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Theoritical framework for the example of air safety violations The dependent variable is safety violation, which is the

variable of primary interest.

Communication among cockpit members

Communication between ground control and cockpit

Air safety violations


Training of cockpit crew

Independent variable

dependent variable

Schematic diagram for the theoritical framework in the example of air safety violations

Communication is the processs of conveying information from a sender to a receiver by the use of medium in which the communicated information is understood the same way both sender and receiver. Training refers to the aquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies of the cockpit crew. Decentralization is the dispersion of decision-making governance closer to the employees. Note how the basic features of the theoritical framework have been incorporated in the example 1. Identification and labelling of the dependent and independent variables have been done in the theoritical framework 2. The relationship among these variables 3. The realtionships among the variable were discusssed, establishing that the four independent variables are related to the dependent variable.

Communication among cockpit members

Communication between ground control and cockpit

Air safety violations


Training of cockpit crew

Nervousness and diffidence

Independent variables

intervening variable

dependent variabel

Nervousness and diffidence are functions of lack of training and help to explain why inadequate training would result in air safety hazard.

Communication among cockpit members

Communication between ground control and cockpit

Air safety violations



Independent variables

moderating variable dependent variabel

Here, we are thorizing that poor communication, poor coordination, and decentralization are likely to result in air safety violations only in such cases where there is inadequant training

Hypothesis Development Pengembangan hipotesis yaitu memformulasikan pernyataan-pernyatan yang dapat diuji dimana kita mengidentifikasi variabel penting dalam satu situasi dan menetapkan hubungan melalui alasan yang logis dalam kerangka teoritis.yang mana hasilnya akan memberikan beberapa clue apa yang dapat diubah dalam situasi tersebut untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Definition of a hypothesis A hypothesis can be defined as a tentative, yet testable, statement, which predicts what tou expect to find your empirical data. Statement of hypothesis: formats If-then statements A hypothesis can test whether there are differences between two groups or among several groups with respect to any variable or variables. To examine whether or not the conjuctured relationships or differences exist, these hypotheses can be set either as propositions or in the form of if-then statements. Directional and nondirectional hypoyheses If, in stating the relationship between two variables or comparing two groups,terms such as positive, negative, more than , less than, and the like are used, then these are directional hypothesis because the direction of the relationship between the variables(positif dan negatif) is indicated. Nondirectional hypotheses are those that do postulate a relaionship difference, but offer no indication of the direction of these relationships or differences Null and alternate hypotheses The hypothetico-deductive method requires that hypothesis are falsifiable. A null hypotheses is a hypothesis set up to be rejected in order to support an alternate hypothesis.

The alternate hypothesis, which is the opposite of the null, is a statement expressing a relationship between two variables or indicating differences between groups. The null hypotheses in respect group differences stated H0 :M =W atau H0 :M - W = 0 The alternate for the above HA : M < W For the nondirectional hypothesis of mean group differences in work ethic value H0 : M =AS atau H0 : M - AS = 0 The alternative for the above HA : M AS The null hypothesis for the relationship between the two variables H0 : =0 The alternative for the above HA : < 0 The null hypothesis for stetment nondirectinal H0 : < 0 The alternative for the above H0 : 0

Langkah-langkah yang harus diikuti dalam testing hipotesis yaitu 1. State the null and the alternate hypothesis 2. Choose the appropriate stastitical test depending on whether the data collected are parametric or non parametric 3. Determine the level of significance desired 4. See if the output results from computer analysis indicate that the significance level is met. Managerial implications Akan menjadi mudah jika manajer mengikuti progres penelitian dari langkah pertama,yakni memahami area masalah yang luas,data gathering termasuk tinjauan

pustaka,mengembangkan kerangka teoritis berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka dan petunjuk dari

pengalaman dan intuisi lalu memformulasi hipotesis untuk diuji. Pengetahuan tentang bagaimana dan untuk apa tujuan kerangka teoritis dan hipotesis dikembangkan menjadikan manajer menjadi lebih cermat dan pandai dalam menilai laporan penelitian yang dilaporkan oleh konsultan sehingga keputusan yang diambil selanjutnya tepat.

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