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the Rubicon
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Celebrating the Human-Animal
Bond in Life and Death
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Julie Kaufman, D.C., C.A.C.
Interview With Asia Voight
By .Julie I(aufman
The following is an interview with Asia Voight, who is
an animal communicator.
Q: What drew you to this field?
A: When I \:vas young, I was really close to the ani-
mals, understood them, communicated with them
just as naturaJly as breathing. And it wasn't until I got
to be about nine or ten that I realized nobody else
talked to the animals. And I just somehow knew that
I wouldn't be believed or understood or that it was
really unusual. So, I let go of that. And then I had a
car accident eleven years ago. I had a partial hearing
loss, which forced me to start to hear in a different
way, and I started concentrating, and all of a sudden
I was hearing the animals talk to me again.
Q: What does that 'voice sound lihe? llow do the ani-
mals come to YUll?
i\: They have different voices. Some animals are real-
ly excited and thin,gs like, "Hi, this is who I am
and this is who I like," and are very animated, with
different personalities - just like people have.
Q: So is it most{v audit01Y Jbr you, you hew dleir voice/or
the most part, ur do theyalsu send pictures?

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