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Symbol Hebrew Trans literation*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.0079 4.0026 6.941 9.0122 10.811 12.0107 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.1797 22.9897 24.305 26.9815 28.0855 30.9738 32.065 35.453 39.948 39.0983 40.078 44.9559 47.867 50.9415 51.9961 54.938 55.845 58.9332 58.6934 63.546 65.39 69.723 72.64 74.9216 78.96 79.904 83.8 85.4678 87.62 88.9059 91.224

Discovery (Year)
Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium

M.P. ( C )
H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr

B.P. ( C )

Density* 3 (g/cm )
Meyman1 1776 1895 1817 1797 1808 Pahman Hankan
2 3

-259 -253 0.09 -272 -269 0.18 180 1347 0.53 1278 2970 1.85 2300 2550 2.34 -210 -196 1.25 -218 -183 1.43 -220 -188 1.7 -249 -246 0.9 98 639 660 44 883 0.97 1090 1.74 2467 2.7 280 445 1.82 2.07 3.21 0.86

ancient 3500 4827 2.26 1772 1886 1898 1807 1755 1825 1824

Hamtsan3 1774

1410 2355 2.33

Zarhan3 Gofrit

1669 1774 1894

ancient 113

-101 -35 64 839 774

-189 -186 1.78 1484 1.55

Ashlagan4 1807 Sidan


1808 1879 1791 1830 1797 1774

1539 2832 2.99 1660 3287 4.54 1890 3380 6.11 1857 2672 7.19 1245 1962 7.43 1495 2870 8.9 1453 2732 8.9 907 7.13


ancient 1535 2750 7.87 1735 1751

Nahoshet4 ancient 1083 2567 8.96 Avats4 ancient 420 1875 1886 1817 1826 1898 1861 1790 1794 1789 30 937 217 -7 39 769 2403 5.91 2830 5.32 613 685 59 688 5.72 4.79 3.12 1.63

ancient 81

-157 -153 3.75 1384 2.54

1523 3337 4.47 1852 4377 6.51

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 * *

92.9064 95.94 98 101.07 102.9055 106.42 107.8682 112.411 114.818 118.71 121.76 127.6 126.9045 131.293 132.9055 137.327 138.9055 140.116 140.9077 144.24 145 150.36 151.964 157.25 158.9253 162.5 164.9303 167.259 168.9342 173.04 174.967 178.49 180.9479 183.84 186.207 190.23 192.217 195.078 196.9665 200.59 204.3833 207.2 208.9804

Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Cesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth

Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi

Oferet4 Zahav Kaspit

4 5

1801 1781 1937 1844 1803 1803 Kesef4 1817 1863 Bdil

2468 4927 8.57 2617 4612 10.22 2200 4877 11.5 2250 3900 12.37 1966 3727 12.41 1552 2927 12.02 2212 10.5 765 8.65 2000 7.31 2270 7.31 1750 6.68 990 184 678 6.24 4.93 1.87 321 157

ancient 962

ancient 232 ancient 630 1783 1811 1898 1860 1808 1839 1803 1885 1885 1945 1879 1901 1880 1843 1886 1867 1842 1879 1878 1907 1923 1802 1783 1925 1803 1803 1735 449 114 29 725 920 795 935

-112 -108 5.9 1140 3.59 3469 6.15 3257 6.77 3127 6.77

Praseodymium Pr

1010 3127 7.01 1100 3000 7.3 1072 1900 7.52 822 1597 5.24 1311 3233 7.9 1360 3041 8.23 1412 2562 8.55 1470 2720 8.8 1522 2510 9.07 1545 1727 9.32 824 1466 6.9 1656 3315 9.84 2150 5400 13.31 2996 5425 16.65 3410 5660 19.35 3180 5627 21.04 3045 5027 22.6 2410 4527 22.4 1772 3827 21.45 357 13.55

ancient 1064 2807 19.32 ancient -39 1861 303 ancient 327 ancient 271 1457 11.85 1740 11.35 1560 9.75

