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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter April 10, 2012

Pastors Notes: What a great day we had Sunday!!!! He is RISEN! Or should I say He is STILL Risen!!!!! I wonder if the people on that day following the resurrection went back to life as normal or were they forever changed? I think we know the answer to that question. Im sure they continued to tell everyone they saw and met.He is risen! The believers would respond back, He is risen INDEED. For some 40 days following the resurrection, Jesus made appearances. He would show up in the middle of the disciples, to 2 men walking on a road, on the sea shore... They knew the tomb was empty and they had experience with the risen Savior. For those of us that know the Lord, its no different for us. Weve read the Word of God and we know the tomb is empty and we continue to have fellowship with the risen Savior. What a great time of fellowship we had Sunday!!!!! The entire service was packed with the power of God! I want to express appreciation to every person that had a part in making the service yesterday memorable. The choir, lead by Todd & Vickie Porter did outstanding, AS USUAL! Special thanks also to the drama team, media, sound, ushers, greeters, nursery, decorators...EVERYONE that helped.Thank you!!!!! If I failed to call your job, please forgive mewe couldnt do it without you!!! Because of everyones efforts, 10 souls now have relationship and fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord!!!! We started the day off with a Sunrise Service on our new property. 26 people gathered together at 7:15 AM and did some responsive reading, sang some songs and were challenged by the Word. It was a beautiful thing being on that new property, given praise to God and remembering the resurrection of the Lord.

We ended the day with observing Communion and Washing of the Saints Feet. What an amazing way to end an amazing day. We not only remembered His resurrection, we

remembered the sacrifice of His broken body and His shed blood. We also followed the command of the Lord from Johns Gospel where Jesus said, you ought to wash one anothers feet. What a powerful thing to humble yourself before someone and wash their feet. I had the privilege of washing a childs feet. Im not sure if he had ever done that before so I took time to explain what I was going to do and why. I dont know if he will remember that years from now, but I know that I will never forget it. What an awesome blessing and responsibility to teach our children & youth, not just in words, but in deed! We will be honored to have a children directing the service this coming Sunday Morning. They always do a great job and this Sunday will be no different. They have truly experience Revival and Im looking forward to their ministry as being directed by the Spirit of the Lord. PLEASE, do not let anything keep you from being in your place. Its going to be a great day! The Church meeting that was scheduled for April 1st is now scheduled for April 22nd at 5:00 PM. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!!!!!

Mark your calendars Sunday night, April 29th 6:00 PM

Christian Education Workers Training is scheduled for next Saturday, April 14 from 9 to 12. If you are a Sunday School Teacher or a FTH teacher/helper you are invited to attend this very special training session. If you feel a calling to teach and are interested, this meeting is for you as well! Please sign up on the bulletin board in the main hall if you plan to attend. We will have one general session for everyone and then break up and have age specific sessions.

Congratulations to Jason & Tanya Tumblin on the birth of their baby girl, Raegan Lane Tumblin born March 30th weighing 5 lbs. 14 oz and 17 3/4 inches long. Logan is the proud big brother and grandparents are Quinlan & Cheryl Tumblin and Jerry & Juanita Patterson.

The family of Carol Richards wants to thank the Woodruff Church of God for the outpouring of kindness during our loss.

Prayer List

Heath Richards, James Wesley Owens, Johnny Waldon, Jim & Heidi King, Darrell & Cindy Cooper, Sheila Walker, Candace Jackson, Derreck Cooper, Tiffany Crocker, Brian Laster, Diane Roddy, Tish York, Ruby Young, Randy Greene, Sara Moore, Mark Wilkins, Kay Brandenburg, David Jeter, Donnie Gossett, Amber Burrell, David Sayre, Sue Young, Linda Lida , Kenny Ruther, Gaige Coward, Rosalie Smith, Alan Sprankle, Lillie Mae Nix, Gail Wood, R. Clevenger, Joyce Teague, Audra Thames, Heather Boyd, Toby Skaja, Melissa Lida, Doris Hall, Bonnie Johnson, Jack West, Joyce Laster, Mertice Whitmore, Novelle Smith, Johnny Smith, Rick Stewart, Teri Watson, Bonnie Cook, Steve Lida, Carol Hopsin, Phyllis Arnold, Lee Armes, Polly McCall, Annette Durham, Hannah Jolley, Sherry Smith & Family, Paula Beck & Family, Jimmy Jones , David Samuel Hoyt, Wayne & Patsy Thompson, Sandy Elliot, Ann Marie Roberts, Those needing job, Shut-Ins & Those in Nursing Homes **Christian Sympathy to the family of Larry Elliot, Larry Trotter's Brother-in-law

No choir or praise team this Sunday morning because of the children's service. We will have regular choir practice Wednesday night, however! The choir will wear black/white on 4/22.

April Activity: Saturday April 28th we will have a cookout at Paul & Angela Lundberg's. BBQ chicken, cole slaw, beans, and more. Horse shoes, bon fire, pool table and other games. Children welcome and the cost is $5 person. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway at church. May Activity: Friday May 4th we will go to a Greenville Drive baseball game (7:05). Tickets are $8 and there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway at church. Contact Paul Lundberg at 576-3504 or at for additional information.

