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( A qui ck St ar t
Gui de t o
organi c
By Sacramentos
Candle Connection
An overview of
how we connect
and interact
with the energy
around us!

7th Chakhra:
7This commonly considered the final of the
seven basic nodes is located at the crown or
top of the head and is called the Crown. Its
colour is violet, and is responsible for your con-
nection and perception of the Divine Con-
sciousness within. Its the online modem to
the Universe and receives information con-
Its basic statement of being is: I want to be
lazy, (as in resting).
There are also nodes in the palms of your
hands, the dominant one, or the one you com-
monly write and eat with is considered your
Power or transmission hand, where the other
one is considered to be your reception hand.
You also have nodes in the soles of your feet.
These help you connect to earth energy and
allows you to draw that energy up into the body
and send energy down back into the earth for
transformational workings.
There are many other nodes throughout and
around the body, and each influences specific
energy frequencies that are received or sent
out as per the Triangle. There are what is
called, Subliminal Chakhras that run up and
down the spine and appear to be parallel with
the ones associated with the front of the body,
though in truth, they are more in the center of
the line of the body, rather than on the skin sur-
When they are blocked or closed, the back
pressure of energy will influence what they are
associated with and unbalanced being and ill-
ness can occur, (again, the Triangle).
When they are open, that energy is pumped
into your auric field and affects the reality you
create and experience. If the open node is bal-
anced, that is, operating smoothly, things go
rather well with what that node is concerned
with. If it is unbalanced, the manifestations go
a bit (or a lot) wanky. It is important to keep
these nodes clear as the data they transmit will
be picked up by other conscious entities , like
animals, people, and of course the Universe,
and will be responded or reacted to accord-
This is just a basic overview and there is much,
much more information to know, so check it
Starting from the bottom up, the first of the stan-
dard seven chakhra points is the base or Root.
Its located in the groin or tailbone area and its
colour is Red. It is mainly concerned with sur-
vival and is established in the presence of uncon-
ditional love during our child hood. Its basic
statement of being is: I want stuff.
2nd Chakhra:
This one is referred to as the Sacral and is lo-
cated 1 to 2 inches below the navel and some-
time off to the left side of the spleen. The colour
is Orange. It influences your feelings of self
worth and how you connect with your external
Its basic statement of being is: I desire.
3rd Chakhra:
This one is located at the solar plexus and is
called, creatively, the Solar Plexus. Its colour
is yellow and influences your sense of personal
Its basic statement of being is: I want happi-
4th Chakhra:
This chakhra is called: The Heart and it is really
located at the center of the chest. Over the
breastbone. Its colour is green. It influences
your ability for compassion.
Its basic statement of being is: I want to give
and receive love.
5th Chakhra:
This one is called the Throat, and is located at
the bottom of the neck. Its colour is a true blue
and it influences verbal communications.
Its basic statement of being is: I want to speak
freely and openly.
6th Chakhra:
This one is the Third Eye and is located betwixt
the eyebrows on the forehead. Its colour is In-
digo or a deep purplish blue and it is the center
for psychic perceptions and intuition. Its basic
statement of being is: I want to see clearly.
Chakhras (There are many different
ways to spell this word), are points
or nodes in the body where energy is
received and or transmitted. Most
Eastern Spiritualities teach this ba-
sic concept and today the 7 basic
nodes have expanded to well over 35
different points, with layers within
them. But for this overview, we will
only be focusing on the basic Seven.
These energy points are described
by some to resemble the shutter in
an old fashioned film camera. But
however you picture them, (no pun
intended), they are responsible for
creating your Aura or field of bio-
electric energy that surrounds the
body and for the reception and trans-
mission of specific frequencies of
energy that can either help or hinder
our co-creation of our perceptional
reality. Some excellent resources to
explore this further are: Chakhras
for Beginners by David Pond, the
following websites are wonderful, as
well: http://
and Dr. Linda Kingsbury at: http://
sevenherbsforsevenchakras. Also
Googling on chakras (spelling will
vary) will give you a wealth of infor-
mation to explore this much further,
as we use this information to make
our candles, mysts, and other chak-
hra products.
Well, to really understand these ba-
sic concepts, one must realize that
when it comes to spirit and energy,
regardless of your path or training,
everything boils down to just two
things; Energy and connection.
Everything that is a Form, that is an
object or event, has and transmits a
From the telephone on your wall to the boss on
the other end, yelling at you, it is all an energy
form and has a specific frequency that you can
connect to. It has a frequency because accord-
ing to E equals MC squared, everything is
Phase Shifting from mass to energy and back,
so it creates a waveform. Below is a diagram of
waveform characteristics that directly relate to
connection and relevancy.
To connect with any form in your time/space,
first, you must perceive it and be aware or no-
tice it. The second you focus on the form, you
adjust your own energy field to re-enforce the
perceived frequency or cancel it out. How much
personal value or Relevancy you assign (and
yes, it is a choice, always!), will determine how
much you connect with that form and establish a
relationship to it.
The Great ancient Egyptian magician, Hermes
Trimagestus, postulated the famous axiom, As
above, so below, as within, so without. I call
this principle, Reflective
Connection. (Fig .2) being
is directly and immediately
manifested as a form on
earth in the physical, or
Body part of the Triangle,
and/or in our immediate

Basically, it simply states that what hap-
pens in the Universe and within our own
being is directly and immediately mani-
fested as a form on earth in the physical,
or Body part of the Triangle, and/or in
our immediate environment.
This Triangle is made up of 3 aspects of
everyones being, and most forms. Mind,
Body, and Spirit. Spirit would be like the
conductor of an orchestra, mind like the
musician, and body like the instrument
and sheet music. (Fig. 1) The point being
that what affects
one will affect the
others, subtly or
dynamically. This is
where all quantum
ideas of
entanglement and
comes from and
takes us back to the axiom.
It is extremely important that one under-
stands and realizes that these concepts
of energy and connection are also dy-
namically at work every waking second
and hour of our Mundane Lives. Its at
work at home, in the car, at work, school,
in every interaction with other people and
other forms in your time-space. There is
no escape from these processes, be-
cause they are the fundamental ways that
everything in your
Perceived Reality works on the Quan-
tum Level, the foundation of Reality.
It could care less how far back youve
suppressed the awareness or tried to
ignore it.


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