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"Professor" Marcello Ferrada the Noli lying about honor violence

by goran rudling first published at

Posted April 13, 2012

"Professor" Marcello Ferrada the Noli in front of a few articles on his blog remarkable opinions on honor violence. Among other things, claiming "the professor" that the Swedish state-feminists with Swedish media are exaggerating the prevalence of honorrelated violence in Sweden in order to demonize "Muslims" to make it possible to send Swedish soldiers to Afghanistan. One of the "professor's" naive countless conspiracy theories. But the "professor", the statement is extremely important. He runs namely the thesis that Swedish state-feminists conspiring with the Swedish political establishment to get Assange extradited to Sweden so that he can be extradited to the United States. And the reason for this is that Assange has published secrets about the war in Afghanistan which would have made the political establishment cursed.

It is impossible to "Professor" in earnest. It is so naive. The issue of honor-related violence in Sweden is a serious issue. Not least for the 70 000 young people between 16 and 25 where the family makes demands on the choice of life partner. And the 8500 is concerned that not free to decide with whom to marry. And all the young immigrant girls who is very concerned about the summer break in school. Should they be married off with a relative they do not know when they leave the family on vacation to their home country? In this article I show that the "professor" Marcello Ferrada the Nolis "research" on honor

violence are nothing but totally baseless allegations that he created for them to fit into the already fictional conspiracy theories. "The professor's" research is reminiscent of Trofim Lysenko "research". Instead of looking at reality, using the criteria and draws conclusions in order to formulate a theory, you start with what you want to prove and so you can find the appropriate facts to fit that supports what you want bevisa.Lysenkoism. Just like a kindergarten-Marxist do analysis. Lying and cheating on each other. Portions of this text was written as a commentary on the "professor's" articles. But as "The Professor" like Lysenko can not tolerate criticism, my comments were not approved. That is why this article. Why do I mention Trofim Lysenko? Because he is the person that gave its name to politically driven pseudo-science, Lysenkoism. Lysenkoism is used as a derogatory euphemism to describe a manipulation or misrepresentation of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion determined by a bias ideology. Most often a political or social ideology.

Bond Son of Trofim Lysenko was a "barefoot-agronomy" as in Stalin's era was considered a great professor of genetics and plant breeding. According to Lysenko was acquired properties of the species be inherited. Thus one could learn species - and people - will live in a harsh environment and provide them with certain qualities in life and then, these properties will automatically be passed on to offspring. It was a thought that was very appealing to the

Bolsheviks, because it was a theory that was well in with a Stalinist interpretation of dialectical materialism. They thought they could create a new kind of human being, perfectly suited for the coming communist utopia on earth, Soviet Man. All research on genetic engineering was interrupted in the Soviet Union, genetic samples were destroyed and geneticists were persecuted and sent to the Gulag. As a result, agriculture has failed miserably and one million people died of starvation. Read more about Lysenko here. "Professor" Marcello Ferrada the Nolis wrong statements. If we use the "professor's" source, the Wikipedia article on honor killings , we can see that a total of eight killings committed in or related to Sweden has been noticed in the media between 1986 and 2010. These killings will murder Asrin Masifi in 2002 added.There are a total of nine honor killings and not five as "The Professor" state. Of these, seven murdered women between 15 and 26 years old. And two men, 33 and 20. "The Professor" claims to be "Muslim" part of the population amounts to 450 000 people. It is not true. There are no official statistics on the Swedes' religious affiliation.Approximately 150 000 religiously active Muslims are affiliated with various Muslim organizations. Add to 100 000 people so we end up rough estimate of 250 000 Muslims. The figure of 450 000 from a count of individuals who have immigrated from countries with Muslim majorities. Many of these immigrants are non-Muslims. In these countries there are honor killings. For this reason, I will use my number 450 000 which is 4.7% of the total population in Sweden. But it is important to know that there are so many immigrants coming from countries with honor violence culture. To get an idea of the prevalence of honor killings, we have to how much of the population that is in the group that assassinated. The number who are female immigrants between 15 and 26 is 34 970 of population registration 2011th If we calculate the prevalence of honor killings of young women, 7, during perioden1986-2010 among the population who are from countries with honor violence culture, 34 970, we see that there is 0.011% of the group. "The Professor", the figure 0.0001%. The reality is 114 times greater than the "professor's" task. It is a murder per 5000 individuals. In fact, the figure is even higher because the number of immigrants was less in 1986 than in 2010. "The Professor" then do something very strange. He claims that during a 20-year period, it has committed six killings. During the same period, 2 000 people killed. Then compare the "Professor" number of honor killings by the number of total murdered and notes with satisfaction that the number of honor murdered only 0.3% of all murdered. It is then that figure, 0.3%, and this figure is 0.0001% as "The Professor" uses to conclude that the extent honor violence is magnified by the Swedish feminists. This is without giving a single facts in evidence. Not a single statistic on honor violence. See the "professor's" own summary below:
Honour-related killings in Sweden less Than 0.0001 Percent Muslim ppl. But four Eng newspapers published over One Thousand articles! Why? Eng-state Feminists are artificially magnifying the honor-related violence. Why trying disc discredited Muslim minority on false ground? You'll see Sweden desperately needs support for ITS occupation war in Afghanistan, part by U.S.., after the Saudi arms scandal

