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Cursul 4

Coninut: Verbele modale i nlocuitorii lor; Mesele zilei, mncruri, buturi, tacmuri; Conversaie la restaurant; Exerciii cu verbe modale. 1. Verbele modale

Au urmtoarele caracteristici: nu au forme pentru toate timpurile.De aceea au echivalente ce le inlocuiesc; formeaz negtivul prin simpla adugare a lui not; ntrebarea (interogativul) se formeaz prin simpla inversiune a modalului cu persoana; modalele nu primesc s la persoana a III- a singular ( he, she, it); nu au infinit lung, numai scurt, de aceea nu primesc to in fa; dup modale se folosesc numai verbe la infinitiv scurt nu au form continu (cu terminaie ing). Cele mai folosite modale sunt: CAN / COULD

Poate avea urmtoarele sensuri i traduceri: Abilitate, capacitate a putea cu sensul de a fi capabil s - are form numai la prezent can i la trecutul simplu could - la celelalte timpuri se folosete echivalentul : to be able to + verb (to be se conjug) Exemple: Prezent simplu : I can sing.Im able to sing. Trecut simplu : I could sing.I was able to sing. Prezent Perfect: I have been able to sing since I was 5. Past Perfect : I had been able to sing before I could read. Future : I will/shall be able to sing better next year. Prezent participle: Being able to sing at 5 is not extraordinary. Sensul de permisiune numai formele: can si could Exemple: Can I come in? Pot s intru? Could I come in?- A putea intra? Sensul de posibilitate numai formele: can si could Exemple: He could be right. - S-ar putea s aib dreptate. He can be sleeping now.- E posibil ca el s doarm acum. Obs. Can exprim un procent de siguran mai mare dect could. Sens de imposibilitate - numai formele: cant si couldnt Exemple:

He cant be right. Nu se poate sa aiba dreptate. He couldnt be sleeping now.- Nu cred c doarme acum. Obs. Cant exprim un procent de siguran mai mare dect couldnt. Can se folosete cu verbele de percepie pentru a le sublinia efectele.n aceast situaie can nu se traduce (Verbele : hear, see, smell, taste, feel) Exemple: I can see a car in the street. Can you hear me? Can you smell it? MAY / MIGHT Poate avea sensul i traducerea de : permisiune : May are numai form de prezent.La celelalte timpuri se nlocuiete cu to be allowed to+ verb sau to be permitted to + verb, unde to be se conjug. Observaie: May poate fi nlocuit i de might. Might este un mod mai politicos de a cere permisiunea.Iar cnd se redau cuvintele cuiva( limbaj indirect) might l nlocuiete pe may. Exemple: Prezent simplu: I may(I am allowed to) come with you. Trecut simplu : I was allowed to come with you. Prezent Perfect: I have been allowed to come with you. Past Perfect : I had been allowed to come with you. Future : I will be allowed to come with you. Present Participle: Being allowed to come with you posibilitate ( se folosesc formele may i might) Exemple: He may come tomorrow.He might come tomorrow. Obs. May reprezint un procent de siguran mai mare.Folosirea lui might arat c posibilitatea aproape nu exist.

MUST Sensul de ordin, absolut necesitate, obligaie. Must are form numai la prezent. La restul timpurilor este inlocuit de to have to + verb. La prezent exist o diferen ntre cele dou forme: Must exprim obligaia autoimpus( eu vreau sa) Ex: I must change my behaviour. Have to exprim obligaia exterioar( sunt obligat s) Ex: You have to wipe your feet when you come in. La celelalte timpuri aceast diferen dispare pentru c must nu mai are forme i rmne doar echivalentul. Exemple: Prezent simplu: I must (have to) go now. Trecut simplu : I had to go earlier. Prezent Perfect: I have already had to go. Past Perfect : I had had to go before he came. Viitor : I will have to go tomorrow. Present Participle: Having to go