***WEIGH TO GO*** is in need of a donated scale. Sliding scale like the ones doctors used to use. Scale needs to weigh at least 400lbs. Any donation please contact Darryl Crowe at 864670-9305 WEIGH TO GO Time and place will be determined, Please keep checking the bulletin and I will post further updates A.S.A.P. If you want to know more about this group, please contact Darryl Crowe at 670-9305 or

Just a reminder about our April Joy Club Meeting to be held on Thursday April 26 at 6:30 PM. The sig up sheet is already on the Bulletin Board along with menu items we will need to bring. Harold and Peggy Chesney along with their team are in charge of the meeting this month and some great things have already been planned. Don't miss this wonderful fellowship opportunity. The PrimeTimers Choir will be singing on Sunday evening April 22. Our final practice will be Wednesday night April 18 after the Bible Study. Make your plans to participate in both the practice and the worship service. Don't forget about the Senior Adult Retreat coming up on May 25-26 on the Mauldin Camp Grounds. This is always a fun time for Seniors. The dead line for registration is Sunday May 13. You must turn in your $25.00 registration fee when you sign up. If you attend the retreat, your $25.00 deposit will be returned.

Belk Charity Deadline - All money or unsold tickets must be turned in this Sunday, April 15 for the Belk Charity Day. Please try, try, try to sell all of the tickets. The person who sells the most over 10 tickets will receive a $25 Belk Gift Card. Comforting Hearts meals - As the families bring back the baskets and dishes, they will be placed in the CLC. ***We can use a few more ladies to prepare dishes or give money for this important ministry. See Lisa Terry if you can help. ***If you have been on a list to give money in the past, we are still counting on you. If you give money for the meals served at Deaths, you will not receive a call. Please turn in $5 each time you see that your group has served a meal. May Ladies Banquet- Mark your calendars now for our Ladies Banquet on Tuesday, May 15 at 6:30. "God and Chocolate" is our theme. We will have some very inspiring thoughts on God's richness. There will be lots of chocolate surprises too.

April 12 - Our regular monthly meeting will be the 2nd Thursday this month instead of the 1st. We will continue through the book Point Man. Join us for this time of food and fellowship. April 13-14 - We are planning on going to the Church of God in Barnwell to install some windows. We will leave on Friday evening and return on Saturday evening. Look for the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. April 15 - This will be a make-up for the 2nd session of our Men of Resolution. We will meet at 4:00 in the CLC dining room. April 21- We will have our 3rd Men of Resolution session. We will continue studying the resolution as we prepare to have our Resolution Ceremony on Father's Day. Remember you must attend all five sessions (or make-up) to be able to participate in the ceremony. Band of Brothers will also be selling t-shirts without logo on them. Look for an order form on the table in the lobby in the coming weeks.

Help support the Jamaican Mission Trip Summer 2012. We have envelopes labeled $1 to $100 available for you to pick up at the ministry table in the foyer of the church. Here is how they work. Just pick an envelope with any dollar amount, place that amount back in the envelope and turn it back in by May 31. That's all there is to it. If you have additional questions or would like to participate, see Pastor Jason. Youth News Saturday, April 28 - Scavenger Hunt

2-5 yr old drama team will practice at 12:30 on Saturday if you have any questions please see Ms Lori. Saturday April 14 Drama Practice for Jr Talent @ 1:00. If you have any question please see Ms Donna. New Extreme Kidz Tshirts for sale $10.00 each. See Ms Donna or Mr Garren to get yours. Extreme Kidz Fundraiser: We are collecting aluminum cans for the Carowinds trip in June. Thank you for all your support. Sunday April 15 we would like to invite your family to the Extreme Kidz service at 10:30. Our children will be leading us in Praise and Worship. They will be performing the drama they will perform at the South Carolina Church Of God Jr Talent and also will be singing for us. This will be a great time of worship. Extreme kidz are to wear the New Blue Extreme Kidz tshirts and blue jeans on Sunday April 15 for Childrens Service this is the am service Kidz Drama Practice: Sunday, April 15th at 5:00 Upcoming Events: April 20&21 - Jr Talent April 27 - Boys Camping Trip on New Church Property April 29 - Childrens Board Meeting 5:00 May 5 - Children's Workers Apprecation Meal May 18 - Kidz Jam May 26 - Lunch to Community June 2 - Carowinds July 7 - Frankies Fun Park July 16-20 - VBS

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters Karen Rhodes & Pat Chappell Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard & Sam Garrett Usher Team # 2 Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Ministry: Bus: Phillip Pruitt and Rob Laster Van 1: Garren Burdette and Thomas Pebbles Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Kiddie Church 2-5: Jollene Priester and Gina Arnold Kiddie Church 6-12: Donna and Garren Burdette Nursery-- Wednesday Amy Wallace Sunday AM - Ann Knight and Ashton Garrett Sunday PM Brooke Terry Music Wednesday Brad Burnett Sunday AM Childrens Service Sunday PM- Mike Peeler Praise Team White **Additional copies of the printed weekly bulletin are available in the church

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