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International Journal of Market Research Vol.

52 Issue 4

The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

Baolong Ma Lin Zhang Fei Li
Beijing Institute of Technology Truman State University Tsinghua University

Gao Wang

China Europe International Business School

The. purpose. of. this. paper. is. to. offer. a. better. understanding. of. the. effects. of. ..This.research. is. based. on. panel. data. on. milk. powder. sales. during. the. Nestl. product-harm. crisis. in. China .. The. NBD-Dirichlet. model. is. used. to. evaluate. the. performance. of. Nestl. and. other. leading. milk. powder. brands. before,. during. and. after. the. crisis change.customer.behaviour ..While.a.product-harm.crisis.had.a.negative.effect.on. Nestls. brand. performance,. it. created. opportunities. for. other. brands .. Overall,. the.performance.changes.of.both.crisis.brand.and.other.non-crisis.brands.during. a.product-harm.crisis ..The.managerial.implications.are.also.discussed .

The. term. product-harm. crisis. refers. to. well-known. events. related. to. product. defects. or. harm. associated. with. some. brands. (Siomkos. &. Kurzbard.1994) ..For.example,.in.2000, 100. people. had. died. in. accidents. involving. defective. Firestone. tyres,. the. Age.2000) ..In. September.2008, numerous. ailments. after. ingesting. the. poisonous. Sanlu. formula. (People Daily. 2008) .. Having. used. all. of. its. cash. reserves. for. product. recall. and.


2010 The Market Research Society DOI: 10.2501/S1470785309201399


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

medical. payments,. Sanlu. Company. was. declared. bankrupt. in. 2009 .. In. 2005,.Nestl.Company.mistakenly.sold.milk.powder.that.contained.more. iodine. than. Chinese. national. standards. permit. in. the. market .. When. the. news.broke, product. from. shelves. (ABC. News. 2005) .. After. this. crisis,. in. an. effort. to. restore. reduced. sales,. Nestl. gave. out. samples. and. stationed. doctors. in. . These.examples.clearly.suggest.that.a.product-harm.crisis.can.seriously. imperil. a. brands. performance. . and. even. totally. destroy. a. company,. as. in. the. case. of. Sanlu .. Therefore,. understanding. how. a. product-harm. theoretical.interest . The. NBD-Dirichlet. model. (Ehrenberg. 1988). is. a. well-established. performance. measures. (BPMs). under. stationary. and. dynamic. market. structures.( al..2004) ..However,.this.model.has.not.been.used. to. analyse. the. influence. of. product-harm. crises .. Since. a. product-harm. crisis. can. greatly. affect. brand. performance,. it. is. reasonable. to. assume. that,. by. monitoring. the. BPMs. through. the. product-harm. crisis,. we. can. indirectly. observe. how. a. product-harm. crisis. influences. brands. and. the. market. structure. of. this. product. category .. This. approach. should. provide. . monitor.the.leading.brands.BPMs.during.the.2005.Nestl.product-harm. crisis. that. occurred. in. China .. By. comparing. the. observed. BPMs. of. the. pre-,. during. and. post-crisis. periods. to. those. expected,. and. looking. at. the.differences.between.these.three.periods, how. a. product-harm. crisis. influences. brands. (including. both. crisis. brand. and. non-crisis. brands). and. market. structure .. Limitations. and. managerial. implications.are.discussed .

The product-harm crisis and its influence on the brand

After. a. series. of. product-harm. crises. over. the. years,. related. studies. have. ..It.has.been.widely.accepted. that.product-harm.crises.have.a.negative.influence.on.crisis-brand.equity. (Heerde. et al.. 2007) .. For. example,. a. brand. under. crisis. may. lose. its. (Heerde. et al .. 2007) .. The. crisis. may. also. affect. the. crisis. brands. stock. price. (Salin. &. Hooker. 2001) .. Compared. to. limited. systematic. research.