Duckpond ConsensusMentality + + chauvinism: State Feminism 1st 2 Collaborate In cultural-racist campaign! Disc discredited war-enemy by association? Two thousand killings in Eng in twenty years. Only six are honorrelated = 0.3 Percent of all killings. Why the state feminism offensive?

I find it hard to believe that the "professor" Marcello Ferrada the Noli is so stupid that he seriously believe that one can use estimates of the number of honor killings in order to make an estimate of how much honor violence there is. But it can not be excluded.Either the "professor" a mental midget or he is lying deliberately. "The Professor" calculations say absolutely nothing about how big or small the problem of honor related violence is. "The Professor" calculations say is not even anything about the prevalence of honor killings are. That's because the "Professor" obviously do not know how to make comparisons. One must compare like with like. How common is honor killing?

The research on lethal violence against women is unfortunately sparse. So, too, research on honor violence. This lack of published Swedish research also means that facts are often unfamiliar to those who write and pronounce on the matter. Honour killings were unfortunately not highlighted in the media until the brutal murder of denunga Kurdish woman Fadime Sahindal den 21 January 2002. Honour killings are murders committed by family members / relatives. The victim is usually a young woman in the family. But it can also be mother of the family killed when she wants a divorce. Then it's usually the woman's husband who is the perpetrator. Crime Prevention Council (National Council) for crime statistics. There is no category for the honor for the simple reason that there is no breach of the penal code called honor killings. Honour killings are classified as murder. To get an idea of how common honor killing is, we must therefore find a category in the homicide rate similar to honor killings.The category most similar to honor killings is "Lethal violence in the family, excluding close relationship" in the report "The development of lethal violence against women in intimate relationships 2007:6" we find the statistics for the period 1996 - 2004: During the period 1990-2004 were killed in this study 53 women of any other family member than a man that they had or had had a close relationship. These crimes were committed almost exclusively in the

