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iClickers for Exam #3

1. Which of the following systems would not be a derivative of Connective Tissue? A. Immune System B. Circulatory System C. Skeletal System D. Nervous System 2. If a set of muscles is under involuntary control, what does this mean? A. The muscles contract when they want to. B. The muscles contract in spite of our efforts to get them to do otherwise or vice-versa. C. They are under our conscious control. D. They react to endocrine and autonomic nervous control. E. They are under the control of Mesodermis Tissue 3. Consider your tooth what is the BEST biological description? A. A tissue B. An organ C. An organ system D. A structure E. The apex of connective tissue development. 4. Which of the following systems are responsible for communication and integration? A. Nervous and Endocrine B. Skeletal and Muscular C. Immune and digestive D. Digestive, circulatory, and respiratory 5. Homeostasis involves ----. A. regulation of the internal environment. B. regulation of the external environment. C. how fast an organism can react to a threat, either internal or external. D. maintaining the body in a perpetual state of alertness. 6. Homeostasis is based primarily on ____. A. positive feedback B. negative feedback C. neutral feedback D. feed-forward feedback

7. A major integrating center in the brain is the _____. A. cerebellum B. cerebral cortex C. pituitary gland D. hypothalamus 8. There are no examples of positive feedback in biological control systems. A. TRUE B. FALSE 9. A motor neuron would _____. A. receive information. B. transmit information to the brain. C. communicate with a muscle. D. link communication between a sensory neuron and an interneuron. 10. Which of the following BEST describes dendrites? A. myelination B. nodes of Ranvier C. constant diameter and dendrite terminals. D. highly branched, no myelin, diameter varies 11. The autonomic system is part of the _____. A. Central nervous system B. Peripheral nervous system C. Endocrine System D. Somatic nervous System E. Glial nervous system 12. A major part of homeostasis/integration occurs on the ______. A. dendrites B. axons C. nerve cell body D. neuroglia 13. A nerve consists of _____ A. a single neuron B. several neurons bundled by connective tissue. C. several neurons bundled by epithelial tissue D. individual neurons wrapped in glial cells.

14. If the brain is damaged, which of the following statements is most correct? A. It is impossible for the brain to regenerate new neurons. B. New neurons may be generated by oligodendrocytes. C. New stem cells would come from bone marrow, but cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. D. New neurons could be generated by Ependymal cells. 15. Which of the following is responsible for the negative charge on the inside of the neural membrane? A. Na B. K C. Cl D. proteins and nucleic acids 16. On our way out to retrieve the paper this morning, Heidi and I were walking our pet giraffe. Hank the giraffe stepped on a sharp stone and instantly raised his hoof. How many neurons were involved? A. 2 neurons B. 20 neurons C. 200 neurons D. > 200 neurons 17. Which of the following is responsible for the negative charge on the inside of the neural membrane? A. Na B. K C. Cl D. proteins and nucleic acids 18. Summation is the result of ____??____ potentials to combine to strengthen or cancel each other. A. action B. graded C. resting D. antagonistic 19. If chloride gated channels open, the ions will move _____ and the membrane will become ______. A. from the inside of the cell to the outside in the extracellular fluid; depolarized. B. from the outside of the cell to the inside; depolarized. C. from the extracellular fluid to the cytoplasm; hyperpolarized.

