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. 8, 2001 TODAYS SCIENCE Magnetic fields are described in terms of their effect on electric charges. A moving electric charge, such as an electron, will accelerate in the presence of a magnetic field, causing it to change velocity and its direction of travel. An example of this: An electrically charged particle moving in a magnetic field will experience a force (known as the Lorentz force) pushing it in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and the direction of motion. As a result of this force, the charged particle accelerates in the direction of the force. (This is Newtons second law). THE SEG The SEG consists of a series of rings and rollers. Each individual piece of the generator is composed of four different elements. These are: 1. A rare earth element. Any rare earth element will work but we choose to use Neodymium (element 60). This element has a surplus of electrons that it will give up easily as they are not directly in the outer valance of the atom but present in the field of the atom. These electrons are given up with ease when a magnetic directional force is supplied to the element and replenished with ease also from the abundance of electrons that surrounds everything. We call this our reservoir of electrons. 2. A semiconductive material that will control the flow of electrons for a smooth continuous flow, rather than a series of discharge bursts. The material has a negative charge to it. This material could be Teflon or Nylon. The electrons are carried through this material by magnetic conductors that run through the material. 3. A magnetic layer. This is the driving layer as it has the power of magnetism formed in a particular pattern. The layer has a primary axial polarity of north and south, but also has a secondary pattern impressed onto it to give a multiple sign wave pattern. This pattern extends through the teflon layer forming the magnetic conductors for the electrons to travel on. TODAYS SCIENCE Magnetic fields can be explained in terms of field lines. These field lines or lines of force, define the direction and strength of the magnetic field at any location in space. Magnetic fields have both a direction and strength, or magnitude. The direction of the field lines indicates the direction of the field, while the density of the field lines indicates the magnitude of the field. Thus at points where the field lines are closer together, the field is stronger. Field lines are described in a mathematical term of flux. THE SEG The SEG has multiple flux directions impressed upon it. The rollers are made of 8 separate segments which are held together magnetically. The magnetic layer of the segment has a primary axial north and south pole. Each segment also has a secondary AC waveform magnetically printed onto the surface of the segment. This waveform flux field is printed onto the segment in a radial fashion.

This waveform is put on in such a manner that it is skewed or twisted from its normal plane. This provides the correct magnetic conditions to interact with the large ring. The magnetic layer of the large ring also has a primary north and south pole along the axial plane. As the rollers (made up of 8 segments) are placed onto the ring, the magnetic north pole of the roller aligns with the magnetic south pole of the large ring, thus holding it in place by conventional magnetic attraction. This also causes the magnetics to remain strong and stable as the roller and ring act as keepers for each other. There is a secondary AC multiple waveform impressed onto the large ring. This waveform flux field is printed onto the ring in a radial manner and is skewed or twisted just as was done for the segment, but at a different frequency. The magnetic layers in the segments and the large ring must have sufficient gauss or magnetic density to overcome the distance between them as the magnetic field of a magnetic dipole is approximately proportional to the inverse cube of the distance from the dipole. Therefore, if you double the distance from the magnet, the magnetic field strength will be reduced by a factor of 8. This applies to the SEG in the static or non-moving state only. The roller segments and the ring each possess a magnetic layer and a conductor layer. Once the roller begins moving around the ring, we have: 1. A conductor in motion in proximity to a magnet. (The conductive layer on roller in relation to the magnetic section of the ring) 2. A magnet in motion in proximity to a conductor. (The magnetic section of the roller in relation to the conductive layer of the ring.) As voltage is induced into the conductor by the magnet in motion and the conductor in motion, the magnetic field is also strengthened by the electromagnetic effect of the voltage flow in the conductor which is in close proximity to the magnet. As the magnetic field is increased by this movement, the voltage induced into the conductor increases accordingly. This process continues throughout the operation of the system and reaches a steady state when the circuit can no longer put additional magnetism into the magnetics. At this point the magnet will be saturated and operating at its highest potential. TODAYS SCIENCE The magnetic strength is measured in Gauss or Tesla. Technically, Gauss and Tesla are units of magnetic induction, also known as magnetic flux density. The force on a charged particle q moving with velocity v is given by the vector equation F=qv x B, where B is magnetic induction. The relationship between Electricity and Magnetism Magnetism and electricity are closely related phenomena. Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter. Matter is made up of electrons, neutrons, and protons. Electrons have a negative charge, while protons have a positive electric charge and neutrons have no electric charge. These tiny particles are the building blocks of atoms. An atom has a net positive electric charge when it loses one of its electrons and a net negative electric charge when it gains an extra electron. In todays method of electricity generation, electrons are moved and pulled out of the wire conductors. This creates an electricity source that leaves the system depleted of electrons, which creates a positive state in the system. This is why conductors break down and the crystalline structure of the conductors becomes brittle and its conductivity becomes less and less as there are fewer and fewer electrons available to move.

