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Caldasia 20(1): 5-11


Instituto Amaznico de Investigaciones Colombia.


Cientficas - SINCHI, Cra. 5 N 8-28, Leticia, Amazonas,



Instituto Amaznico de Investigaciones - IMANI. Sede Leticia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Apartado 215, Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia.
Resumen Se registran por primera vez para la Amazonia colombiana 10 taxones de Chlorococcales ro Amazonas y Sorastrum del fitoplancton y ticoplancton encontrados en algunos lagos del

y del ro Cotuh, afluente

del ro Putumayo. son primeros




varo americanum

para Colombia.

Palabras clave: Algas, Abstraet





Ten taxa of algae belonging time from the Colombian and Sorastrum Colombia. Key words: Algae, Amazon

to the order Chlorococcales var. americanum,

are recorded

for the first


basin. Two of these, Nephrocytium are recorded

time in


for the first

basin, Chlorococcales,



Introduction The prescnt work adds to the known inventory of the algae present in epicontinental aquatic environmcnts ofthe Colombian Amazon basin. This study is the first to deal with the order Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae) for this area, for which the following groups have been previously studied: the desmids (Zygophyceae, Desmidiaceae and Gonatozygaceae) by Duque & Donato (1993, 1994, 1995, 1996a, 1996b) and Duque & Nez (in press); euglenoids (Euglcnophyceae) by Duque (1995); bluc-green algae (Cyanophyceae), green a1gae (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales) and desmids (Zygophyceae, Desmidiaceae) by Duque & Nez (1997); and finally the chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae) by Vigna & Duque (unpublished).

MateriaIs and Methods The samples (Table 1) make up part ofthe collection "Ficoteca Amaznica", located at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Leticia. The field and laboratory methodologies are referenced elsewhere (Duque & Donato 1993, 1995, Duque & Nez 1997). Sant' Anna & Martins (1982), Komarek & Fott (1983), Sant' Anna (1984), Hegewald & Silva (1988) and Comas (1991, 1996) were used for the taxonomic determination of species. For the presence of the taxa in Colombia, the database of the Instituto Amaznico de Investigaciones - IMANI, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Duque, unpublished), was reviewed. All ofthe species represent first records for the Amazon basin of Colombia.

Caldasia Vol. 20, No. 1, 1998

Table l. Samples studied in the present work (P: Phytoplankton; T: Tycoplankton). SAMPLE NUMBER 0201 0206 0417 Ro Amazonas 0079 0099 0107 0130 0136 0285 0292 0299 0300 0333 0334 0384


LOCATlON Lago Quinina Quebrada Yagar Lago Quinina Lago Pozo Hondo Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lago Resaca Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lago de Tunda Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lagos de Yahuarcaca Lago Resaca Lago Resaca Lagos de Yahuarcaca


DATE 31 Jul 1994 II Aug 1994 I Nov 1994 14 Feb 1992 20 Mar 1992 29 Apr 1992 30 Jul 1992 25 Jun 1992 16 Aug 1994 3Febl994 3 Feb 1994 3Febl994 13 Nov 1994 13 Nov 1994 2 Jul1994



Results The foJlowing list presents the taxonomic descriptions and sample numbers for ten Chlorococcales encountered in the Colombian Amazon basin. Actinastrum hantzschii Lagerh.

Recorded in Colombia by Ramrez (1992) and Ramrez & Daz (1994). Nephrocytium limneticum G. M. Smith

Star-shaped cenobium with 7-8 fusiform ceJls of 13-21 x 3-4 um each, joined by one oftheir ends (Fig. la). Samples 0130, 0206, 0300. In Colombia cited as A. cf. hantzschii by Losada (1992). Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchn.) Mb.

Cenobium with reniform ceJls 14 x 6 um, slightly curved and rounded apices (Fig. 1e). Sample 0292. This species has a wide distribution (Europe, Asia and North America); this is the first record in Colombia. Pediastrum duplex Meyen var. duplex Cenobium with 16 celIs 9-17 x 6-11 um, H-shaped celIs with two projections at the tips CelIs (Fig. 2a). Samples 0079, 0084, 0292. It has a cosmopolitan distribution. In Colombia this species has been found in lakes and reservoirs of the pramo, Andean and lowland regions around the Magdalena and Orinoco rivers by Molina (1983), Donato et al. (1987), Duque & Donato (1988), Donato (1991), Losada (1992), Ramrez (1992), Useche (1994), Guamn et al. (1995) and Lpez (1996).

