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1) Fuels and combustion

A fuel is the substance which on combustion prodoces a large amount of heat . Classification of chemical fuels Calorific values It is defined as a amount of heat obtained on complete combustion of unit mass of solid or liqiud fuel or unit volume of a gasious fuel at stp. Gross calorific value(gCV) Gas calorific value of a fuel can be defined as the total amount of heat obtained on complete combustion of unit mass of a solid or liquid fuel or unit volume of a gasious fuel and on cooling the products of combustion to 15 C. the gross calorific value is also called as higher ca lorific value Net calorific value The net calorigfic value is defined as the amout of heat obtained practically on complete combustion of unit mass of solid or liqiud fuel or unit volume of a gasious fuel at stp and the products of combustion are allowed to escape with some heat . ncv is also called as lower calorific value The ncv and gcv are related as under G.c.v.=ncv+(9*h*l/100) Where his the percentage of hydrogen It should be noted that the unit of latent heat of water and unit of GCV,NVC should be same . System CGS Mks Si Solid or liquid fuel Cal/gm Kcal/kg Joules/kg Gasious fuel Cal/litre Kcal/m Joules/m3

Charictiristic of good fuel 1)high calorific value:a good fuel has a good calorific value sothat larger amount of heat will be obtained on burning smaller qiuntity of fuel . 2)moderate ignition point :it is the minimum temprature at wich complete combustion starts of the fuel. 3)velocity of combustion controllable :a fuel is good if its combustion rate is contrllable .

By the proper rate of combustion , the required high temprature is attained easily and such fuel can be used economically . Harmless products of combustion : a good fuel does not librate any polluting or poisonous product gases . 5)no ash matter :a good fuel does not contain any non combustiblle matter . if the fuel contain minirals , it lives the matter as ash . 6) cheap : a good fuel is cheap and easily available . 7)Easy ,risk free transportation : a fuel easy to transport and riskfree in transportation is a good fuel. 8)a good fuel requies smalller space to store . 9)air reqiurements :a good fuel is the one which burns completely with the supply of just sufficient air or with calculated quantity of air . 10)use in internal combustion engine :the fuel which can be used for use in ic engine is good . 11)no moisture : if fuel contains moisture , it decreses c.v. in the form of latent heatloss 12)volatile matter :the portion of the fuel , which leaves in product gases without burning,is known as volatile matter . Calorific values of solid ,liqiudfuels by bomb colorimeter Construction : a bomb calorimeter consist of 1)bomb pot : It is the strong , cylindrical stainless steal pot having a lid . The lid can be fitted air tight to bomb pot by screwing . There are two electrode fitted through the lid and there is an oxygen inlet valves at its centre. One of the electrodes is provided with a ring to hold the crucible containing fuel , There is a thin resistance wire tied to the elecrtodes in loop form and the loop touches the fuel . The weighed fuel is burnt in the bomb pot in the presence of high pressure oxygen . Calorimeter There is a stanless steel or copper colirymeter in which the bomb pot is kept . it contains a known volume of water and the wter is kept circulating around the bomb pot with the help of a stirrer. A beckman thermometer or digital thermometer is kept in

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