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

* * * * * *

209 210 222 223 226 227 232.0381 231.0359 238.0289

Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium

Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Db Sg Bh Hs Mt

1898 1940 1900 1939 1898 1899 1829 1913 1789 1940 1940 1944 1944 1949 1950 1952 1952 1955 1958 1961 1964 1967 1974 1981 1984 1982

254 302 -71 27 700

962 337 -62 677

9.3 9.73

1737 5.5

1050 3200 10.07 1750 4790 11.72 1568 640 640 994 1340 986 900 860 1527 827 1627 15.4 3902 20.2 3235 19.84 2607 13.67 13.5 14.78 15.1 1132 3818 18.95

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

237 244 243 247 247 251 252 257 258 259 262 261 262 266 264 277 268

Rutherfordium Rf _table_groups_periods_assignment_help_tutoring.htm


Element / Radical Chloride [Chlorine] Hypochlorite Chlorite Chlorate Perchlorate Bromide [Bromine] Hypobromite Bromite Bromate Perbromate Iodide [Iodine] Hypoiodite Iodite

Symbol Cl ClO ClO2 ClO3 ClO4 Br BrO BrO2 BrO3 BrO4 I IO IO2 IO3 IO4 OH NO2 NO3 HCO3 HSO3 HSO4 CN CNO SCN MnO4 O O2 CO3 S SO3 SO4 S2O3

Ion Cl1ClO1ClO21ClO31ClO41Br1BrO1BrO21BrO31BrO41I1IO1IO21IO31IO41OH1NO21NO31HCO31HSO31HSO41CN1CNO1SCN1MnO41O2O22CO32S2SO32SO42S2O32-

Monovalent [1] Iodate Periodate Hydroxide Nitrite Nitrate Bicarbonate [Hydrogen carbonate] Bisulfite [Hydrogen sulfite] Bisulfate [Hydrogen sulfate] Dihydrogen phosphate Cyanide Cyanate Thiocyanate Permanganate Acetate Oxide [Oxygen] Peroxide Carbonate Divalent [2] Sulfide Sulfite Sulfate Thiosulfate

H2PO4 H2PO41-

C2H3O2 C2H3O21-

Biphosphate [Hydrogen phosphate] HPO4 Chromate Dichromate Oxalate Trivalent [3] Phosphite Phosphate CrO4 Cr2O7 C2O4 PO3 PO4


Check Your Understanding

a. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff. See solution below. b. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21 seconds for a distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the car. See solution below. c. Upton Chuck is riding the Giant Drop at Great America. If Upton free falls for 2.6 seconds, what will be his final velocity and how far will he fall? See solution below. d. A race car accelerates uniformly from 18.5 m/s to 46.1 m/s in 2.47 seconds. Determine the acceleration of the car and the distance traveled. See solution below. e. A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40 meters. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.67 m/s2. Determine the time for the feather to fall to the surface of the moon. See solution below. f. Rocket-powered sleds are used to test the human response to acceleration. If a rocket-powered sled is accelerated to a speed of 444 m/s in 1.8 seconds, then what is the acceleration and what is the distance that the sled travels? See solution below. g. A bike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 7.10 m/s over a distance of 35.4 m. Determine the acceleration of the bike. See solution below. h. An engineer is designing the runway for an airport. Of the planes that will use the airport, the lowest acceleration rate is likely to be 3 m/s2. The takeoff speed for this plane will be 65 m/s. Assuming this minimum acceleration, what is the minimum allowed length for the runway? See solution below. i. A car traveling at 22.4 m/s skids to a stop in 2.55 s. Determine the skidding distance of the car (assume uniform acceleration). See solution below. j. A kangaroo is capable of jumping to a height of 2.62 m. Determine the takeoff speed of the kangaroo. See solution below. k. If Michael Jordan has a vertical leap of 1.29 m, then what is his takeoff speed and his hang time (total time to move upwards to the peak and then return to the ground)? See solution below.