Cenobium with 8-12 cells of 5 x 7 um each. Cells with tapering ends forming a U-shaped sinus (Fig. 1c). Sample 0300. Recorded in Colombia by Losada (1992), Ramrez (1992) and Useche (1994).

obesa (W. West) Schmidle

Cenobium with 6-9 cells. Round cells with rounded ends forming aY -shaped sinus 3-7 um in diameter (Fig. 1d). Samples: 0300, 0384, 0417.

Nez-A. & Duque: Chlorococcales

of Ihe Amazon Basin

lB Qg


Figura 1. Species ofChlorococcales recorded in the present paper. a. Actinastrum hantzchii; b. Selenastrum rinoi; c. Kirchneriella lunaris; d. Kirchneriella obesa; e. Nephrocytium limneticum. The scale is 10 urn,

Caldasia Vol. 20, No. 1, 1998

Pediastrum simplex Meyen varo simplex

Cenobium with 16 cells 13 x 9 11meach. Outside cells with one projection; internal cells triangular with spaces between them (Fig. 2b). Samples 0079, 0099,0285. It has a cosmopolitan distribution. In Colombia it has been recorded by Duque & Donato (1988), Ruiz et al. (unpublished), Andrade et al. (1992), Ramrez (1992) and Vidal (1995).

Sorastrum americanum (Bohl.) Schmidle var. americanum

Cenobium with eight pear shaped cells with two projections each. The cells measure 20 x 13 11m each without projections and 28 um long with projections (Fig. 2e). Sample 0107. The species is found in Africa, South America, Europe and the Caribbean. Recorded here for the first time in Colombia. Key to the species Chlorococcales Colombian Amazon of the

Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerh.) Chod. acuminatus f. acuminatus


Cenobium with eight elongated-fusiform cells 1830 x 5-6 11meach, joined in a markedly alternating pattern (Fig. 2c). Samples 0136,0300,0333,0334, 0388. It has a wide distribution. In Colombia it has been cited as S. acuminatus by Donato et al. (1987), Duque & Donato (1988), Ruiz et al. (unpublished), Ramrez (1989, 1992), Ramrez & Daz (1994) and Lpez (1996).

l. 1'. 2. 2'. 3. 3'. 4. 4'. 5 (1 '). 5'. 6. 6'. 7.

Scenedesmus quadricauda varo quadricauda (G.

M. Smith) Chod. Cenobium with four elongated cells 12-21 x 5-11 11meach. External cells with two spines each, 1216 11m,joined laterally (Fig. 2d). Samples 0299, 0300,0417. It has a cosmopolitan distribution. In Colombia It has been observed in lakes and reservoirs ofthe pramo, Andean and lowland regions around the Magdalena and Orinoco rivers by West (1914), Donato et al. (1987), Duque & Donato (1988), Donato (1991), Gonzlez & Donato (1991), Andrade et al. (1992), Losada (1992), Ramrez (1992), Ramrez & Daz (1994), Useche (1994), Guamn et al. (1995) and Prada (1995).

Elliptical cenobium with cells distributed unevenly in mucilage 2 Non-elliptical cenobium with cells not surrounded by mucilage 5 Cells slightly curved, with rounded apices . Nephrocytium limneticum Cells strongly curved 3 Cells separated 4 Cells joined by their convex sides . . . . . . . . .. . Selenastrum rinoi Cells with rounded apex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirchneriella obesa Cells with pointed apex . Kirchneriella lunaris Cells fusiform joined at their apices . Actinastrum hantzschii Cells not fusiform, notjoined at their apices ... Cenobium of 4-8 cells 7 Cenobium of eleven or more cells 8 Oblong cells laterally joined, with terminal spines . Scenedesmus quadricauda varo quadricauda Cells with pointed apices without spines, alternately joined Scenedesmus acuminatus Polygonal cells with projections on outer faces of cenobium 9 Pyriform cells with 1-4 spines on outer faces of cenobium Sorastrum americanum Cells with one projection . Pediastrum simplex Cells with two projections . Pediastrum duplex

.................................. 6

Selenastrum rinoi Kom. et Como

Sickle-shaped cells 9-15 x 3-4 11m,strongly curved, with gradually taperings ends (Fig. lb). Sampies 0201, 0292. Recorded in Colombia by Lpez (1996), who cites it as Ankistrodesmus bibraianus, a synonym of S. rinoi (Comas 1996).

