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Apocalypse Church at Itaosy 12 December 2011 The Apocalypse church, whether in Madagascar or abroad, gathers every Sabbath for worship. The worship at the Apocalypse church at Itaosy always has a big attendance. It was the elder Olivier Ratsimizaho who shared the word of God during the morning sermon and he particularly highlighted humility in it. It is noted that there is a common pericope for all the Apocalypse churches and on 10 December 2011, the chapters and verses were taken from the book of Micah 6:6-8; John 12:20-23 and the book of Hebrew 6:13-19. In the afternoon, the Sabbath school lessons were about the relationship between Father/ parents and children. As for the Pastor Mailhol and his family, they visited the church at Ambohitrimanjaka last Sabbath, and it was him who brought the messages of comfort to the people of God who worshipped there.


The Apocalypse church Alasora Fifth anniversary commemoration closing

4 December 2011 The fifth anniversary of the Apocalypse church at Alasora was officially closed last Sabbath 03 December 2011. The worship was preceded by a long caravan starting at the By-pass road lead by the pastor Mailhol and the delegation who accompanied him and followed by the believers. The caravan ended at Alasoras Kianja Maitso where the worship took place. The Pastor Mailhol made the sermon and brought the word of God from Apocalypse 2:1-5. His sermon particularly emphasized First Love as well as the joy in doing Gods works, faith and humility, backed by the churchs pericope in Proverb 15:28-33; Matthew 15:21-28 and I Peter 5: 5-9. The branches and groups within the church enlivened up the afternoon time with songs and dances which particularize this church. Alasoras Dictrict and Fokontany officials also attended the worship on that Sabbath. The day was ended by the cutting and sharing of a large cake. We would remind that the Apocalypse church Alasora was created in 2006 and at that time the church only had 35 believers. During these five years, the church passed through three widening reconstructions, and now they plan to raise a new building as the actual place of worship already cannot contain the number of believers every Sabbath.


Pastoral visitation in Paris France

30 November 2011
The sabbath 26 November 2011, the head of TASK DEVELOPMENT (Asa Fampandosoana) in Madagascar and elder in the Apocalypse church, Ratsimbazafy Pierrot Olivier, made a visit at the

Apocalypse church headquarter in France. He brought the message of comfort during the sabbath afternoon worship and reminded about the fact that there is only one Spirit working in the Apocalypse church wherever it is located. He also made a sermon about Jesus sermon on the mountain found in Matthew 5 as well as concerning the character that the Apocalypse church believers should have. He then made a testimony about the works carried out in Madagascar, after which he emphasized in his message of comfort the great things that people who worship the true Jesus, the one who fulfilled the scripture and died in the middle of the week, can do. It is worth noticing that he is the first member of the Apocalypse church head office committee who made a pastoral visitation in Paris and this much strengthened the believers. It is clear that it was only an opening visitation as more important visits are still ahead.
Below are the worshipping places in France:

PARIS, from 10 a.m till 4 p.m (36, avenue Prsident Wilson, 94230 Cachan), tl. 06 01 45 40 40 LYON, tl. 06 03 84 93 02 MARSEILLE, tl. 06 59 99 87 18 Secretary-General FAM in France: RARIVO Adrien Simon

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