l. A bullet leaves a rifle with a muzzle velocity of 521 m/s. While accelerating through the barrel of the rifle, the bullet moves a distance of 0.840 m. Determine the acceleration of the bullet (assume a uniform acceleration). See solution below. m. A baseball is popped straight up into the air and has a hang-time of 6.25 s. Determine the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak. (Hint: the time to rise to the peak is one-half the total hang-time.) See solution below. n. The observation deck of tall skyscraper 370 m above the street. Determine the time required for a penny to free fall from the deck to the street below. See solution below. o. A bullet is moving at a speed of 367 m/s when it embeds into a lump of moist clay. The bullet penetrates for a distance of 0.0621 m. Determine the acceleration of the bullet while moving into the clay. (Assume a uniform acceleration.) See solution below. p. A stone is dropped into a deep well and is heard to hit the water 3.41 s after being dropped. Determine the depth of the well. See solution below. q. It was once recorded that a Jaguar left skid marks that were 290 m in length. Assuming that the Jaguar skidded to a stop with a constant acceleration of -3.90 m/s2, determine the speed of the Jaguar before it began to skid. See solution below. r. A plane has a takeoff speed of 88.3 m/s and requires 1365 m to reach that speed. Determine the acceleration of the plane and the time required to reach this speed. See solution below. s. A dragster accelerates to a speed of 112 m/s over a distance of 398 m. Determine the acceleration (assume uniform) of the dragster. See solution below. t. With what speed in miles/hr (1 m/s = 2.23 mi/hr) must an object be thrown to reach a height of 91.5 m (equivalent to one football field)? Assume negligible air resistance. See solution below.

Solutions to Above Problems

a. Given: a = +3.2 m/s2 t = 32.8 s b. c. vi = 0 m/s Find: d = ??

d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2

d = (0 m/s)*(32.8 s)+ 0.5*(3.20 m/s2)*(32.8 s)2

d. e.

d = 1720 m Return to Problem 1 f.

g. Given: d = 110 m t = 5.21 s h. i. vi = 0 m/s d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2 Find: a = ??

110 m = (0 m/s)*(5.21 s)+ 0.5*(a)*(5.21 s)2 j. k. l. m. 110 m = (13.57 s2)*a a = (110 m)/(13.57 s2) a = 8.10 m/ s2 Return to Problem 2 n.

o. Given: a = -9.8 m t = 2.6 s vi = 0 m/s Find: d = ?? vf = ?? p. q. d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2

d = (0 m/s)*(2.6 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(2.6 s)2 r. d = -33 m (- indicates direction) s. t. u. vf = vi + a*t

vf = 0 + (-9.8 m/s2)*(2.6 s) vf = -25.5 m/s (- indicates direction) v. Return to Problem 3 w.


Given: vi = 18.5 m/s vf = 46.1 m/s t = 2.47 s

Find: d = ?? a = ?? y. z. a = (Delta v)/t

a = (46.1 m/s - 18.5 m/s)/(2.47 s) aa. bb. a = 11.2 m/s2 d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2


d = (18.5 m/s)*(2.47 s)+ 0.5*(11.2 m/s2)*(2.47 s)2 dd. d = 45.7 m + 34.1 m ee. d = 79.8 m


(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d) gg. Return to Problem 4

hh. ii. Given: vi = 0 m/s d = -1.40 m jj. kk. a = -1.67 m/s2 d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2 Find: t = ??