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4,.past.research.has.focused.on.consumers.and. firms.reaction.towards.such.crises.(Dawar.&.Pilluta.2000) . Depending. on. how. it. is. conducted,. most. research. in. connection. with. product-harm. crises. can. be. classified. into. three. categories .. The. first. consists. of. descriptive. checklists. suggesting. which. strategies. work. or. do. ..Because.this.kind.of. research.cannot.quantify.the.damage.incurred, guidance. for. understanding. the. underlying. mechanisms. of. product-harm. crises .. Equipped.with.psychological.theories.and.different.control.variables,.this. kind. of. research. can. help. us. understand. the. moderators. that. play. a. part. in.influencing.a.product-harm.crisiss.effects,.and.perhaps.provides.some. valuable. insights. (Dawar. &. Pilluta. 2000;. Vassilikopoulou. et al .. 2009) .. However, . Another. research. stream. has. recently. grown. in. popularity,. where. panel. data. gathered. during. real. product-harm. crises. have. been. collected. and. analysed. using. advanced. mathematical. models. (Heerde. et al .. 2007;. al..2008) ..How.the.crisis.influences.the.performance.of.the.crisis. brands.stock.price.(Salin.&.Hooker.2001).or.sales.( al ..2007) .. By. all. accounts,. this. research. stream. provides. more. practical. insights. about.the.influence.of.the.product-harm.crisis . (including. penetration,. market. share,. purchase. frequency. and. share. of. category.requirement) powder.crisis .

The NBD-Dirichlet model

The. NBD-Dirichlet. model. was. developed. by. Chatfield. and. Goodhardt. (1975),. and. improved. by. Ehrenberg. (1988) .. This. model. is. a. statistical. model.based.on.two.well-established.assumptions:.customers.are.thought. of. having. steady. habitual. personal. purchase. propensities,. and. brands. are. ..In. a.word, ..This.model.has.been., explain.and.predict.them.( al..1988; al ..2004;.Rungie. &. Goodhardt. 2004) .. With. limited. numerical. inputs,. the. NBD-Dirichlet.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance ..The.model.and. the.empirical.generalisations.associated.with.them.have.been.widely.tested.,.US,.Asian.,.Ehrenberg.&.Hammond.1995) . Although. the. NBD-Dirichlet. model. is. based. on. a. stationary. market. assumption,. this. does. not. limit. its. application. only. to. steady. markets. (Ehrenberg et al ..2004) ..For.example, performance.of.established.brands.(Ehrenberg et al ..2004), and.change-of-pace.brands.(Kahn et al ..1988) and. evaluate. the. performance. of. new. brands. (Schmittlein. et al.. 1987;. Ehrenberg. &. Goodhardt. 2001),. as. well. as. access. brands. performance. under. price. promotion. (Ehrenberg. et al.. 1994). and. loyalty. programmes. (Sharp.&.Sharp.1997;.Meyer-Waarden.&.Benavent.2006) ..However,.this.,.although.past. research. has. shown. that. it. would. be. a. valid. tool. under. such. dynamic. circumstances . In. our. research,. we. used. the. NBD-Dirichlet. methodology. to. estimate. theoretical. BPMs,. and. compared. them. with. those. observed. measures .. Because.of.the.product-harm.crisis, no. longer. be. stationary .. As. a. result,. there. would. be. some. discrepancies. between. the. theoretical,. or. predicted,. BPMs. and. the. observed. values. (Meyer-Waarden. &. Benavent. 2006) .. These. discrepancies. may. indicate. how. the. crisis. disturbed. the. stationary. market. (Ehrenberg et al .. 2004). and.affected.these.brands .

Table 1

Brand performance measures

Explanation The percentage of the total sales of a given type of product that is attributable to a given company The proportion of the product category customers who buy a special brand at least once in a given period The average purchase rate for those consumers who buy this brand over a special period; this can indicate the customers loyalty The brands share among the group of consumers who bought the brand at least once during a special period

Market share Penetration Purchase frequency

Share of category requirements (SCR)


