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If all you did was pick a new item from this list-each week and put it into play,

, can you imagine how much progress you would make in your business?
There are so many things that you can do to improve your business-and not just incrementally, but monumentally-and often the specifics are rather simple. Pick one from this list or make up your own. Remember: Put Just do it and Dont quit together and in six little words you have the complete formula for success.

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Here goes. If all I did was

1. If all I did was execute one marketing action (a sales letter, a web page, an ezine/newsletter, a press release something) every day 2. If all I did was call one new contact per day to investigate business opportunities, or joint venture possibilities, or promotional ideas 3. If all I did was review my own performance daily and weekly and take one corrective action, weekly 4. If all I did was ask one person for a referral each and every day 5. If all I did was optimize one business function each month, making my processes work better 1% at a time

6. If all I did was send an ezine/newsletter, or a mail piece, or somehow contact my prospect list once each week 7. If all I did was promote one product to my existing customers, one per week 8. If all I did was write a big rock entry once a day and If all I did was start a short daily todo list, each day, and only do the things on it 9. If all I did was write one new mail piece or product offer each week 10. If all I did was take an employee to lunch every week (even if I repeat myself) 11. If all I did was come up with and evaluate one new business idea every month 12. If all I did was create one new marketing joint venture a quarter (Hey! Thats only four times a year.) 13. If all I did was enhance my website one page at a time 14. If all I did was Blueprint my business so I understand what was what and discover whats missing 15. If all I did was make sure that at least 60% of my time was being spent on high-return activities (Not 100%, just 60%!) 16. If all I did was make sure that I only invested money where I could quantify the return and stopped spending on frivolous things 17. If all I did was create a checklist for each process in my business in real time 18. If all I did was write everything down in a notebook instead of little scraps of paper 19. If all I did was have a weekly meeting with my staff to promote alignment and make sure everyone was on track (a staff meeting, not a status meeting!) 20. If all I did was offer a strong guarantee, rather than make my prospects assume the risk that I can and will do what I say I can 21. If all I did was track and test each marketing campaign so that I truly knew what my lead costs were, and what was really working 22. If all I did was script my sales pitch so that my whole staff knew what to say 23. If all I did was clarify my companies core values so that we could see what was a fit for us and what wasnt 24. If all I did was have an up-to-date strategy with short and long term objectives so that we could maintain our focus, and readily evaluate opportunities and tactics, quickly rejecting those that didnt directly further our goals

25. If all I did was create a simple game plan for each new project 26. If all I did was meditate once a day maintaining a strong vision of the future of my business and focusing on new ways to achieve it

27. If all I did was focus on building upon my strengths and let go of worrying about my weaknesses 28. If all I did was remember to phrase all my thoughts in terms of How can I instead of If only 29. If all I did was get rid of the junk that was piling up around me and concentrate my energy on the most important task at hand 30. If all I did was shut down my email program and turn off Instant Messenger, and only check in twice a day three at most 31. If all I did was hold a customer appreciation event from time to time 32. If all I did was never make compromises which give something up without getting something in return, but always make trade-offs instead 33. If all I did was think big bigger than I ever thought before and share that big vision with the people around me 34. If all I did was think smaller break things down into manageable chunks so that each idea could be executed quickly 35. If all I did was begin charging a fee for many of the things that Ive been giving away.. 36. If all I did was get together with my mastermind group on a regular basis 37. If all I did was systematically review my products and make sure that each product was either a front end to something else, or a backend to something else 38. If all I did was to find something newsworthy and send a press release twice a month

39. If all I did was create a compelling high-valued offer and send it to my best clients four times each year 40. If all I did was make the Show Them We Care Calls to the top 1/2 of my database every 90 days even once in two months 41. If all I did was routinely survey my clients and prospects to make sure that I was giving them what they wanted and building a storehouse of new product and service and marketing ideas 42. If all I did was consider myself unstoppable not like never getting stopped just that staying stopped for shorter and shorter periods of time 43. If all I did was repeat out loud my business building affirmations, so as to keep my attention on my stated outcomes and goals 44. If all I did was consider the opportunity cost of doing the C and B things while the A things remain undone

45. If all I did was start growing and developing my sales tools and sales people or even an affiliate program 46. If all I did was begin a dedicated list building program to find more and more people interested in what I do 47. If all I did was hold a breakfast or lunch seminar once a month, record it, transcribe it, and turn it into a product 48. (And while Im on the subject of lunch) If all I did was identify someone (even someone I dont yet know) who would be a great addition to my network and buy them lunch 49. If only I set up a systematic referral system to make sure that every satisfied client was sending their best associates and friends..

50. If all I did was pick one thing from this list and implemented it each week, what an incredible difference it would make in my business! So go ahead. Pick one and get moving. See the difference a little action makes, and then pick the next one. Its addictive. Action breeds action. Success breeds success.

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