ATENTIE ! Must not exprim o obligaie n sens negativ. Exemplu:You must not smoke here( nu trebuie s fumezi aici) n aceast situaie must nu poate fi nlocuit cu echivalentul to have to! Not to have to exprim absena obligaiei i se trece prin timpuri folosind auxiliarulto do( prezent, trecut). Exemple: Prezent simplu: I dont have to go to school on Sunday. Trecut simplu: I didnt have to go to school last weekend. Present perfect: I havent had to go shopping for a longtime. Viitor : I wont have to go to work tomorrow. 2. Absena obligaiei se poate traduce si cu need not . Exemplu: I neednt pay cash(nu a fost/nu este necesar s pltesc cash) OUGHT TO + verb ( SHOULD + verb) Exprima o datorie, o aciune corect i raional sau un sfat. Exemple: You ought to (should) pay your taxes. You ought to (should) practise more if you want to succeed. You ought to (should) read this book. Its very good. Construcia ought to( should) + be + verb + ing se folosete pentru a exprima ideea c subiectul nu-i ndeplinete obligaiile sau nu reacioneaz rezonabil. Exemplu: You should (ought to) be wearing your seat belt but you are not wearing it. Construcia ought to (should) + have +verb ( cu terminaia ed dac e regulat sau forma a III- a dac e neregulat) se folosete pentru a exprima o obligaie nendeplinit sau o aciune ce a fost neglijat. Exemplu: You should ( ought to) have paid your taxes but you didnt pay them. SHALL Este specific viitorului dar poate avea i sens modal atunci cnd exprim solicitarea unui sfat, o ofert sau o sugestie. Exemple: Shall I buy this book? Shall I help you? Shall we meet at the station? WILL Este specific viitorului dar poate avea neles modal atunci cnd exprim : - obiceiuri sau aciuni repetate din prezent.Se folosete will + verb( infinitiv scurt) pentru subliniere. Exemplu: Children will always destroy their toys. - voin, insisten sau ncpnare n prezent. Exemplu: He will do what he wants, no matter what you say. - o cerere politicoas, protocolar. Exemplu: Will you sit down, please? WOULD + verb( infinitiv scurt)

Este specific condiionalului dar poate avea sens modal cnd exprim: - obiceiuri sau aciuni repetate din trecut, inexistente n prezent. Exemplu: I would always come to school late when I was eight. - voin, insisten, ncpnare n trecut. Exemplu: He would always object to my ideas! - o cerere politicoas( este mai convenional ca will). Exemplu: Would you sit down, please? USED TO + verb( infinitiv scurt) Se folosete numai pentru a exprima obiceiuri sau aciuni repetate n trecut, inexistente n prezent.Nu are form la alte timpuri. Exemplu: When I was a baby I used to cry all day long. TO BE TO Exprim: - o comand sau instruciuni ntr-un mod impersonal. De obicei se folosete persoana a III-a singular. Exemplu: He is to stay here till we return.(Trebuie s stea aici pn ne ntoarcem.) - o aciune planificat( mai ales n sport). Exemplu:The match is to start in a week time. Meciul trebuie s nceap n timp de o sptmn. - un ordin sau o comand n vorbirea indirect. Exemplu: Wait here till I come.( Ateapt aici pn vin.) He says that I am to wait here till he comes.( Zice s atept(trebuie)aici pna vine el.) DARE Se folosete cu sensul de a ndrzni, a avea curajul mai ales n propoziii negative i-n ntrebri. Exemplu: How dare you contradict me? He dared not tell you what he did. La afirmativ este conjugat normal (dare/ dares/ dared). Exemplu: Dare he speak? He dares to speak. Poate fi urmat de : - infinitivul scurt al verbului( fr to) Exemplu: I wonder whether he dare come. He felt that he dared not try. - infinitivul lung( cu to) al verbului dup persoana a III-a singular. Exemplu: He dares to attack me! He had never dared to ask me!(Nu ndrznise niciodat s m ntrebe!) Obs. Dare este urmat de infinitivul lung atunci cnd este verbul principal al propoziiei. APLICATII: Translate:

2. 3. 4. 5.

Will you fetch me the newspaper, please? Shall I buy any bananas? You would better buy some oranges. Would you sign in the register, please? Could you help me with my luggage? Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks, Id like a cup of tea.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

She cant speak English yet but she will be able to do so soon. He could have learned the poem but he wouldnt. The sky might clear up later. May I borrow this book? Yes, you are allowed to take it. I used to go swimming every day last summer. They may have won the match but Im not sure. He should to have left earlier. You shouldnt miss the concert. Peter is absent today. He must be ill. You must not play in the middle of the road. He cant have been abroad last week. I met him on Friday. He must have been very tired. The children were allowed to go out when the rain stopped. How dare he say such a thing? You neednt have taken your umbrella; it had stopped raining.