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4

Data and methodology

The.Retailing.Research.Center.of.Tsinghua.University.provided.the.panel. data. used. in. this. analysis,. which. includes. purchase. data. on. 53. product. categories. from. 336. families. in. the. Beijing. area. during. the. period. from. January. 2004. to. December. 2005 .. These. data. recorded. the. detailed. purchase.information.of.each.product.category.(for.example,,. purchase.volume,.purchase.price,.purchase.time.and.purchase.locations) .. the. market. during. this. period .. However,. for. the. purposes. of. this. study,. we. focused. only. on. four. leading. brands:. Yili,. Nestl,. Wondersun. and. Mengniu . The. Nestl. milk. powder. incident. began. on. 25. May. 2005. (ABC. News. 2005), .. .e ..April.2004April. 2005). to. fit. the. NBD-Dirichlet. model,. and. predict. the. normal. brand. performance. and. market. structure .. We. then. focused. on. data. from. three. distinct. three-month. periods. (pre-crisis. . 25. February. 2004. to. 24. May. 2005;; 1. October. 2005. to. 31. December. 2005) .. Theoretical. BPMs. (penetration,. purchase. frequency,. share. of. category. requirements. (SCR),. etc .). from. each. period. were. estimated. using. the. fitted. NBD-Dirichlet. model,. and. ..This. enabled. us. to. detect. whether. there. were. deviations. due. to. the. productharm.crisis ..When.determining.whether.the.deviations.were.significant.or. not,. we. used. the. standards. from. Fader. and. Schmittlein. (1993): +/. 3%.,.+/.3%.for.penetration,.+/.0 .3.for.purchase.frequency,. and.+/.3%.for.SCR ..For.example,,.we.determined.that.the.discrepancy. is.significant . The.three-month.period.was.chosen.based.on.the.following.factors ..First,. we. wanted. to. set. the. period. as. short. as. possible,. so. that. the. companies. could.quickly.track.the.transitions.of.BPMs ..Besides, the.crisiss.influence ..Second, et al ..(2004),.the.base. interval .. Since. our. data. show. that. the. average. inter-purchase. interval. of. milk. powder. is. around. 1 .3. months,. a. three-month. period. should. be. appropriate .. Third,. the. extensive. media. coverage. on. this. product-harm. crisis. extended. from. 25. May. to. the. end. of. August. 2005 .. Therefore,. we. think. the. period. from. 25. May. 2005. to. 24. August. 2005. should. be. one.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance ..Fourth,.the.BPMs.are. dependent.on.the.period ..For.example, ..In.contrast, period.(Ehrenberg et al ..2004) ..To.minimise.the.error.when.comparing.the. BPMs.across.different.periods,.we.chose.the.same.duration.for.each.period .

Results Model fitness and brand performance measures before the crisis
Table.2.presents.four.key.brand.performance.measures.based.on.12.months. data. before. the. crisis. (i .e .. April. 2004April. 2005) .. These. theoretical. BPMs.match.very.well.with.the.observed.values.(the.correlations.between. observed. and. theoretical. values. are. 0 .99. for. market. share,. penetration. and.SCR,.0 .92.for.purchase.frequency) ..This.result.shows.that.this.was.a. . The. observed. purchase. frequencies. and. penetrations. of. four. leading.,.where.the.x-axis.marks.the.penetration. while. the. y-axis. indicates. the. purchase. frequency .. The. estimated. values. ..The.straight. regression. line. using. the. observed. penetration. and. purchase. frequency .. The. other. line. connects. the. theoretical. values .. The. points. in. Figure. 1. clearly. mark. the. marketing. positions. of. each. brand .. It. is. obvious. that. a. small.brand.has.fewer.buyers.(lower.penetration).than.larger.brands,.and.;.this. is. the. so-called. double. jeopardy. phenomenon. (Ehrenberg. et al.. 1990) ..
Table 2 Part BPMs from the 12-month period before the crisis
Nestl Brand Market share (%) Penetration (%) Purchase frequency SCR (%) T 13.45 23.90 1.9 38.13 O 12.00 24.86 1.61 40.61 T 13.30 23.67 1.9 38.05 Yili O 11.83 24.29 1.67 35.89 Wondersun T 7.23 13.70 1.78 34.99 O 7.69 14.00 1.59 32.58 Mengniu T 5.41 10.44 1.75 34.10 O 6.59 10.29 1.48 37.04 Correlation 0.99 0.99 0.92 0.99

Notes: T = theoretical value; O = observed value; the correlation is based on all brands in this product category (more than 70 brands).


