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How to Get a Vdoc Working on a server

Files used during this installation

On \\jean-paul\public\DEV&ARCHI\VDOC - installation\

Linux Server Configuration

Configure apache
Stop apache2 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop Execute the following commands. sudo su mkdir /etc/apache2/logs mkdir /etc/apache2conf cp /mnt/JeanPaul/vdocInstall/apache-mod_jk/httpd.conf /etc/apache2 cp /mnt/JeanPaul/vdocInstall/apache-mod_jk/conf/* /etc/apache2/conf cp /mnt/JeanPaul/vdocInstall/apache-mod_jk/modules/* /etc/apache2/modules Replace drupal-dev.conf with the one provided in /JeanPaul/drupal-config sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart From the host, try the url

Configure Host
Edit your host file: /etc/hosts, and add this line lynkoa-sql-01

Create the database (For Test use)

For dev server, you do not have to do this, you can use the databases called vdoclynkoa and vdoclynkoareport with the user lynkoa (password = lynkoa). Go to https://lynkoa.host02:8333/ui/ Login: lynkoa Password: Lynk0a Select the VM called Win2088std-r2, it is our test database VM. Click on the Console tab and download the software if needed to connect to the VM. User: Lynkoa User Password: Lynk0a Start/SQL Server Management Studio

Authentication: SQL Server Authentication Login: sa Password: manager You can now create 2 databases, one for Vdoc services and the other one for the reports, or copy 2 existing ones. You can also create a new user (for security) and set him all rights to the new database by requesting on your new database: sp_changedbowner YOURUSERNAME

Create the database (For Production)


Installing Vdoc
Simple Installation
Copy the folder LynkoaStore-Vdoc to your /www/root folder on the server Edit the file and change the following properties: vdoc.database.instancename = YOURINSTANCE vdoc.database.dbname =YOURDBNAME vdoc.database.port = 1433 vdoc.database.username = YOURUSERNAME vdoc.database.password = YOURPASSWORD = YOURINSTANCE = YOURREPORTDBNAME = 1433 = YOURUSERNAME = YOURPASSWORD

Check that all the paths are in \/www\/root\/LynkoaStore-Vdoc\/ cd /www/root/ chown R lynkoa LynkoaStore-Vdoc cd /www/root/LynkoaStore-Vdoc/ chmod R 755 *.sh

Then run /www/root/LynkoaStore-Vdoc/ You can now run ./ and go to

Vdoc as a service
Copy the file \\jean-paul\public\DEV&ARCHI\VDOC - installation\Services\vdoc to the server in /etc/init.d/ folder. You can now launch Vdoc as a service by using one of the following command: sudo /etc/init.d/vdoc start sudo /etc/init.d/vdoc stop sudo /etc/init.d/vdoc restart

If you want the service to start and stop automatically on server start/stop, run this command update-rc.d vdoc defaults 98 02 See man update-rc.d for more info on this command.

Add our specific development to Vdoc

If you do not have done that yet, checkout the projects from SVN called LynkoaStore-VdocServices and VdocIntegration You will have to install Ant on your Eclipse. In your new project, edit the file vdocIntegration .properties and change the VDOC_HOME properties to the place where LynkoaStore-VdocServices is loaded on your local machine. VDOC_HOME=C:\\www\\LynkoaStore-VdocServices\\output\\ On VdocIntegration ant Scripts: Run copy-cs (it copies Customer Support) Run copy-all (it copies all our specific development and the needed libraries) In your new project, edit the file buildLynkoaRemote .properties and change the needed properties for SCP connection. # Server IP or address SERVER_NAME=lynkoa.demo # World wide web address (to add in the configuration files) # User name and password for SCP connection to remote server USER_NAME=lynkoa PASSWORD=Lynk0a # Vdoc home folder of the remote server VDOC_HOME=/www/root/LynkoaStore-Vdoc/ # Folder where we can find the ant library (if there is an error concerninf libs) # You can find the needed library in the VdocLibs project (see SVN) ANT_LIBS=C:\\www\\VdocLibs\\Ant\\

On LynkoaStore-VdocServices Ant scripts: Run deploy Run updateConfig If you have an error you may need to check out the project called VdocLibs, in which you could find some needed libraries for Ant to work. All specific development and CustomerSupport may now been copied to your server by SCP. Restart Vdoc and check if it worked.

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