home, for over half the cases the victim's own home. In six cases the perpetrator was a woman. In 60 percent of family cases (23 cases) were the perpetrators adult children of the victims. In the other, occasionally it's about the perpetrator was a parent, sibling or had some other family relationship to the victim. During the period committed four killings of women between 15 and 26 years .. In all these cases, it was another family member than the one the victim had or had had a close relationship. So it is quite clear that it is this category that best accounts for the occurrence of domestic violence like honor killings. During the period 23 women were murdered by adult children. When there are no honor killings in the period in question was the mother murdered by an adult child, we delete these 23 cases from the 53rd The remaining left 30 murdered women. Of these, 4 honor killings. This means that 13.3% of the women murdered were victims of honor killings.Risk group, those who come from countries where honor killings occur and are at risk, is 0.37% of the total population in Sweden. This group is very heavily overrepresented, 9.8 times. There is one woman for every 8700 that killed over a 15 year period. Of note is that during the period occurred no murder with integrity problems in the Swedish population. Bras statistics we can also see that both victims and perpetrators of foreign background are over-represented. The foreign-born women victims are over three times and the perpetrators almost four times. "The majority, over 50 percent of the foreign-born perpetrators and victims were born in Europe. About 20 percent of the foreign-born victims and perpetrators were born in Scandinavia. Both the number and proportion of Swedish-born victims and offenders are more or less unchanged over the period 1990-2004. However, the proportion of victims who were born in other Nordic countries declined significantly, while victims and offenders from countries in the Middle East / Asia increased. " With this knowledge we can make an assessment of the prevalence of honor killings. It looks very like that it is common with honor killings in the group of immigrants from countries where honor killings occur. 0.011% of the entire immigrant group at risk victims of honor killings. To be compared with 0.0012% of women in Sweden who is murdered by someone in the family other than the man she had or had had a close relationship. So it is 9.7 times more common for a young immigrant woman of honor murdered by their family than to a woman in Sweden are murdered by family. Of note is that during the period also honor murdered a young man. What we must bear in mind is that there are no data on the 26 female victims who are murdered by family. We do not know if some are murdered by the 4.7% of the population who are from countries with integrity problems or if there is only Swedes who is responsible for the murders. Nor do we know about some of these murders also honor killings. All we can say is that we do not know. To these figures must be added the honor killings that are forced suicide. It appears that young immigrant women fall mysteriously from the balconies. Something that is rare among young Swedish women. Then there are of course cases where police do not classify it as honor killings, even if it is. What is important to note in these cases of honor killings, it is young women between

15-26 who are victims. It is the group of women immigrants who are at risk. For the other 26 who are murdered by a family member, there are very young children up to adult women. In my calculations I have used of the female population aged between 2 and 40 years. Conclusions on the "professor" Marcello Ferrada the Nolis "Research". "To Have Muslims found statistically significant under-representation in cases of family-related violence with women will things into a fatal outcome in Sweden." This is the conclusion to "The Professor" draws from the "research" he did. What I found is that his conclusion is completely false. Instead of being victims of honor killings is underrepresentarede are over represented about 10 times. "The Professor" is completely wrong. And the difference is very great. I am using a larger population than the "Professor" mentions. If I use the group Muslims to honor murdered 0.021% of young Muslim women at risk. There is a woman of 4 850th It is almost 18 times more than women in Sweden who are at risk, one of 85 500th Since the errors "The Professor" has done is so huge, I have a very hard time believing that he had good faith when he conducted his research.

From what I've seen in the "professor's" articles is that he had access to the same factual material as I do, Bras Report 2007:9. I can not imagine a person who reasonably should have the ability to make statistical evaluations can make serious mistakes as "the professor" did. My assessment is complete."The Professor" has knowingly lied in an attempt to mislead

readers about the extent of honor killings in Sweden. What he did is that he deliberately tried to mislead readers about the extent of honor-related violence in Sweden by equating honor violence of honor killings. I can not possibly believe that the "professor" Marcello Ferrada the Noli has made unconscious mistakes. Nothing indicates it. He has obviously lied about circumstances.And he has done extremely strange statistical comparisons. "The Professor" is not credible. I do not think that his other "research" even though I can not show that he cheats just like Trofim Lysenko. But I would not be surprised if it should turn out that this is so. Why behave "Professor" in this way? The only explanation I have is that he is dogmatic and has long been locked in some kind of kindergarten-Marxist thought. He has not seen that the world is different now than when he grew up. His political ideology is so strong that he closes his eyes and deny the facts for him to avoid being forced to admit that what he engaged in during a long life has been totally incorrect. Therefore I do not think "The Professor" will change that. Because if he changes his mind must have to take back almost everything he wrote about honor killings and honor related violence.He also needs to take back from the silly conspiracy theories he writes about in the case Assange. Facts are not important to "Professor". All that is important is assertiveness. To inflate it.It's not a coincidence that the blog is called "Professors blog." And it is obvious that it is important to throw out a lot of emotive political slogan. Because he wants to give the appearance of being radical. The only thing that is radically with "Professor" is that he has radically wrong. I know it's late, with a call. "The Professor", please grow up. In future articles on honor violence, I will show to honor violence culture is not about religion. And then I show the more obvious errors and lies in the "professor's" articles.
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swedish original:

