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By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Listen actively with understanding

Learning English for kids aged 5-6 in an interactive and fun approach

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Express themselves orally in simple English

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Read common words and simple sentences independently

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Write words and simple sentences independently


Listen to Simple Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: listen actively and understand meanings of simple words

Listen to the Rhymes By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: listen and respond actively to simple songs, poems or stories

Lets Talk By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Communicate actively with adults and peers

Use Simple Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Named simple words correctly

Letters of the Alphabets By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Recognize correctly letters of the alphabets

Vowel Sounds By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Hear and say vowel sound correctly within words

Read Simple Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Recognize and sound clearly simple words

Pre-Writing Skills By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Hold pencil correctly to draw

Writing Skills By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Hold pencil confidently to write letters


Identify the Object

Songs and Rhymes

Say It Simple Function By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Apply orally simple function of language Simple Conversation By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Apply orally simple simple conversations

Parts of the Body By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Name correctly parts of the body Members of the Family By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Name correctly members of the family Things in the Environment By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Name correctly things in the environment

Link Sound to Letters By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Link correctly sounds to letters Sing A Song By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Name and sound correctly the letters of the alphabets

Hear and say By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to:

Simple Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to:

Draw Lines and Circles By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Hold pencil correctly to draw lines and circles Letters in the Sly By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to:

Form Recognizable Leters By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Form correctly letters that can be recognize Write Simple Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to:

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Identify correctly object named in the environment Matching Picture

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Listen and respond to the sound actively Acting from Story

Identify and say vowel Recognize and sound sound correctly within clearly simple words words Match Letters and Words By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Match letters correctly to words on label and read them

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: Match correctly object said with the pictures

By the end of this screen, the kids will be able to: perform actions actively according to the meaning from the story

Draw anticlockwise Write simple words and up-and-down correctly letter movement using sky writing method

MID7133_Instructional System Design [ Group 3: Duratul Ain Yahya .

Mahdieh Molaei .

Attika Yuli Indriyani .

Hayat Salak .


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