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Magazines and Television are components of the mass media (Mass media consists of the various means by which

information reaches large numbers of people, such as television, radio, movies, newspapers, and the Internet) Positive effect of magazines or television on youths Information and messages about health

Magazine publishers are listening. "Seventeen," "Teen Vogue" and other magazines now feature images more reflective of the average woman. Articles about safe sex, relationships, healthy eating and exercise guide teens through their life struggles. Features on academics and careers, motivate and encourage teens in their endeavors. Through media, youths can explore places, animals, or things that they couldnt see otherwise.

Most youths are not able to visit the rain forest or see a giraffe in the wild, but many have seen these things on TV. Thankfully, educationally minded producers have given us many shows and movies that allow viewers to see amazing footage of nature, animals, society, and other peoples. Youths and adults alike can learn from this type of media and gain a greater appreciation for our world and the animals and other people who inhabit it. TV and movies can motivate Youths to read books

Of the new movies that are released each year, you can bet that several of them are based on books. Parents can encourage youths to read a book with the promise of going to the theater or renting the movie when they finish it. Or, Youths may see a movie and like it so much that they decide to read the book.

Negative effects of magazines or television on youths Non-realistic and unhealthy body image

The media, including the teen magazine market, has been accused of having a negative effect on body image and self-esteem. Advertising and editorial pictorials featuring unnaturally thin or airbrushed models cause pressure and unrealistic expectations for teenagers. Violence

The Mediascope National Television Violence Study found that Youths are: Learning aggressive attitudes and behaviors, becoming desensitized to real world violence, developing a fear of being victimized by violence. Many of the programs that children watch send the message that a conflict always involves a winner and a loser. On television, perpetrators go unpunished 73% of the time. This gives the message that violence is a successful method of resolving conflicts. 47% of all violent interactions on TV depict no harm to victims. 58% show no pain, only 16% of all broadcast programs show the long-term negative effects of violence.


Three out of four teens say TV shows and movies make it seem normal for teenagers to have sex. Young teens (ages 13-15) rank entertainment media as the top source of information about sexuality and sexual health. Four out of ten teenagers say they have gotten ideas for how to talk to their boyfriends and girlfriends about sexual issues from the entertainment media. The American Psychological Association estimates that teens are exposed to 14,000 sexual references & innuendos per year on TV. A recent report from the Center for Media & Public Affairs found music videos to contain more sex per minute than any competing media genre. A study of 4,294 network television commercials found that nearly one in 4 commercials includes some type of sexual attractiveness as a base for the message.

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