-1.40 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-1.67 m/s2)*(t)2 ll. mm. -1.40 m = 0+ (-0.835 m/s2)*(t)2 (-1.40 m)/(-0.835 m/s2) = t2 nn. oo. pp. 1.68 s2 = t2 t = 1.29 s

Return to Problem 5

qq. rr. Given: Find:

vi = 0 m/s

vf = 44 m/s

t = 1.80 s

a = ?? d = ??

ss. tt.

a = (Delta v)/t

a = (444 m/s - 0 m/s)/(1.80 s) uu. vv. a = 247 m/s2 d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2


d = (0 m/s)*(1.80 s)+ 0.5*(247 m/s2)*(1.80 s)2 xx. yy. d = 0 m + 400 m d = 400 m


(Note: the d can also be calculated using the equation vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d) aaa. Return to Problem 6

bbb. ccc. Given: vi = 0 m/s vf = 7.10 m/s ddd. eee. fff.


Find: d = 35.4 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d a = ??

(7.10 m/s) = (0 m/s)2 + 2*(a)*(35.4 m) 50.4 m2/s2 = (0 m/s)2 + (70.8 m)*a ggg. (50.4 m2/s2)/(70.8 m) = a hhh. iii. a = 0.712 m/s2 Return to Problem 7

jjj. kkk. Given: vi = 0 m/s vf = 65 m/s lll.


Find: a = 3 m/s2 vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d d = ??

mmm. (65 m/s) = (0 m/s)2 + 2*(3 m/s2)*d


4225 m2/s2 = (0 m/s)2 + (6 m/s2)*d ooo. (4225 m2/s2)/(6 m/s2) = d ppp. qqq. d = 704 m

Return to Problem 8

rrr. sss. Given: vi = 22.4 m/s vf = 0 m/s ttt. uuu. t = 2.55 s d = (vi + vf)/2 *t Find: d = ??

d = (22.4 m/s + 0 m/s)/2 *2.55 s vvv. d = (11.2 m/s)*2.55 s www. xxx. d = 28.6 m

Return to Problem 9

yyy. zzz. Given: a = -9.8 m/s2 vf = 0 m/s aaaa. bbbb.


Find: d = 2.62 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d vi = ??

(0 m/s) = vi2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s2)*(2.62 m) cccc. 0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 51.35 m2/s2 dddd. eeee. ffff. 51.35 m2/s2 = vi2 vi = 7.17 m/s

Return to Problem 10

gggg. hhhh. Given: Find: vi = ??

a = -9.8 m/s2

vf = 0 m/s iiii. jjjj.


d = 1.29 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d

t = ??

(0 m/s) = vi2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s2)*(1.29 m) kkkk. llll. mmmm. 0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 25.28 m2/s2 25.28 m2/s2 = vi2 vi = 5.03 m/s


To find hang time, find the time to the peak and then double it. oooo. pppp. vf = vi + a*t

0 m/s = 5.03 m/s + (-9.8 m/s2)*tup -5.03 m/s = (-9.8 m/s2)*tup (-5.03 m/s)/(-9.8 m/s2) = tup ssss. tttt. uuuu. tup = 0.513 s

qqqq. rrrr.

hang time = 1.03 s Return to Problem 11

vvvv. wwww. Given: vi = 0 m/s vf = 521 m/s xxxx. yyyy. zzzz.


Find: d = 0.840 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d a = ??

(521 m/s) = (0 m/s)2 + 2*(a)*(0.840 m) 271441 m2/s2 = (0 m/s)2 + (1.68 m)*a aaaaa. (271441 m2/s2)/(1.68 m) = a bbbbb. a = 1.62*105 m /s2 ccccc. Return to Problem 12

ddddd. eeeee.

Given: a = -9.8 m/s2 a. vf = 0 m/s t = 3.13 s

Find: d = ??