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli ljuger om hedersvld

Postat 13 april, 2012

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli framfr i ngra artiklar p sin blogg mrkliga sikter om hedersvld. Bland annat pstr professorn att svenska stats-feminister tillsammans med svenska media verdriver frekomsten av hedersvld i Sverige i syfte att demonisera muslimer fr att gra det mjligt att skicka svenska soldater till Afghanistan. En av professorns otaliga naiva konspirationsteorier. Men fr professorn r pstendet oerhrt viktigt. Han driver nmligen tesen att svenska stats-feminister konspirerar med det svenska politiska etablissemanget fr att f Julian

Assange utlmnad till Sverige s att han ska kunna utlmnas till USA. Och sklet till detta r att Julian Assange har publicerat hemligheter om kriget i Afghanistan vilket skulle ha gjort det politiska etablissemanget frbannat.

Det r omjligt att ta professorn p allvar. Det r s naivt. Frgan om hedersvld i Sverige r dock en allvarlig frga. Inte minst fr de 70 000 ungdomar mellan 16 och 25 r dr familjen stller krav p val av livspartner. Och de 8 500 som r oroliga fr att inte sjlva f bestmma med vem de ska gifta sig med. Och alla de unga invandrarflickor som knner stor oro infr sommarlovet i skolan. Ska de bli bortgifta med en slkting de inte knner nr de ker med familjen p semester till hemlandet? I denna artikel kommer jag visa att professor Marcello Ferrada de Nolis forskning om hedersvld inte r annat n helt grundlsa pstenden som han skapat fr att de ska passa in i redan phittade konspirationsteorier. Professorns forskning pminner om Trofim Lysenkos forskning. Istllet fr att man studerar verkligheten, anvnder kriterier och drar slutsatser fr att kunna formulera en teori s brjar man med det man vill bevisa och s hittar man p lmpliga fakta som passar som stder det man vill bevisa.Lysenkoism. Precis som en lekskole-marxists gr analyser. Lgner och fusk om vartannat. Delar av denna text skrevs som kommentarer p professorns artiklar. Men eftersom professorn i likhet med Lysenko inte tl kritik blev mina kommentarer inte godknda. Det r anledningen till denna artikel. Varfr nmner jag Trofim Lysenko? Fr att han r den person som givit namn t politiskt styrd pseudovetenskap, Lysenkoism. Lysenkoism anvnds som en nedvrderande omskrivning fr att beskriva en manipulation eller frvrngning av den vetenskapliga processen som ett stt att n en p frhand bestmd slutsats som bestms av en frutfattad ideologi. Oftast en politisk eller social ideologi.

Bondesonen Trofim Lysenko var en barfota-agronom som under Stalins era ansgs vara en riktig professor i genetik och vxtfrdling. Enligt Lysenko kunde frvrvade egenskaper hos arter g i arv. Man kunde drfr lra arter och mnniskor att leva i en karg milj och ge dem vissa egenskaper under livet och sedan skulle dessa egenskaper automatiskt fras vidare till avkomman. Det var en tanke som var mycket tilltalande fr bolsjevikerna, eftersom det var en teori som stmde vl in med en Stalinistisk tolkning av den dialektiska materialismen. De trodde att de skulle kunna skapa en ny sorts mnniska, perfekt anpassad fr det kommande kommunistiska lyckoriket p jorden, Sovjetmnniskan. All forskning kring genteknik avbrts i Sovjetunionen, genetiska prover frstrdes och genforskare blev frfljda och skickade till Gulag. Detta ledde till att jordbruket misslyckades kapitalt och miljoner mnniskor dog av svlt. Ls mer om Lysenko hr. Professor Marcello Ferrada de Nolis felaktiga pstenden. Om vi anvnder oss av professorns klla, Wikipediaartikeln om hedersmord, kan vi se att totalt tta hedersmord som har begtts i eller med anknytning till Sverige har blivit uppmrksammade i media mellan 1986 och 2010. Till dessa mord ska mordet p Asrin Masifi r 2002 lggas till. Det blir totalt nio hedersmord och inte fem som professorn pstr. Av dessa r sju mrdade kvinnor mellan 15 och 26 r gamla. Och tv mn, 33