20. Which of the following BEST describes an action potential? A. Na+ move through passive ion channels into the cytoplasm. B. the Na+/K+ pump is activated. C. voltage-gated Na+ channels open and Na+ flows from the extracellular fluid into the cytoplasm disrupting other Na+ channels. D. the closing of Ca++ voltage-gated channels. E. closing of K+ channels. 21. Neurotransmitters are released by ___ and ______ A. dendrites; are only excitatory B. neuron cell bodies; are only inhibitory C. axon terminals; only excitatory D. axon terminals; may be both excitatory or inhibitory. 22. Both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters impinge on any given nerve cell body (T/F). The effect on the PSM of an axon terminal is a/an ______. These are summed at the ______ A. T; action potential; dendrites B. F; inhibitory potential; axon terminals C. T; graded potential; axon hillock D. F; action potential; synapse 23. If chloride gated channels open, the ions will move _____ and the membrane will become ______. A. from the inside of the cell to the outside in the extracellular fluid; depolarized. B. from the outside of the cell to the inside; depolarized. C. from the extracellular fluid to the cytoplasm; hyperpolarized. 24. An infection of Clostridium tetani would cause ____ and the toxin would cause ___. A. tetanus; dizziness B. tetanus; all muscles to contract simultaneously. C. food poisoning; flaccid paralysis D. violent tremors; death due to suffocation. 25. Sarin gas is a weapon of choice for terrorists. It ______ which causes _____. A. inhibits all excitatory impulses; all muscles to become flaccid and the person dies due to suffocation. B. blocks GABA; all muscles to contract simultaneously and the victim dies due to spastic paralysis. C. blocks acetylcholinesterase; acetylcholine to remain in the synapse and the victim expires due to energy depletion due to muscle spasms.

26. Nitric oxide is a gas (T/F), the first hormone gas discovered in animals (T/F), and can be produced by axon terminals of motor neurons of the somatic nervous system (T/F). A. T; T; T B. T; T; F C. T; F; T D. F; T; F E. F; F; F 27. Neurons have the ability to add or reduce protein receptors on their membranes at synaptic junctions (T/F). A. True B. False 28. Autonomic nerves are ____ and each pathway contains ____ neuron(s). A. sensory pathways; four B. motor pathways; two C. CNS pathways; thousands of D. motor pathways; one E. sensory pathways; two 29. Which of the following neurotransmitters is responsible for amplification of a stimulus in the pleasure pathways of the limbic system? A. Serotonin B. Acetylcholine C. Dopamine D. GABA 30. The vertebrate brain consists of ____ major parts, and the centers for breathing and heartbeat are found in the ____ A. 2; frontal lobes B. 3; hindbrain C. 4; midbrain D. 5; hypothalamus 31. Which of the following structures contains neurons that secrete hormones into the blood, or control release of hormones from the pituitary? A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Hippocampus E. Cerebral cortex

32. Which of the following structures plays a major role in long-term memory. A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Hippocampus E. Pons 33. Potentiation describes the process of ___. A. hyperpolarization B. depolarization C. multiple action potentials D. raising the threshold of membranes in the CNS. E. strengthening the synaptic connections between neurons in certain neural pathways. 34. Which part of the brain is MOST involved for this activity to be done successfully?

A. Medulla B. Cerebral Cortex C. Cerebellum D. Hippocampus E. Hypothalamus 35. Nitric Oxide would function as a/an _____. 1. Paracrine Hormone 2. Endocrine Hormone 3. Neurotransmitter 4. Neurohormone 36. Pheromones would be transported by _____. A. the blood B. the atmosphere C. neurosecretory cells D. by fat soluble globules

37. Lipophilic hormones are transported in the blood by a carrier molecule, but pass through the phospholipid plasma membrane of their target cell without a membrane receptor. A. TRUE B. FALSE 38. The Hypothalamohypophysial Portal System connects neurohormones from the ____ with the _____. A. anterior pituitary; posterior pituitary *B. hypothalamus; posterior pituitary C. hypothalamus; anterior pituitary D. hippocampus; posterior pituitary 39. Goiter is caused by the lack of ____ which means the hormone _____ cannot be synthesized. A. thyroxine; thyroid stimulating hormone B. iodine; thyroid stimulating hormone C. iodine; thyroxine D. sodium chloride; thyroid releasing hormone 40. The Parathyroid Glands are responsible for _____. A. triggering the Na+/K+ pump to begin operation. B. increasing the basal metabolic rate. C. Calcium metabolism specifically to raise Ca++ blood levels. D. Blocking the synthesis of Vitamin D. E. Calcium metabolism specifically, to store Ca++ in bone 41. Which of the following would play a major role in converting protein to glucose? A. Glucagon B. Insulin C. norepinephrine D. Glucocorticoids E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 42. The Pancreas is also known as a ____ and regulates ____ in a/an ________ A. liver; protein; positive feedback manner. B. glucostat; protein; negative feedback manner. C. glucostat; glucose; antagonistic manner. D. stress organ; anxiety; positive feedback manner. (need iclickers from April 3rd, 2012 in bold)