(NOTE: the time required to move to the peak of the trajectory is onehalf the total hang time.) First use: vf = vi + a*t 0 m/s = vi + (-9.8 m/s2)*(3.13 s) 0 m/s = vi - 30.6 m/s vi = 30.6 m/s Now use: vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d (0 m/s)2 = (30.6 m/s)2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s2)*(d) 0 m2/s2 = (938 m/s) + (-19.6 m/s2)*d -938 m/s = (-19.6 m/s2)*d (-938 m/s)/(-19.6 m/s2) = d d = 47.9 m Return to Problem 13

fffff. Given: vi = 0 m/s d = -370 m a = -9.8 m/s2 Find: t = ??

ggggg. d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2 hhhhh. -370 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(t)2 iiiii. jjjjj. -370 m = 0+ (-4.9 m/s2)*(t)2 (-370 m)/(-4.9 m/s2) = t2 kkkkk. 75.5 s2 = t2 lllll. mmmmm. nnnnn. t = 8.69 s Return to Problem 14

ooooo. Given: vi = 367 m/s vf = 0 m/s d = 0.0621 m Find: a = ??

ppppp. vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d qqqqq. (0 m/s)2 = (367 m/s)2 + 2*(a)*(0.0621 m) rrrrr. 0 m2/s2 = (134689 m2/s2) + (0.1242 m)*a sssss. ttttt. -134689 m2/s2 = (0.1242 m)*a (-134689 m2/s2)/(0.1242 m) = a uuuuu. a = -1.08*106 m /s2 vvvvv. (The - sign indicates that the bullet slowed down.) wwwww. xxxxx. yyyyy. Given: a = -9.8 m/s2 t = 3.41 s zzzzz. vi = 0 m/s d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2 Find: d = ?? Return to Problem 15

aaaaaa. d = (0 m/s)*(3.41 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(3.41 s)2 bbbbbb. d = 0 m+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(11.63 s2) cccccc. d = -57.0 m dddddd. (NOTE: the - sign indicates direction) eeeeee. Return to Problem 16 ffffff. gggggg. Given: a = -3.90 m/s2 vf = 0 m/s hhhhhh. iiiiii.
2 2

Find: d = 290 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d vi = ??

(0 m/s) = vi + 2*(-3.90 m/s2)*(290 m)


0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 2262 m2/s2 kkkkkk. 2262 m2/s2 = vi2 llllll. vi = 47.6 m /s Return to Problem 17

mmmmmm. nnnnnn. oooooo. Given: vi = 0 m/s vf = 88.3 m/s

Find: d = 1365 m a = ?? t = ?? pppppp. qqqqqq. rrrrrr. vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d

(88.3 m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2*(a)*(1365 m) 7797 m2/s2 = (0 m2/s2) + (2730 m)*a ssssss. 7797 m2/s2 = (2730 m)*a tttttt. (7797 m2/s2)/(2730 m) = a a = 2.86 m/s2


vvvvvv. vf = vi + a*t wwwwww. 88.3 m/s = 0 m/s + (2.86 m/s2)*t

xxxxxx. (88.3 m/s)/(2.86 m/s2) = t yyyyyy. t = 30. 8 s zzzzzz. Return to Problem 18 aaaaaaa. bbbbbbb. Given: vi = 0 m/s vf = 112 m/s ccccccc. ddddddd. d = 398 m vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d Find: a = ??

(112 m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2*(a)*(398 m)

eeeeeee. fffffff. ggggggg.

12544 m2/s2 = 0 m2/s2 + (796 m)*a 12544 m2/s2 = (796 m)*a (12544 m2/s2)/(796 m) = a a = 15.8 m/s2

hhhhhhh. iiiiiii. jjjjjjj. kkkkkkk. Given: a = -9.8 m/s2 vf = 0 m/s

Return to Problem 19

Find: d = 91.5 m vi = ?? t = ?? lllllll. First, find speed in units of m/s:

mmmmmmm. vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d nnnnnnn. (0 m/s)2 = vi2 + 2*(-9.8 m/s2)*(91.5 m) 0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 1793 m2/s2 1793 m2/s2 = vi2 vi = 42.3 m/s

ooooooo. ppppppp. qqqqqqq.

