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JUNE& 2002 15

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TniSt ofllclelly
.:lied Its rtJ-
FlldiiJ at . Theatre Y
Bont 1ft POimfprldd. the Fn:emen' s Roll- a
. 7 . list of IWIICS CODDeCted to the
The which has town's tradition dating back to
been deVeloped by the 14th Ccmury. .
University of 91amorgan stu- . As Jooatbao explains, the
dent Jooaiban Bishop, website is oot just .bout liDding
promises to provide residents ancesun, but locatiDg existiBg
with access to tbe latest news, family memberS aWdl.
they meet online, ut r . JOo.tban. who designed the
cootact with them and_givedis:. websiteaspartQfbisMUitimedia
tant rcletives an oppoitunity -to: Studies degree, that in
getitHouch." -. the futuR nearly ail lQWDS will
Each person who registers on be on the Internet. '1..Jantri5!111t
the site is _given their own raideots
page. which contains their fami- tunity to find out more abOut
ly coat of arms and history. their area and debate local issues
These pages can be modified affecting their be said . . .
so that they tell others more Method
about them, including their inter-
ests and bobbies.
as well information
about tile town.
Uantrisant Parish Church his
also been involved and forms an
important part of the site. Users
F....ny can find out about the history of
- "I don' t think !t wjll be
before this medlod of corninj'
together as-a COIJIJDUility will be
Uuttrisant - Online can be
accessed QSing any interilet-
PC or Digital
set . by . visiting '
lllrl::met asen from all around
the 1nllld can.- sean:b aocient
reards b members.,
......__ C'-'- of"'-'-...__ c-.- the church and have access to
,..., uwo:;; -" information on" Scifvices and
users of the site to store events going on in the communi-
the IWIICS of family aDd friends
hllp:hlww l!aptrisaiJt com
'rHEREs tllne-liDe
wlllp oat for llttal
daace at . die .....
fll . Pa.iydaa
For tbe r-t tlu'ee
. yean tJae __. laed
iD& ......... llllldly
.......... diid ...,.
......... ., .. --
..-eat t
llan..U d._
Hybut said: "Witll
ICDe ....... fttee IMID
ben .. .. redre,
.w:e've J'e8Ched tile sit-
...... _...we ... y

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