THE SEG In the Searl Effect Generator, electrons are constantly being added to or pumped into the system. This maintains the integrity of the conductors and equipment being powered as it adds rather than depletes electrons as it supplies the needed electricity. TODAYS SCIENCE Magnetic charges do not exist in the same manner. Magnetic fields are generated solely by moving electric charges. An example of the relationship between electricity and magnetism is the motor. In a motor, a voltage is applied across the terminals of a coil of wire. The voltage causes the electrons in the wire to move, which in turn generates a current. This current results in a magnetic field, which interacts with permanent magnets attached to the core of the motor, causing it to move. Another example of the relationship between magnetism and electricity is the Lorentz force mentioned previously. Perhaps the most significant relationship between electricity and magnetism is light, which is known to physicists as an electromagnetic wave. Light waves are oscillating patterns of electric and magnetic fields, propagating through space at the speed of light (3X10^8 meters /second). Light is the best known example, but microwaves, radio waves, X-rays, infrared and ultraviolet light are also electromagnetic waves. Electric and Magnetic phenomena are intricately described by a collection of physical laws, known as Maxwells equations. To fully understand these complex equations would require a thorough knowledge of calculus and differential equations. Magnets have poles. This is a physical property of magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are vector quantities, meaning they have both a magnitude and a direction. Many measurable physical phenomena are described in terms of scalar quantities, which have only a magnitude. An example of a scalar quantity is temperature; temperature has a magnitude (which you can measure with a thermometer), but no direction. On the other hand, magnetic fields are directional. In a magnet, the magnetic field vector always points from north pole to the south pole. In the space around the magnet, the vectors vary in both direction and magnitude. You can observe this by using iron filings spread over the magnet. Vector quantities, which vary in space, are known as fields; thus we have the term magnetic field for the vector field surrounding a magnet. THE SEG In the SEG magnets there are multiple sets of poles present, so there are multiple vector quantities that interact with one another. These vector quantities are called multiple magnetic fields. TODAYS SCIENCE Some materials have a feature known as ferromagnetism. The prefix ferro refers to Iron, which is one such material. Ferromagnetic materials have the ability to remember the magnetic fields they have been subjected to. The atom consists of a number of negatively charged electrons, orbiting around a positively charged nucleus. These electrons also possess a quantity known as spin, which is roughly analogous to a spinning top. The combination of orbital and spin motions is called angular momentum of the electron.

The earth spins about a central axis, which means that it has an angular momentum around that axis. The planets also have an angular momentum as they revolve about the Sun. THE SEG In the SEG, the negatively charged rollers spin and rotate around, or orbit around, a central ring that is positive in comparison. Much like an atom or solar system, the rollers possess angular momentum from spinning and also from orbiting around the ring. Now, the angular momentum of an electron is a vector quantity, meaning it has direction. The motion of the electron produces a current, which in turn generates a tiny magnetic field in the direction given by the angular momentum. Thus an atom can behave like a dipole, meaning two poles. The direction of the orbital and spin angular momentum of the electron determine the direction of the magnetic field for the electron and the entire atom, thus giving it north and south poles. Different atoms have different arrangements of electrons in their orbits, and thus have different angular momenta and dipolar properties. TODAYS SCIENCE A ferromagnetic material is composed of many microscopic magnets known as domains. Each domain is a region of the magnet, consisting of numerous atomic dipoles, all pointing in the same direction. A strong magnetic field will align the domains of a ferromagnet, or in other words, magnetize it. Once the magnetic field is removed, the domains will remain aligned, resulting in a permanent magnet. This effect is known as hysteresis. THE SEG In an SEG, the magnetic domains are aligned using a complex pattern of electromagnetic fields. Once these fields have been applied, the specific magnetic pattern produced remains after the magnetic field is removed through hysteresis. The remaining magnetic pattern is then ready to interact with the pattern on the corresponding component of the generator. TODAYS SCIENCE Few materials are actually ferromagnetic; however, all substances have a diamagnetic nature. Diamagnetism means that the molecules within a substance will align themselves to an external magnetic field. The external magnetic field induces currents within the material, which in turn result in an internal magnetic field in the opposite direction. This effect is usually quite small and disappears when the external magnetic field is removed. Some materials are paramagnetic. This is the case when the orbital and spin motions of the electrons in a material do not fully cancel each other, so that the individual atoms act like magnetic dipoles. These dipoles are randomly oriented, but will align themselves to an external magnetic field. However, when the field is removed, the material is no longer magnetized. Again, this effect is typically small. Neither diamagnetic nor paramagnetic materials exhibit magnetic domains. THE SEG In the SEG, the Neodymium is paramagnetic. The ferromagnetic layer induces a magnetic field pattern into the Neodymium. There is a layer of negatively charged teflon between these two layers. The lines of flux travel through the teflon and into the Neodymium.