MESELE ZILEI table = mas( obiect) DAR: meal = mas (activitate) The meals of the day are: - Breakfast in the morning = micul dejun ; - Lunch at noon = gustare de prnz, dejun scurt; - Luncheon = mas principal a zilei; - Dinner = mas de sear, dineu; - Supper = cin uoar, supeu. Ce punem pe mas (obiecte) - Table cloth(s) = fa de mas; - Soup plate = farfurie adnc; - Dinner plate = farfurie ntins; - Dessert plate = farfurie de desert; - Saucer = farfuriu; - Dish = fel de mncare - Dishes = vesel; - Cutlery = tacmuri; - Cover for one = totalitatea tacmurilor pentru o persoan; - Fork(s) = furculi; - Knife/knives = cuit; - Spoon = lingur; - Tea-spoon = linguri; - Ladle = polonic; - Scum ladle = spumier; - Glass = pahar; - Wine glass = pahar de vin - Mug = halb; - Cup = ceac; - Soup-tureen = castron de sup; - Bread basket = co de pine; - Tray = tav, platou ; ash-tray = scrumier; - Egg-cup = suport de ou;

Salt-cellar Tooth-pick stand Napkin Tea- kettle Coffee-pot Cruet stand Corkscrew

= solni; pepper-box = pipeni; = scobitori; = ervet; = ceainic, ibric de ceai; = cafetier, = olivier(oet + ulei); = tirbuon; - Chicken = pui; - fowl = pasre; - turkey = curcan; - goose = gsc; - duck = ra; - Game = vnat; - rabbit = iepure; - venison = cprioar(deer); - pheasant - fazan - wild boar= mistre;

Meat = carne - Beef = vac(cow); - Veal = viel; - Pork = porc(pig); - Mutton = oaie(sheep); - Lamb = miel; - Fish = pete; - Caviar = icre; - Crap = crap; Pike = tiuc; - Oysters = stridii; - Trout = pstrv; - Salmon = somon; - Sheat fish = somn; - Mackerel = scrumbie; - Over done = bine prjit; - Undercooked = n snge; - Salad = salat;

- Hors doeuvres, entrees = antreuri, - Soup = sup


- Noodle- soup = supa cu tieei; - Tomato- soup = sup de roii; - Cream soup = sup-crem( consome); - Broth(borsch) = ciorb; - Potaoes = cartofi; - Fried potatoes = cartofi prjii; - Chips = cartofi pai; - Mashed potatoes = piureu; - Boiled potatoes = cartofi natur ( fieri); Carnea - roast beef(chicken) = friptur vac, pui (prjit); - steak = friptur(biftec); - Chop = cotlet; - Boiled meat = rasol; - Escalope = niel; - Meat balls = chiftele; grilled minced meat rolls = mici; - Hamburger, hot dog = prjoal, crenvurti n chifl; - Stew = tocan, ghiveci, iahnie;

- Ham

= unc ; bacon = costi, slnin

- Bread = pine - White ( French) bread = franzel; - Brown bread = paine neagr; - Roll = chifl; - Croissant = corn; - Toast = pine prjit; - Sweets = desert i dulciuri - Pie = plcint, tart; - apple pie = placint cu mere ; chees pie = plcint cu brnz; - Cake = prjitur, tort; - Cookies = fursecuri; - Pudding = budinc; - Fruit salad = salat de fructe; - Ice-cream = ngheat; - Jam, marmalade = gem, marmelad; - Honey = miere; - Compote, stewed fruit = compot; - Drinks = buturi - Milk = lapte; sour milk = lapte acru ; yogurt = iaurt; - Tea = ceai; coffee = cafea ; - white coffee = cafea cu lapte; - Mineral water = ap mineral; soda = sifon, tonic water apa tonica - Fruit juice = suc de fructe; soft drinks = rcoritoare; - Beer = bere; - cognac = coniac; - Wine = vin; - liqueur = lichior; - Champagne = ampanie; - whisky, gin; - Vermouth = vermut(bitter); - Brandy = rachiu; - rum, cocktail. APLICATIE conversaie la restaurant -restaurant; pub = berrie; canteen = cantin; -waiter/waitress = osptar; cooker = buctar; barman, bartender; -menu = bill of fare ; bill = nota. -

Good afternoon! Is there any table left? Yes, sir. This way, please. Here you are. Can I have the menu? Thanks. May I have your order, please? Yes, I would like to have a crab cocktail for starting. Then, bring me a pork chop with fried potatoes and vegetables salad but first, I want fish soup! For the desert, bring me an ice cream and pancakes. What would you like to drink? A bottle of white wine and a cup of coffee with cognac in the endMay I have the bill, too? Here you are! Enjoy your meal!

Thanks! Keep the change! Good morning! May I have my breakfast? Of course, sir! Your order, please! I would like cheese, salami, olives, and mushrooms with tomato salad. And toasts, please! What would you like to drink, sir? Orange juice, first and some fruit pie with a cup of Turkish coffee. Did you get any cottage cheese( cacaval)? Yes, sir. Ill bring you in a minuteHere you are! Enjoy your breakfast! Thanks.

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