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4

3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 Purchase frequency 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 7 9 11 13 15 17 Penetration (%) 19 21 23 25 27 Observed values Theoretical values Linear regression values Mengniu Wondersun Mengniu Wondersun Yili Yili Nestl Nestl y = 0.009x + 1.419 R2 = 0.717

Figure 1 Double jeopardy in the pre-crisis market

share.among.different.brands.were.greater.(for.example,.the.penetration. from.maximum.24 .29.of.Mengniu,.a.ratio.of. 2,.while.the.purchase.frequency.and.SCR.variation.were.relatively. smaller.(for.example,.the.observed.purchase.frequencies.are.all.within.the. 1 .57.+/.0 .1.range) et al ..2004) . data .. Both. the. predicted. BPMs. and. the. observed. BPMs. from. this. period. are. listed. in. Table. 3 .. Clearly,. there. were. no. significant. deviations. between.theoretical.measures.and.the.observed.measures,.and.this.shows. ..This.also.indicates.that.choosing.a.threemonth. period. as. the. basic. period. is. appropriate .. Similar. to. the. one-year., brands,.while.the.purchase.frequencies.and.SCRs.had.tighter.distribution . From. observed. values. during. this. period,. Yili. and. Nestl. had. greater. market.share.than.the.other.two.brands ..Yili.also.had.the.highest.purchase. frequency.and.SCR,.although.some.of.the.margin.was.not.significant . Comparing. the. BPMs. from. the. one-year. period. and. those. from. the. three-month.period,.we.found.that.the.penetrations.of.four.leading.brands.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

Table 3

Part BPMs from the pre-, during and post-crisis periods (each period lasts three months)
Nestl Yili O 9.19 3.86 5.17 12.57 7.62 9.57 1.59 1.38 1.27 53.03 T 8.13 10.93 8.60 10.33 17.73 13.62 1.71 1.66 1.49 55.34 O 10.29 12.63 9.59 10.86 18.10 13.91 1.96 1.89 1.63 57.33 Wondersun T 8.85 9.28 8.27 11.21 15.23 13.12 1.72 1.64 1.48 55.61 44.32 46.87 O 7.35 7.37 6.64 12.00 16.19 13.91 1.43 1.24* 1.13* 55.90 45.65 49.25 Mengniu T 5.48 8.12 7.68 7.06 13.45 12.24 1.69 1.62 1.48 54.38 43.81 46.63 O 5.25 6.32 5.90 7.43 14.29 13.04 1.54 1.20* 1.17* 56.67 41.00 45.56

Brand Before Market share (%) During After Before Penetration (%) During After Purchase frequency Before During After Before SCR (%) During After

T 9.36 4.34 5.74 11.83 7.39 9.27 1.72 1.58 1.46 55.80

42.20 32.36* 45.84 41.85*

45.05 62.07* 47.00 59.09*

Notes: T = theoretical value; O = observed value; * indicates that there is significant difference between the observed and the theoretical indicators.

from. the. one-year. period. were. greater. than. those. from. the. three-month. period .. On. the. other. hand,. the. SCRs. from. the. one-year. period. were. smaller. than. those. from. the. three-month. period .. This. is. consistent. with. previous.findings.(Ehrenberg et al ..2004) .

Brand performance measures during the crisis,. ..Both.the. . Obviously,. there. were. significant. deviations. between. the. predicted. measures. and. the. observed. measures. (see. Table. 3) .. For. example,. the. observed.SCR.of.Nestl.was.9 .84%.less.than.the.theoretical.value,.while. the. observed. SCR. of. Yili. showed. a. positive. deviation. of. 17 .02% .. In. addition,. the. observed. purchase. frequencies. of. Mengniu. and. Wondersun. were. significantly. lower. than. those. predicted. values. (by. 0 .4. and. 0 .42. respectively) ..It. is. clear. that.the. Nestl. product-harm. crisis. disturbed.the. .


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4

During. the. crisis,. Yili. had. the. highest. market. share,. penetration. and. SCR,.while.Nestl.was.the.lowest.among.these.four.brands terms.of.purchase.frequency,.while.the.other.three.brands.had.very.close. purchase.frequencies .