rrrrrrr. Now convert from m/s to mi/hr: sssssss. vi = 42.3 m/s * (2.23 mi/hr)/(1 m/s) ttttttt. vi = 94.4 mi/hr uuuuuuu. Return to Problem 20

International System of Units (SI):

Base Units length mass time electric current temperature meter (m) kilogram (kg) second (s) ampere (A) kelvin (K)

Other Units velocity acceleration force newton, pressure meter per second, m/s meter per second squared,


energy joule, power watt, electric charge electric potential volt, capacitance farad, coulomb,

electic resistance ohm, inductance henry,

Unit Conversion:
1 mile = 1609.344 meter (m) 1 inch (in) = 0.0254 meter (m) 1 foot (ft) = 12 inch (in) 1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 meter (m) 1 meter/second (m/s) = .................3.6 kilometer/hour (km/h) 1 mile/hour (mph) = ..........................0.447 meter/second (m/s) 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2046 pound (lb) 1 meter (m) = 0.0006214 mile 1 meter (m) = 39.37 inch (in) 1 inch = 0.083 foot (ft) 1 meter (m) = 3.28 foot (ft) 1 kilometer/hour (km/h) = ................0.2778 meter/second (m/s) 1 meter/second (m/s) = .............2.24 mile/hour (mph) 1 pound (lb) = 0.4536 kilogram (kg)

Temperature T (Kelvin) = T (Celsius) + 272.15 T (Celsius) = (5/9)* [ T (Fahrenheit) - 32 ] T (Celsius) = T (Kelvin) - 272.15 T (Fahrenheit) = (9/5)* T (Celsius) + 32

Best Mathematics books for IIT-JEE & EAMCET preparation

There are various books available for IIT-JEE Mathematics. The best books include Course in Mathematics by Tata McGraw Hills publications and Objective approach of Mathematics Volume I & II by Arihanth publications. The ultimate book for IIT-JEE would be DasGupta but the book uses a subjective approach to solve problems rather than the objective system which is in use now. There are also various books available on each topics like Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Vectors and 3D Geometry,Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus etc. We can find various books that give a good explainations on problems related to IIT-JEE.

Best books for Engineering entrance exams EAMCET , IIT JEE & AIEEE
Many intermediate students struggle to find a best books for competitive exams. Here are some of the books that will be useful to prepare for various engineering entrance exams like EAMCET,AIEEE,JEE(IIT),KLUCET,V-SAT,Gitam Entrance exam,BITSAT and others that allow you to join various prestigious institutes in AndhraPradesh. The best books for EAMCET are Deepthi series text books where detail description of sums and problems is given at EAMCET and intermediate level. The concepts in the book are very easy to understand , and one can prepare for EAMCET with the help of this book very easily even in the absence of a tutiour. The syllabus is structured that the student gets the view of various levels of difficulty in solving problems. We can also find a key for this book released by Deepthi publications at January before the date of exam so one can find the solutions in a easy way.This book is also useful in preperation of AIEEE and other deemed university entrance exam. The intermediate books published by Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh are also the best books that a student can afford for preparing for EAMCET. The examples are given at end of every topic and the detail explaination is given in these books. The problems are arranged in a systematic manner that a student can go from low level to high level with little strain.

Best Physics books for IIT-JEE & EAMCET preparation:

"The Concept of Physics ". This book comes in two volumes Part I and part II by H.C.Verma
Best Chemistry books for IIT-JEE & EAMCET preparation
There are various books on Chemistry with good explanations and solved problems. The objective chemistry by Arihanth publications is one of the best books for Chemistry. Chemistry can be divided into three simple topics: 1.Inorganic Chemistry 2.Physical Chemistry 3.Organic Chemistry Separate text books are available on each of these topics for IIT-JEE . The best book for Inorganic Chemistry is by O.P.Tandon and the best ones for Physicaland Organic Chemistry come from Arihanth series.

