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March 10, 2012 Apache Haus Di stribution Application: Mod subversion 1.7.4 Distribution File: mod_svn-1.7.4-ap24-x64.

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Win64 binary by: Mario Mail: Home: ** This build for Apache 2.4.x only! ** Supported Windows Versions: Windows Server 2003 64 bit Windows Vista 64 bit Windows 7 64bit Windows Server 2008 64bit Windows Server 2008 R2 NOTES: The module is built with Visual Studio 2008, be sure to install the new Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, download from; F-4B40-8C14-157CFDFFEE4E

INTRODUCTION mod_subversion (mod_svn) supports a subversion repositority over apache with or without SSL. Often useful for users behind a firewall with limited web access. Also the apache users can be used for auth. INSTALL Copy the folder bin and modules to your Apache 2.4.x folder .../apache24/ Configuration and documentation: Can be found at EXAMPLE CONFIG: LoadModule dav_module modules/ LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/ LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/ LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/ <Location /svn/> DAV svn

SVNListParentPath on SVNParentPath /Repositories/ SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl" SVNPathAuthz on AuthzSVNAccessFile "C:/Repositories/authz" AuthName "Subversion Repositories" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile "C:/Repositories/htpasswd" require valid-user </Location> mod_dontdothat is an Apache module that allows you to block specific typ es of Subversion requests. Specifically, it's designed to keep users from doing things that are particularly hard on the server, like checking out the r oot of the tree, or the tags or branches directories. It works by sticking an input filter in front of all REPORT requests and looking for dangerous t ypes of requests. If it finds any, it returns a 403 Forbidden error. It is enabled via single httpd.conf directive, DontDoThatConfigFile: <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /path/to/repositories DontDoThatConfigFile /path/to/config.file DontDoThatDisallowReplay off </Location> The file you give to DontDoThatConfigFile is a Subversion configuration file that contains the following sections. [recursive-actions] /*/trunk = allow / = deny /* = deny /*/tags = deny /*/branches = deny /*/* = deny /*/*/tags = deny /*/*/branches = deny As you might guess, this defines a set of patterns that control what the user is not allowed to do. Anything with a 'deny' after it is denied, a nd as a fallback mechanism anything with an 'allow' after it is special cas ed to be allowed, even if it matches something that is denied. Note that the wildcard portions of a rule only swallow a single director y, so /* will match /foo, but not /foo/bar. They also must be at the end o

f a directory segment, so /foo* or /* are valid, but /*foo is not. These rules are applied to any recursive action, which basically means a ny Subversion command that goes through the update-report, like update, dif f, checkout, merge, etc. The DontDoThatDisallowReplay option makes mod_dontdothat disallow replay requests, which is on by default.

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