Brand performance measures after the crisis

During. a. product-harm. crisis,. extensive. media. coverage. draws. public. attention. and. therefore. the. crisis. has. maximum. effect. on. the. market. structure .. However,. after. a. period. of. time,. the. media. will. reduce. its. coverage. of. the. crisis,. the. crisiss. influence. on. the. market. will. decline. and. the. market. will. probably. shift. to. another. stable. condition .. How. the. of. our. efforts. to. shed. light. on. this. question,. we. used. the. NBD-Dirichlet. model. to. analyse. the. three-month. post-crisis. data .. The. results. are. listed. in. Table. 3,. which. shows. that. the. observed. BPMs. had. some. deviations. from.the.expected.measures during-crisis. period .. For. example,. the. observed. SCR. of. Nestl. and. Yili. showed. 3 .99%. and. 12 .09%. deviation. respectively .. On. the. other. hand,. the.observed.purchase.frequencies.of.Mengniu.and.Wondersun.were.0 .31. and.0 .35.less.than.the.prediction,.respectively ..Clearly,.four.months.after. the.outbreak.of.Nestls.product.crisis, . During.this.period,,.while.Nestl. ..However,.the.difference.between.Nestl.and. Wondersun.or.Mengniu.was.insignificant ..In.terms.of.penetration,.Nestl. was.still.the.lowest, another .. Yili. maintained. the. highest. purchase. frequency. and. SCR,. while. Nestl.had.the.lowest.SCR .

Compare brand performance measures across three different periods

To. understand. how. the. product. affects. the. brand. performance. of. the. leading.brands,.we.put.the.BPMs.of.these.brands.from.the.three.periods. (pre-, not. steady. in. the. during. and. post-crisis. periods,. we. focused. only. on. the. observed.BPMs.when.comparing.these.brands .,.Nestl.experienced.significant.changes.across.,.it. period .. This. indicates. that. the. product. crisis. resulted. in. a. market.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

share. shrink. for. the. crisis. brand,. and. the. market. share. recovered. slowly. after. the. product. crisis. but. was. still. less. than. the. pre-crisis. level .. At. the. same. time,. the. other. three. brands. all. experienced. insignificant. changes. . that. is,. they. increased. from. pre-crisis. levels. to. during-crisis. levels,. and. . Examining.the.penetration.of.the.four.brands.during.these.three.periods,. we. found. that. they. all. experienced. significant. changes .. For. example,.,.Nestls.penetration.was.12 .57%. in.the.pre-crisis.period; .62%.during.the.crisis.and.recovered. to.9 ..On.the.other.hand,.the.penetration.of. the. other. three. brands. experienced. similar. transitions,. increasing. from. the. pre-crisis. period. to. the. during-crisis. period,. then. dropping. to. an. intermediate.level.(between.the.pre-crisis.and.during-crisis.periods).in.the. post-crisis.period . One. interesting. finding. is. that. the. purchase. frequencies. of. the. four. brands. dropped. from. the. pre-crisis. period. to. the. during-crisis. period,. and. kept. dropping. into. the. post-crisis. period .. Although. each. step. of. the. changes. was. insignificant,. if. we. compare. the. post-crisis. level. to. the. pre-crisis. level,. we. find. that. all. four. brands. displayed. a. significant. or. marginally. significant. drop .. Overall,. Nestl. did. not. seem. different. from. the.other.three.brands . The.SCRs.of.these.four.brands.experienced.a.totally.different.transition. than.the.other.three.BPMs ..For.example,.Nestl,.Mengniu.and.Wondersun. all. experienced. SCR. drop. from. the. pre-crisis. period. to. the. during-crisis. period;. and. all. recovered. somehow. in. the. post-crisis. period .. The. only. to. 62 .07%. in. the. during-crisis. period. and. eventually. dropped. back. to. 59 . To.better.display.the.performance.transition.from.the.pre-crisis.period. to. the. post-crisis. period,. the. penetrations. and. purchase. frequencies. of. these. four. brands. during. these. three. periods. are. all. plotted. in. Figure. 2 .. Two. things. are. obvious:. first,. this. crisis. harmed. Nestls. penetration. greatly,. while. the. other. three. brands. benefited. to. some. extent. from. this. crisis;.second,.the.purchase.frequencies.of.each.brand.and.even.the.entire. product.category.fell.after.this.crisis ..However,.Yili.always.had.the.leading. purchase. frequency. while. the. other. three. brands. purchase. frequencies. .