7'. 8 (6'). 8'. 9. 9'.

Nez-A. & Duque: Chlorococcales

of the Amazon



Figure 2. Species ofChlorococcales recorded in the present paper. a. Pediastrum duplex var. duplex; b. Pediastrum simplex var. simplex; c. Scenedesmus acuminatus var. acuminius f. acuminatus; d. Scenedesmus quadricauda var. quadricauda; e. Sorastrum americanum varo americanum. The scale is I O urn,


Caldasia Vol. 20, No. 1, 1998

DUQUE,S. R. & 1. C. DONATO.1994. Primeros registros de Closterium (Desmidiaceae, This study was conducted with the support of the Zygophyceae) en lagos de la orilla colombiana Instituto Amaznico de Investigaciones Cientfidel ro Amazonas. Revista de la Academia cas - SINCHI and the Universidad Nacional de CoColombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y lombia (Leticia campus). A. Wood and T. Defler Naturales 19: 259-264. (IMANI) assisted in the English translation. The DUQUE, . R. & 1. C. DONATO. S 1995. Primeros regisfinal drawings were elaborated by M. E. Morales. tros de desmidias filamentosas (Zygophyceae) en lagos de la orilla colombiana del ro Amazonas. Boletn Ecotrpica 29: 1-10. Literature cited DUQUE, . R. & 1. C. DONATO. S 1996a. DesmidioflANDRADE, E., N. 1. ARANGUREN, Y. CRDENAS, C. G. rula de lagos marginales del ro Amazonas en H. E. FLORIDO, LPEz, . OQUENDO, PATIO W. G P. Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombia& G. RUEDA. 992. Estudio limnolgico de tres 1 na de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 20: lagunas del Pramo de Chisac (Cundinamarca). 57-61. Thesis, Universidad Pedaggica Nacional, San- DUQUE,S. R. & 1. C. DONATO.1996b. Primeros taf de Bogot, Colombia. registros de Actinotaenium y Cosmarium COMAS,V. A. 1991. Taxonomical review of the (Desmidiaceae) en lagos de la orilla colombiacoenobial chlorococcal algae from Cuba. III. na del ro Amazonas. Caldasia 18: 203-210. Fam. Scenedesmaceae. Algological Studies DUQUE,S. R. & M. NEz. 1997. Ficoflora de 61: 55-94. algunos ambientes acuticos de la Amazonia COMAS, . A. 1996. Las Chlorococcales dulciacuV colombiana. Caldasia 19: 37-42. colas de Cuba. Bibliotheca Phycologica 99.1. DUQUE, . R. & M. NEz. In press. Algas de los S Cramer, Berlin. caos y lagos del sector del ro Cotuh (AmaDONATO, C. 1991. Fitoplancton y aspectos fsicos J. zonia Colombiana). Colombia Amaznica. y qumicos de la Laguna de Chingaza en CunGONZLEZ, E. & 1. C. DONATO. 991. Perifiton L. 1 dinamarca, Colombia. Caldasia 16: 489-500. de la laguna de Chingaza (Parque Nacional NaDONATO, . c., S. R. DUQUE L. E. MORA-OsEJO. J & tural Chingaza). Perez-Arbelaezia 3: 81-100. 1987. Estructura y dinmica del fitoplancton GUAMN, L., M. NEz& D. C. SOLANO. 995. S. 1 de la laguna de Fquene (Cundinamarca, CoContribucin al estudio del estado trfico de lombia). Revista de la Academia Colombiana las lagunas Verde y Seca del Parque Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas y Naturales 16: Natural Chingaza mediante la composicin, 113-144. productividad primaria y biomasa de la comuDUQUE, . R. 1995. Euglenofitas pigmentadas de la S nidad fitoplanctnica. Thesis, Universidad Amazonia colombiana. Revista de la AcadeDistrital, Santaf de Bogot, Colombia. mia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fsicas HEGEWALD, & P. c. SILVA. 1988. Annotated E y Naturales 19: 651-659. catalogue of Scenedesmus and nomenclatuDUQUE,S. R. & 1. C. DONATO.1988. Estudio del rally related genera, including original desfitoplancton durante las primeras etapas de criptions and figures. Bibliotheca phycologica llenado de la Central Hidroelctrica de Beta80. 1. Cramer. Berlin. nia, Huila - Colombia. Revista Facultad de KOMAREK,1. B. FOTT.1983. Chlorococcales. In & Ciencias Universidad Javeriana 1: 29-52. G. Huber-Pestalozzi (ed.). Das Phytoplankton DUQUE,S. R. & J. C. DONATO.1993. Primeros des su/3wassers- systematik und biologie. Teil registros de Micrasterias (Desmidiaceae) en 7. Chlorococcales. E. Schweizerbart'sche lagos del ro Amazonas de Colombia. CaldaVerlagsbuchhandlung. Stuttgart, Germany. sia 17: 354-355. Acknowledgements