och 20. Professorn pstr att den muslimska delen av befolkningen uppgr till 450 000 personer. Det stmmer inte. Det finns ingen officiell statistik p svenskars religionstillhrighet. Omkring 150 000 religist aktiva muslimer r anknutna till olika muslimska organisationer. Lgg till 100 000 personer s hamnar vi grov uppskattning p 250 000 muslimer. Siffran 450 000 kommer frn en sammanrkning av de individer som har invandrat frn lnder som har muslimsk majoritet. En stor del av dessa invandrare r icke-muslimer. I dessa lnder frekommer hedersmord. Av den anledningen kommer jag att anvnda mig av siffran 450 000 vilket r 4,7% av den totala befolkningen i Sverige. Men det r viktigt att veta att det r s mnga invandrare som kommer frn lnder med hedersvldskultur. Fr att f en uppfattning om frekomst av hedersmord mste vi p hur stor del av populationen som r i gruppen som mrdas. Antalet som r kvinnliga invandrare mellan 15 och 26 r 34 970 enligt folkbokfringen 2011. Om vi berknar frekomsten av hedersmord p unga kvinnor, 7, under perioden19862010 bland den del av befolkningen som kommer frn lnder med hedersvldskultur, 34 970, ser vi att det r 0,011 % av gruppen. Professorn anger siffran 0,0001%. Verkligheten r 114 ggr strre n professorns uppgift. Det r 1 mrdad per 5 000 individer. I sjlva verket r siffran nnu hgre eftersom antalet invandrare var mindre 1986 n de r 2010. Professorn gr sedan ngot mycket konstigt. Han pstr att under en 20-rs period har det begtts sex hedersmord. Under samma period har 2 000 personer mrdats. Sen jmfr professorn antalet hedersmord med antalet totalt mrdade och konstaterar njt att antalet hedersmrdade bara r 0,3 % av alla mrdade. Det r sen denna siffra, 0,3 %, och siffran 0,0001 % som professorn anvnder sig av fr att dra slutsatsen att omfattningen hedersvld r uppfrstorat av svenska feminister. Detta utan att ge ett enda fakta som bevis. Inte en enda statistisk uppgift om hedersvld. Se professorns egen sammanfattning nedan:
Honour-related killings in Sweden less than 0,0001 percent Muslim ppl. But four Swe newspapers published over One Thousand articles! Why? Swe State-feminists are artificially magnifying the honour-related violence. Why trying discredit Muslim minority on false ground? Youll see Sweden needs desperately support for its occupation war in Afghanistan, led by US., after the Saudi arms scandal Duckpond+ConsensusMentality+Chauvinism = StateFeminism 1st 2 collaborate in cultural-racist campaign! Discredit war-enemy by association? Two thousand killings in Swe in twenty years. Only six are honourrelated = 0.3 percent of all killings. Why the State-feminism offensive?

Jag har svrt att tro att professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli r s obegvad att han p fullt allvar tror att man kan anvnda berkningar av antalet hedersmord fr att gra en uppskattning av hur mycket hedersvld det frekommer. Men det kan inte uteslutas. Antingen r professorn en mental dvrg eller s ljuger han medvetet. Professorns berkningar sger absolut ingenting om hur stort eller litet problemet med hedersvld r. Professorns berkningar sger faktiskt inte ens ngot om hur vanligt frekommande hedersmord r. Det beror p att professorn uppenbarligen inte vet hur man gr jmfrelser. Man mste jmfra lika med lika.

Hur vanligt r hedersmord?

