadness away. I just want to thank you for all you've done, You've helped me through a lot, you're really number one. Thanks for all the good times that we share, It shows that you're one who really does care. Thanks for being there when time got rough, You make it easier when times get too tough Thanks for being there each and every day, Thanks for being you in that very special way. ARE YOU MY FRIEND? By James Brinkworth Will you be there when I'm down,

And catch me when I fall? Will you hold me when I need To feel the warmth of your touch? Will you laugh when I laugh, And cry when I cry? Will you let me rant and rave, When I need to let off steam? Will you discuss those painful things, That you'd rather not think about? Like the times we've hurt each other, And promised would never do so again? Will you say the right thing, When all I've heard is the wrong? And tell me soothing words, That make the pain I feel subside? Will you understand me when I say, "I can't see you now, go away"? Will you come back when I call, As if nothing happened at all? If you'll do these things for me, And keep smiling all the way. If you'll be with me through the bad times, As well as the good. Then truly you are my friend, My pal, my mate and my confidante. And that means so much to me. I thank you dearly, for being there, You, My Friend. A TRUE FRIEND By Ashley Montgomery A true friend never walks away A true will always stay A true friend looks out for you A true friend will guard your secrets Like a precious gift A true friend is there for you To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile Tries to replace that frown They may not always succeed But they rarely let you down These arms for you are open This heart for you does care And when I think you need me I'll try to always be there I'll listen to your fears I promise not to laugh Comfort your falling tears I'll make this friendship last I'll keep you near to my heart I'll always hold you dear Even when we're miles apart Even when you're here I hope I am to you Everything you are to me For the friendship we have Is a special one indeed.

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