Nez-A. Duque: Chlorococcales

of the Amazon Basin


LPEz,C. M. 1996. Determinacin de la biomasa de las diferentes fracciones fitoplanctnicas en la laguna de Fquene (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Thesis, Universidad Pedaggica Nacional, Santaf de Bogot, Colombia. LOSADA, . E. 1992. Estudio comparativo de la L comunidad fitoplanctnica en las lagunas Menegua y Mateyuca en el Municipio de Puerto Lpez (Meta). Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santaf de Bogot, Colombia. MaLINA,1. A. 1983. Estudio del fitoplancton de aguas tropicales fras y continentales. Embalse del Sisga. Thesis, Universidad Javeriana, Bogot, Colombia. Prada, S. 1995. Estudio de la comunidad fitoplanctnica y aspectos fisicoqumicos de la cinaga Miramar (Barrancabermeja - Santander). Thesis, Universidad Javeriana, Santaf de Bogot. RAMREZ, . J. 1989. Variacin vertical del fitoJ plancton y parmetros fisicoqumicos en cuatro embalses del oriente antioqueo y su relacin con el rea, edad, altitud y tiempo de residencia media del agua. MSc. Thesis, Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln, Colombia. RAMiREz, J. 1992. Contribucin al estudio ecolJ. gico y taxonmico del fitoplancton de algunos cuerpos importantes para el sector elctrico colombiano. Fondo FEN, Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln, Colombia.

RAMiREz,J. J. & A. DAz. 1994. Caracterizacin limnolgica y estructura de la comunidad fitoplanctnica en la laguna del Parque Norte, Medelln, Colombia. Hoehnea 21: 7-28. SANT' ANNA,C. 1984. Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae) do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Bibliotheca Phycologica. 1. Cramer, Berln. SANT' ANNA,C. & D. MARTINS. 1982. Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae) dos lagos Cristalino e Sao Sebastio, Amazonas, Brasil. Taxonomia e aspectos limnolgicos. Revista Brasileira de Botnica 5: 67-82. USECHE, . 1. 1994. Gua para el estudio del fitoJ plancton y anlisis de pigmentos cloroflicos de la laguna de Pedro Palo (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Thesis, Universidad Pedaggica Nacional, Santaf de Bogot, Colombia. VIDAL,L. A. 1995. Estudio del fitoplancton en el sistema lagunar estuarino tropical Cinaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia, durante el ao de 1987. MSc. Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santaf de Bogot, Colombia. WEST,G. S. 1914. A contribution to ourknowledge of the freshwater algae of Columbia. In O. Furhmann & D. E. Mayor (eds.). Voyage d'exploration scientifique in Colombie. Memoire de la Societ Naturelle Neuchatel 5: 10131051.

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