Forskningen om ddligt vld mot kvinnor r tyvrr sparsam. S ocks forskning om hedersvld. Denna brist p publicerad svensk forskning innebr ocks att fakta mnga gnger r obekanta fr de som skriver och uttalar sig i frgan. Hedersmord blev tyvrr inte uppmrksammat i media frrn det brutala mordet p denunga kurdiska kvinnan Fadime Sahindal den 21 januari 2002. Hedersmord r mord som begs av familjemedlemmar/slkt. Offret r oftast en ung kvinna i familjen. Men det kan ocks vara modern i familjen som ddas nr hon vill skilja sig. D r det oftast kvinnans man som r grningsman. Brottsfrebyggande Rdet (Br) fr kriminalstatistik. Det finns ingen kategori fr hedersmord av den enkla anledningen att det finns inget brott i brottsbalken som heter hedersmord. Hedersmord klassas som mord. Fr att f en uppfattning om hur vanligt hedersmord r mste vi drfr finna en kategori i mordstatistiken som pminner om hedersmord. Den kategori som mest pminner om hedersmord r Ddligt vld inom familjen exklusive nra relation i rapporten Utvecklingen av ddligt vld mot kvinnor i nra relationer 2007:6 finner vi statistik fr perioden 1996 2004: Under perioden 19902004 ddades enligt denna underskning 53 kvinnor av ngon annan familjemedlem n en man som de hade eller hade haft en nra relation till. Dessa brott begicks nstan uteslutande i hemmiljn, i ver hlften av fallen i offrets egen bostad. I sex av fallen var grningspersonen en kvinna. I 60 procent av familjefallen (23 fall) var grningsmnnen vuxna barn till offren. I vriga, enstaka fall handlar det om att grningsmannen var frlder, syskon eller hade ngot annat slktfrhllande till offret. Under perioden begicks fyra hedersmord p kvinnor mellan 15 och 26 r.. I samtliga dessa fall var det en annan familjemedlem n den man offret hade eller hade haft en nra relation till. S det r helt klart att det r denna kategori som bst redovisar frekomst av familjevld liknande hedersmord. Under perioden mrdades 23 kvinnor av vuxna barn. D inget hedersmord under perioden var frga om moder som mrdats av vuxet barn drar vi bort dessa 23 fall frn 53. Kvar terstr 30 mrdade kvinnor. Av dessa var 4 hedersmord. Det innebr

att 13,3 % av de kvinnor som mrdats var offer fr hedersmord. Riskgruppen, de som kommer frn lnder dr hedersmord frekommer och r i riskzonen, r 0,37 % av den totala befolkningen i Sverige. Denna grupp r mycket kraftigt verrepresenterad, 9,8 ggr. Det r en kvinna per 8 700 som mrdas ver en 15 rig period. Att notera r att under perioden intrffade inget mord med hedersproblematik inom den svenska populationen. Av Brs statistik kan vi ocks se att svl offer som grningsmn med utlndsk bakgrund r verrepresenterade. De utlandsfdda kvinnliga offren r verrepresenterade cirka tre gnger och grningsmnnen nrmare fyra gnger. Majoriteten, drygt 50 procent, av de utlandsfdda grningsmnnen och offren var fdda i Europa. Omkring 20 procent av de utlandsfdda offren och grningsmnnen var fdda i Norden. Svl antalet som andelen svenskfdda offer och grningsmn r mer eller mindre ofrndrat under perioden 19902004. Dremot har andelen offer som var fdda i vriga Norden minskat ptagligt samtidigt som offer och grningsmn frn lnder i Mellanstern/Asien kat. Med denna kunskap kan vi gra en bedmning av hur vanligt det r med hedersmord. Det ser onekligen ut s att det r vanligt med hedersmord inom gruppen invandrare frn lnder dr hedersmord frekommer. 0,011 % av hela den invandrade riskgruppen faller offer fr hedersmord. Att jmfra med 0,0012 % av kvinnor i Sverige som mrdas av ngon inom familjen annan n den man som hon hade eller hade haft en nra relation till. Det r allts 9,7 ggr vanligare att en ung invandrarkvinna hedersmrdas av sin familjen n att en kvinna i Sverige mrdas av familjen. Att notera r att under perioden hedersmrdades ocks en ung man. Vad vi mste ha i tanke r att det finns inga uppgifter om de 26 kvinnliga offren som mrdas av familjen. Vi vet inte om ngra mrdas av de 4,7 % av befolkningen som kommer frn lnder med hedersproblematik eller om det enbart r svenskar som str fr morden. Inte heller vet vi om ngra av dessa mord ocks r hedersmord. Det enda vi kan sga r att vi vet inte. Till dessa siffror ska lggas de hedersmord som r framtvingade sjlvmord. Det frekommer att unga invandrarkvinnor faller mystiskt frn balkonger. Ngot som r sllsynt nr det gller unga svenska kvinnor. Sen finns det givetvis fall dr polis inte klassar det som hedersmord ven om s r fallet. Vad som r viktigt att notera i dessa fall av hedersmord r det unga kvinnor mellan 1526 som r offer. Det r den gruppen invandrarkvinnor som r riskgruppen. Fr de vriga 26 som mrdas av en familjemedlem finns det mycket sm barn upp till vuxna kvinnor. I mina berkningar har jag anvnt mig av den kvinnliga befolkningen som r mellan 2 och 40 r. Slutsatser om professor Marcello Ferrada de Nolis Forskning. Muslims found to have statistically significant underrepresentation in cases of family-related violence with women resulting in a fatal outcome in Sweden. Detta r den slutsats som professorn drar av den forskning han gjort. Vad jag visat r att hans slutsats r fullstndigt felaktig. Istllet fr att offren fr hedersmord r underrepresentarede r de verrepresenterade ca 10 ggr. Professorn har fullstndigt