Answers:Here are couple of answers from internet but any good Chemistry text book will have all this information. Look up one from a library if you do not have one: Question:please give proper ans. with reason

Answers:A radical is an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron. An acid solved in water is hydrolyzed and you get H+ions and anions( neg.), the acid "lost" one or more hydrogen ions and is an acid radical now ( CL-, SO4-- f.e.). A base solved in water is hydrolyzed and you get OH-ions and cations( pos.), the base "lost" one or more OH-groups and is a basic radical now ( Na+, Ba++ f.e.). Or to explain it in another way: The anion or acid radical Cl- f.e. in a water solution of salt NaCl f.e., comes from the acid HCl and the cation or basic radical Na+ from the base NaOH. Question:acid and basic radicals like Ca++, Cl-, etc. PLEASE HELP SOON!!

Answers:In a lab,by chemical analysis. Question:practical inorganic chemistry

Answers:Acid radical: Acid radical is an anion left after removal of hydrogen atoms from an acid. Anions : Anions are atoms or groups of atoms that have gained electrons. Having more negatively charged electrons than positively charged protons, they are negatively charged. The atoms that form ions most easily are the Group 17 (or VII) atoms, also called the halides: F, Cl, Br and I. All these form anions with a 1 charge. O, S, N and P also form anions, carrying charges of -2 (oxygen and sulfur) or -3 (N and P). Most anions are composed from multiple atoms, and are called polyatomic ions (polyatomic = many atoms). Polyatomic ions are usually built around a core atom which is more often than not a non-metal, but some metals, notably manganese and chromium, form polyatomic ions as well. In most polyatomic ions, these atoms combine with oxygen and sometimes with hydrogen as well. As with every other generalisation, there are exceptions. For example, SCN-, the thiocyanate ion, is polyatomic, but has neither oxygen nor hydrogen. (Worse, NH4+ is polyatomic, but is a cation!) But back to the story. The negative charge (the extra electron) in the polyatomic ion is shared around the entire ion. It is not associated with a particular nucleus in the ion, specifically not with the nucleus to which oxygen and/or hydrogen are attached. This is true whether the charge is single or multiple. COMMON NEGATIVE IONS (ANIONS) acetate CH3COO- nitride N3- bromide Br- nitrite NO2- carbonate CO32- oxalate C2O42- hydrogen carbonate HCO3- oxide O2chlorate ClO3- permanganate MnO4- perchlorate ClO4- phosphide P3- chloride Cl- phosphate PO43chlorite ClO2- (mono)hydrogen phosphate HPO42- hypochlorite ClO- dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4chromate CrO42- sulphate SO42- dichromate Cr2O72- hydrogen sulphate HSO4- cyanide CN- sulphide

