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Hecates sanctum


About Us
We are a New Eclectic Tradition of Witches. We are a circle within a circle. We are Daughters of Hecate. Our Coven is women only 20 yrs of age and older We are Maidens,Mothers,Crones. A sanctum is a sacred and safe place for women only for self-empowerment, and womens spirituality while connecting to other like-minded sisters. We are an eclectic gathering,walking the Gray Path. We are Dianic in Nature as our focus is on the Goddess. All rituals are Goddess focused. We believe in the sacredness of our circle, in ourselves, and one another. We believe each has their own path to walk, and must come to their own truths. We embrace both old ways and some of the new We have also an inner circle. Coven of the Black Rose Sisters who join the Sanctum have a choice at which level they wish to be part of. For those interested in inner circle work, you must be part of the outer for 30 days, and be involved, participating, showing interesting, etc. After 30 days you may req entrance to the Coven of the Black Rose, or an invite may be sent

Our Sanctum
The Gate- Entrance- front General Assembly- (Visible one joins) (Subtabs include) Events, Main Conference Room MagickaSpace Temple of Various Goddesses My Realm- (Your Space) Our Sisters Our Groups Our Forums

Bylaws will be simple, but must be made so there is no misunderstanding

1) All Paths,All Sisters are to be respected.-

You will not always agree , this is fine, but respect another's way and belief.

You may speak your truth, but lets be adults, also allow others to speak theirs to.

2) No harassing,trolling,dramas,intimidation, flaming of another sister will be tolerated

3) NO SPAM of any kind.This is your warning

4) No Nudity,No porn, Not a happening here 5) All members shall participate- I will not tell you when and how In a live coven you are expected to be active. If you need to be away for more then two weeks Please let me know 6) We are Sisters and will act like it Act like a child , be treated like a child 7) No copywritted material is allowed- Unless you have permission and credit is given 8) Photos- each member ma

You have two albums= 8 in each or 16 photos. You may switch them around as you wish. 9) Comments, and inbox needs to be cleared out Once a Month 10) Groups videos will need to be approved but feel free to add and begin a group any time. You will be asked to sign

Our Creed

Daughters of Hecate Witches of many We do not play We are wise in our ways Knowledgeable in our path Our Magick is powerful For we are our Magick Daughters of Hecate Witches of many Wise with our words Our Oath we hold true

Our circle is bound in perfect trust In Perfect love Enter in truth Enter with ill will And Hecate you will answe Daughters of Hecate, Witches of many We walk in respect and honor of one another Our Sisterhood we will be true We will protect. As we will So mote it be! .

Our ongoing classes Wicca 101Not a regular 101 but will prepare you for a full 101 Work at your own pace, with homework Cost- free The Priestess Course Must show progress once a month Cost -any donation once a month to site

Our Award
Our 2012 Award

Looking for a gift, for self or other???

Our Caf Press

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