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4

2.2 2.0 Purchase frequency 1.8 1.6 Mbefore 1.4 Nduring 1.2 1.0 Nafter Mafter 7 9 11 13 Penetration (%) Nbefore Wbefore Mduring Wafter 15 17 19 Wduring Ybefore Yduring Yafter

Nestl (N) Wondersun (W) Yili (Y) Mengniu (M)

Figure 2 The performance transitions from the pre-crisis period to the post-crisis period

Discussion in. 2005 .. Based. on. panel. data. from. 336. families. in. the. Beijing. area,. we. using.the.NBD-Dirichlet.model ..We.found,.first, in.the.pre-crisis.period.was.stationary ..The.product-harm.crisis.disturbed. the. balance,. and. the. market. during. the. crisis. was. no. longer. steady .. As. a. consequence,.the.predictions.of.purchase.frequencies.and.SCRs.were.not. consistent. with. the. observed. measures .. Four. months. after. the. outbreak. of. the. crisis,. the. overall. market. was. still. not. back. to. stationary. status. and. there. were. some. deviations. of. SCRs. and. purchase. frequencies .. This., last.for.some.time ..However, market. share. and. penetration. seemed. to. match. the. predicted. measures. in.all.three.periods and. the. post-crisis. periods,. detailed. data. show. that. in. most. situations. the. observed. purchase. frequencies. (Mengniu. and. Wondersun). or. SCRs. (Nestl). were. significantly. lower. than. the. estimated. measures .. This. may. Nestl, brands ..( .).Our.,.among.those.non-crisis.brands,,. .. In. addition,. the. observed. purchase. frequencies. of. Yili. in. the. during. and.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

post-crisis.periods.were.always.greater.than.the.predicted.measures,.even. though. the. difference. was. less. than. 0 .3 .. This. may. relate. to. its. market.,,.with.more.than. 3%.margin, . Second,. a. product-harm. crisis. hurts. the. crisis. brand. greatly .. Our. data. clearly. showed. that. the. market. share. and. penetration. of. Nestl. dropped. significantly. during. the. product. crisis .. Even. though. these. measures.,.they.were.still.significantly.lower. than. their. pre-crisis. levels .. On. the. other. hand,. those. non-crisis. brands. benefited. from. this. crisis. with. significantly. higher. penetration,. although. our. data. also. show. a. trend. of. returning. to. their. pre-crisis. levels .. The. decreased. market. share. of. Nestl. redistributed. to. all. other. brands. (more. than. 70. brands),. and. each. of. them. took. only. a. part. of. it .. Therefore,. no. . Third,.the.crisiss.influence.on.purchase.frequency.and.SCR.of.the.crisis. brand.was.not.significantly.different.from.those.of.the.non-crisis.brands .. In. terms. of. purchase. frequency,. this. similarity. lies. in. two. aspects:. in. all. three. periods,. Nestls. relative. purchase. frequency. was. always. the. same. (significantly. lower. than. Yili. but. marginally. higher. than. the. other. two. brands); period,. all. four. leading. brands. dropped. by. around. 0 .3 .. Similarly,. the. observed. SCRs. of. Nestl,. Mengniu. and. Wondersun. all. experienced. a. similar. drop. from. the. pre-crisis. period. to. the. during-crisis. period,. and. ..Previous.research.shows. that. new. brands. garnered. customer. loyalty. immediately. after. they. were. introduced. (Ehrenberg. &. Goodhardt. 2001) .. Our. data. further. show. that. even.a.product-harm.crisis.will.not.hurt.the.crisis.brands.customer.loyalty . Overall,. Nestls. penetration. and. market. share. decreased. dramatically,. .. Associated.with.this.transition,.the.purchase.frequencies.and.SCRs.of.most. leading. brands. dropped. significantly .. Combining. these. observations,. one. ..The.product-harm.crisis.drove.some. ..These.switched.customers.did. not. form. stable. purchase. behaviour. . in. other. words,. they. did. not. limit. ..These.switched.customers.were. et al ..1988) ..Even.though. the. non-crisis. brands. attracted. some. new. customers. and. increased. their. market. share. or. penetration,. the. average. loyalty. of. their. new. customer. group. was. low .. As. a. result,. their. purchase. frequencies. or. SCRs. became. even. lower .. This. combination. of. higher. penetration. and. lower. loyalty. is.