S2- fluoride F- hydrogen sulphide HS- hydride H- sulphite SO32- hydroxide OH- hydrogen sulphite HSO3- iodide I- thiocyanate SCN- nitrate NO3- thiosulphate S2O32- Note that, with the exceptions of hydroxide (OH) and cyanide (CN-), all the names ending in -ide are monatomic. The rest are -ates or ites. In the days of yore, chemists gathered samples of anions and then tried to give them some order. The rules they came up with went like this: The most frequently occurring version of a polyatomic ion got the name -ate. The most frequently occurring anion of chlorine and oxygen is ClO3-. It was given the name chlorate. One more oxygen? Put a per- on the front. ClO4- is perchlorate. (Per is from the Greek hyper for too much.) One less oxygen? Change the name to -ite. ClO2- is chlorite. Two less oxygens? Put a hypoon the front. ClO- is hypochlorite. (Hypo is from the Greek for too little or not enough.) So from above discussion we see that all acid radicals are anions but all anions are not acid radicals. Basic radical : The basic radical is the cation left after removal of OH or other alkaline group from the bases. Cations : Cations are atoms that have lost an electron to become positively charged. Sodium has one valence electron, one electron in its outer energy level, so tends to lose one electron, and to become an ion with a +1 charge. The same could be observed for lithium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium. Magnesium, along with the other elements in group 2 of the periodic table, has two valence electrons, so tends to become an ion with a +2 charge. Aluminium tends to become +3. What about the transition metals like lead, copper, tin and manganese? Electrons in the transition elements are packed in a way that, generally, places the additional electrons inside the outer energy level. Iron has six more electrons than calcium, but the additional electrons have less energy than the two on the outer. The transition elements tend to have either one or two loosely held (valence) electrons. The six electrons present in iron but absent in calcium are held much less loosely than those in the next level down, but more tightly than those in the outer level. Having removed two electrons from both iron and calcium, removing a third electron would be much, much, much harder from calcium than from iron, since calcium's next electron is both more tightly held (a lower energy level) and in a complete shell. Because of this ambiguity in the transition elements, it is sometimes hard to predict the charge for their corresponding cation. Copper, for example, frequently loses two electrons (Cu2+), but copper ions with a +1 charge (Cu+) are also well known. Tin most often looses two (Sn2+), but frequently loses four (Sn4+). Iron can lose two or three. Manganese? So many choices you don't want to know. For our purposes you will be able to tell which ion you are dealing with by the context it occurs in. You may be given the name of the ion. Sn2+ is named tin(II) [pronounced "tin-two"]. Pb4+ is named lead(IV). You may be given a formula including the ion. FeCl2 is called iron(II) chloride [iron two chloride], containing Fe2+. (Each of the chlorides have accepted one electron, similar to other Group VII elements.) FeCl3 is called iron(III) chloride, containing Fe3+. Thus all basic radicals are cations but all cations are not basic radicals

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Algebraic identities or laws


because because

Note that logb(0) is undefined because there is no number x such that b = 0. In fact, there is a vertical asymptote on the graph of logb(x) at x = 0. [edit]Canceling


Logarithms and exponentials (antilogarithms) with the same base cancel each other. This is true because logarithms and exponentials are inverse operations (just like multiplication and division or addition and subtraction).

Both can be derived from the definition, which identifies b = c with a = logbc. Combining the equations gives the identities. [edit]Using

simpler operations

Logarithms can be used to make calculations easier. For example, two numbers can be multiplied just by using a logarithm table and adding. becau se becau se becau se becau se becau se




, and

are positive real numbers and

. Both


are real numbers.

The laws result from canceling exponentials and appropriate law of indices. Starting with the first law:

The law for powers exploits another of the laws of indices:

The law relating to quotients then follows:

Similarly, the root law is derived by rewriting the root as a reciprocal power:


the base

This identity is needed to evaluate logarithms on calculators. For instance, most calculators have buttons for ln and for log10, but not for log2. To find log2(3), one must calculate log10(3) / log10(2) (or ln(3)/ln(2), which yields the same result). [edit]Proof Let Then Take . on both sides: : .

Simplify and solve for


, then This formula has several consequences:

where is any permutation of the subscripts 1, ..., n. For example

[edit]Summation/subtraction The following summation/subtraction rule is especially useful in probability theory when one is dealing with a sum of log-probabilities:

which gives the special cases:

Note that in practice and have to be switched on the right hand side of the equations if . Also note that the subtraction identity is not defined if since the logarithm of zero is not defined. More generally:

where .


A useful identity involving exponents:


us identities

The last limit is often summarized as "logarithms grow more slowly than any power or root of x".[edit]Derivatives

of logarithmic functions

tegral definition

ln(r) is the standard natural logarithm of the real number r. Log(z) is the principal value of the complex logarithm function and has imaginary part in the range (-, ]. Arg(z) is the principal value of the arg function, its value is restricted to (-, ]. It can be computed using Arg(x+iy)= atan2(y, x).

log(z) is the set of complex numbers v which satisfy e = z arg(z) is the set of possible values of the arg function applied to z.

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