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Case Study: Vale of Leven Academy 2010/11

Leaver destination and percentages Vale Of Leven Academy West Dunbartonshire Higher education Further education Training Employment Unemployed, seeking employment Unemployed, not seeking employment Not known 19% 39% 14% 17% 10% 1% 0% 32% 29% 14% 16% 8% 1% Scotland 36% 27% 6% 20% 10% 1%

1. The above table shows that one in five of Vale of Leven Academy pupils go on to Higher Education compared to the West Dunbartonshire and Scotland average of one in three. 2. Four out of ten pupils go on to study at college from the Vale of Leven Academy compared to three out of ten for West Dunbartonshire and Scotland. 3. The Vale of Leven Academy and West Dunbartonshire Council averages show that twice as many pupils go on to take up training places that the Scotland average. (Training places now includes activity agreements). 4. The total number of leavers from Vale of Leven Academy in 2010/11 was 156. 5. The Scottish Government percentages have been rounded as one percent equals 1.56 pupils.

School Leaver Destinations in West Dunbartonshire

The data relate to the latest known destination of leavers as known at September 2011. For example, a school leaver who left in June 2011 and travelled for several months but who is known by Skills Development Scotland to have taken up employment prior to September will be counted under employment. Definitions A school leaver is classed as a young person of school leaving age who left school during or at the end of the school year, where the school year is taken to run from 1 August to 31 July. In practice, many young people do not decide whether or not to leave school until after they have received the results of external examinations, have tried to get a job or achieve entry to further or higher education or training. For many pupils, therefore, it is only possible to identify later whether they have effectively left school by 31 July. There may also be slight differences in the way Skills Development Scotland count leavers who return to school for a short period after the summer break. Thus full comparability between education authorities cannot be assured. The following categories for leaver destination are included. Higher Education: includes leavers following HND (Higher National Diploma) or HNC (Higher National Certificate) courses, degree courses, courses for the education and training of teachers and higher level courses for professional qualifications. It also includes programmes at a level higher than the standard of the National Qualifications, i.e above SCQF level 7. Leavers with a deferred, unconditional place in higher education have also been included in this category.

Further Education: includes leavers undertaking full-time education which is not higher education and who are no longer on a school roll. This may include National Qualifications. Training: includes leavers who are on a training course and in receipt of an allowance or grant, such as the national training programme Get Ready for Work. It also includes leavers who are on local authority or third sector funded training programmes who are in receipt of a training allowance. Activity Agreements: This year training places also includes Activity Agreements, those where there is an agreement between a young person and a trusted professional that the young person will take part in a programme of learning and activity which helps them become ready for formal learning or employment. Employment: includes those who are employed and in receipt of payment from their employers. It includes young people undertaking training in employment through national training programmes such as Modern Apprenticeships. Voluntary Work: includes those undertaking voluntary work, with or without financial allowance, who are not unemployed and actively seeking, as per the unemployed definition and those participating in Project Scotland/CSV or other voluntary programmes. Unemployed and seeking employment or training: includes those who are registered with Skills Development Scotland and are known by them to be seeking employment or training. This is based on regular contact between Skills Development Scotland and the client. This does not refer to the definition of unemployed used by the Benefits Agency to calculate published unemployment rates. Young people participating in Personal Skills Development (see below) who do not fit in any of the existing categories are counted in this category. Personal Skills Development: Leavers who participate in learning opportunities/personal and social development activities with the aim of improving their confidence and employability. These programmes can be viewed as a stepping stone towards a positive destination. They are often delivered by a community learning and development or third sector organisation. Unemployed and not seeking employment or training: includes all those individuals who are not seeking employment or training for a range of reasons. The reasons may involve sickness, prison, pregnancy, caring for children or other dependents or taking time out. Unknown: includes all leavers whose destination is not known either to Skills Development Scotland or to the school attended. Notes Many factors affect the destinations of leavers. Examples include the following points which should be noted when comparing figures for individual Education Authorities. Increasing numbers of school leavers are taking a 'year out' before continuing their education or entering employment. Apart from pupils with a deferred unconditional place for Higher Education, pupils taking a 'year out' are included in the 'other known destinations' category. Details on the number of such pupils may be obtained from individual schools. The destination of leavers from individual Education Authorities may depend partly on location. For example, in many rural and island areas, young people have to travel long distances or live away from home in order to take up courses in higher or further education. Economic factors may affect the availability of employment in the local area. A major construction project or the opening of an industrial enterprise may present many new opportunities. Equally, lack of local employment may encourage leavers towards further education or training.

In certain areas, or particular years, the pattern of school leaver destinations may be affected by the implementation of Skillseekers, partnerships between education and business or special arrangements for entry to higher education. There may be a strong local tradition for pupils either to stay on at school or to leave school as early as possible, affecting the numbers who stay on long enough to gain the necessary entrance qualifications for higher education. Fluctuations in the figures from year to year are likely. For example, differences in the proportion of leavers proceeding to higher education may derive from the ability of pupils in a particular year group. Similarly, there may be short-term opportunities for employment in some localities. In Education Authorities with only a few leavers, a small change in the number of leavers in each destination category can make a big difference in percentage terms from year to year.

Activity Agreement Report 13 January 2010: n5G%2bMVhcO%2fhvNAgDj2G1JtHIyBM4%2fwFkH85rg%3d%3d&mCTIbCubSFfXsDGW9IXnlg%3d%3d= hFflUdN3100%3d&kCx1AnS9%2fpWZQ40DXFvdEw%3d%3d=hFflUdN3100%3d&uJovDxwdjMPoYv%2bA JvYtyA%3d%3d=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&FgPlIEJYlotS%2bYGoBi5olA%3d%3d=NHdURQburHA%3d&d9Qjj0ag 1Pd993jsyOJqFvmyB7X0CSQK=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&WGewmoAfeNR9xqBux0r1Q8Za60lavYmz=ctNJFf55v VA%3d&WGewmoAfeNQ16B2MHuCpMRKZMwaG1PaO=ctNJFf55vVA%3d

Activity Agreement Report 10 March 2010: YPr951vcKuMoGiR78giYjfuitvtiIhdm9GOQ%3d%3d&mCTIbCubSFfXsDGW9IXnlg%3d%3d=hFflUdN3100 %3d&kCx1AnS9%2fpWZQ40DXFvdEw%3d%3d=hFflUdN3100%3d&uJovDxwdjMPoYv%2bAJvYtyA%3d% 3d=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&FgPlIEJYlotS%2bYGoBi5olA%3d%3d=NHdURQburHA%3d&d9Qjj0ag1Pd993jsyOJ qFvmyB7X0CSQK=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&WGewmoAfeNR9xqBux0r1Q8Za60lavYmz=ctNJFf55vVA%3d&WG ewmoAfeNQ16B2MHuCpMRKZMwaG1PaO=ctNJFf55vVA%3d

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