These lines of flux serve as conductors for the free electrons given off from the Neodymium once the roller begins to travel around the ring. This teflon layer serves as a control gate for the electrons so they dont pulse discharge. The teflon keeps the flow of electrons constant from the Neodymium to the magnetic layer and out through the conductor layer. TODAYS SCIENCE The atomic behavior of magnetic materials is actually considerably more complicated than this, as it relies on the theory of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the theory of physics used to describe the behavior of tiny particles such as electrons; like electromagnetic theory, it is complex and involves advanced mathematics. Temperature affect Ferromagnetic materials heated above a cer5tain temperature, known as the Curie Temperature or Curie point, completely lose their ferromagnetic behavior. The magnetic domains within the magnet are actually generated when the material cools below the Curie point. The Curie temperature for Neodymium magnets is roughly 590 F. Actually, the ferromagnetic properties of a material can change for temperatures well below the Curie temperature. Neodymium magnets, for example, begin to lose their magnetization at temperatures as low as 300 F. One such magnet is called a NIB, for Neodymium Iron Boron (Nd3Fe14B) PERPETUAL MOTION Why wont it work. Perpetual motion machines are one of the true holy grails of physics; unfortunately, perpetual motion machines do NOT EXIST according to the currently accepted theories. They are denied by the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, which are proven by statistical mechanics, which is derived from quantum mechanics, which has been verified experimentally enough that it would be silly to deny it! THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS states that energy is conserved. This means that the total energy of a closed system must remain constant. The universe, considered as a closed system, thus has constant energy. THE SEG The SEG is not a closed system, so this Law does not apply. The SEG is an open system. Energy exists in many forms: as heat, kinetic (motion) energy, and potential (gravitational, electric, and magnetic) energy, to name a few. The energy can change from one form to another. It can also pass from one system to another. Still, the total energy of a closed system will always be constant. You can neither create nor destroy energy; it always moves elsewhere. The Universe is a closed system, but it is a very large closed system and we are but a minute part of it. The SEG draws electrons from the space around itself and emits them for use, so energy within the system (universe) is conserved. The Inverse-G-Vehicle (IGV) also is an open system. The electrons are drawn in from the space around it and then given off at the perimeter of the craft. Some of these electrons are drawn back into the positively charged center of the craft and some are lost. So the IGV is a partially closed and a partially open system.

TODAYS SCIENCE THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS states that The Entropy of a closed system must always increase. The entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. If you consider the universe itself as a closed system, then the entropy of the universe must always increase. Therefore, the universe is continually moving towards a state of greater disorder! THE SEG The SEG has no disorder in it, nor is it a closed system. The SEG is made according to nature using a coherent number system called The Law of the Squares. The only disorder would be in any imperfections in the materials used to build it. The SEG actually enhances its own operation while running. This is achieved through the strengthening of the magnetics and increase in electrical output as the load on the generator is increased. TODAYS SCIENCE PERPETUAL MOTION According to todays scientific belief: A perpetual motion machine has, by definition, moving parts. The motion results in the transfer of heat through friction and air resistance. This results in a loss of energy by the device; the First Law implies that the total energy of the universe is conserved, so the energy is actually being transferred elsewhere. Assuming a closed system; you dont add energy to this system and its energy will continually decrease and its entropy will likewise increase. Eventually it will slow and stop. Therefore, there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. THE SEG The SEG is an open-ended system that draws free electrons to it from the space around it. There are moving parts in the form of segmented rollers traveling around a ring. The rollers ride on a magnetic field and do not come in contact with the ring. The rollers are powered by the interaction of the magnetic forces of the ring and rollers. As the SEG draws electrons from anywhere in the universe to supply its input power, there is no practical limit to the power it can draw. The SEG is made according to nature and can draw on the power of nature. It is tuned to the universe. The IGV taps the vast potential energy of the universe directly. It then directs this power to the rim of the craft and to the flight cells for control. The IGV actually generates its own Gravity Field, just as planets do on a larger scale.

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