43. Nitric Oxide would function as a/an _____. 1. Paracrine Hormone 2. Endocrine Hormone 3. Neurotransmitter 4. Neurohormone 44. The Hypothalamohypophysial Portal System connects neurohormones from the ____ with the _____. A. anterior pituitary; posterior pituitary B. hypothalamus; posterior pituitary C. hypothalamus; anterior pituitary D. hippocampus; posterior pituitary 45. Which of the following would play a major role in converting protein to glucose? A. Glucagon B. Insulin C. norepinephrine D. Glucocorticoids E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 46. Why does excessive alcohol consumption lead to frequent urination? A. Alcohol inhibits ADH production in the posterior pituitary. B. Alcohol inhibits ADH production in the anterior pituitary. C. Alcohol inhibits the hypothalamohypophyseal portal system. D. Alcohol stimulates ADH production in the posterior pituitary. E. Alcohol stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more urine 47. Which of the following has not been an evolutionary step to improve diffusion of gases in respiratory systems? A. Increased Surface Areas B. Reduce diffusion distances C. Increase atmospheric gases D. Increase differential pressures between delivery and receiving tissues 48. Cutaneous respiration could be influenced by an environmental factor such as acid rain. A. TRUE B. FALSE 49. The Concurrent Exchange model of oxygen in water with respect to oxygen delivery to blood, is as efficient as the Countercurrent Exchange model. A. TRUE B. FALSE

50. Gas exchange in humans occurs in: A. the pharynx. B. the epiglottis. C. the bronchi. D. the bronchioles. E. the alveoli. 51. Insects use a tracheal system for respiration. The tracheoles deliver air directly to the tissues without alveoli and a capillary bed. A. TRUE B. FALSE 52. Of the atmospheric gases, which occurs in the highest concentration and is the least biologically active? A. Nitrogen (N2) B. Oxygen (O2) C. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) B. Methane (CH4) 53. The pleural space is between ___. A. the capillary endothelial cells, and the parietal membrane. B. the two sides of the capillary, i.e. the inside of the capillary. C. the parietal membrane and the visceral membrane. D. the coelomic membrane and the visceral membrane. 54. . In order for an O2 molecule to enter a capillary, it must pass through ____ membrane(s). A. one B. two C. three D. depends on the electronic state of the O2 molecule. 55. Of the following, which would have the lowest oxygen concentration? A. Systemic blood returning to the heart. B. Blood leaving the heart entering the pulmonary circulation. C. Blood leaving pulmonary circulation and returning to the heart. D. Blood leaving the heart and entering systemic circulation. E. Capillaries of the feet.

56. Which of the following BEST describes the respiratory cycle. A. Inhalation requires energy, but creates elastic tension, exhalation is passive and requires no energy. B. Both inhalation and exhalation require energy to suck air in and blow air out. C. Exhalation causes elastic tension so that inhalation is passive except for a deep breath. D. Neither inhalation nor exhalation require energy because both phases work off a rebound effect. 57. The Respiratory Control Center is located in ______. A. the cerebral cortex B. the medulla C. the amygdala D. the hippocampus E. the hypothalamus 58. Most CO2 in the blood is carried : A. by the cytoplasm of red blood cells. B. as CO2 dissolved in blood plasma. C. as HCO3- in the blood plasma. D. as CO2 bound to plasma proteins. E. as CO2 attached to Hb in red blood cells. 59. Which of the following has the highest affinity for oxygen? A. Human maternal hemoglobin B. Human fetal hemoglobin C. Andes Llama hemoglobin D. Myoglobin E. Pancreatic polyphenolic metaglobin 60. The Bohr Effect describes ____ which results in ______ A. hyperventilation; more oxygen in the blood for the tissues. B. the relationship between blood pH and CO2; more CO2 being released to the tissues as the blood pH becomes more acidic. *C. the relationship between blood pH and O2; more O2 being released from Hb for the tissues as the blood become more acidic. D. the relationship between blood pH and O2; less O2 being released from Hb so the tissues do not suffer from oxygen toxicity. 61. Where would the density of myoglobin be greatest, and why? A. in the fetus; in case the mother stopped breathing. B. in muscle tissue; storage site for more mitochondria for more energy. C. in muscle tissue; storage site for oxygen for aerobic respiration. D. in the pleural space of the lungs; storage site for CO2.

62. Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme found in the _____ and converts ____ to ____ which represents ______. A. plasma; O2; CO2; the mechanism by which cells receive their oxygen supply. B. plasma; CO2; O2; the mechanism by which cells eliminate carbon dioxide. C. red blood cells; O2; HCO3-; the mechanism by which O2 is carried to the tissues. D. red blood cells; CO2; HCO3-; the major mechanism by which carbon dioxide is returned to the lungs. 63. In the chloride shift, what is Cl- shifting with, or replacing? A. O2 B. CO2 C. H2CO3 D. HCO3E. glucose 64. Shallow water blackout is caused by: A. lack of O2. B. lack of CO2. C. too much CO2. D. too much O2. 65. Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme found in the _____ and converts ____ to ____ which represents ______. A. plasma; O2; CO2; the mechanism by which cells receive their oxygen supply. B. plasma; CO2; O2; the mechanism by which cells eliminate carbon dioxide. C. red blood cells; O2; HCO3-; the mechanism by which O2 is carried to the tissues. D. red blood cells; CO2; HCO3-; the major mechanism by which carbon dioxide is returned to the lungs. 66. Blood is a connective tissue. A. True B. False 67. The ____ is responsible for producing blood proteins. An imbalance of such causes _____. A. liver; diabetes insipidus B. liver; Kwashiorkor C. pancreas; type II diabetes D. pancreas; Kwashiorkor E. kidneys; Dengue Fever

68. The hormone ____ stimulates erythropoiesis in the ____, but the hormone is produced in the ______. A. erythropoietin; liver; bone marrow B. erythropoietin; bone marrow; kidneys C. grehlin; hepatic portal system; liver D. thyroxin; liver; thyroid gland 69. In the fish heart, the blood leaving the heart via the Conus arterious is rich in oxygen because the blood has just returned from the pulmonary circulation through the gills. A. TRUE B. FALSE 70. The gill apparatus is the only structure available to fish for respiration because lungs first appear in Amphibians. A. TRUE B. FALSE 71. Blood leaving the right atrium flows to the ______. A. right ventricle B. left atrium C. pulmonary artery D. pulmonary vein E. dorsal aorta 72. Background arterial pressure is known as _____ pressure. A. diastolic B. systolic C. intermediate D. high blood E. low blood 73. The ventricles contract ______ due to the ______. A. opposite each other; atrioventricular node B. opposite each other; sinoatrial node C. from top to bottom; Purkinje Fibers D. from bottom to top; Purkinje Fibers 74. Vasoconstriction/vasodilation are controlled by ______ . A. skeletal muscles B. smooth muscles C. cardiac muscle D. connective tissue

75. The Lymphatic System is a/an ____ system and re-enters the Circulatory System via the _____. A. venous; liver B. venous; subclavian veins C. arterial; kidneys D. capillary; venules 76. Lymph carries ____ and passes them to the liver before re-entering the Circulatory System (T/F) A. carbohydrates; T B. carbohydrates; F C. fats; T D. fats; F E. proteins; F 77. What is the likely outcome if the liver malfunctions and fails to produce albumin? A. edema; water in the interstitial fluid cannot move back into the capillary bed on the venule side. B. edema; water in the blood will now move into the interstitial fluid because of greater osmolality of the blood. C. frequent urination; the body will become dehydrated as water moves from interstitial fluid to the capillary bed, to the kidneys. 78. The metabolic syndrome leads to ____. A. increased athletic performance B. lower BMI and increased energy C. better nutrition D. serious medical problems 79. Atrial natriuretic hormone is produced by the ____ and regulates ________. A. right atrium; the SA node B. right atrium; blood volume C. left atrium; AV node D. left atrium; Purkinje Fibers

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