International Journal of Market Research Vol. 52 Issue 4 et al ..1988) normal.brands.under.deep.price.cuts.( al ..1996) . Finally, ..Yili.was.special. in.many.aspects ..First, periods .. Second,. in. both. the. during. and. post-crisis. periods,. its. observed. SCRs.were.significantly.higher.than.the.estimated.SCRs ..Third,.its.observed.,.while. all.the.other.brands.experienced.SCR.drop ..Fourth,.its.observed.purchase. ..All.these.may. .. Our. research. indicated. that,. even. though. all. non-crisis. brands. benefited. from.Nestls.crisis,.different.brands.gained.differently;.the.most.dominant.,.even.increasing.SCR,.while. the. smaller. brands. had. smaller. gains. in. market. share. and. also. had. to. sacrifice. SCR .. This. looks. like. another. double. jeopardy. smaller. brands. ..Interestingly, et al ..(2007),. smaller. brands. are. more. damaged. than. bigger. brands. after. a. productharm.crisis et al ..(2007).in. .

To. the. best. of. our. knowledge,. this. study. is. one. of. the. first. attempts. to. apply. the. NBD-Dirichlet. model. to. investigate. the. effects. of. a. productharm. crisis .. This. paper. provides. a. methodology. by. which. to. assess. the. impact. of. a. product. crisis. in. a. quantitative. way,. and. applies. the. model. to. a. product-harm. crisis. for. Nestl. milk. powder. in. the. Chinese. market .. The. research. shows. that. this. model. is. a. great. tool. by. which. to. monitor. or. track. the. development. of. a. product-harm. crisis .. The. modelling. and. estimation.processes.are.straightforward, be.collected the.crisis.brand, . Our. research. shows. that. a. product-harm. crisis. can. greatly. damage. the. ..However,.purchase.frequency. that. the. market. was. not. steady,. and. a. product. crisis. changed. customers. purchase.behaviours ..More.specifically,.a.product-harm.crisis.drove.away. some.customers.of.the.crisis.brand.and.these.switched.customers.did.not. make. up. their. minds. about. which. brand. to. eventually. switch. to .. The.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance and. non-crisis. brands .. For. crisis. brands,. they. need. to. maximise. their. brands .. However,. for. non-crisis. brands,. even. though. they. had. improved.,.they.should.realise. that. this. is. just. a. temporary. improvement .. They. need. to. try. their. best. to. keep. these. new. customers. satisfied,. and. eventually. make. them. loyal. customers ..Their.strategies.and.practices.during.this.period.will.eventually. .

This. study. has. its. limitations .. First,. it. used. data. only. from. 336. families. in. the. Beijing. area,. so. probably. cannot. represent. the. entire. population .. Future. research. collecting. data. from. a. more. representative. population. might. provide. greater. insights .. Second,. our. data. covered. just. seven. months. after. the. outbreak. of. the. crisis,. and. the. market. was. still. not. steady detailed. information .. Third,. we. focused. only. on. the. product. category. of. milk. powder,. which. is. characterised. by. high. purchase. frequency .. Therefore,. caution. needs. to. be. exercised. before. the. conclusions. in. our.,. for.example) .

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About the authors

Baolong. Ma. is. Assistant. Professor. of. Marketing. at. Beijing. Institute. of. Technology. and. a. primary. researcher. of. The. Retailing. Research. Center. at. Tsinghua. University .. He. works. primarily. in. the. areas. of. customer., . Lin. Zhang. is. Assistant. Professor. of. Marketing. at. Truman. State. University .. She. completed. her. Ph .D .. in. Marketing. at. Mississippi. State.


The effects of product-harm crisis on brand performance

University. in. 2006 .. Her. research. interests. include. brand. management,. comparative. advertising. and. unhealthy. consumption. behaviour .. Her. research. has. been. published. in. journals. such. as. Marketing Management Journal.and.Management Research News.and.AMA.proceedings . . Gao. Wang. is. Professor. of. Marketing. at. China. Europe. International. Business.School .,.School.of.Business,.Truman.State. University,.Kirksville,.MO.63501,.US . Email:.linzhang@truman .edu


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