fel. Och skillnaden r mycket mycket stor. Jag har anvnt mig av en strre population n den som professorn nmner. Om jag anvnder mig av gruppen muslimer s hedersmrdas 0,021 % unga muslimska kvinnor i riskgruppen. Det r 1 kvinna av 4 850. Det r nrmare 18 ggr fler n kvinnor i Sverige som r i riskgruppen, 1 p 85 500. Eftersom felen professorn har gjort r s enormt stora har jag mycket svrt att tro att han haft rliga avsikter nr han genomfrt sin forskning.

Av vad jag sett i professorns artiklar r att han haft tillgng till samma faktamaterial som jag, Brs rapport 2007:9. Jag kan inte tnka mig att en person som rimligen borde ha frmga att kunna gra statistiska bedmningar kan gra s grova misstag som professorn gjort. Min bedmning r drfr klar. Professorn har medvetet ljugit fr att frska vilseleda lsare om omfattningen av hedersmord i Sverige. Vad han ocks gjort r att han medvetet frskt att vilseleda lsare om omfattningen av hedersvld i Sverige genom att jmstlla hedersvld med hedersmord. Jag kan omjligen tro att professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli har gjort omedvetna misstag. Inget tyder p det. Han har uppenbart ljugit om omstndigheter. Och s har han gjort extremt underliga statistiska jmfrelser. Professorn saknar trovrdighet. Jag tror inte heller p att hans vriga forskning ven om jag inte kan visa att han fuskar precis som Trofim Lysenko. Men jag skulle inte bli frvnad om det skulle visa sig att det r s. Varfr beter sig professorn p detta stt? Den enda frklaring jag har r att han r dogmatisk och har under lng tid lst in sig i ngon typ av lekskole-marxistiskt tnkande. Han har inte sett att vrlden r annorlunda nu n nr han vxte upp. Hans politiska ideologi r s stark att han blundar och frnekar fakta fr att han ska slippa

tvingas erknna att vad han gnat sig t under ett lngt liv har varit fullstndigt felaktigt. Drfr tror jag inte att professorn kommer att ndra sig. Fr om han ndrar sig mste ha ta tillbaka i stort sett allt han skrivit om hedersmord och hedersvld. Han mste ocks ta backa frn de fniga konspirationsteorierna han skriver om i fallet Assange. Fakta r inte viktiga fr professorn. Det enda som r viktigt r sjlvhvdelse. Att blsa upp sig. Det r vl inte en slump att bloggen heter Professors blogg. Och s r det uppenbart att det r viktigt att kasta ur sig en massa vrdeladdade politiska slagord. Fr han vill ge sken av att vara radikal. Det enda som r radikalt med professorn r att han har radikalt fel. Jag vet att det r sent med en uppmaning. Professorn, please grow up. I kommande artiklar om hedersvld kommer jag visa att hedersvldskultur r inte en frga om religion. Och s kommer jag visa p mer uppenbara felaktigheter och lgner i professorns artiklar.
Det hr inlgget postades i Assange, Hedersvld, Politik, Rapporter, Rttvisa, WikiLeaks av Gran Rudling. Bokmrk permalnken.

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