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In Gods Word we Trust

God's words verbally, plenary, and Holy-Spirit inspired in the Bible.

God's words are living and active. They hold the ultimate power and authority over all His creation. By His words, God spoke the world into existence. God's Word will accomplish what He has set it to accomplish, and it will not return void. He commands us to hold His words as the highest and final authority over our lives. This Holy Book is our instruction manual, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, traditions, and opinions should be tried. All of mankind will be judged by God's Word. We are expected to study the Bible in its entirety, live by its truth, and share it freely with others, in a spirit of love. The Bible is sufficient as God's revelation of Truth to mankind. God faithfully preserved His Word and keeps all the promises recorded in this Holy Book. You can trust in the Word of God, because God is trustworthy by His nature, and out of His mouth proceeds the words of truth. God will never lie, nor will He contradict His own words. God's words will stand the test of time, and will endure for all eternity. The Word of Truth provides a sure foundation and it is upon this Rock which we must stand. His words are the guardrails for the true doctrines of the Christian faith, and the correct pathway to the Truth, and our Source of Life the Lord Jesus Christ Himself the One and Only God manifested in human flesh. We are to live by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of God. God has provided His Word, so that we may know Him, receive His free gift of salvation, and be set apart for His righteous works. A true disciple and faithful steward obeys his master's commands. We are not to have many masters, but One is our Master, the Lord God Jesus Christ. God's truth is higher than the wisdom and philosophies of mankind, bringing pure knowledge and understanding to simple people. The church should seek unity in God's truth as found in the Biblical Scriptures, and reject all ungodly teachings and compromise. The church should reject versions, which corrupt the Holy Word of God. The Masoretic Text of the Hebrews is the authoritative Old Testament. Jesus told the Samaritans that they worship what they know not, for salvation is of the Jews. Christians should reject versions which rely upon the Samaritan Pentateuch (LXX). Likewise, God's people are told not to return to Egypt. God's people should reject the versions which utilize the Alexandrian Egyptian Greek Text, in favor of the Greek text produced at Antioch, where God's people were first called Christians. God has preserved His Word as He has promised. The King James Bible is that superior translation, accurately and faithfully preserving the One True God's words in the English language. More information on that subject from the following link:

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